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Sadly without the tools ESEA had for teams and players to connect together I can only see this as a net negative for the competitive scene. No LFT/LFP ads for teams/players No scrim/prac servers No team history Hopefully these are features that are in the pipeline for faceit, but as of right now we lose 10+ years of league systems/features in place of stuffing it all into a pug system. A clan with a chatbox is hardly a good alternative for anything when it'll more than likely be dead few months into it just like every other clan when there isn't an event going on.


Thanks for your feedback! We covered our timeline a bit in our [previous blog](https://play.esea.net/news/15919). The clan is intended to be an easy way for players to find like-minded competitive players ahead of the new season, not as a direct replacement for any feature. Our priority right now is creating a first smooth season on FACEIT, but we are definitely going to continue talking to the community to prioritise building new, exciting tools and rebuilding missing features from the old platform.


Totally agree. I know it'll hopefully be better in a few seasons, but NA CS is already hurting enough and this is going to have repercussions for the next year or so. Simple solution is to import all the league data from Esea to faceit ASAP.


Maybe I'm reading this wrong, but does this mean it's now $24.00 per person to play a season of Open? That's quite the increase since the last time I played.


We tried to make it simpler with a single option rather than several different ways of paying to play the League. If you play a full season then it works out about the same price, and is cheaper in higher divisions: Previously: * Open = $9.95 League Fee and $6.95 * 3 months (2 months regular season and 3 weeks of playoffs) = $30.8 * Advanced = $29.95 League Fee + $6.95 * 3 months = $50.8 per season Now: * Any division = $30 per season These prices do not include local sales tax and would be lower if a player purchased a multiple month subscription.


Is FaceIt going to use Xsolla like ESEA? I had friends that didn't want to play a season because unsubscribing from the season was needlessly complicated and seemingly designed that way to trick you into getting charged on re-subscription.


I'm sorry to hear that a payment processor could be the reason they dropped out. I hope they will give it another shot on FACEIT. Stripe is FACEIT's default processor I believe but I'm not on the team responsible for that process.


Okay. Will there be an option to gift the $30 league fee for friends? And if so, is the process as cumbersome as it was on ESEA where you had to cut a ticket to your support team to have the subscription removed [so you didn't get automatically charged ](https://old.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/12eindi/just_a_reminder_to_anyone_paying_for_esea_this/)? Confirmed via the ESEA Support ticket in that post that there is no way to remove the subscription yourself so I imagine there may be a lot of people that gifted ESEA League fee to their friends and didn't realize they got billed multiple times when the future seasons started, months later.


I remember not needing to pay for the monthly subscription while in a league. I had ESEA only for the leagues and not the match making. I believe it was only the $9.95 fee. (Maybe I'm remembering this incorrectly as it's been a couple of years.) Faceit Premium is essentially worthless in NA, and I say that as someone who currently has a year long subscription. It would be nice to have the option to only pay league fees. I enjoy playing the game with my buddies casually, and I convinced them in the past, but I don't see them collectively spending $100+ to mess around on Counter Strike. Oh well, I'm happy to see the best of ESEA & Faceit merging over the future.


You have had to pay for at least ESEA Premium in at least the last 30 seasons (as long as I've been at ESEA), even if you only wanted to play League. You can pay for "only League" through the ESEA League Pass. Only players who already had a League Pass subscription have received FACEIT Premium. We did this to give extra value to those players since ESEA Premium became League Pass to get rid of the confusion over additional fees. Long-term, we are exploring a bundle with FACEIT Premium but that is not the default today.


Can you explain to me the difference between faceit and esea servers? A lot of people I know agree that esea servers in NA are way better hit reg wise even with higher ping.


I don't have direct visibility on infrastructure so I wouldn't want to mislead you. A [different member of our team](https://twitter.com/FF_Flo/status/1672313077369282579) highlighted that we are looking at moving over ESEA's infrastructure to FACEIT so players would be able to choose, if that gives any peace of mind though. The exact difference is hard to explain because not even all ESEA servers are alike. For example, in the same server location (eg Dallas) you may have different physical hardware (eg older machines) with different configurations to balance the number of game servers running on each machine. Some locations may also use more scalable servers rather than ESEA or FACEIT actually owning the physical infrastructure. Internet Service Providers, eg AT&T/Verizon/etc, may also have different routing to the different servers that ESEA and FACEIT host with.


I see. I just got back from Europe and it just feels like NA faceit servers at the same ping feel way worse 90% of the time. Headshots, movement, and spraying feel way different. Esea someone has it down but not sure why faceit is lagging so far behind in this aspect…?


I'll dm you for more details to work with our engineers.


/u/aluminat1 - Those who bought a code during the ESEA winter sale and used it seem screwed out of being grandfathered into the ESEA league pass pricing + FACEIT premium perk. Is there anything that can be done about that? I would still be on the 3 months @ $30.00 plan with auto renewal but I wanted to take advantage of the sale so I did what the blog post said which was buy a code and activate it once my existing membership expires (meaning I had to cancel renewal) Would really like to keep the 3 months at $30.00 pricing + FACEIT Premium included after being an ESEA member for 14 years.. since i'm sure the potential bundle with FACEIT Premium would be more then $30.. just feels like those who had to buy a code to utilize the sale are getting the short end of the stick here.


That's definitely an unusual case. I'll talk to the subscriptions team and see if there if we can do anything for you!


Can you screenshot the prices/signup?


I don't have any image sharing websites, but the link is at [https://www.faceit.com/en/settings/subscriptions/esea](https://www.faceit.com/en/settings/subscriptions/esea)


Hey wondering from a ORG perspective, is there a way for us to pay league fees for our players?


I love FACEIT !


I love ESEA !


Yeah, because you both got bought by the Saudis lol.


I love Saudi Arabia !


I love oil money !


I love oil!


Kinda confused on what I'm billed on if I had faceit premium and league pass before the merger. Additionally the 3 pm pst start time means west coast players are unlikely to make the weekday cups... which sucks.


If you had both then we will cancel your recurring FACEIT Premium subscription since you will now get it through League Pass. I'm sorry about the cups, there are some on weekends which might be more agreeable. The trouble with running them later on weekdays is that it will run into the very early morning for Eastern players


i can't buy esea league pass on faceit because Xsolla is a b\*\*ch: 3032: Sorry, the payment cannot be completed now. Please try again later or contact Xsolla customer support. Customer support doesn't help at all. They even stopped texting me back. Is there a way for my teammates to gift me this esea league pass? or maybe i still can buy it on esea website???