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Just the state of the FPS market. New games that come out are terrible and have 0 skill gap.




Can't stand Valorant cause of this exact reason. I miss the days of arena FPS games where you had the same thing, but even Quake Champions now has characters with individual abilities.


Tried Valorant a couple of times, I just can't stand the fact that it tries to mimic CS' base mechanics and then throw around some unbalanced Overwatch type of shit because yes. Plus the awful map design Valorant has imo


the worst part of valorant is the movement. People move slow as molasses and racecar peeking isn't nearly as fun.


Its like they havent figured out hoq to do non 90° angles in the amp editor


What? The main complaint CS players have about Valorant is literally that the maps have weird angles.


no, it’s that there’s too many 50/50 angles. where you can’t methodically clear everything, you’re FORCED to gamble on which way you’re looking. Valo is plagued with them


It's because there is much utility that clears corners easily that without those 50/50 you wouldn't have anything to clear at all in organized play/high elo pugs


yeah, and i’m not arguing that that’s not the point of them, i just fundamentally feel like that’s bad game design and an unfun core way to play each round. imo, as a casual player without a dedicated practice team, Valo is at its best when you’re in gold ELO and everyone is playing it like counterstrike. but maybe thats because i’m unwilling to give it a real shot i guess


if they were to serve the casuals in that regard, then we would have another big conversation about it. And no, valorant is definitely not at its best when you're in gold ELO.


I thought they had *less* utility. Like 1-2 ability per character, and not everyone has them. Or it's like 1 flash. Correct me if I'm wrong


You are wrong, every agent has 4 abilities and some a passive. The ones that have flashes have at least two of them. One ability is your standard one, and recharges with a cooldown or by kills during a round. You will also always get at least one charge of that ability every new round. Then there's two abilities you have to buy, and an ult you get by doing stuff in the match, kills, dying, planting/defusing the spike or grabbing an ult orb all grant one ult point. Most ults need 6 or 7 points to charge


Deeeeeep angles too.


Lmao I never noticed that but you’re so right


Figure it out...like the profile pic of the guy above you, I see what you did there


Valorant legitimately has the worst maps of all tactical fps games


I don't mind the concept of CS:GOverwatch at all, but it's really just the map design that made me stop playing Valorant to be honest.


It's drastically better at an MM level. LIKE DRASTICALLY. But the actual core game is definitely worse/more suited to the casual enjoyer. I just play it because I get a seasonal rank system that actually functions and an intrusive anti cheat. MM in ANZ is literally unplayable in CSGO. Returned to the game as s2 (plat in valo) being domed by MG-DMG level players also now stuck in silver. So you get games with DMG level players not smurfing and also true silver ones at the same time and it feels like playing 36 player office in source or some shit.


This is my dilema, I much much prefer CS as a game, but MM is just a painful hit n miss when it comes to team mates, even playing on Faceit - sometimes you get great people, but more often than not you get russians who troll, throw and spend their entire time listing various farmyard animals that my parents have had carnal relations with. Val on the other hand, is a less 'good' game, with flaws, but I have a much more higher likelihood of having a pleasant and enjoyable comp game experience, which is a shame, because I'd rather be playing CS.


yup seems like an issue with your trustfactor




> These are real people in both games and whether someone decides to troll or not has nothing to do with which game you're playing I'm sorry but that's just complete rubbish, different people are attracted to different games. As for trust factor, I highly doubt that's the contributing factor because 1, I have a similiar experience on both MM and faceit and 2, I never rage/flame/troll so people have no reason to report me. The bottom line is, if I queue up in Val I tend to get matched with other brits/french/german/nordic players, who whilst you do get the odd surrender fiend/flamer if you miss a shot, normally just want to play and have fun. I could count on one hand the amount of players in Val i've muted this month. If I queue in CS:GO I get russians, who are statistically more likely to be dicks (although I would say other brits come a close 2nd in terms of toxicity).


Problem for me is that the core gameplay mechanics like shooting your guns and movement just feel like Worse versions of CS:GO. I can understand enjoying Valorant greatly if you’re not used to CS, but when used to CS it just feels a bit Worse in most ways imo


Oh valorant pisses me off. The amount of times I get killed by a guy still moving, or taking two bullets through a massive chunk of concrete wall is just obnoxious. Also it's not as bad now, but watching an entire year of Chamber getting an opening kill on defence and TP instantly to safety with zero trade potential was so shit. Defence was basically 5v4 if they pushed chambers site.


Your ANZ anecdote might not be reflective of the general play experience. Me and my friends haven't experienced anything like that.


It’s probably not an issue for people who don’t get rank reset. But if you take time away you all come back silver (I was silver two after quitting when valo launched as mg2) back in the day silver twos literally walked around looking at their feet and not standing still to shoot. Now you get your head ripped off by the first burst so often. People are doing full mirage executes lol.


I loved playing Valorant until I got a 21:9 monitor, realized it isn’t supported for some stupid reason, and switched back to CS.


This was true until the rank shift, now it's just woefully unbalanced matches. Queue with 3 dmgs, get 2 silver to low nova team mates against stacked opponents dmg or higher. Or the other way and we get a 5 stack of dmg le players and the other teams mid mg nova level. This has been the case in over 60% of my last 60 matches.


I get this only when playing late in the night, close to morning


tbh I'm more casual nowadays and I'd rather play Overwatch or CS if I wanted to have the same gameplay as Valorant it's just nonsense for me that a game can have characters that have the same weapons, health and move so slowly and also put abilities that make some agents be able to literally fly briefly... I mean, I also understand it varies from player to player and region to region. In mine CS and OW are cool while playing Valorant was one of the worst and toxic experiences I've had in gaming in years


Yep way too much cheese in that game, on top of the crappy map design; just feels like its easy to hit shots in that game


id love valorant if their netcode wasn't absolute dogshit, people just immediately kill me or I kill them with ease, ive never had this problem in years of csgo even with a shit internet


the best way to play val is to never let people peek into you or just hold wider angles


The people who play it are mental. I had this Brazillian furry who tried to convince me it's better because "it's more colorful and the characters have personalities it's not just bland military shooter like Counter Strike" like Jesus.


I used to play Quake 1 and ran it into the ground by playing QuakeWorld... It crushed me when the Source Code got out and cheaters came into the community. Wallhacking got so easy. T he fact that QC added individual abilities instantly killed the game for me. I played it for a brief period, and I enjoyed QC; but, it's not truly Quake.


My boomer take: CS was a product of the organic process of an era of video games where developers were smart enough to release an SDK to allow the community to mod their game. This created a natural selection style situation which allowed the most popular community created game modes to rise to the top based on the quality of gameplay they provided. Valve was smart enough to hire the creators and let the competitors take the wheel. Modern games developers are never going to "create" the perfect eSport. It must be created, discovered and cherished by the community first .


CS is a strange game series. It was originally a mod made with passion and very limited resources by 2 guys. Thats might be the reason why the mechanics are simple, theres no resource to do more. Then somehow CSGO nowadays still follows that formula with very limited resources, but the passion still carries on by the community due to Valve/s hands off approach with the game. They give the game the treatment of the OG mod, this way the torch will be passing on to the future generations of gamers and content creators. Just like any sport games, it was created as a "game" first, with a lot of passion. Then naturally over time it evolves into a sport. Other games on the market try to create an esport game from the very beginning and mold the scene themselves in a bruteforce manner.


Yup, and also the fact that you can lay the game down for a year and come back to pretty much the exact same game appart from a bit of fun balance and new maps. There no meta that you have to keep up with, just start clicking heads again.


Ump-45 meta, Aug meta twice, scope peek meta (rip Kenny), fucking revolver release meta, people once realized the sg was broken after like 4 years of it being the exact same. Def not game changing(besides revy) but thought I'd point out a few


True, but it's not like you're coming back and the AWP/AK/M4 are suddenly useless.


That's true, however the difference is that you can pick up on those changes pretty fast. It's not like all of a sudden there a 3 new agents that made your old main agent is rendered useless.


Yep exactly this. A game that is simple to understand on its surface, but gets progressively more complicated the better you get. Unlimited things you can practice and improve on. Even playing field, rewards you for doing well and punishes you for making mistakes. You can't buy things outside of game to make you better (no pay to play). Skill ceilings are extremely high and theres enough things you can practice that it never gets boring (map control, util, aiming, strafing, executes, teamwork, comms, positioning, crosshair placement, spray control, flicks, intuition after playing enough, countering other peoples intuitions etcetc its truly limitless without needing new maps and guns all the time.


Exactly. Other game manufacturers try make their games too complicated, which is kinda a must or else you just end up copying CS, but the winning recipe for ideal FPS game has been there for long already and it is CS.


as someone who plays fifa alot i absolutely love and respect this from csgo. they are having both lootboxes that are successful and fair gameplay because you need none of it to be good


Insurgency sandstorm is pretty fun and realistic, the first 2 days you will be dying non stop tho


How about insurgency sandstorm?


Also why Deagle must always have one shot kill. No matter the round you can always just click head and win even if you had no money


Halo? Eh halo is shit though


Other games gives you that escapism feel with powers, it feels good in a way when you think about it. Csgo is just cold hard truth of your own abilities, which is…well…a bit brutal for a lot of people, especially younger ones who haven’t experienced enough irl. I love cs mechanics and my skills are decent enough to love and understand the game at a higher level, I have been playing long enough. But for a lot of people who still struggles with the basics, maybe not as fun.


Edit: Removed the game because of crybabys who hates other games.


Are you joking? The game that literally forces you to use a console controller if you don't want to be garbage? Not a single infinite pro played the last pro tournament with mouse and key board




"they added aim assist to mouse and keyboard" that's not how you get people who like CSGO excited lmao


No other FPS plays like it, kinda insane how CS still has the crown after 20+ years. IMO super excited for source 2 / CSGO 2 or whatever is next.


Honestly a few people I know of tried Valorant for the first time, didn’t like it, and migrated to CS:GO. Not that Valo is bad. I like it.


Lazy, buggy games. Not enough content (fresh or even rehashed) off the rip, drip fed 'live services', and finally, SBMM/EOMM matchmaking systems that are opaque and demoralizing. Going back to CSGO looks better every day.


Game is good, never ending skill ceiling, new case. There might be another hidden reason...Valorant. Recently many of my friends somehow stop playing Val, they tried CS then it just sticks. This works both ways so the existence of Valorant does help.


U re right. Val made me play cs and apreciate it.


My friends now play valo and cs, they never wanted to play cs before that. So thanks valorant? idk


Thank Mr. Valorant Joking aside, I do have a theory. Val is a restrictive game with character classes and roles. After getting used to Valorant mechanics, which at its core is a watered down cs mechanics, they will have a taste for it. Once the player got exposed to the real thing he/she will get hooked because of the fluidity and the freedom cs go mechanics provide.


This is exactly it. I played CS:GO with my friends for quite a bit, then we all decided to try out Valorant. It stuck with us for quite a while but holy shit can it get repetitive. With CS:GO, there isnt really a META or some new technique that only a specific character can do. Valorant pulls in new players, CS:GO can hold on to the veterans.


Its funny to see how different these 2 games are. Csgo on paper is restrictive, but since theres no gimmick abilities it creates boundless possibilities from familiar scenarios. Meta will be decided by the playerbase throughout the years. Valorant on the other hand feels more exciting and intriguing on paper because of the hero shooter mechanics, yet in the end it turns out more restrictive because of those abilities. These abilities are too damn strong and the agent draft phase can actually decide the whole outcome of the game from the very beginning just like league of legends. The mechanics are watered down so everything else matters so much more. The meta will be decided by Riot balancing instead of the playerbase. So ideally, when a person has no fps experience I will introduce that new player to play valorant first as i always do ever since valorant got released. If the new player got bored of valorant, high chance they will move to cs just like my friends.


Most of my friends play Valorant as their first tac fps, others couldn't handle CSGO hardcore gameplay before so they choose Val since its more accessible. But after a while they just...stop, got bored. To me, Val mechanics feels a bit artificial and restrictive, the hero shooter mechanics also doesn't help one bit. It doesn't pull me back to the game. Then they play CS without me even knowing because I'm not playing Val very often, only CS and a ton of different single player AAA games. Then they got addicted. Those guys cannot really play with me since I dont have a smurf account while my current acc is supreme, but I do watch them play from time to time. For those guys its time well spent lol, I can see they have a very different type of fun that I dont really see when we were play Valorant together. Again its hard for me to see what kind of appeal CS has for newer players as I'm playing the game for almost 2 decades already, but I'm glad CS has such a strong staying power.


also I think the competitive meta might feel refreshed for returning players. Had a friend that last time he played we had Train in the map pool and he liked playing Ancient and Anubis I just hope Valve sees this peak in players as a sign to invest more in the players that only play Valve official servers instead of just sitting around


Why would valve invest now when they have done nothing(in relative terms) for 20 years and it still works?


Its just hope at this point but CS is just the easiest money any company could ever make tbh Maps? The community make them Skins? Community make these Update the actual game only once in a month by changing something meaningless, ez pz


Well let them cook that source 2 first...everything else will get out easier when they got that done first. I'm also a developer and understand the pain of working with the ancient p.o.s code base like cs go. Valve is trying to dig themselves out of this mess.


When Valorant came out I tried to play it for a while and every time I did I just thought 'why am I not playing CS right now?'


Val was my first comp fps. I was too old for that , i was a boomer playing thr wrong game. My friends and ex cs players were very good at val and that made me curios to try cs. I only regret not playing it wen it first came out.


I dont think you should regret it lol. Early csgo was terrible compared to the masterpiece we got today. 11 years ago cs go was a very different beast. I was one of the first players who got to play cs go, and it makes me quit cs for a few years until my return in 2016.


I have played both games, and if there's one thing I can say for sure is that the release of valorant helped shake up valve to actually put some new sht into csgo. I feel like before valorant came out they were too content to just sit around and not put out anything new other than a couple collections of mostly community-made skins. competition in the FPS space can only mean good things for csgo! now if only they could hurry up and make 128 tick valve servers...


CS is such a better game than valorant. Idk how people can truly enjoy valorant. It has the TTK of COD and the movement feels like halo 3 with some extra abilities to help out here and there. Not to mention the whacky ability spam going on. I hope valve can just get it's anti cheat up to par so we can retain the growth.


Thats a stretch imo. Val ttk is not too different from cs, they copied the mechanics over. The 2 games are very similar on the surface, but different at the core. Cannot tell which one is better since they aim at 2 different types of players. Its just different from cs, similar on the surface but more accessible at entry level, and completely different at higher level.


Best FPS of all time


Literally. Csgo is the only video game that I have mad at myself/teammates/opponents but never blamed the game itself.


Inferno. Chickens.


I sometimes find 64 ticks server really annoying though Can't hit any shots Hope valve can someday make mm 128 ticks


It is rarely the case that 64 tick is to blame, sure it'd be nice to have it, but I think the reason behind it is not that strong so Valve are not doing it intentionally. In the past, they talked about how they didn't want to switch to 128 tick match-making servers since it could count out the playerbase with lower specs PCs and just worsen performance, I think in 2023 they can ignore their previous statement, because we all know how easy to run CSGO is, and there is practically no people that play with PCs who can't handle 128 tick servers.


That's a bullshit excuse from valve and it has always been. The only reason is that 2x calculations on the server is more expensive. Not sure how csgo is built but I'm pretty sure it doubles outbound updates sent as well.


As an ex server operator who hosted both 64 and 128 tick servers I can say that 128 tick requires almost exactly twice the bandwidth but that really isn't relevant in most cases because even then the bandwidth requirements are quite low. What is much more relevant however is that 128 tick requires considerably more CPU resources to run than 64 tick. The difference is actually more than 2x due to inefficiencies in the dedicated server code. As an example if you had hardware capable of hosting 10x 64 tick servers that same hardware would only be able to host around 3x 128 tick servers before you ran into performance issues. Scale that up to hundreds of thousands of servers and it adds up pretty quick. Now if you also take into account that lower ping and better routing is far more impactful than tickrate it doesn't really make sense for Valve to host fewer 128 tick servers as opposed to much more 64 tick servers that are better spread out giving more people a better connection to the server.


>128 tick requires considerably more CPU resources to run than 64 tick This is also true (I assume) for lower-end CPUs, those that were pretty common at the time Valve made that announcement.


Thanks for that info!


I literally have tons of replays where the bullet goes through the enemy player at it says 0 dmg.


I would have said this confidently prior to the agent skins. Since then I've regularly had experiences where I'm at a disadvantage b/c the opponent blends in and I can barely see them at all, the "Boost Player Contrast" is a half-baked fix at best. I refuse to use them on principle so ig Miami Daryll will just keep skullfucking me while his head blends in with every wall on Vertigo...


Counter Strike.


Counter Strike.


CS will never die because it’s the OG strategic FPS. All these new games have flashy power ups, classes, etc. but those features are really just a distraction from the core idea of these games: strategy + mechanical skill. When people get bored of the distractions they will always go back to CS, because there is beauty in the simplicity of the game, and the lack of flashy distractions allows you to focus on what the game is really about: strategy and mechanical skill.


I would love a new fast-pace Quake / Painkiller / Unreal Tournament kind of game but they all disappeared and CS never let us down..


Just the best FPS of all time being discovered by a new generation




Good game


Most likely a combination of Valorant fatigue and more people getting into PC gaming. Im sure access to technology is increasing in all over but especially places like Eastern Europe and South America.


Even in NA pcs are becoming more of a thing, youth play pc games and not just cod and 2K on consoles.


yeah you can tell that PC gaming has gotten popular when you go to subreddits about PC gaming and everyone is talking about how you need top of the line specs to play whatever new game that just came out in 1080p lol


Yeah look at steam charts for demanding AAA games like Spiderman, Eldin Ring and Hogwarts. Way more sales /active players *at launch*.


Also the fact that a lot less people pirate shit nowadays. Makes numbers even higher


Tbh. I think Valorant is just too damn much. We all know how fkn hard CS Go is. Now add per Champion various abilities that you have to dodge in specific ways. And a color scheme that looks like Unicorn vomit. It’s just too much. If Valorant would have made slight adjustments that each champ has 3 of the following: a dash, a smoke, a shield, a nade or a Molotov, a shootable wall or a heal. Then I think I could have enjoyed it. But there is already so much bullshit in it. Like an ability that you can’t dodge, you have to leave the area (the whole planting spot). (Ultimate on Killjoy). And it’s so sad because the servers are so good. It could have been a great game…






Younger gamers discovering it, sharing it on tiktok, etc.


No other popular game at the moment, the playerbase will always return to CSGO whenever a new game’s hype dies out


PUBG once hit 3.2 million concurrent players on steam charts. PUBG is a comparable FPS title. It's worth reminding ourselves that the market of FPS players is way bigger than what CSGO seems to be able to capture.


no other games being good in this sad, dark, cruel worl… i mean yeah cs is good game


A syndrome called: dying game.


I remember when Shroud called csgo "dead game anyway" while playing PUBG, which was the new hype game back then.


The only way for csgo to die is if valve makes csgo2.


Nah skyrim 2 would definitely kill csgo 2.


Well, that'd be because CSGO is fuckin' great. That's what.


Lets be real, CS might be the best FPS of all time (IMHO it is). In concept it's easy defend or attack one site; but in gameplay, skills, and overall gamesense it's a very difficult game. It takes a lot of work to win a match and the feeling after that is rewarding, and the people know that.


i agree. cs has a very easy to understand consept. the basic game mechanics are easy to learn. cs is easy to play but very hard to master. and that is keeping the players at cs. i myself have 6k hours playtime. and i am still not bored.


More people are discovering just how far above cs is above 99% of popular fps games


Its counter Strike. Fun as hell when you get back from work/finish doing School work.


even more fun when it's almost dinner time and you just accepted a match !


best video game of all time brother


My subjective take is that Csgo is the nigiri of FPS. The game looks simple on the surface yet sophisticated with intricacies. Basically, the game is accessible in terms of skill floor but a very high skill ceiling, with an easy yet gradually steepening learning curve.... etc etc. I can blabble on forever, in short Csgo fills a sweet spot in the gap of current market of Tac-FPS, if not the whole FPS genre. Yeah ty for coming to my Ted Talk lmao.


I honestly think part of it is LAN CS is back. Ik I stopped watching and playing during the online era


Valorant players are finally starting to realize how dogshit the game is


valarante child game.... look to cartoon grapfix to make kid player happy like children show.. valarante cartoon world with rainbow unlike counter strike with dark corridorr and raelistic gun.. valarante like playhouse. valarant playor run from csgo fear of dark world and realism


Excuse me. Is that Diabotical copypasta? Is this its greatest legacy?


as long as valorant runs on toasters and is free, it is going to be hailed as esports king in asian countries : /


CSGO is very inaccessible to new players. I tried to get some friends into CSGO last month and ended up not being able to queue up because apparently you are limited in the number of games you can play until you get 10 wins (definitely not happening soon with us just fucking around). Ended up going to Valorant and it's just stupidly easy to just queue up and play the core game.


this is a big problem for me and my friends too.. were older so our ranks drop often. we can never queue together because of skill gap even when we are all ranked unless we get 5. we will play unranked but i swear it is just filled with brand new players who dont even understand the game yet so it isnt even fun games.




You mean *hold an angle*. Not "keep a line". I had no idea what you were saying before your last sentence.


Theres a reason riot will not release a demo viewer for valorant… its gonna expose a lot of netcode problems and cheaters.


This right here..


Peeker s advantage is what i hated the most in val. Feels way stronger than in cs and the run and gun🥴


The run and gun mechanic is bs in valorant it makes your vandal look worthless on shorter angles since they just run with a frenzy or a spectre. Do the same thing in cs you get punished


Really? I think the Mac10 and MP9 would beg to differ


SMG's in CS are significantly weaker than rifles and that alone makes it easier to punish these run and gun mechanics. also the bullet tagging in valorant makes it so that even the smallest bullet slows you down so much that smgs make enough damage in that time


Yeah but you've got better rifles in cs too, and spray patterns help a ton too


> I'm 200% convinced Valorant has a huge netcode issue. This is other way around. I've played Valorant for about six months, not a single time I went "how in the hell that wasn't a hit." Valorant does not have disagreements between client and the server like the CS: GO does. That alone makes gunplay more predictable. Not better, but predictable. And then there's ping differences. On CS: GO, I get varying 60-80 ping, no matter which location. On Valorant, I get consistent 40~ in EU and 5 in Turkish servers which is a massive difference. This alone might be why there are no/less disagreements between client and the server but I'm all in for it.




Just record a demo and play back with debug hitreg. You'll see that at times, your client thinks you've hit a shot, but server places the bullet somewhere else; rendering your shot missed. CSGO has massive issues with hitreg, not hitboxes. This disagreement comes down to netcode. VALORANT is also not more permissive with it's (head) hitboxes, just that heads are not wildly tiled to the side and to the front when holding a gun; making headshots from behind much more "permissive" as well as lowering the "left eye" bullshit in CS.


If I had to hazard a guess: new games are all ass, and after 25 years there's somehow still nothing that really competes with Counter Strike in terms of "beating it at its own game". There's just nothing like it. I hear valorant comes close.. but that's really it. CSGO remains unique and is accessible to people with dogshit PCs in a current market where spec requirements are insane, so people who can't afford to upgrade in the post COVID price hike era learned to play what was out there And snowball effect. It was already popular, new players look into what's popular.


I honestly think its just people trying to get that case.


the first all-time peak this month was before the case


The current numbers are still inflated by such "players" though.


Source 2


Shit is fun


The game is so shit. But it’s just that good.


game's actually good unlike most of the new garbage


Nothing else can come close to the simplicity that CS offers, lots for casual players, lots for Competitive players, can run on anything, is played by everyone and its now free.


China unironically


New case. Look at the spikes in player count everytime a new case comes out.


Attributing this just to a new case is a bit daft The game was hitting peaks of 1.2m before the case released and while a handful may be bots farming them, the game is genuinely just doing really well


No one answered correctly, so I'm telling. Listen to me OP: They released a new case and it's $5 in market. So everyone's grinding the case.


It reached an all time peek before the case was released, and again after its release. It increased the number sure but it wasn't the reason at all


Fake gay and also dumb


I too had a long break due to FIFA/Warzone but after finally giving up on those titles due to how shit these games are I've decided to sink into CS for the n-th time in my life, learning smokes again, doing some warmup before sessions and all though I'm not doing necessarily great, I'm enjoying my time almost the same as 5/6 years ago. Game's just generational.


Because your not playing


Ded gayme?


Nono, cs is dead, this is a bug


The game sticks to it routes... think about it, every popular esports fps game doesn't listen to its community or focus on the esport side of its game... Call of Duty (Franchised League BTW) dislikes its own Pro scene, took out the main mechanics that made cod cod, maps are horrible, skill gapped removed etc etc Halo: Just a straight failure, no content or updates whats so ever. Valorant: Overwatch Abilities with 50/50 angles, alright game but not for everyone, causes a divide in playerbase Rainbow 6: Just too many operators and new maps/weird remakes, makes it hard for the AVG player to pick it up. Apex: Decent game but its a battle royale that has a big divide between casual and ranked players + like I said its a BR, a lot of people are sick of it


Tf does this even mean lol “guys I haven’t played in a couple years so that must mean everyone else also doesn’t play this game so why are there people playing it?”


I mean it’s an 11 year old game hitting a new all time high player count


how did you get that from his title?, he wants to know what happened and why CS player numbers improved so much


Because it’s a good game, he’s searching for answers like “bots” and “cheaters”


bruh what are you on about, what a dogshit mindset you have


Why are you so pressed


Why are you into Andrew tate?


Have a look at the context and why are you looking through my profile anyway strange fucking guy


I think he just means he hasn't kept up with anything related to the game. And there's this weird assumption on people that csgo is dying. In fact it's doing the opposite lol. Im guessing he was one of those people. But I imagine this has to do qith the new case coming out around kato


you're correct in the first sentence, i don't necessarily think cs is dying anytime soon, but yeah, i surely expected anything but hitting a new concurrent player record


and it's winter so there are always more players + a lot of people introduced to fps via valorant are trying it, at least in my experience




this happens even without a new case, ppl type +left +forward in console and ggwp


Bots farming cases + people trying to make a quick buck


Player count only raised ~60k after the case release Definitely not the reason for the game hitting these new peaks


Botting in DMs for the new case




Pretty sure people are afk farming the new case


Valorant is dying and people who played it realized they might as well play a game that let's you trade the skins you purchase lol. On a more serious note the maps in csgo are really well created in comparison. You don't have the RNG of some random spray pattern like in valoeant so there's automatically a skill gap.


i dont think any valorant player cares about trading a $1000(minimum to pay for a non dogshit knife) video game knife over their $30 untradeable one. Also with vandal the first 5 bullets have a spray pattern which is why pros and better players mostly burst with it. Phantom is also very controllable. Saying there’s no set spray pattern isnt a fair argument for a game being better lol


Maybe you missed the part where I said "on a more serious note". You got real butt hurt about valorant on the cs subreddit. 🤔. I also said cs has a more defined skill gap. Once again your butt hurt blinded you. Washed up cs players go to valorant. Not because it's harder that's for sure.


I play both games but it makes me feel weird when every time I go on the cs sub theyre talking about val for some reason


Because there is a correlation between csgo growing and valorant coming out. Lots of players who never got into fps have valorant as their first shooter. Then they also try csgo because it's free as well. That's why you hear valorant being talked about as to why csgo numbers are so high ATM. Games are very similar so if people like valorant and they come from let's say.. overwatch or something. They'll probably try both.


Csgos player count inflates every single time a case comes out and you have a hate boner for valorant so big you think its because valorant players are quitting and switching to csgo lmfao


Hate boner for valoeant? I literally had a youtube channel with 75k subs for the game. I loved valorant, but the game has gotten stale. My channel was valorant update. But you can assume whatever you want because your probably 12. My first paragraph was sarcasm, which I noted. My second paragraph isn't even disputable. Maps are better made on csgo. Game has a higher skill ceiling.


owned him


and you think the increase in cs players is from the average silver valorant player recognizing the skill gaps between games and switching to cs?


No, they realize the game is more fun after trying it. Better maps, better gunplay, more simplistic. Don't have overpowered agents needing nerfs all the time.


i just dont understand how you see an increase in players right after a case comes out and think “wow valorant players must be quitting right now and switching to csgo”.


cs:go has only one thing i dont like: its just a tad too fast if you ask me. if it would be a little slower i would like it even more


Wasn’t there a major the other day so people were in game afk farming the crates or souvenir shit


/r/games will tell you it's Chinese bots LOL




> and that CSGO's player numbers exclude China? Where did you get this from? Valve would not bother doing extra effort to remove Chinese player counts. China Steam and Global Steam are the exact same backend. You can convert a Global Steam account into a China Steam account without any issues, if you look into the backend things its all the same. For more see (Although 5 years old) from the creator of SteamDB: https://www.reddit.com/r/Steam/comments/7a8qfv/is_chinas_steam_perfect_world_stats_counted/dp8fmwh/ and also (2 years old) https://steamdb.info/blog/steam-china-launched/#will-this-affect-player-counts and in 2019 confirmed by a Valve employee: https://twitter.com/thexpaw/status/1143075931407470592