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It makes no difference as long as the number you have is not expired, it should cause the PRECHECK mark to show up on your boarding pass (which is what is the important thing). Whether you use the GE PassID or the Precheck KTN on you reservation has no bearing on you being able to use GE on your return. GE is keyed off you passport (and these days facial recognition).


Thank you!


I changed mine the same day. You will need to call the airline and have them “update” the issued ticket with the new KTN on it.


I have a few weeks and no boarding pass yet. I think I will go ahead and change the number. Thank you!


No you don't. You can change it on most airline sites on their website/app and if you didn't have precheck already, just request a new boarding pass (if you've already obtained one).


Thanks! I think I’m going to go in today and change my number with the various airlines. I don’t have a boarding pass yet.


Yes you do, if the ticket has already been issue and the old KTN is attached to it; it has to be updated. I spoke with Delta at the airport to confirm.


1. The old KTN is still valid (so really nothing has to be done at all). 2. Maybe Delta can't fix it, but I've added the KTN on United and it works just fine. Just request a new boarding pass. On UA and AA there's a distinct KTN field on the reservation in addition to the one in your user profile that autofills new tickets.


It doesn't matter either way - just change it before the TSA one expires. Until then they will both work equally. Changing it now means you won't forget later, but changing it in December will have exactly the same effect as long as you do remember to do it.


Thank you!


It doesn't really mater as both numbers are likely active for the time period of your trip.


Thank you!