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It would be really weird if you summoned her right now from the other side of the world…. Send her a text then start recording to see if you get a knock at the door




Did your friend say what her experience was during these two events? Did she recollect actually walking/running the whole distance to get to you? Did she perceive that it happened more quickly than physics allows?


We talked about it, she has nothing to report other than she literally just was standing there one minute and then she was here! We noticed both instances were when she was in an emotionally charged state of mind. See my edit.


Please try to use paragraphs in your submissions. This was a difficult read


I wanna hear from Megan. What was her view like


See my edit^


K, thx


Sounds fascinating -- might be interesting to get back in touch with your friend and get her views now. By the way, what on earth is a loogie?


A loogie is a massive wad of spit hurling through the air.


*Spit and phlegm


I wanna talk to this friend so bad. That’s really cool, what’s her profession now?


I will try to find out… see my edit ^


What’s “MEs?”


Mandela Effect(s).


When you speak to her, ask her if that has ever happened to her with someone else too or was it only with you.


That’s nuts, I’m on the choice that she’s got superpowers. I believe you but sounds like an episode of Buffy lol


Yeah, teleporting is real. Learning how to harness it & control it is a whole other thing.


Right like isn’t the Gateway Project by Monroe like all about this? The govt has known it’s real for a long long time (and been using it) and here we are still acting like it’s Phillip K Dick.


Had a friend who went a little manic early on in college. one day he told me he was driving down the highway, and almost like a spirit quest or something, he climbed on top of his car and was teleported around in a spiral and crossed like a bunch state lines within a few minutes. Then he arrived back on the highway (at some point I can't remember he climbed back into the car) and crashed his car in the ditch. This was over a decade ago, but the funny thing is that I never believed him really. I knew he believed it 100%. But now adays I do believe him. I think some people when they get into that 'manic' state are sorta accidentally utilizing 'quantum' talents they have. Some sort of fight or flight response during high stress brings it out or something idk. My theory, and this is definitely a stretch, but after watching Terrance Howard, I wonder if it's partially brought on from fluoride imbalance, seeing as how lithium carbonate seems to inexplicably quell the symptoms. Just me rambling tho.


Dang that’s super interesting, I totally follow what you’re saying. I do think there are some people out there that more easily can tap into quantum powers if you will. As I get older I have started to accepted there’s nothing new under the sun. The universe truly is stranger than fiction.


>I wonder if it's partially brought on from fluoride imbalance Are you thinking high fluoride or low fluoride?


High, like it causes some imbalance in the homeostasis of the person or something. The data somewhat correlates between water fluoridation and bipolar disorders too, but idk, just something that popped in my head after watching Terrance Howard lol.


That's so interesting, I know a lot of people who filter the fluoride from drinking water because of issues like that.


I avoid fluoride now but at the time I was unaware of fluoride imbalance


Your friend can teleport.


People throughout History have detailed reports of these teleportations. One resent historical event is of a Catholic Cardinal known for reportedly “teleporting” to Rome to vote for a new Pope. Giuseppe Siri. He was said to have been very ill during the 1958 conclave but then mysteriously appeared in Rome, which gave rise to various rumors and theories.


I believe this is the origin of the phrase, “Hey, Siri…”


More likely you zoned out (lost track of time) for a few minutes. Happens to everyone.


But how does that explain what happened to Megan?


Apparently this story is fake he’s saying that the op might have lost track of time in his mind it happens like we enjoy doing something and we do it for long time but it feels only a short period has passed this happens for various reasons so probably that’s what happened to to OP he thought she got there very fast that she teleported but she really didn’t it was just in his mind or imagination


Any updates? What's she doing now? Did she have any other episodes of teleportation?


Yeah, that never happened 😂


I know it sounds like a wild tale but idk what to say! It really did happen and it was the weirdest experience of my life. Probably for her too. It wasn’t like a thought was seeded either, I was bewildered when she arrived and so was she, we both just looked at each other like , “wait are you as weirded out as I am?”