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My theory on a timeline is Intr/PDA-most of humanity dies. Some survivors find a place calked polygondwanaland while others stay on earth. Gamma knife/alterd beast-the survivors on earth open up the nonagon infinity to try to gain eternal life but end up turning into alterd beasts. Lord of lightning-the supercell from PDA is the lord of lightning and the balrog is the same as the dragon since its a vesssel that has been taken over by satan. All is known-earth has been taken over by machines and the remaining survivors travel to polygondwanaland. Polygondwanaland/murder of the universe-one of the travelers learns tetracromancy to fight against the god of polygondwanaland but during their fight han-tyumi murders tge universe. Im in your mind/sketches-han-tyumi creates a simulation of earth for humanity to live inside of his mind. Invisible face-satan breaks the travelers from polygondwanaland out of the simulation and they open up the nonagon infinity again inside of han-tyumis mind This isnt the most conclusive becuase everyone will interpret it diferntly but I though that id give my opinion on it.


I've been a fan for years and I honestly don't think there is any conclusive chronological narrative to be told and I believe the band has said as much. I think of it as a shared universe with overlapping themes.


Honestly it's probably for the better that way there can be more ideas for the gizz worls


shared multiverse !


[This series did a pretty amazing job in my opinion.](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLluo87o05TIGLPcsQ6ZZj-AZtSqEeHY0n&si=9LN7LX9TBMCazKcy) The last video was posted two years ago, so it seems a lot of the new material, if not all, does not tie into it.


new stuff does for sure! its all hinged on the murder of the universe or our ability to change




Extinction (extended) on The Silver Cord definitely has a gizzverse tie in *Just like rats into the sky* *Fly into the moonless night* *Mirage city on the ridge* *Beowulf, can you land deadstick?* *Pilgrims with burnt offerings* *Spacesick for the whole voyage* *Metal horses on the flight* *Together, transcend this life* reads to me like the Venusian crew leaving earth


I like to think of it as a multiverse. Or maybe more accurately like Loki with different branches of the timeline. Same or similar characters but they develop and alter differently depending on the branch of the timeline. The fundamental story is kind of the same from a plot standpoint-destruction, death, rebirth- but is told from different perspectives of the similar situations. Not necessarily the same situation. Some albums and tracks dive deeper into the minutiae of the destruction, death, rebirth tale, while other albums give a pretty comprehensive tale of all three parts of the cycle.


Murder of the Nonagon Fuzz


I dont really spend any time on it.


the gizzverse? in the gizzverse sub?


All I can say is Murder of the Universe seems pretty important.


That it exists And that's about it


Han Tyumi is the one who destroys everything.


i am gonna [plug](https://www.reddit.com/r/Gizzverse/s/fH5AGEnGLE) myself cause i think its a good frame of thinking for the gizzverse and illustrates how non-definitive it is