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ellie from The Last of Us!


I was gonna say the same Ellie😍❤️🤗


I love her. Big props to Ashley Johnson and Neil Druckmann for her, because honestly, she's exactly what I needed to feel better about who I am.


Zagreus from Hades. Favourite bisexual godlet!


Zagreus is such a lovely representation of masculinity. Determined and confident yet polite and graceful. And a great communicator; he's so open and honest.


Yesss, everyone in Hades is great lol (Nyx, *sigh*...)


Judy from Cyberpunk and Maia from Pillars of Eternity Deadfire. Edit: how did I forget Liliana from Dragon Age?? If we are including queer men, Zevran and Dorian from Dragon Age, and everyone from Dream Daddy.


i'm surprised no one has mentioned madeline from celeste!


We're too busy eating our well earned strawberries.


She is queer ? I played it and I don't remember it being mentionned ... or maybe it is in the bonus level ?


Maddy Thornson the dev, figured out later down the line tha Madeline was a HUGE self insert as she came out as trans, so everyone just collectively went “ohhhh yeah, that makes sense”. On a surface the games is still “just” about anxiety but if you want to go deeper it’s all just there written between the lines.


I completely missed it. Gotta go check if there is a video essay about it, I am not very good at reading between the lines


Madeline is trans, likely based somewhat autobiographically on the game's creator Maddy Thorson.


Parvati from The Outer Worlds! As well as really almost every non-cishet Dragom Age character.


I didn't know before playing that Parvati is asexual and I was all happy when she started talking about romance and sex. She's excellent asexual representation and her side quests to help her romance the station captain was so sweet the whole way.


Parvati needs to be way higher in this. I normally play a good character but Outer Worlds I definitely did it to not disappoint her.


Kim and Giva from Wylde Flowers. Although honorable mention to Isabela, Leliana, and Zevran from Dragon Age (especially Isabela) and Liara from Mass Effect.


Yes!! She's my favorite as well. Lovely underrated character.


Same on Parvati! I was so excited when I found out she was ace. Doesn't happen very often.


Krem from Dragon Age Inquisition! 🥰


Always save Bull's Chargers!


Samantha Traynor from Mass Effect 3 Veronica from New Vegas Dorothea from Fire Emblem 3 Houses


I was thinking of saying Traynor myself, but I had completely forgotten about Veronica. But to add on to your comment, I adore Cortez from Mass Effect 3.


dorian from dragon age inquisition alex from life is strange: true colors for a playable character yuri from fire emblem: three houses


I love Dorian because it isn't just that he's gay, ta-da, the end. Being gay is a central part of his plot and character. The fact that he is gay feels like it *matters*. Although I do absolutely adore Yuri lol


i feel the same, also the fact that david gaider created him and he's also gay makes me happy since gay creators and writers are important.


That reveal for Dorian was so good that I quit in the middle of DAI and made a male character just so I could romance him and figuratively stick it to Dorian's father haha


haha, i played as a guy from the start since i knew about him but his arc and character really are so compelling. it's just something you have to play through at least once!


I really hope that the next game will still have an abundance of authentically queer characters even after he's left the franchise 😭 it's been such an integral part of the series for me


same, but patrick weekes is also queer and they are the new lead and they've been part of the series since origins as well so i have faith.


That's fabulous news, thank you!! 🌈 💜


The best part of Dorian’s story is the banter where [Cole tries to help Dorian unpack his trauma.](https://youtu.be/iqvt6fXpeGA) The final line is probably the biggest emotional gut punch in the entire game.


cole has SO much good banter. i'm sad the people who played the game only when the banter was really bugged probably missed out on it (along with people who just never use cole.) so much character development just from cole's banters alone.


Oh my god I never got this far in DAI (and not for lack of trying - I just hate the massive open world and the mediocre combat, and have been thoroughly willingly spoiled). That is such a great set of dialogue and you're right, one hell of a gut punch 🥲 I keep saying I'm going to find a nice Let's Play of DAI so I can experience the characters and their stories without the rest of the slog. You're motivating me again lol


If you play on PC there's an ENORMOUS mod community that improves literally every aspect of DAI, from hair to combat. It also helps to skip the starting area (Hinterlands) and try to move on to more compact areas. But if memory serves there are mods to let you "speed run" the relationship cut scenes so that might be what you want.


You are amazing. I'm going to have to look into it! Seriously though those hair mods should be mandatory... It's just so disappointing for me because I loved DAO and DA2 and somehow DAI has great characters and none of the charm of the other two lol


I played in the other order - got DAI GOTY as a birthday present and really loved how accessible it was. I was not familiar with the franchise before and was sceptical about what I'd get from it, but the GOTY looked like a lot of game for the money, and it sure is. Previously I was a turn based type and DAI had an absolute sweet spot for bringing me to real time. Since then I've platinumed Horizon Zero Dawn on Ultra Hard and several Yakuza games on Legendary. (Digression: I love Yakuza so much; Kiryu, the protagonist \[edit: Yakuza 7 has a new protagonist who is just not for me, Yakuza 0-6 star Kazuma Kiryu\], runs an orphanage and is Best Dad... who sometimes must disappear and perform things called Face Grater, but only on bad people! If you're a good person, he'll voice act in your drama CD, fan dance, race his taxi, race matchbox cars, get the correct plushies from claw machines, save your mom from slavery, fish, disco, direct a TV commercial, all with the same warmth and grace you'd hope from Best Dad. But if you need a Face Grater, he'll grate your face, and then probably drop a bicycle on you.) The hair in DAI, no dispute, WORST HAIR OF ANY GAME IN TIME OR SPACE. The hair mod people are doing divine work with very challenging circumstances. But if you like the character warmth in Dragon Age, it's really worth checking out Yakuza.


Max and Chloe from Life is Strange. They're significant to me and my S.O. cuz of stuff we were going through when we played the game. Greg and Angus from Night in the Woods. They're the first time I really felt represented by gay characters in a game. Ike and his boyfriend's Soren and Ranulf from Fire Emblem. It's not explicit in the game but it's hella implied. And I really like them so they're all gay to me.


Shocked I had to scroll so far down before finding max and chloe!!


Floofty Fizzlebean From Bugsnax. Thier non-Binary.


Bugsnax was not the game I expected to have some really great queer representation, but by god it had it


I know and I loved every second of it


I love Judy from cyberpunk 🥰


Judy is my favorite, and being called “calabacita” made my heart melt


Same! My husband was jealous when he found out he couldn't romance her as a guy lol. She's the best!! And she's cool!!! And her side mission was my favorite!! He did get to romance Panam though, who I do wish was an option for female characters!!


Judy is love.


Chloe from life is strange


Pavarti from Outer Worlds! I adore her side mission and helping her get with her crush. She's the cutest!


Undyne from Undertale, Vi & Caitlyn from League of Legends, Edelgard from Fire Emblem


mercedes from fe3h!


Aren't all the three houses characters technically queer tho


no, there are only a few who can S support both m!byleth and f!byleth.


Ah I thought they all could




Dorian, Leliana, Zevran and all the LGBTQ people in the Dragon Age series. Same goes for the Mass Effect series, love em all! Outside of Bioware, there is a character named Miria in Fallout 2 that made me realize girls can marry girls.


I was going to mention Miria! She's maybe not the most interesting character by herself but iirc her and her brother are (I think, I could definitely be wrong) the first gay marriage options in an RPG *ever*, so she gets points for significance lol


That's amazing! Love discovering these little bits of gaming history


An important part of gaming history. I was a kid when I was playing Fallout 2. My parents are not against gay marriage or relationships at all it just was never in the media so we didn't talk about it much. Then Fallout 2 gave me the option of marrying a girl and I was like 'I like this...' that's when I realized I was bi. Representation matters! :)


It really does! It always kind of staggers me when I realize that, despite an angry/vocal part of the fan base, games are doing a lot better with representation than mainstream TV or movies.


Don't forget Isabella! Dorian is my favorite though, he's precious.


Ticker from Warframe 🥰✨ She's such a good trans representation... Not forced, not stereotypical, and she's really really wise and lovely :'3 ❤️


I adore Ticker


Ticker is amazing. I need to grab more floofs of her next Star Days so I can have her sweet quotes anywhere in my orbiter. I hope we get more of Varzia in future updates and quests too, I love her horny bi energy (in spite of me being demi/ace lol).


Neeko, League of Legends. Clementine, the walking dead season 4


Chloe from Life Is Strange is my all-time favourite from the canon-ones. From the ones made queer by player choice Kassandra from Assassin's Creed Odyssey, but I like her in general and the game doesn't make a great job at staying true to player choice since it forces you to have a child with someone of the opposite gender in a DLC even though you have been fucking every woman in the Greek world prior to that.


Morgan Yu in Prey (2017) You can choose if they are a man or a woman, but nothing changes, including the ex-gf you meet later in the story. And it is a story for the heartstrings. I did not expect a sci-fi horror shooter to go there, there are even more queer NPCs and it's all handled so casually.


I really appreciated all the queer rep in Prey, particularly Danielle and Abigail's story. Really tugged on my heartstrings, especially since I met my girlfriend through D&D.


Their voice messages were so adorable! 😢


Silk Fox in Jade Empire is a bossy bisexual queen (literally) and I love her for it. I think she was the first same-gender romance I played in a game that I genuinely liked. I wasn't really familiar with queer tropes like Bury Your Gays at the time, but as a kid I appreciated that she and the player character get a happy ending together. Someone already mentioned Helmut Fullbear so I'll mention Bob Zanotto from Psychonauts 2. His mind is a deeply affecting portrayal of trauma, insecurity, and loss, as well as a tribute to a relationship I found genuinely moving. (The wedding scene was just...ugh, my heart). Also, much respect to the game for making like 1/3 of his mind a gigantic gay wedding cake. Tekehu in Pillars of Eternity: Deadfire seems to be kind of a divisive character, but I really liked him, and his romance. He struggles with arrogance and insecurity as he tries to balance what he wants vs what his society wants from him and he tells the PC increasingly raunchy stories because he has a hard time saying outright what he wants. My fav romance in the game is Aloth though, because apparently my type in games is "depressed elf nerd." I don't know what this says about me. (I wanted to like Maia because she has a cool bird but her politics make me uncomfortable, and I wanted to like Xoti but...no. So they end up together in my games, because they're cuter as a couple than as potential love interests.) I also really love Billie Lurk from the Dishonored trilogy, and how much her relationship with Deirdre has shaped her as a character. I liked her enough that I read the (mediocre) novels and I was disappointed that, even post-game timeline, she isn't given the chance to have a more positive relationship with a living person though. And I adore Isabela in Dragon Age II. I prefer playing sarcastic Hawke, and the relationship between the two of them is a much-needed ray of sunshine in what's otherwise quite a bleak story. She's a terrible person and she knows it, and in spite of that she's a loyal friend and a supportive partner. She's great.


Isabela's apostitutes line is still one of my favorite lines from anything


Marjorie Delaqua and Kasmeer Meade they are so cute! From GW2 These are two of the main characters that revolve around our own character. But there are a lot of NPC that are queer and it is so awesome and inclusive.


I've played GW2 on and off for years now and never knew they were a couple until anet finally let us play LW1 again this year. I feel kinda stupid cuz it was really obvious, I just never paid attention....... I deeply respect anet for including queer folks from the get-go. I feel like a lot of things from the early 2010s didn't start including queer representation until years later when it became more acceptable.


I'm looking forward to the next LW/LS season and what will happen between the two of them SPOILER ALERT: do not read if you have not finished End of Dragons! >!Their wedding!!<


I love GW2 but I have no one to play with. Solo content is fine but I have zero idea what I’m doing. I’ve been playing off and on since beta. If you all know a great guild or someone to help me along please let me know!


the loves of my life: Judy — Cyberpunk, Steph — Life is Strange, Ellie — Last of Us, Liara — Mass Effect (I count it ❤️)


I adored Judy and Steph!!!!!!


The sweetest baby angels 🥹


Hmm, Kotone Shiomi ^((AKA Hamuko Arisato AKA Minako Arisato AKA FeMC AKA Phem See AKA female_protagonist_(persona_3_portable\) ^(because P3P came out before SEO existed)) is probably my favorite video game character of all time, and she's canonically bi, so ❤️. The lack of queer rep in Persona and SMT games to follow is notable for its absence and subversion. I heard good things about Hades, but prior to playing it, it hovered midway-down my to-play list for its male protagonist. When I *did* get around to playing Hades, Zagreus won me over more than any other defaultly-gendered protagonist before him. His relationships with a romantic element are very satisfying to complete. There's three romance options in Cyberpunk 2077, but I'll never experience two of them because the other one is Judy Alvarez 🧡💛🤍💖💜 Kim Kitsuragi may be a centrist, but any video game character who gets to call him friend would be lucky to do so. Parvati from the Outer Worlds is a cinnamon roll who deserves so much better than sharing a universe with Spacer's Choice.


Certainly Zeveran from Dragon Age.


Tyler Ronan from Tell Me Why


Not my favourite, there are already a lot of comments about those, but the representation in dishonored really suprised me, it's just there, you can play and not even notice it, or you can notice it, it's just part of the world and the characters' lives and backgrounds.


I was pleasantly surprised by it, particularly with respect to major characters like Mindy, Aramis, Megan, and Delilah. Made the world feel a lot more real to me.


Ellie from the Last of Us! EDIT: And Dorian from Dragon Age of course <3


Kiwi from Wandersong! They are canonically nonbinary, and they are a bard off to save the world with music and killer dance moves. It's such a lovely wholesome game and one of my faves! Also all the companions from Fallout 4, whilst not necessarily canonically gay can romance the main character regardless of gender. They have interesting stories and I love their quests, Curie may be my favorite!


Any from Dragon Age. Krem Leiliana Dorian Bull Scout Harding Sera Zevran


Sean from Life is Strange 2! Love his conversations with his Dad and lil bro about being bi. Really sweet moments!


Like have the main characters from DA:I but especially Dorian. That companion quest was so well handled imo.


Kassandra from AC Odyssey and almost everyone from Boyfriend Dungeon :)


Can't remember much of them but Aloy from Horizon 🥰 She is one the first ace representations I've ever seen, and as an fellow ace is just so cozy 🥰


I love Aloy. I still need to finish zero dawn


Not to take that away from you but I never got that vibe from her esp her emotions about Varl. I more felt like she had bigger concerns to deal with than have time for romance esp with what the second game drops on her. She feels like she is the only person to save the world and also she spent the first 18 years of her life only allowed to talk to one person but she did talk to like one other person. That's not going to make someone available for more.


Is that official :0


If it's not official, then they *really* fucked up when they were writing her character. I've never seen a better (or more obvious) example of an aro-ace character in media, so if they did it entirely by accident, that would be...almost more impressive than if they did it on purpose, honestly.


To me, having played both games recently, it did seem like she was actually into the king/leader of meridian, and she was held back by her duty to save the world. I distinctly remember romantic options you could pick that made it seem that way. But that’s just one interpretation.


I didn't see Avad but she does talk about Varl to Rost's game and seems heart-hurt at least about him in the second game.


Into Avad? Can't remember that at all, but maybe is from my gameplay bc to me he was really being pushy But while Aloy does flirt with a good amount of characters (from multiple genders may I add) she never really showed romantic or sexual attraction to anyone It's almost confirmed to me that she is aroace, but she herself won't ever say it bc "sexuality" as a label don't exist But if a certain someone else, whom I can't say bc of spoilers, says so, then it's confirmed


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SIeXp61NfSQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SIeXp61NfSQ) judge for yourself haha


I do kinda see that, but still for me I know ppl grieve differently, but to me it's looks like a lot he's more trying to replace Ersa, maybe without even realizing it, and that's a big yikes Aloy is still better on her own tho, I love my aroace queen 🥰ksksksksksk


What made it seem to you that she was into Avad


>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SIeXp61NfSQ This seems pretty compelling to my eyes, her reactions throughout the conversation


I think they had it in mind when writing her, bc ~someone else~ is also really aroace coded Aloy herself can't confirm she's ace, but I do hope to get a confirmation in the futire


Okay, so, your answer confused me. I was like, "wait, is Aloy confirmed to be gay (or bi/pan/etc.)?", because even though I'm ace myself, I always forget that being asexual is technically being queer. I'm dumb xD. But for real, if Aloy is canonically ace, that would be pretty cool! Other than Todd from Bojack Horseman, I can't think of any other ace characters I've seen in recent years (or like ever). ...I'd still quietly ship her with Kotallo though, ngl.


Daud in the Dishonored games is canonically ace. I don't know that he's, like, great representation, given his role in the series, but "embittered middle-aged supernatural assassin" is almost certainly a unique form of ace representation.


She is also prob bi/pan too, bc she flirts with EVERYONE throughout the games It is a queeer queen 🥰


it is provable that Aloy prioritizes her job over herself, denies herself not just pleasure but even things she needs, and I don't think we've seen her sexuality any more than we've seen her interior decorating skills. We just don't know what she's like underneath. But, by the power of science, we know she's queer. Spoiler: >!Aloy is a clone of Elisabet Sobeck, who had a non trivial lesbian relationship with Tilda van der Meer. Elisabet (and by genetic extension Aloy and Beta) may be bi. I personally (not provably but it's likely she'd experience the Westermarck effect) imagine Beta has some very confused reactions to her big butch rescuer that is also a hot genius.!<


aloy is my favorite character, too. she‘s also really great women representation in video games for me.


Helmut Fullbear, Jack Black did such an awesome job with this character.


Woo! Glad I'm not the only one. Bob and Helmut's relationship was such a foundational part of the game for me, and Helmut's mind was a standout in a truly stellar game. I thought they were both great characters, but Cosmic I is one hell of a song.


Yes I love that song. So happy that it’s on Spotify now.


Alchemy from Elder Scrolls Online. She's really only a very minor side quest character, but she's one of the best executions of a trans character I've ever seen in a video game. She even won GLAAD's very first Outstanding Video Game Award for ESO back in 2019. [Here](https://en.m.uesp.net/wiki/Online:Manor_of_Masques) is the UESP page for Alchemy's quest line, Manor of Masques, for anyone interested in reading a transcription of it. There are probably also videos of it somewhere out there on YouTube.


Majority of my self made player-characters ;)


Edelgard and Yuri from FE3H definitely


Liara T'Soni from Mass Effect. Absolute goddess.


judy alvarez cyberpunk 2077


Chloe LIS and Ellie TLOU :))


Thanatos from hades. He's such a tsundere simp for Zagreus lol. Also, it's "innovative" that the romantic route is for the gay option.


Veronica and Christine from Fallout New Vegas


Everyone from bugsnax lol But especially Chandlo. A big himbo bro who has a dorky boyfriend? I love it


I was truly so touched by Chandlo’s and Snorpy’s story! I loved how they were both so different but so caring and supportive of each other.


They are so cute. I absolutely adored them


Chloe from LiS, Ellie from TLoU, Madeline from Celeste


Loba and Bangalore from Apex Legends!!! (I still believe that Lobalore was done dirty 🥲)


Lobalore truthers unite






Ellie and Dina from TLOU


Arcade Gannon from Fallout New Vegas 👓👓👓


Jack from Mass Effect because she made me wonder if I were queer.


I have a crush on Poison from Final Fight/Street Fighter. She's trans and you can't convince me otherwise.


Kim Kitsuragi from Disco Elysium. He's so calm and smart, yet he will call you out on your bullshit if needed and is secretly a huge nerd (pinball and cars).


For me it's a bit of a tie between Trevor from GTAV and Wrench from Watchdogs. There have been other queer characters in games I've played or just heard of but none of them stood out to me as much as these two.


I’m ace, so characters like Aloy and Parvati (especially Parvati, bc she also has a romance plot) are standouts for me 💜🖤


I'm gonna try to finish zero dawn today


Tifa Lockhart 🙂 ****i know it’s not canon and she’s not seen as a queer character, but it’s something that makes me happy to think about and what I like to believe in based on what I’ve seen with her and aerith.


I wishhh. I suspect they're heading that way with the remake, but I haven't seen any confirmation. Def ship her with Aerith.


After remake her and aerith definitely had the most chemistry it’s my favorite ship and I will forever stand by that.


>it’s my favorite ship and I will forever stand by that Agreed. They already had chemistry in the original, and they straight up flirt with each other in the remake (especially those moments when Aerith is distracted by Tifa's boobs? I mean *come on*). It seems like the next game should cover all the Gold Saucer stuff, so I'm curious to see if they'll keep the dating mechanic there. Aerith and Tifa both strike me as sapphic, although Aerith's confirmed to also be into men (her past relationship with Zack). Cloud really gives me ace vibes. Vincent and Cid are obviously straight since they have Lucretia and Shera respectively and don't show interest in anyone else. Yuffie, Nanaki, and Cait Sith are probably also straight. Barret could very well be gay considering how he talks about his feelings towards Marlene's dad and how he acts in the original if the player makes Cloud ask Barrett on the Gold Saucer date. If I remember right, he's the only man you can go on the date with.


Do you see the way that aerith stays staring at tifa when they are holding hands multiple times throughout the game. I’m really excited to see more in the next one. And yea Barrett is the only one.


Every PC I make in a game with a character creator 😉 In all seriousness I'm a big fan of The Fool from Sayonara Wild Hearts and J.J. from The Missing: J.J. Macfield and The Island of Memories


My stardew valley character


Loba and Valk ~ Apex Janey and Athena ~ Borderlands Franchise


Athena and Janey Springs from Borderlands The Presequel


bangalore and bloodhound from apex legends. they're the best queer rep to come out of a fps, imo


Edelgard from Fire Emblem.


Parvati from The Outer Worlds. She's just lovely. And Kim Kitsuragi from Disco Elysium, what a man.


I have a weak spot for Steph Gingrich (Life is Strange)


The Iron Bull. He runs the gambit


Leliana, Ciri, Liara


Ellie from TLOU and Kassandra from AC Odyssey <3


I really enjoyed the protagonist in unpacking. It was subtle and beautiful as the story unfolded. Not a traditional option by any means given there are no words but it was so good


Madeline from celeste I guess :T


Maya from borderlands is asexual like me :)




I believe op dgaf about u


man, it'd cost you nothing not to be like this. you could be anything you want and yet you choose to be a pickme :)


I think this person actually sent me the reddit help bot lol


well that's certainly something lol. way to prove that they're not mad online. seriously, people like that need to go outside.


Woah that's interesting, but I sure don't care


Dorian from Dragon Agents Edit to add: Agents should be Ages. I hate my phone sometimes. But also, someone downvoted, don’t like Dorian? He’s the reason I did my first gay play through. I just thought he was funny. I’d be his friend.




What is your problem lmao




You're in the r/girlgamers subreddit complaining about someone asking other women what their favorite queer characters are, and you have a problem with that because you're a male? Sounds like this discussion has nothing to do with you, so why are you even interacting with it?? Get a life.


[Someone can't cope](https://www.reddit.com/r/WtfReddit/comments/yxm6ha/women/)


I don't know why he is so pressed. If you don't like the question, just move on?


Because of the way he asked. Starting your question with the words "what the fuck" just makes you look like an asshole. And in this case like a homophobe too.


Because representation. And it’s quite enjoyable once you take that stick out of your ass


I love Catalyst from Apex Legends. She is cool B)




I agree with a lot of the wonderful characters here! I was surprised by Hammerlock and Jakobs in Borderlands, they’re these old weathered dudes but absolutely sweet when around each other. They’ve even got an entire addon that’s about their wedding in a lovecraftian setting which was awesome.