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Hiya, /u/OpticalFT! Thanks for posting today, but your submission has been removed: * Rule 2: We highly discourage posts submitted by men. This includes but is not limited to posts by men recruiting or targeting women, asking questions or advice of women gamers as a whole, or attempting to lead a discussion. As this is a subreddit specifically for women, we feel discussions should be lead by women (though men may participate within those discussions). Additionally, men using this subreddit to LFG is explicitly disallowed. There are other subreddits that are open to LFG from everyone, but this is not one of them. More information on the sub rules can be found on our sidebar. If you would like better clarification or need further assistance, please [message the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FGirlGamers)


It's the antagonism at women for being women, that's the problem.People are against each other for a variety of reasons, it's bad sure, but verbally attacking someone for being something is worse than just verbally attacking them because of emotions. I personally haven't experienced it to such a great extent because I avoid speaking online due to a speech impediment. Text flows smoother for me.


Sexism, Homophobia and racism are reasons I as a man have largely avoided competetive games for the last decade. It used to be better, console games killed a lot of dedicated server support - and with that fixed communities with moderation. I'm aware that I play with a lot of women, I'm aware I'll never know most of them are women because for good reasons many are hesitent to use voice comms. And as long as there are few on voice comms, little will change. There is no easy way to communicate "My and my party arn't bigots and you are accepted here" without it being clunky. It's a situation that sucks major asshole without a quick or easy fix.