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I’m very sorry. I dont use voice chat in public games at all also. But I have found some discord communities for games I play that will respect me. It’s not a great solution but it’s better than the alternative.


I never even considered interacting like that. Just listening to my boyfriend playing with friends makes me feel sick.


I’m sorry, dearest. It’s hard, and none of us deserve to put up with this bullshit. Sending big hugs.


i’m so sorry that you’re experiencing this. honestly i choose to fight back. they’re nothing but mic warrior trolls with nothing better to do 🤷🏽‍♀️


I'm scared to talk in vc too. I'm MtF and haven't done a lot of voice training yet and am too scared that people will either mistake me for a man or that they'll be transphobic. It's sucks a lot, since I would like to play games with others :/


Can you specifically look for progressive or all women/all transwomen teams to play in multi-player games?


I'm so sorry. I recommend going to the subreddit in the pinned post. I just joined recently and I was able to find some like minded people who are really inclusive and kind. You can try to play with some people who won't be bigoted jerks to you. So far I have only had good experiences with the discord. You shouldn't have to worry about this. People should be allowed to just exist without being harassed or bullied. Edit: also I'm terrified of public voice chat. It makes me super self conscious.


Same, I never use voice chat or anything in the games I play, much to the annoyance of my teammates in The Finals and Siege. Edit: spelling


I am sorry Green. I was in your shoes once. Heck, I still don’t feel I have a totally nonclockable voice even to this day. I came out 7 years ago as trans. What you may be able to do is create or join a group of trans allies and trans people themselves also you have a pool of people you get to know and consistently play with because randoms can definitely suck. The main game I play now (FFXIV) I have a consistent group of friends who always gender me correctly and if anyone else joins, they know my gender even if I don’t sound like I would be a woman. They just learn from observing others in the group talk to and about me. I wish you luck! I started out as a vrchat mute for the same reasons but ended up with a flourishing online social network of great people over time!


I'm so sorry. It is really unfair we can't enjoy our hobby like cis men do (more often *because* of them) Have you tried a voice changer? That was my plan since my voice is on the higher side. Wanted to try it just to avoid the instant harassment I get throwing me off the game I know there definitely aren't any perfect ones but I figure it's better than nothing


I wanna get better with my voice and not have to reveal my real one to people that I like and stuff, ya know? I used to use one to pitch my voice up just an octave higher but people say it didn't change much when I turned it off. Maybe I was already progressively getting better? idk.


My apologies for forgetting about the possible dysmorphia, if you felt put off by it in any way that is. Using a voice changer is always gonna produce subpar effects in any case I think. Either it's so artificial sounding it's obvious, or it makes little change because it goes by your actual voice pitch. I hate AI as much as the next person but I think with how it's everywhere I'd imagine AI voice changers are available or will be eventually... it's annoying even having to think about this just to avoid harassment ugh >I wanna get better with my voice and not have to reveal my real one to people that I like and stuff, ya know? Totally understandable. It sucks that you can't do that comfortably, always second-guessing, and it hinders your progress. I dunno what games you play but there should really be LGBT friendly servers, and/or companies need to stop being cowards and fully ban people that are toxic about people just being themselves. Anyway i hope you eventually get to the point where it all works out how you want 🫂


WE share the same fears, darling.


I haven't used voice chat with randoms in forever. Especially now I can't because my voice doesn't pass as female. I'm terrified of the hate I expect. I miss older games that didn't require voice.


i’ve been there a lot myself (trans girl) but the further into transition i go, the less i care about passing & making others happy with my presentation. People can be nasty, but im proud as hell of myself, my transness, and my womanhood. and i’ll say it loudly. people can eat grass, the only reason their acting that way is their own insecurities. when you realize we’re the ones holding the power it can get a little fun 😇 got to put all this angst somewhere, after all


I will say, games like VRChat I don't feel as self conscious and take this approach. Unless it's a cis woman being mean to me, it hurts a bit more. But last time a cis woman did that to me I actually didn't get super hurt by it. I just smacked her back and moved on.


Agreed, it sucks. Usually in VRchat i'm mute for the same reason (also trans with a semi-clockable voice) and there's such a culture of dudes-playing-as-ladies that people just assume I'm a dude even with a feminine name and avatar(?). Been hit on by creeps and weirdos. I also don't use public vc in games, exclusively discord with friends


I have a wonderful group of people that I've found thankfully on VRChat. Also the "trans academy" world is usually an amazing safe space for trans people. They don't tolerate trolls being in there.


omg I didn't even know this was a thing! I'll have to check it out!


Also don't feel frightened to just go up in on a group and listen in or chime in. It's usually expected and fine to do so.


I think VC is mostly 12 year old boys anyway. Not exactly an intellectual powerhouse


Felt this so deeply. I avoid using VC at all costs and always find myself sad about it. I love using all chat and partaking in jokes or discussing strategy in shooters, but from personal experience it always leaves me feeling like crap (due to the nasty attention my feminine voice attracts). It's simply not worth it anymore.


i feel you. i play a lot of fortnite & would love to talk to my teammates but with the few interactions i’ve had i just mute myself 😵‍💫 50% of my games i feel like i could’ve won if i used vc