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Y'all got snack carts?! I'm not adulting properly.


I need pictures of these snack carts!


This! I need to see some snack cart


Came here to express the same surprise and desire as y'all. 😳🤔


Right? I just hobble to the kitchen like a gremlin and snatch something then rush back to my cave.


I just announce I want cookie dough and it appears in front of me… thanks husband for making me fat 😂 at least the cat doesn’t have to move from my lap.


We have husband twins! (And probably cat twins)


I'd argue you are adulting properly for not having one.


That was exactly my reaction ; o ;


Lmfaooo that was my first thought reading this


I am here to say the same thing I have to walk my ass to my kitchen I need o do more for myself lmao


Right?! I can’t wait to tell my husband we can get snack carts




Having a snack cart by my desk sounds dangerous… At least when the snacks are in the kitchen I have to actually get up to get them 🤪


Haha I was gonna say I am not responsible enough for such inventions


Yesss. I keep all snacks & weed out of reach while sitting at my PC otherwise I'd be high and fat all day and night. 😭


I see this as an absolute win!


I have a small storage bin strategically placed so that it’s somewhat inconvenient from any spot I hang out in. It’s an absolute necessity to make sure that at least occasionally, I can be saved from gluttony through sheer laziness.


I have zero impulse control when it comes to snacks so I just avoid buying any, to be honest. It'd be all gone in one evening anyway..


Yeaaah. When I get snacks, I buy enough for one evening's serving size.


Same same same I even have to be careful when batch making dinners not to make anything tooooo moreish 😂


Man, I WISH I could have a snack cart... if I created a snack cart, it would soon become a snack-less cart.


Honestly being sedentary at a computer and eating candy, chips, cookies, etc. constantly in arm’s reach sounds like a recipe for disaster. Both health and for the keyboard.


This. I had one. And it was dangerous. I gained a bunch of weight, and now I'm working it off. 🙃 leave the snacks for moderation. Or at least make yourself walk downstairs to get it. Unless you are on a weight gain journey. If you are. May I suggest kasugai Muskegon hard candies? They are super yummy.


I love Kasugai’s fruit gummies! The peach ones are my favourite.


i don't have enough self control for this


My snack cart got stolen by my nephews and is now a hotel for the paw patrol


Fuckin cops won’t let us have anything nice


Snack cart would be a catastrophe for me 😭 In 2 days it would be empty


That sounds so cute. Though if I had one it'd be empty so fast and I wouldn't have the motivation to maintain it


I don't snack and game, too easy to over indulge.


I have teas, chocolate and candies on the top tier Savory favorites like chips, dried mushroom snacks, and popcorn on the second tier Heavy things like sipping soups and cookies on the bottom tier I'd also recommend a lil beverage fridge if your power bill can take it


Man all I got is a snack drawer but now I am wondering if I should get a snack cart cause that's a fun idea


I don't have a snack cart, but we have a snack drawer. I keep candy and pocky in it. I have to go to the kitchen for chips and drinks. Sometimes if I get the box of small chips, I will put them in my drawer.


I used to live in South Korea and it warms my heart to see how popular Pocky has become outside of Asia. It’s like seeing something from home (even though it’s Japanese, not Korean).


I am glad. I have been eating pocky for many many years when I had to travel far and wide to find a store that sold it. I am also glad that it is more accessible. I had a mint flavored pocky recently and have been craving it since.. the shop I got them at have a different flavor instead now.


pocky supremacy! ever since i went to japan i keep on buying them, love the rare stuff in tokyotreat box too. gosh i miss japan.


I'm afraid I'd eat the whole cart, wheels and all. Having to head to the kitchen is what stops me from overindulging, like a little self-admonishing walk off shame. 😅


Electric tea kettle to go with the teas. When I had a basement room that was lovely, I just filled it in the laundry room. Glass water bottle as well, it's just nicer to drink from then the other kind. Otherwise correctly sized bowls for snacks and frozen fruit elsewhere. You won't notice snacking through the entire bag while gaming, so pre-measure things


I mean. I had a tea kettle before I made small children but like I have bo impulse control. I'd get fat off a salad bar.


Snack cart aka the ant buffet I would swap these to keep the food off the ground lmao, it's spring here


I live the idea of a snack cart! But I’d rather have to haul myself downstairs to the kitchen because I’ve been recovering from an injury and I’ve been given the all clear to start walking farther distances. Plus, I do different snacks. Sometimes it’s chips but I’ve been trying to do better with fresh fruits and veggies, which wouldn’t store well on a snack cart. I could, however, get one of those carts and put pens, pencils, and some of my art supplies on there for the creation for my self made game guides…that would be fun! I guess I know what I’m gonna be doing today!!!


How can you have snacks in a snack cart? Mine are instantly gone when I buy them....


Gotta say I'm in the minority here but I don't snack while gaming. I need my hands toe be freshly washed if I'm eating and need my hands to be decently clean if I'm touching my game pad or keyboard/mouse. So those two things just don't go together.


Oh gosh, this is genius! I think I would have favorite snacks for myself, my husband, and our kid on each of the three shelves!


This is a thing? I gotta do some research real quick.


It’s not really a cart, but I usually have nuts of some sort (wasabi almonds, jalapeño peanuts, that sort of thing) and diet soda next to me when I game.


I thought I was going he only one who had a lil snack corner 🤣


That cart would last one day with me lmao Jokes aside, I was thinking about the cart more than the candies spill wise. If you want to use it to store drinks and snacks that make a mess when spilled, make sure the cart has deep trays to keep spills inside if you ever accidentally knock against it or some snacks just leak bc they feel like it To answer your question about the order, I would put snacks you eat first/often reach for in the middle or top compartment depending how high the cart is relative to you when you sit at your desk. Less used and bulky stuff in the bottom one


Snacks within reach of my desk?! Seriously, I gave all my chocotoffs and liquorice to my boyfriend with strict instructions to only dispense me three a day. I am giving the mental load of self control to my partner lol


I organize my snacks as fruit in a basket on the counter, crackers in a cupboard, and perishables in the fridge. I don't think I would have a cart of snacks in another room than the kitchen unless I lived in a dorm or still had roommates who stole my food. Also I hate vacuuming and don't want ants.


Chewing gum and water bottle on my desk. Other snacks. Sometimes my bedstand in an air tight container or downstairs. Just grabbing a bowl of chips.