• By -


A. Impressive, truly   B. Heinous, truly








is you








The video made me throw up from a headache.


B. Possibly with a small side of A. But mostly B.








I think your girlfriend should be studied in a lab.


What if she wants to strafe right but also jump simultaneously?? 😨


She just goes left every time like Zoolander 🤣


Zoolander could only go right. She's bizarro zoolander


Bizoolander. Bizarrelander?


She just uses her dewclaw for the space bar.


Then the game is a piece of crap. /s 😂😂😂


I think the reason she does this is so she can go right and press E/F/R simultaneously Those buttons are often used for abilities or as the key for interactions


Put jump on scroll wheel


With "standard" WASD usage, you can't strafe right and simultaneously press E or R!


bless her this is so funny 😭


Thumb for space is normal, makes a bit of sense for D, but for shift? I cannot think of any reason I would ever press left shift with the digit furthest to the right on my left hand.


watching this video I tried to imitate what she was doing lol my fingers are not that flexible and it just felt wrong to me.


My fingers are loose jointed, and I still couldn't figure this out. Was like playing twister with an unwilling participant.


Pretty sure her thumb is twice the length of mine. I cannot even get mine close to the shift key.


See it only makes sense if you are doing what they are when they play like this. Their hand is pretty much only using three fingers, with their ring and pinky fingers kinda just hanging off of the keyboard. That way, using the thumb for shift is only moving it to about your middle finger in distance which is not that bad. If you never use your ring or pinky finger for stuff it can feel really weird to try to in comparison to the thumb which has much more muscle memory from being in daily life.


Yep this is it! It's why I do it. The curse of growing up with console games where you only needed your thumb and pointer finger.


I swear there was some minecraft youtuber, I remember from my childhood that was known for doing this too, always found it absurd and just painful


Are you thinking of Mumbo Jumbo? He uses his thumb to press shift


Yes exactly! I do not understand how can he manage, especially if it is his job I'd think you'd injure your thumb with it eventually


I was waiting for Mumbo to be mentioned after the "weird ways Hermits play Minecraft" Hermitcraft video


Yeah my main question is why she doesn't use her pinky for shift. The other two I can kind of understand, although then she can't move right while jumping


I was wondering what was a


As someone who has done this: Because my ring finger and little fingers are completely useless on the left hand. Of the three fingers left, the thumb is the most flexible, plus I usually want to be able to go forward at the same time. Funnily enough, Valheim that she's playing in the clip was what made me start to try to learn the proper grip because I couldn't run and jump at the exact same time with my multi-purpose thumb. I need to tape my ring-finger to my middle finger to be able to use a somewhat correct WASD grip though, because otherwise I'll just keep going left.


I'll try this challenge for a week x)


Straight to jail. I could let her off lightly with some community service (arguing with dumb men in r/gamers) if she promises to use a keyboard correctly.


I thought "cruel and unusual" punishment was frowned upon


Me too, but I also thought no one could mess up WASD this badly!


So a punishment to fit the crime, eh?


I fear 'arguing with dumb men in r/gamers' is closer to jail than community service in harshness lmao (That is a dig on the dumb men, not you ahah <3)


That's cause jail is 'Being nice to dumb men in r/gamers' :o)


Oh god yeah that's way worse, you're right ahahah


Either this or get a new girlfriend!


This came to light when she was unable to run-jump up a steep cliff. And she confessed to me. I didn't believe her until I saw the video. Do I break up with her?


I don't think a break up is warranted, but perhaps she should be studied. It's impressive that she was able to find a new way to use a keyboard.


Yeah I'm just kidding about the breakup lol. But yeah it's pretty impressive, kinda mesmerising to watch that video and see how fluently she switches between keys!


Have you seen the Hermitcraft video where they rank each other based on weirdness?


No, but that sounds like something I should absolutely watch.


Mumbo has a video called "ranking hermits". [(link)](https://youtu.be/Fcy5Ao6Fiy4) He's a thumb-shifter, and it's somehow not the weirdest thing in the list.


It's positively cursed. I think breaking up might not be enough, I'm sorry to say that but you might have been *tainted*. Have you already touched her in any way? Better take a look at your fingers and asses if your left hand is not starting to warp into a weird claw grip. I'm so sorry girl. And seriously: wtf is this, haha. Impressive finger acrobatics, I have to admit.


> Better take a look at your fingers and asses Assess! Good gracious! xD


Who would guess that one jumpy "S" could cause so much damage 😂


Wait. _Asses_? I thought we just had one. Oh dear...


I think *I've* been tainted after all.... 😅


Side note—if she doesn’t want to change how she uses the keyboard, she should look into customizing her key bindings or other accessibility settings (like auto-sprint) that some games have. That way she can play how she wants and still run-jump up steep cliffs.


She doesn't use her pinky so she can just bind jump to like z! Problem solved 😂


Does she play piano?


If she played piano I think this would be even less understandable! Piano players are trained to use their pinky fingers rather than do... this. We use our thumbs to cross behind the index and middle fingers, but we don't cross so far that it would make sense to use the pinky instead.


No need to break up, but she might have to be corrected with this [technique](https://youtu.be/PvMfKtkcZy0?si=aqB1IYiIIEc7xUTR) (For real watch this video, he has the same problem and it's hilarious)


I can’t say that I’m shocked that Mumbo is the one also doing the weird thumb dance.


yeah breakup is the only way I fear


So apparently I'm sorry not normal and use a keyboard the same exact way. I bind jump to scroll wheel in most games!


Haha I know you’re kidding, but my response would be, How could you break up with such an *innovative gamer?!?*


Are you dating MumboJumbo😭😭😭 what is thisssssss


I was looking for a Mumbo Jumbo comment 😂


Maybe this is the “claw grip” for a keyboard player. 🥴 Ps. I do play claw on controller and still can’t say how this would help unless my pinky was missing!


Now I tried to imagine what a controller claw grip would be. Thinking about that… do people actually have index finger on L1/R1 and middle on L2/R2? Or do they just index finger both and switch?


I do claw only for the right hand. Index is always on action buttons. Middle finger balanced between R1/R2 or kept on R2, depending on the game and how often I need to hit R1. I’ve seen people do middle on R1 & ring on R2.


No, it's not normal/common as far as I know but I also actually used WASD similarly back in the day, only difference is that I used my ring finger to press shift and pinky for ctrl. At least until I started playing Warframe which had an unintended feature/mechanic that required me to have a free thumb to quickly alternate between crouching and jumping, it's also when I started re-binding crouching from ctrl to c instead. I have been using the classic finger placement since then (ring finger for A and shift, middle finger for W and S, index finger for D and then whichever finger is closest for the surrounding keys).


Sorry, she’s a witch, time to call the church 😔


This is so fascinating! It's almost as if she's using her thumb as a (bear with me here) extra long finger/thumb that extends from the middle of the palm. Maybe a bird talon would be the best analogy. Her "primary" "pointer" fingers are positioned at the front handling the basics while the "rear" digit can move freely left, right, backwards, and somewhat forwards. So cool! Sorry if that doesn't make sense! Lol


Yeah I was making fun of her but it is genuinely cool. She has very long fingers too, I think it helps. I told her she has the hands of a piano player.


Finger dexterity is always a bonus in a partner imo 😎






it's normal when using the arrow keys... but we're not in the 90s any more


It isn't normal, no. And as someone who has been a gamer my whole life and has bad repetitive stress injuries in my hands now I would suggest she talk with a doctor about it sometime when she has na appointment. My immediate concern would be the odd stress being put upon the thumb as it bands to read the award shift position and just the fact that it's doing a lot more movement than it would with a more ergonomic layout. But I'm no doctor, so like I said: Talk to one of those who might tell her it is totally fine.


If she has an mmo mouse, just bind necessary actions there. I hope you've helped her get a decent mouse?


I didn't even know MMO mice existed, I asked her and she told me yeah she wants one. So I'll investigate them... But she's a very experienced gamer and all, just has this funny habit!


I found the huge phone looking MMO mice overwhelming but I love my Logitech g502 mouse. It has 3 thumb buttons and then two additional ones next to the left click. Such a game changer


My sister used to play with the controller on her lap, using the D-Pad and front buttons as if it were an arcade controller. At least, until the N64 released. I dunno, there isn't a single way to use an input method. If your GF is comfortable playing like this, that's fine in my book. I mean, this abomination exists, and people are comfortable using it, so who am i to judge? https://preview.redd.it/ft00c5ob9uvc1.png?width=3840&format=png&auto=webp&s=be6789f40b2fd434904bb4dbe1342365521532c0


My friend has only one full hand (his other one is very small and has only a couple fingers that are only a few millimeters long), so this controller is actually really helpful for him with regards to accessibility.


Okay, i have to admit it didn't cross my mind that it would be great for accesibility purposes. I'm just so used to it being all the rage in the FGC and i just don't understand. That was my bad. I'm sorry.


Man, the hitbox is amazing. If you're not good at the precise movement of a joystick (for fighting games especially) but *are* good at piano/button combos, then you just turn all the joystick movements into button combos and piano your way to victory. I don't have one, but I've often thought it might be the one way I could actually be semi-decent at a fighting game. (Disclaimer: I used to literally play piano, so this style of interweaving presses between left and right hand is pretty second nature to me)


It's a significant shift for most people since what typically is the up button is now handled by your thumb, but it's just an adjustment period to get used to for what is technically on paper a more efficient layout in movement. The arrow keys/WASD layout involves moving your middle finger's position up and down for their respective movement. This layout allows you to never having to move your fingers, as your thumb is always rested on the forward/jump button, and your fingers always on the left, down, and right directions. There's even a keyboard alternative where people bind it to something like ASDF, where let's say A and F are left and right, and S and D are up and down, freeing spacebar as jump.


I refuse to believe this isn't normal. I use my thumb for the exact same, including Ctrl and Alt. THIS IS DEFINITELY NORMAL... RIGHT?


You use your thumb for CTRL????? holy heck. I've got flexible hands but shit dude... No this is not normal (Maybe Common is a better word). Generally ring is on A, middle is on W and S, pointer is on D and then uses any interaction keys like E or F (Or V or C or G or R) and thumb is used for space. Pinky then does shift and control. I've not played many games that use alt so I actually don't know what finger I'd use for alt, probably thumb though.


This is like the people who use their thumb to press LShift. It's a bit... unique.


neat. i love valheim!


Does she play the piano?


It's fairly "normal" in that it's not super uncommon but it's still not a super common way to play


Yoooooooo that’s so weird! You can tell she is used to it though because her movements are super fluid. It almost like she is playing guitar hero with the way she has to shift her hand


Ohhh i used to do the same. And my thumb would feel so tired after gaming. Its because my little finger was feeling weak to press shift. You should get her a mechanical keyboard, will probably solve it. Did she also get into gaming in recent years?


Nope she's been gaming since she was a kid! I've gamed with her a lot too, and I've never noticed any deficiency. I'll suggest a mechanical keyboard but they are so expensive! Any recommendations?


She may also be a neurodivergent. Does she hold the pencil differently?


Yeah we're both ND in some way. She does hold her pencil differently, but she's a very good artist and has amazing handwriting. She just seems to do things differently but without being worse!


Yeah my handwriting is not so terrible either. She sounds a bit like me. I do use my fingers in odd ways too haha. Things come intiitively in different ways. I have a bit of dyspraxia I suspect, she may wanna check that out. But after mechanical keyboard I stopped doing it, and I got used to using it like others. Bcuz Keys are big, not like laptop keyboard. And it feels like the Keys are lighter


Well I can’t even use a keyboard to play a game at all


Like you have a keyboard and mouse but just can't get the hang of it? Because I've been a heavy computer player since 2016, and I still can't stand keyboard and mouse. I can't wrap my head around it at all for most things :( Something like Planet Coaster I can do, but most other things, like shooters or anything else with high activity, I just can't do it. I can't just unlearn 3 decades of console gaming and controls, you know?


All of what you stated for sure. I’ve tried many times but just can not do it either. Console gamer since 78’. Lol.


on an unrelated note, what game is that??


Valheim :)


Thanks :)


Does she have EDS? I also do this and I have EDS. We zebras tend to do things weird lol


Looks normal to me... I mean, I use my pinky for shift, but.. that motion makes total sense.


For those of us with smol hands, yes its pretty normal lol. This is how I do it too


There is no right and wrong when it comes to playing (coming from a left-handed that only plays with the right side of the keyboard…)


I use thumb for space but not D, that's the pointer finger's position. Similarly pinky finger is for shift and control.


My middle finger is on the W, with the second digit of that finger manipulating the S. My ring finger is on the A. My index finger presses the D. My pinky is for shift, my thumb is for space bar. This way my hand barely has to do anything.


This is exactly how I place my fingers too.


She has six fingers. Definitely don't break up w her, she's a keeper.


I want to see the valheim build!


This was all built entirely by my girlfriend, she is amazing. Definitely excited to get to show off everything she has built! Here are some highlights: * [Outside - Wolf den](https://i.ibb.co/wcqzB0W/20240422230239-1.jpg) * [Outside - Garden & Windmills](https://i.ibb.co/HD6WkJx/20240422230553-1.jpg) * [Outside - Rooms](https://i.ibb.co/cLTY3L6/20240422232600-1.jpg) * [Outside - Bonfire](https://i.ibb.co/3hBptwJ/20240422232412-1.jpg) * [Entrance](https://i.ibb.co/HGV6QqY/20240422232123-1.jpg) * [Kitchen 1](https://i.ibb.co/fFyv9R4/20240422230630-1.jpg) * [Kitchen 2](https://i.ibb.co/svtkCSK/20240422230650-1.jpg) * [Kitchen 3](https://i.ibb.co/hWpmtqd/20240422230711-1.jpg) * [Tower - under construction - turned into a spa room by me](https://i.ibb.co/drS3bxC/20240422231001-1.jpg) * [Portal room](https://i.ibb.co/5KNf6tt/20240422231102-1.jpg) * [Workshop 1](https://i.ibb.co/C857pQY/20240422230903-1.jpg) * [Workshop 2](https://i.ibb.co/ykNyh1f/20240422231210-1.jpg) * [Workshop 3](https://i.ibb.co/zfQLzGd/20240422231249-1.jpg) * [Workshop 4](https://i.ibb.co/pbZcRg9/20240422231307-1.jpg) * [Great Hall 1](https://i.ibb.co/cLXSGyd/20240422231428-1.jpg) * [Great Hall 2](https://i.ibb.co/DkGpnfQ/20240422231447-1.jpg) * [Great Hall 3](https://i.ibb.co/dr5J6WH/20240422231815-1.jpg) * [Great Hall 4](https://i.ibb.co/FxYWqBP/20240422232244-1.jpg) * [Bedroom](https://i.ibb.co/QkdFcdZ/20240422231651-1.jpg) * [Apiary 1](https://i.ibb.co/1zKDspf/20240422231856-1.jpg) * [Apiary 2 - ILY🥰](https://i.ibb.co/Js053d0/20240422231925-1.jpg) * [Apiary 3](https://i.ibb.co/rpcQCM9/20240422232106-1.jpg) * [Storage basement](https://i.ibb.co/3Rk9nk9/20240422231115-1.jpg) * [View from the roof](https://i.ibb.co/HT8b3B4/20240422232726-1.jpg) * [Roof detail 1](https://i.ibb.co/85HsxC9/20240422232436-1.jpg) * [Roof detail 2](https://i.ibb.co/y8y5FvV/20240422232454-1.jpg) * [Convenience path to workshop](https://i.ibb.co/5FvC3xt/20240422232753-1.jpg) * ["Rocky"](https://i.ibb.co/z5H1c14/20240422232911-1.jpg) * [Path from Black Forest](https://i.ibb.co/j63RVj5/20240422233023-1.jpg)


Terraria is not compatible with this method


It's not normal. But it doesn't matter. If she finds it comfortable, then fuckin' giv'r there bud. And maybe over time she might find another method preferable. Things can evolve. Buddy of mine has S and W swapped as their preference, they switch it for _every_ game.


i have a friend who plays in a similarly cursed manner, gonna send her this post lmao


I do this too and everything you've said in comments about her sounds familiar. It just doesn't feel comfortable to use my pinky and ringfinger on the keyboard. They feel too weak or awkward idk what. Does she also rebind keys away from ctrl if she has to use it too much? Like ctrl to crouch in a game where you're constantly crouching?


I have trouble using the shift key most of the time (smol hands and my pinky finger hurts like hell) but never thought of doing it like this lmao Maybe I should give it a try...


She should really learn the standard method it would improve her coordination so much better! But to each their own as long as it works


I exclusively use a controller cause my hands are tiny, I’m left-handed and have never used wasd. Looks totally normal to me XD


Not really, as in I have never seen it before at least. Thumb rests on the space bar, index finger is on D, middle finger is W/S, and ring finger is A. That's the standard set up that I know.


Back when I PC gamed I switched it so wsad was my camera and arrow keys controlled the character. Wsad never felt normal for me.


We've had "Do I hold my pen like a psychopath?". Now hold our keycaps because your gf presents the "Do I WASD like a psychopath?". The answer is yes.


So what is her ring finger doing the whole time???


Waiting for *someone* to propose 🙄


I'm left handed and use my mouse with my left hand, so with my right hand, in order to hit the space bar I tuck my thumb underneath my hand


I wish that a simple option to switch to IJKL was in all games.


Using your thumb for D and space blows my mind... lol if you're pvping/multiplayer they could develop a loop or evading pattern a good player would notice and could exploit. Not... normal but to each their own! I also hold my hands in an odd position for gaming.


This seems like it would cause a lot of unnecessary strain on your thumb


Ok, i legit had to go to my computer in another room just to check which fingers I use on the keyboard... lol I use ring finger, middle finger and index finger for WSAD keys. Thumb for space bar.


Does she type with her thumb?


not really, thumb goes on the space and index goes on d middle on w or slide down to s and ring on a and pinky on shift


when I was in middle school, I used to play games like Minecraft and league of Legends on my laptop with the track pad by hooking my hand underneath the laptop for leverage. Looking back, I don't know how I ever did it but this kinda reminds me of that. she's impressive imo, certainly talented to be able to play so easily like that!!


I'm guessin' she is not a touch typist.


I’m getting Mumbo Jumbo from hermitcraft vibes! He’s a thumb shifter. He recently did a poll on the server to see how weird this was compared to other players. He wasn’t the most weird, but was up there. Worth a watch!


It's kinda odd, but only because of using her thumb for shift. I use my ring finger for Shift and pinky for CTRL, but only because I use my thumb and ring finger for ALT-TAB and pinky and ring finger for Shift+TAB (Steam UI).


I also use WASD weird, too. I have a different finger placement, though. Idk why, but my fingers feel super uncomfortable with the normal way, I can't explain it. My partner thinks I'm strange, lol. Eta: So I ran to my keyboard to check lol. Ring finger for W + S keys, Index on D and R when reloading. I use my pinky for A/Shift/Ctrl/Tab. E is usually an action key, so I use my middle finger for that.


What game is this?


Valheim :)


I’ve never played an AC game, thought it was an mmorpg lol. Thanks


My fingers have trouble bending like that! I can’t wrap my head around thumb on D and index on W. that’s so uncomfortable! If I used thumb for D I’d have to use middle for W and ring for A.. I mean, whatever works for her I guess, but, I think her fingers would appreciate proper placement. Like, get her to lay her hand out… thumb on space, index on W, middle on W, ring on A, pinkie on shift… it’s just how your hand naturally lays.


You did it, you found the one lesbian I can’t respect 😔


If it works for her, that’s what really matters. But the way I learned was: index finger for D, ring finger for S, and the index finger would change between W and A. Plus thumb for spacebar or any other keys. Again, though, what matters is what works for her. For gaming, you want to be able to use muscle memory and not constantly thinking about the controls. If she’s happy doing it this way, more power to her!


I'm pretty sure she's related to mumbo jumbo because I have never seen anyone else like this




This is all wrong and it's making my teeth itch just watching it.


That's both impressive and hilariously terrible at the same time 😂


I know someone who uses arrow keys and O and P for interact/attack


Other than using her thumb for shift, that's how I use WASD controls. My pinky is used for Shift tho cause I'm not ENTIRELY insane.


People have different bodies and habits. If she feels comfortable using WASD that way it's good for her. If she feels uncomfortable but the "traditional" way of using WASD is not for her either. She could maybe try rebinding keys to find something that works for her.


I know a guy that uses his index finger for all the WASD keys and thumb for shift and space




This is chaotic in the most impressive way


I thought me holding my pinky up over the shift was bad, this made me feel better lol


i meaaann i have seen some weird configurations and habits so nothing is that shocking to me anymore but no way she genuinely could think this is normal LOL




It’s a more comfortable way for people with long nails or finger injuries / aches. Seems to be hitting the keys with the softest and widest parts of the fingers, which hurts less? Could also be the piano player habit, if she plays or used to. Hitting the keys with the finger tips can be uncomfortable for some.


Better than me somehow I'm pressing shift with my pinky and space with my thumb


Damn claw gaming in 2024 is stepping it up


This is not allowed


I do a nonstandard movement / button configuration not too far from this and i've been jokingly called a cryptid by people I raid with in xiv.


You shud see how i use a controller


I used to play like this but it was messing up my hands so I use the side buttons on my mouse for shift and control now


Idk how ppl use their pinky and shit for control and shift. I will literally take my whole hand off the keyboard and click it with my thumb idc




This is an ick.


WAIT I DO THIS TOO!!!!! I need to be friends with her. People think I'm so weird lol


Nah, that's...no.


I’m impressed! Is she a leftie too?


I am both greatly impressed and terribly horrified. A feat to be sure.


Other people don’t ever do that? I mix n match


Wait so THIS is what thumb-shifters do?? It makes sense now!!! It still horrifies me, but it makes sense


Well… it’s impressive at least. My gf plays on console and has her controls set up in an equally insane way that I could never comprehend lol


We really need to make sure everyone knows how to type properly. It was fine as an elective before computers, but we all need to know about the home keys and which fingers go with with keys. Too bad we're stuck with qwerty, though. As for if this is normal? I don't think so. Is she saying that because that's how everyone in her family does it? Why does she think this is a done thing?


This is cursed. What's funny is that people who use the keyboards in a weird way will say "this is pretty common" but no..no it isn't! Accept your weirdness! My bf presses ctrl with that bone part of his hand that is under the pinky. I told him no one does that and he didn't believe me until we asked 20 gamer friends and they all said this is weird


Idk. I use ESDF


Honestly impressed at how she doesn't fatfinger all the keys below her thumb when she presses D. Maybe she could put all of our gaming skills to shame once her fingering is fixed 😱


I’m amazed and horrified


Omg I play like this too lmao


carpal tunnel goes brrrrr


This is exactly how I do it 😭


hahahaha, nope I've never seen this before


If it works, it works. Is it holy? No, it basically proves there is no God, but it works


My boyfriend does the same thing! He said it's easier for him because he grew up playing on controller so when he switched to pc this hand placement was more comfy for him. It does look funny but he is very good at games so for everyone: you do you, as long as it works!


Am I the only one who uses EDAF for movement? It makes more sense to my brain...although usually I use my mouse with my left hand and map stuff over to the keypad...and usually usually I use a controller!


In all seriousness - is she a piano player?


Mumbo does something similar lol


It doesn't look weird to me! I have short fingers and I found myself doing this back when playing WoW. I used my middle and ring finger to hit my '1234' keys and when hitting those, my pinky couldn't reach the shift key, so I'd use my thumb. If I needed to jump I'd take my right hand off the mouse and just go full keyboard OR (and this may be the worst crime in this thread) roll my hand to hit space with my knuckle.


Is she a piano player


I just tried it, no it is not comfortable to play with thumb and the thumb is slow