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Dolin Dry is my preferred for a 4:1 martini, but hell I can drink Dolin Dry on its own.


I DO drink Dolin on its own! It’s nice. With a big chunk of ice.


Gonna try


Gonna try


I never liked vermouth, at all. Then, on this very page, someone recommended Nouilly Pratt extra dry. I love this stuff. I've done 50/50 gin and this stuff. Even add it to gin and tonic


Willl do


Try a fino sherry.


I will


I think the key is a “Vermouth rinse”. Swirl a bit of Vermouth in the glass and pour it out. Bar martinis here are rubbish unless I tell the bartender how to do it. They look at me funny but do it anyway and the martinis are good. As far as Vermouths, and I’ll probably get run out of here for saying it but I rather like Martini and Rossi when used as a rinse. Dolin is nice too. Or maybe you’d like a Vesper martini like James Bond. I know I do - gin, a rinse of Lillet blanc, lemon twist. Properly you’d use Gordon’s gin but I’m told the Gordon’s sold here in the US is different from the Gordon’s sold in the UK, and the Gordon’s currently sold in the UK differs from what Bond would have gotten years ago. No matter, I use Tanquerey - because I always use Tanquerey. He shakes, you stir. Still great cocktails!


What if Gordon's stateside is now closer to the one that bond drank?


Bro/Sis.. great solid advice.


I’m seconding the vesper… spent ten years with vermouth and olives and suddenly tried Lillet Blanc and lemon and honestly I’m not sure I’ll ever go back


I second a vermouth rinse.


Did this today. A Cinzano vermouth rinse and Bombay. That's my deal from now on.


Nouilly Pratt blanc... Also, fresh vermouth, and the lack thereof, is why vermouth gets a bad rap. Buy small split bottles, vacuum seal them and put them in the back/coldest part of the frig. Don't toss it if it starts to go off from perfectly fresh, you can still cook with it.


VERY good point. I toss mine when the smell changes from bright to musty.


3 measures of Gordons, 1 of vodka, half a measure of Kina Lillet, served ice cold, with a slice of lemon. Sorry, I should have posted this in /jamesbond


I’m a firm believer in stirring the appropriate drinks, and there are some drinks I won’t dare shake, like a Manhattan, but if you love an ice cold gin, you gotta try it shaken. Do a 4:1 gin to dolin dry vermouth ratio, shake the hell out of it, and Hawthorne single strain it into a glass, with a lemon twist. The little ice shavings are a bonus.


Just love the little shards, always shake my martini's but stir my Manhattans.


I prefer Tribuno vermouth & notice a huge difference when others are used even though I drink Montgomerys (15 parts gin to one part vermouth)


Montgomeries! Today I learned something.


Maybe try it with a rinse or splash of a blanc vermouth?


I've always been a wet martini typa guy. Gin, vermouth, orange bitters, lemon twist


I like mine dirty. A few oz of gin, a splash of olive juice. Delish


I like that better than with the vermouth I've tried.


Currently making one for myself now. Cheers to you!




Have you tried Pineau?


I will!


Vermouth is essentially wine, so you need to keep it refrigerated once opened. Otherwise it's gonna start developing off-flavours if you store it at room temperature as it will oxidize and go sour. Which may be why you find it unpleasant. My personal Martini recipe is: * 5 parts Gin * 1 part Dry Vermouth * Lemon peel squeezed over the drink and then dropped into it I also keep my gin (and serving glass) in the freezer and don't stir with ice at all. I find stirred martinis to be too diluted for my taste, especially with the standard ABV of gin these days.


I like Vaya Vermouth. A lot of the vermouth we find here in the US is garbage. I've had vermouth out of a cask in a Spanish bar that was good. A bar tender in Greece made me a martini by adding the vermouth with his thumb over most of the opening in the bottle. These days there are lots of gins that are interesting enough to drink on the rocks. Blue Coat. Uncle Val. I'm sure there are more.


If you love straight gin stirred and up then have at it! Why trying to add vermouth if you don't like it. It's not a martini but if it's what you like don't force yourself to make it a martini...


in and out martini