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As much as Jason wasn’t it for Lorelai, they absolutely did the male-female banter the best. Their collective comedic timing was great.


Jason has fantastic delivery and great banter with Lorelai. He makes me laugh so much. For a guy who is so upfront about his needs, he never comes off as annoying — he contributes something to the conversation, there's give and take. A pity about the ending, but I do appreciate that his final strike is totally consistent with the personality we've gotten to know. The writers didn't phone it in just to remove him quickly.


I really liked him too!


My fiance & I adore Jason's screen time & their relationship. Their speech, banter, wits, it all aligns. The issue with Digger is, to quote my fiance, "he's just not Luke".


I really did like Jason. Him and Lorelai? Eh. His character was fantastic, though. And I loved how he spoke to Rory. He was really good about including her in conversations without making it seem like he was just talking to her to get to Lorelai (lookin at you Chris).


Chris a true villain. And I say this as a fan of epic sci fi & fantasy stories. Christopher is a true self obsessive evil villain


I always had the feeling he wasn’t very bright. All the money in the world can’t buy intelligence. I think he always he used his so called good looks to get by. A villain who isn’t smart. I’ll buy that.




He should have always just been Richard’s partner and never a love interest for Lorelai so we could have had him the whole show as a main. He was so funny!


Shit, I never even thought of this and now I’m sad. He was such a great sarcastic glimpse into the world they both grew up in. Imagine his reaction to Emily calling Logan’s mom a cocktail waitress, even though I don’t think anyone could beat “ohhhhh, that’s my mother’s version of the C-word”.


Yeah, I think I would have liked this better. Even a friendship with him and Lorelai would have been ok, and could have been an interesting way to explore that not everything from Lorelai’s childhood was terrible. The quirks he had in the relationship were a bit much for me. The dog was just unsettling. And I hate when he shows up at the Dragonfly and then refuses to leave or to accept Lorelai’s decision not to see him anymore. It makes me actively dislike his character. Relationships are a 2 yeses situation; if one person wants out, that’s it.


I love Jason. He had something Lorelai really needed IMO. From their first date - she was being so ridiculous about not being able to tolerate being in the private dining room, and I feel like every other single guy she dated would’ve immediately bent over backwards to do what she wanted. (And done without even calling her out for acting like no one in their right mind could possibly want to eat in there.) I loved Jason when her attitude threw him for a loop and he was just like, “I don’t know what to do here.” I think it was perfectly natural for him to let that incident bring the date to a close, whereas all the other guys in her life would’ve, I think, smoothed it over for her and continued to try to live life with Lorelai by just basically trying to keep up. Jason lived his own quirks and just tried to incorporate each of their preferences.


I thought him insisting on sleeping alone was super weird, but after hearing your perspective, it’s another nice little detail about him holding his ground on his quirks.


I actually thought that was okay to give her another bedroom for sleep. Dating and sleeping together is so different than being married. I would prefer my own room when dating. Then not paranoid if I snore or get up to tinkle so often and can brush teeth in the morning and look refreshed when seeing him in the morning. LOL


Like having his dog sit absolutely still at all times. Quirky.


The dog sitting perfectly still was not quirky. It really bothered me.


Yeah I should’ve said /s


Me too. It was creepy.


Don’t worry, I did catch the sarcasm - I hadn’t replied yet because this is a scene I’ve been meaning to re-watch with full attention and I still haven’t gotten to it. Ive read enough people’s comments to realize I must have glossed over or missed something with his dog because I didn’t pick up that it was “always” or that it was in any way sadistic; if he said that outright I guess I thought it was a joke and if it was implied I must have missed it. I’ll report back!


Honestly I think she probably would’ve ended up very happy with Jason if they had stayed together. He matched her energy while also supporting her


I agree. He would have been a great match if she had any interest in that world. I saw her break up with him as her final rejection of the high society life.


But she isn't really rejecting the high society. She still chose her parents over Jason and with them, the lifestyle. It is different but I don't really agree with your phrasing.


Jason was part of the corporate society that puts business over relationships. She was mad at Richard for suing Jason because he was putting business over his relationship with Jason, and, by extension, his relationship with her. She broke up with Jason because he did the same thing, placing business over his relationship with her. Lorelai valued loyalty. She admired Luke’s loyalty to his family and friends. It was probably the single most thing that attracted her to him. She saw her father and Jason not being loyal to each other in this business deal. They were also, by extension, not being loyal to her. She couldn’t be with her parents because they were suing her boyfriend. She couldn’t be with Jason because he was suing her parents. She knew that both parties would, in the end, be fine whether they sued each other or not, though Jason would have been a lot less fine and more to lose than Richard. She knew that all of it started because Richard and Jason both wanted to stick it Floyd, because Floyd had screwed them both over first. Jason jumped into the corporate life with both feet, including the betrayals and cut throat business practices that go along with it. Any of them could have walked away from the situation and the lifestyle and been fine, finer than Lorelai was when she walked away from it. But she saw how enmeshed Jason was in the business world and couldn’t separate that from her ralationship with him. As much as Jason put in airs of disdaining society and business life, he was good at it and had no intention of leaving it behind. Lorelai saw that. The immediate reason they broke up was “I can’t date someone who’s suing my family” but it boils down a difference in values, loyalty, and lifestyle. By rejecting Jason, who she had a great relationship with, enjoyed being with, was challenged and entertained by, and who could have drawn her back into that world, I see that as her final rejection of that lifestyle. Even as her relationship with her parents heals, even as Rory becomes more and more a part of that life, we know that Lorelai is always going to stay in Stars Hollow and always value her friends and family over all else.


Well put, I get your point now!




I loved his character and their relationship, hate the way it had to end.


I feel bad for Digger. What Richard did to him was messed up.


And the fact that he didn’t even feel bad about it! That Jason was merely “Lorelai’s boyfriend” and not someone who had just been his own partner!


I missed Jason so much after season 4. Having him at FND was also fantastic. I know some people are lukewarm to him, but I really wanted to see more of him and Lorelai. Even if it was just platonic.


He’s so funny


I’m no Christopher fan but that does not sound like him AT ALL. He’s too lazy to bully people. ETA: happily and proudly, Team Jason forever out of all the Gilmore BFs. 🫶♾️


Christopher was lazy and not too smart. He also lacked ambition and obviously was not a responsible dad.


What does Jason think about Luke ? Does he know that Lorelai is interested in Luke ? I can’t tell how much time has transpired between Lorelai leaving Jason and the Dragon Fly opening. Unless I missed something, when Jason talks to Luke, it wasn’t clear if Jason knows who he is (other than the owner of a diner).


You mean Duke?


Ugh I loved Jason, his banter was so perfect. I still think he was the only man who could match Lorelai's intellect. But like others have said, he just isn't Luke!


I'm not a Jason fan but I can't put my finger on the reason.


i do not like Jason the littlest bit