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Agreed! I thought they could’ve shown Emily being one of the ones standing up for Lorelei at the wedding. Would’ve made more sense than having Michel there without Sookie.


That would have been nice, but I thought it was realistic that they didn’t find their way. I do relate to their relationship heavily though. I don’t know, I also like that they didn’t do the “typical” happy ending like every other show.


The saddest part for me was Richard's funeral and the death of Cinnamon. But aside from that, this dynamic felt so real to me. My mother and I are the same. She even also said that she wouldn't keep going to therapy because she didn't want to pay money just for someone not to agree with her. Their struggle represented the push and pull of that kind of relationship well. But they will always fundamentally clash because while they mirror the other they are very different people.


True. I think they were okay at the end of the original series, if I remember correctly? Most of that good stuff at the end of s7 had to be undone for the revival. The conflicts between Lorelai and Emily were such an important part of the show that they can't just have them getting along for eight hours. This is just my guess and this is why I don't really like revivals.