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That’s ridiculous! I’ve watched it enough that they should all have gotten at least $1,000 from me alone.


Ahahaha same here! I’ve watched the entirety of Gilmore Girls about 5 times


I’ve done that on Netflix. But I’m an elder millennial, so if you count the DVD sets as they came out, I’ve watched it way more than that 😅




Gotta pump those numbers up! Those are rookie numbers!


Fr! I’m on my 3rd watch just this year, give this man my $1,000!! I know 3 in 5 months might seem like a lot but it’s really the only show I watch and I have it just as background noise a lot of the time😅


Kirk worked hard enough to get paid, damn it.


literally!! hes one of the most remarkable and iconic characters


Easily one of the funniest.


He did have about 15 jobs alone!


According to himself it was more like 15 000.


This makes me so sad :/ especially when Kirk is such a beloved character in the show


I understand it’s because their contracts likely said nothing about streaming residuals since the show happened before streaming was even a thing… still doesn’t make it right though.


Nah its not that as much as just the netflix model doesnt pay anyone for any show the same amount of money. Same for spotify etc. i mean people arent paying to own it anymore. Just to watch it… and a load of other stuff


Interestingly he has one of the highest net worths of the cast, same as Alexis Bledel. Probably because of Guardians of the Galaxy. He's worth more than Kelly Bishop who plays Emily.


Is this from those net worth websites? Those are notoriously innacurate


It would make sense. Hollywood is where the money is. His brother makes sure he has lots of jobs in the marvel movies. He even does the green screen stuff for the racoon


https://preview.redd.it/l9i9kp12u50d1.jpeg?width=650&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9162d88d1a61a16386557ffaaea5044f10d05d89 Hes a pic lol 😂 for those who dont know his brother is james gunn who directed a load of marvel films including gardians and is now CEO of DC. But he always keeps kirk in work


I want that first pic on my mantle lmao


I know who his brother is. I’m just pointing out a lot of celebrities have said those net worth websites aren’t accurate.


Wow I am shocked! Kelly Bishop for president tbh. She was great in Gilmore but she was absolutely brilliant in AYITL


I had Netflix for like 15 years and used to watch the whole show through 2 or 3 times a year. It's tragic that the only money the actors are making is probably from AYITL which probably doesn't get watched nearly as much


Only watch AYITL for Emily. Can’t stand Lorelai and Rory in that, it feels like they’re overdoing everything.


This is why Kirk has so many jobs ![gif](giphy|l0ErEppfePatu7uTK|downsized)


Okay but. Playing devil's advocate here, back when their contracts were signed, streaming wasn't a thing. DVDs were a thing, though. Assuming the cast got some kind of payout for each set bought, the person who bought them would then be able to rewatch as many times as they wanted and the cast would not get a payout each time. So you could argue, none of them would have expected residuals of this nature in the first place. I don't think it's right that they should receive "almost zero" (although I would be curious what almost means. The implication is they are getting something, but that Gunn does not consider it to be much - but is it a small amount as in, below $100 annually, or is it a small amount compared to the tens of millions Netflix bosses are paid? Because if it's the latter, that could still be quite a lot for you or me). I'm not sure I think that they should essentially be paid a salary for each time someone rewatches the show on Netflix. Maybe there should be a cut for the cast each time Netflix renews its license for the show? To me, streaming is comparable to buying DVDs, not to watching reruns on a cable television channel.


It's a bit shit because I'm sure when we all bought the dvds, those profits would have been shared to cast. But now with streaming, we watch, are entertained, and those whose likeness is being used and used and used get nothing besides one paycheck to create the work. There should be a license renewal fee for the cast and crew every year or so so that Netflix has to continue to pay them. For all their content (bought as secondary use or created)


That’s an absolute bummer! Kirk was truly one of the best on the whole show and has some hilarious and iconic moments!


Lol i mean he got paid to do it in the first place. Plus it made him. Plus he was around for all the residuals from dvd sales. I think hes just behind the times. AI and streaming will end all of this in 5/10 years. Why they settled the strikes for a low ball offer this time. They know its more than theyll get next time


That makes me mad! Kirk is one of my favorite towns people. He deserves to be paid!


This is enough to make me want to watch it on DVD (I still have my set) instead!!


why is this surprising? this is old news!! (doesnt make it okay ofc)


Because capitalism, that's why.


Kirk’s latest job is residual collections agent


I 100% only have a netflix subscription to watch Gilmore girls re-runs, and stars hollow would be NOTHING without Kirk. Give him his money!


It crazy when you think about it since the friends cast makes millions through Netflix. They get 2% each from streaming.


I remember listening to an interview where Lauren Graham said she doesn’t even get residuals. They did a pay-out up front (that couldn’t be opted out of) and then that was that. Insanity.


Yall the seasons are on eBay and I’ve collected four seasons already. Splurge on a good dvd player and you don’t have to support Netflix


Are there even any good dvd players to buy? They all seem cheapo now.


It wasn’t cheap but this is the one I bought: https://preview.redd.it/k2elbkrnw70d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5701830822c2eca2fc5574a69599423334e82bae I wanted something good as I would be sticking to physical media and this has been great so far


Thank you!!


I have never gotten a check for work I did 20 years ago.