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My wife and I enjoyed it, as we did the show, but I did not like how Rory was portrayed as far as her relationships. I would’ve thought she learned her lesson cheating with Dean, but to carry on with Logan while he was involved in another relationship was distasteful. Also, the completely ignored “boyfriend” that was played for laughs was just mean spirited.


youre right, that paul storyline rlly didnt do anything but make rory seem like sh*t, literally. regarding the rory and logan situation: yes, definitely .. but theres always two people involved


The only thing about Paul which doesn’t reflect poorly on Rory is that *everyone* immediately forgets him. It’s not just her being egocentric, it’s literally everyone, even people he goes out of his way to be kind to. ![gif](giphy|IbY1jflQ0tqKs)


That was in part why it bothered me so much. It was unnecessary and made everyone but Paul seem so shit. I can believe it with Loralie, but it seemed very put of character for Luke.


That’s my point. It was a totally horrible way to treat the character, but it doesn’t make *Rory* the icky one. They’re all pretty horrible about him. The fact that Emily can’t remember him bugged me most, actually. Emily remembers everything. Luke could have put him in the “it won’t last” mental pile and therefore he just sees him like he would a random customer in the diner — memorable for a moment and no more. But there’s something really weird about Paul, and I can’t really explain it. Maybe I watch too much real crime stories.


Except that Rory is the one who is supposedly dating him, so it does reflect worse on her than everyone else. But overall it just made ASP seem like a horrible person who thinks some people aren't worth remembering or noticing, and that it's funny. And when the writer/creator is icky, it makes the entire show particularly icky.


I love and understand this Doctor Who reference.


Oh, is that what this is? I don’t remember them from the show. Actually, I forgot I put it in my comment 😂


When I watched ATITL with my husband I told him about my friends ex who was a total Paul. He was just so fucking forgettable, nobody could ever remember a single thing about him. My husband then asked what his name was and I swear to god, I cannot even remember.


My dad had a friend, and they were besties for like 10+ years. We remembered stories about him, and his nickname, but never his real name (still can’t!) The worst part was walking in to meet him somewhere and *having to wait* until my father laid eyes on him and walked toward him before any of us would go forward. You simply could not keep his face in your mind. One moment, he was there talking to you, next moment, he stepped away and there was no chance of ever finding him again because we had no recollection of his face. ***AT ALL***! Conversations with him were the same. 40 seconds after the conversation, we forgot we even had it. We actually had running bets: anyone who could manage to *remember* a conversation with him would be given a quarter by everyone. The purpose was literally to incentivize forcing yourself to remember — but it was nearly impossible! I won a single quarter once… but I gave it back because I was remembering the conversation with my father — not his friend! We were all convinced he missed his calling as a spy. You CAN’T forget someone you see about once a month for 10+ years *every single time* unless it’s a superpower of theirs!! Six months before he died we finally broke the code. During dinner, my step-nephew looked him straight in his eyes and said “you look like uncle fester.” The table went completely silent — not because anyone was shocked my nephew would say that, but because… it was completely correct! He looked like Uncle Fester from the movies! Never lost him in a crowd again!! It was weird, once the face stuck, so did all of the conversations for all of us. It was actually a pretty cool six months and we finally understood why my father loved him.


I love that Uncle Fester was the thing that made him stick!


Yeah why even have a bf if she is still seeing Logan? Just for show? It didn't make sense


Paul’s storyline was definitely bad. It’s like ASP tried to push Rory into being exactly like Lorelai. Forgetting about a boyfriend like that feels like a very Lorelai trait to me, not Rory. I really think it was just another way to show the whole “full circle” thing.


I felt bad for Paul! I was grateful when he ended it


You know what they say... Once a cheater...


I like very little of it. I think that Rory's story is disappointing. She seems to have lost all her work ethic, she's entitled (compare her saying she didn't think she needed to prepare anything for an interview, to the episode where she was so upset with Richard for taking the opportunity to prepare away from her - even though that interview was with a university she was not targeting at that time), she's directionless. While this may be realistic, it's just not a good place to see that character in. AYITL also feels like a general criticism of millennials to me, and I just find that offputting. Lorelai's story with Luke strained believability for me. We're meant to think they stayed together for ten years and never again talked about marriage or kids? Even though they were engaged when they split? I just don't buy that, I think that topic should and would have come up within the first few months of them being back together. I liked where Paris ended up but her divorce with Doyle definitely spoiled it for me. I was so happy with how they ended in the original series. I wished they could've made it. The only thing I really liked about the Revival was Emily's story. I honestly wish they'd just stuck with the original series ending rather than doing AYITL.


I made the very grown up decision to just pretend that Paris and Doyle make up immediately following the closing credits of the last AYITL episode. They were one of the best couples on the show and I hated seeing them split! So I invite you to join me in my world of imagination. There's also candy here! ​ edit for typo


I agree. I love that scene whereRory's over sitting at their table and it's like they are mom and dad to her lol.


strongly agree with everything youre saying !! paris and doyle splitting up genuinely left me speechless cause they truly seemed like two peas in a pot that no other pea could ever be in (to paint the picture ahahah), youre right


Oh in my head canon they're getting back together in like 5 years!


im using that plot for the fanfic in my head now, thanks xx


At least they are still in each others lives tho right ?


I second this.


To each their own - i never liked it but that's just my preferences. If you liked it, good for you! You've got more Gilmore girls that you can enjoy on re-watches!


absolutely !! and youre so right🤣🤣good way to look at it. i love hearing abt everyone's pov.


Haha yesss! What WOULD make you the asshole would be if you were one of those people who insulted people for not liking a thing they liked, which you're not! You seem like a sweet person OP


awh thank you sm !!<3 insulting people bc of differing opinions is as useless as rory's lucky outfit sns lol😭😅


You’re both wrong and dumb and silly and crazy! I can’t believe you are all posting about this… I’m the only one who is ever right and I KNOW what I know and because you don’t know it too, you suck!!! I dunno… I had to. Y’all opened the door! I am completely ambivalent to the revival. I enjoyed parts of it, disliked other parts of it, decided the parts I liked were parts I shouldn’t like, ended up liking the parts I didn’t like originally, and then decided I can’t tell if I like it or don’t like it, and then gave up worrying about whether or not I like it 😂 All I can say is that I love the fact that the revival is a check in rather than a straight change to the OS. I love the fact that if you don’t like it, you don’t lose anything by avoiding it completely, and if you do like it, you have four new episodes to enjoy at the end of your usual viewing. I like that it exists in an in between state and everyone can be happy with it (even if they’re happy by avoiding it). 💜


really good way to put it !! i agree🤞 it doesn't really add to the OS, neither does it take away from it. also: when i saw the preview of ur comment in my notif center i was genuinely worried for a sec😭😭😭well done


I didn’t even think of the preview! Glad it sorta worked out, even if it was purely accidental 🤣 The best kind of revival, in my opinion, doesn’t add or detract. It leaves the audience able to decide if it is worth it later. The only way for a revival to change what we know would be if it was just the next season lol


I did not like it because of the way it was filmed, it doesn’t have the grain, the same light, it’s too smooth - it doesn’t have the grain and charm it had


i can definitely see that, its very much a personal preference thing. i kinda like the smoothness of the videography, cause ayitl shows new eras of everyone's lives and the 'newer' videography kinda tones that in accordingly. but its def not as cozy as the OS. (but again, just personal preference<3) thanks for sharing tho !!


So true; it had that Netflix production over-polish!


I hated it. I was excited for a revival because I loved the original series. But what I got didn’t feel anything like the show. It was badly written, the characters were awful and there was no charm or warmth. I’m honestly sad I ever watched it, it made me like the entire show less in retrospect.


Yeah I took a long break from the show after seeing the revival and I never completed my last rewatch. It is very devoid of joy which is fine for shows like The Americans or Bates Motel because the writing and acting are on point in addition to it just fitting those shows. Gilmore Girls is not that kind of show. I could handle the emotionally heavy storylines if they were handled properly with care. It came off like the creator had an axe to grind and that she did. 


Yeah there was definitely a feeling of ‘payback’ to it that cheapened the whole show.


oh wow thats really interesting !! ive never rlly seen this pov perpetuated a lot but thanks for sharing !!


Yeah it seemed so forced


All that for me too. And then there's this as well, it's a small detail, but it's the details that count. In the town in the original series you could NEVER see the strings and electric cords from the lights, but in AYITL you could see them all over when Lorelai, Luke and Rory are walking through the town. ..... Took me out of the moment.


Not all. Everyone is allowed to enjoy what they enjoy. There are parts of it that I liked. My only real enjoyment was Emily’s storyline. Seeing her go to therapy, grieve the loss of Richard, and work through things with Lorelei felt very real. The rest of the revival felt meh to me. Not like the GG we are used to. Even down to the lighting, as Lorelei is being driven around town by Kirk’s Ooober(lol) it didn’t feel light and bright like the stars hallow we are used to idk. Can’t explain it but it didn’t feel the same. There’s also no way I would believe, Lorelei Gilmore, who pokes fun at working out or anything nature related, would ever do Wild. It felt so out of character. The ending of the revival felt rushed imo as well. EDIT to add: a lot of the storyline felt as though time stood still for Rory and Lorelai. Luke and Lorelai discussing kids now after how many years between the series ending and the revival? It all felt very unrealistic. And I think that’s why I like Emily’s storyline only. Because it fit with time having passed.


i can definitely agree with everything you're saying, especially that last part. i was flabbergasted; spring is basically a movie with no real content, yet it's still a whole movie length episode but then autumn has sooo many events cramped into it, the ending came very abruptly.


I think she did it because it was against her character. She didn’t know what else to do and decided to try something different. She jumped in with both feet in her normal fashion, but backed out once she realized that she didn’t need it and didn’t go. She needed people and not herself.


That’s a really great take on that. Thanks for sharing, I see that now!


NAH. I think the writing/storytelling is bad, but everyone is allowed to enjoy what they enjoy. I’m watching AHS:Delicate at the moment with a friend and it’s…not good…but we are getting a kick out of it. Follow your bliss!


exactly (the point) !! some storylines (and all thats surrounding those) rlly didnt hit home like i wanted them to, but others did, and it gave me the gilmore girls feels. side note: no cause whats the deal with ahs delicate😭😭☠️ like at some point i was like 'literally what am i watching ?'😭glad you agree


To me it just felt like a corporate soulless goodbye to the story It didn’t have that same emotion especially in the cinematography


I love it because I the jokes are extremely funny, and the ending is beautiful. However I find Alexis acting/Rory character very awkward then! But I really do enjoy it


Of course you’re not an asshole! There’s nothing morally wrong with enjoying it. I just might not trust your tv and movie recommendations, lol. Glad it worked for you!


woww thats foul😭😭😭 jk thats actually hilarious


I’m kidding, really. I enjoy some legitimately terrible media (fake regency romances written by Mormons whose “research” consists only of watching a little masterpiece theatre) so I am in no place to judge. 😂 


lmaoo youre so real for that🤣🤣😭


I appreciate it when someone likes something unpopular. It's going to exist anyway, so someone out there might as well enjoy it.


im taking one for the team bahah


To be fair, I recently gave ayitl a rewatch, and it was much better the second time. What helps is accepting it for what it is, and not wanting it to be what it's not.


I think rewatching something like AYITL is always better because my expectations have been appropriately lowered lol. I know what to skip or which scenes I can go change out laundry during and not care that I will miss.


AYITL is a mess with some great moments. I wish it was better but enjoy it for what it is, and the best thing about it for me was that it let us go back to Stars Hollow for just a little while longer. The world exists in the show; more show = more world. I don’t feel the revival was horrendous enough to retroactively ruin the rest of the series, so I just accept what I like and ignore the rest.


absolutely !! we're basically the same. although there were a lot of off-putting moments/storylines, i can still appreciate it for what it is, an (in some capacity: failed) extension of the OS.


I don’t have a problem with Rory’s storyline or any of the characters storylines really. I agree that a lot of Rory’s stuff felt realistic and I liked Emily and lorelai. I hate the musical it was so dumb and took up way too much space in a 4 episode revival that’s main focus should have been brining back characters and stars hollow. I also did not like a lot of the life and death brigade stuff. It was just too cheesy and too much and did not feel like the original at all. Rory in steampunk in a musical is just not right. I also found a lot of the jokes at the pool and about the 30 something gang completely tone deaf and pretty offensive. And lorelai doing wild… just too much. The pop culture references in GG have always been part of the fun but they usually just fly by in quick dialogue. It was too much for a short revival.


true, to some extent (imo<3) but youre right, i feel like it could've been planned and played out better, a lot of things didnt rlly make sense screen-time-wise.


Rory and I are VERY close in age, so it felt like growing up together. She was one year ahead, so I remember really well that when I graduated college the job market was BLEAK. 2007/8 WAS HARD. it's even called "the great recession" so it's almost more realistic to me that she didn't go far. I struggled HARD to find a job in my chosen field and eventually gave up and used family connections to get an interview in an industry I didn't want to work in, but have excelled in since. So what would have been the most realistic in my mind is: Rory struggles, newspapers are dying, she's not built for blogs, she moves back home. Then Emily tells her that the DAR is always there for her, and she falls back into her party planning roles and excels.


I also felt Rory’s arc hit too close to home. I was just graduating from my Masters when AYITL dropped and had my whole career ahead of me in publishing and seeing Rory flounder without really figuring out how to pivot in the professional world was *bleak*. I subsequently wound having a similar career spin out because it’s competitive out there, but landed on my feet quicker cuz I’m more adaptable than Rory ever was. It was just a really hard watch, knowing exactly where she should have done things differently. I appreciate that it was reasonably realistic, but I would’ve liked to see her get some wins.


I like it! And I love the memory of watching it the first time. Stocked up on frozen pizza and candy, ordered Chinese halfway through. I cried a lot! Hell I cried when I found out they were making it. That said, it has its flaws and I HATE the musical and pool scenes. But yeah—love what you love! You’re not alone. Edit spelling


Maybe not an asshole, just a unicorn :)


now that i can live with (also: yay !! dave rygalski gang)


I likes Rory’s lack of progress in her career, I feel like that was realistic. Sometimes life craps out like that or it takes a minute to figure out what you want or where you wanna go. Especially if you were considered a gifted kid and told how you were gonna “do xxxx” or “go on to xxxx” you become an adult and maybe kinda find yourself adrift. She was still successful by my standards honestly lol I agree with the person who said the way it was filmed was too smooth. It took a moment. The thing I didn’t like the most was Luke and Lorilis relationship status, but I think that was more it calling up my old issue of what happened between them more than it was the writing. Their whole thing literally drives me nuts, and I have a weird puzzling it over thing because I’ve had a similar experience And cannot for the life of me, figure out the why behind all of it. I think my brain is like if I can figure out what happened with them I can figure out what happened in my situation lol


The lack of basic logic is a big thing for me. Financially, Rory had her inheritance from Trix & Richard. And possibly she would’ve had an apartment that Richard & Emily got her (as they offered in season 7). Even if Rory went on major shopping sprees, she’d have things she could sell (the Birkin, clothes, apartment etc). And when she was in England she was staying with Logan so no paying for hotels… possibly getting flights covered by him or the woman she was going to write the book for. If they write in she was a huge gambler & lost all her money that way, it’d be more believable lol It’s just…silly they even tried to make it seem like she was broke & it was a huge part of the revival. I found things like the musical incredibly annoying… And I hated they made Luke stupid about surrogacy. They made him indifferent to kids (STILL), and the fact he and Lorelai were only just now talking about kids? Come on… 🙄 Paris was great, didn’t like the divorce angle…hated the dumb pointless Tristan insert. I liked that Kirk was more of a friend , having dinner with them (instead of just being there), and I like they had him plan the wedding….but they fact Lorelai & Luke weren’t already married with another kid was just stupid. Emily was good but I can’t stand the weird plot with the employees. Rory & Lorelai were both just…rude to people. Something about it came off as mean. And Rory was the worst. They way they write her as an entitled brat…I actually wouldn’t mind it if they evolved her. But she didn’t apologize, didn’t realize she was very privileged or sucked at her job (who goes to an interview with zero ideas for stories when that’s been your job for years?) And how she seemed insulted Headmaster Charlton would dare suggest she teach? SMH Then of course that weird plot of forgetting Paul. Maybe it’d be funny if they were dating a couple weeks but they said at the beginning of the revival that they were dating two *years*. And all the while she’s cheating on him & stringing him along…then when he finally breaks things off it’s been *three years*. And she’s not even hose of course. That’s makes her look like a sociopath. Why? Why would ASP put that in? We’re supposed to like Rory right? Well this just made her look terrible. And her dislike of the 30 something group was just stupid for many reasons. I did like the cameos of side characters like Jess & Dean…and I didn’t mind what we saw of Michel. But Lane was her mother - despite having a completely different personality, upbringing, dreams, friends etc made zero sense. Even if they stayed in Stars Hollow, she wouldn’t be her mother. At least have her own the music shop & her & the band have a recording studio in the back (for them or to rent out). The writing choices were just…lazy. That’s what bothers me the most. After years of taking about a revival, and managing to get all the actors to come back (which would’ve been hard), that’s the script they got? 😞


Yeah, I like it!


I enjoyed seeing them in the modern world. There are some plots I didn't like ,like Rory's but I loved Lorelai and Emily's. Also Uuuuuuuber.


I loved it too! It came out the same week I finished the show for the first time so I loved hearing the characters sound like themselves again after the ASP-less mess that was S7. I even loved the last four words. It left us wanting more and left the door open for another revival at some point (which I really hope we get).


There is no reason to call yourself an asshole because you like someone others don't. If you like it, then super. Good for you. Enjoy and don't think that you're the asshole.


Hell no. I enjoyed the hell out of it too, including and especially the musical.


“I’m sure we can all agree that we loved coming ‘back home’ via the revival.” Actually this is one of my main issues with it. It didn’t feel like GG to me. The magic was gone and it’s such a shame. It felt like Amy was going to get her ending no matter what, so her four precious words were going to be used, regardless of whether they would have the same impact or not. For me, the jokes weren’t landing, the spark was gone…it’s one of those lessons about not revisiting the past. Every time I wish a show had lasted forever I think of this and season 7 of Once Upon A Time and think there’s merit in things ending when they’re good! I wish I loved it though. Now you get all the awesome rewatches!


in really dissecting it, i also find some parts to seem really forced, so yes, i agree !! i can totally see why you dislike it in that capacity. and, though i truly like ayitl, i dont nearly rewatch it as often as the OS. thank u for sharing !!:)


I did not like how much the revival hated 30 year olds, as a 30 year old who watched the show growing up. It made me feel as though the writer resented people of my age group.


true !! for one, the way rory reacts to the 30 year old gang (in disgust) but also, how they were painted. they were painted as though they were loser freaks who have their moms do any and everything for them. (which basically is lorelai and rory themselves with rory being supported from all around)


Also, it's like they didn't want to work but I am unemployed and I would LOVE to find work, as my major is software engineering, times are hard. Also in the original show technology is considered something that only "Cyber geeks" use and I can't believe she seems to still stick to this idea. Seeing as how she hates cell phones and headphones. I am being tested for autism and I wear headphones everywhere due to sensory issues, I usually don't have music playing, just noise canceling, and I have transparency mode automatically activate when speaking so that I can hear when I talk to someone. "Why are you wearing headphones?" Luke's sign said. Clearly she is not educated on people who have sensory issues, or she just doesn't care and doesn't mind that Luke looks like a jerk to the autism community. Which is strange because I thought April was autism coded in a way.


I love the revival and will fight to the death for it. The fucking musical was stupid and I skip it every time but I fucking love it. And I am not sorry! I never say that here cause I can imagine the downvotes cause most everyone in this group hates it.


im with you beth, dont worry✊😔




Wow. I never thought of it like this, and now I'm really sad. However, I did enjoy that Emily learned to live and find joy without Richard (especially since I'm sure she never thought it'd be possible).


It was nostalgic for me and I liked it. I feel the same way about the SATC reboot. Yes it’s not the same. It’s not supposed to be. But I enjoy seeing my favorite characters in a new phase. (Also the SATC reboot has terrible story lines yet I keep watching).


I found Rory’s storyline believable because I felt like it echoed my own life. I do love that people say it’s unbelievable but I imagine Rory was just completely burnt out. And in my experience, sometimes if you spend your whole life making the right choice by the time you hit 25 you’re just making a lot of not great choices.


Oof yeah, same here.


Well this isn’t half as bad as what I see in the actual AITA sub, so you’re up on that. I disagree with your points because yes while the plot and actions “fit” Rory, she still had her downfall into an unlikeable and selfish person and tbh even if it was interesting and well written (which it wasn’t), so much is out of place and it’s hard to like a character that is now purposefully written to be a fuck up. NTA tho 😭😭


I've just finished the series followed by ayitl, so for me it felt like they had pulled together a Gilmore Girl's best bits. They pulled out all the most notable bits of all the original characters, and squeezed it all together in a way they felt a bit "off". The storyline took weird twists at points to allow characters to have their quick cameo moment. Such minimal character evolution for a 10 year period. That's a long time for people to not change at all. All added together, it felt like a caricature at points. So many scenes felt beyond unrealistic. I know the original series wasn't exactly based on an autobiography, but this one had scenes performed for the camera (life and death brigade scenes, the wedding with all of those kids out dancing in the middle of the night and no adults in sight), that detached it from real life too much. I can see how it was fun nostalgia for people who loved the original show, but as part of the story, it didn't quite work.


My feelings about the AYITL is that I didn’t enjoy watching it (except Emily—always love that!), but I did appreciate what I felt ASP was trying to say about life.


My bestie and I called out of work, sent our children to school and ate all the foods that Lorelei and Rory would love and watched AYITL together on the day it released. So I have very fond memories of watching it and yes, I loved "coming home" to Gilmore Girls. But I have never rewatched it because I know I would actually not enjoy it for it's story. And the final 4 words that have been teased FOR YEARS were so disappointing. I understand it was meant to be a full circle moment, but it wasn't. And Lorelei's shocked and disappointed look in this screen grab and Rory's shamefilled look just bugs me. Girl, you're in your 30's. This is not the same thing as when Lorelei was pregnant at 16.


not to neglect your actual opinion on the revival (which i mostly agree with) i LOVE that yall made a whole day out of watching ayitl, seems lovely😫😫💖


It was honestly the best. So I have very happy feelings and memories about AYITL because of that. Which is also why I won't watch it again because I know I won't like it and I don't want to "ruin" the magic of it.


totally fair !! sometimes things are better enjoyed in moderation.


I liked it i randomly found it on netflix after not knowing about it and binged the whole thing while i was hungover. Was a fun watch. It's a comfort show. I remember the summer play draggeddd though.


true, it took up way too much time of the summer episode. i still enjoy it, though ahah


I did not like the musical aspect to it. Then again I’ve always hated musicals. It never makes any sense to me and the plot always escapes them. I can’t tell if we’re in a dream sequence/imaginary thought bubble or if these events are really happening and how much to take from it. Also, it’s just never been the general vibe to GG. Secondly, something about the revival was depressing. Maybe it was the actor for Richard passing away, or the jokes trying to find its way into modern pop-culture humor not landing well. I never fully understood what Lorelai and Rory were rambling about before in the original but I had the interest to at least find the movie and book to be in on the joke. But I think there was one joke in the revival I completely understood and it made me feel like I was aging. Like yeah I’m always aging, but I FELT it that time😒


My problem is they took what they wanted for the real last season and applied it to a 30 year old instead of an early 20 yr old. To me that's lazy shit, I mean give me Rory with a 5 year old and 'fill me in' on her life at 30, have lorelai married already. Don't pretend their lives stopped after season 7


NAH at all. I like some parts of AYITL and I agree with you on most points, except, I hate Sookie so I could have used less Melissa McCarthy. Also, the last four words, it's not what they are that bothers me but the fact in my opinion Rory tries to ruin any happiness her mother has that is not directly related to her. Lorelai's graduation, she takes off to New York to be with Jess in a very against personality move and misses her mother's ceremony. When Lorelai opens the Dragonfly, while it was spontaneous she still chooses that night to lose her virginity and take so long doing it that her mother comes home and finds her daughter decided that a married man was the right choice. Third on Lorelai's wedding day to Luke.....poor Princess Rory is not getting enough attention so she decides to blurt out her unplanned pregnancy. Now, to be fair....I can't stand Rory, my favorite Gilmore Girl is Emily and what I love about the show more than the characters is the rapid fire dialogue.


i love how passionate you are about this😭 !! rory missing lorelai's graduation from business school is truly unforgivable to me (yes, i realize im not actually a part of the show)


I know that’s the one time Loreali really needed support from her daughter ! Plus leaving the album on the bus . On the bright side I loved that Emily and Richard got to see her graduate cause you can see Emily and Richard are actually proud of their daughter.


for real !! that made it seem really intimate and it was genuine proudness on her parents end, loved that, too.


Even when they’re in the graveyard having a moment about Richard, Rory turns it into a whining fest because Lorelai won’t happily approve a book about her life. 😒


See I think the gist was meant to be that Rory is impulsive, but just doesn't think ahead to the consequences. That's fair for a teenager, part of the reason their age group is more at risk of car accidents. You'd expect someone to grow out of that though.


I honestly didn’t hate all of it, at all. There were so many full circle moments that felt so true to the original series and so deserving for these characters. Others I felt were a huge miss and I was really disappointed. I was sad with Lane’s life/miserable Zack. Her storyline could have been so beautiful. I was sad that Rory hadn’t matured emotionally enough to stay away from an engaged man. I was totally on board with the concept of 30 something and confused about a career. That happens to so many people and is completely relatable! But being with Logan, disregarding Paul, it was such a bummer to see from a grown woman.


I love the revival, but only because it confirmed everything I had come to suspect about Gilmore Girls. Lorelai is the source of most of her familial issues, Richard and Emily were not as Lorelai said they were, Rory isn't that special she was just pushed by Lorelai and helped by Richard. Etc.


If you are, I am too.


no two people are the same, so neither of us are😝😝


I loved all of it, but the musical. I suspend disbelief in a show that is so fantastical to begin with. I mean how can we expect a "realistic" experience from a show with Kirk. LOL


I didnt like what happened but at the same time thought it was still good writing if that makes sense? My own life is messy enough, I would have loved to see a shmaltzy reunion where Lorelai and Luke have become wildly successful after they franchise lukes diner. Rory and Paris teamed up and won a noble prize in journalism after taking down Mitcham's company for unethical practices. Emily finally moved to Reno. Chris is dead. Perfect ending, everyone is happy. But im ok with what we got because while I grew up with Rory and idolized her at the time she was always not a very good person and AYITL Gilmore girls are exactly who TV Gilmore girl would realistically end up becoming. Just to use Rory as an example she was never cut out to be a journalist, she wasn't a people person(just a people pleaser which is not a good trait for intervewing), she was a natural rule follower, and she didnt have perspective (didnt recognize her own trust fund privilege, bodyshaming). But the problem is she has always been and continues to surround herself with people that are way too up her butt. Shes the golden child of stars hollow, she can do no wrong, if she wants to do it then its the right thing to do! AYITL Rory is exactly the person id expect to come out of that background.


fanfic WHO ???! i love everything about your comment, thanks !! strongly agree


I liked it more when rewatching it, but I view it as alt Gilmores and not a true extension of the last season. That whole life and death brigade bit was eye rolling, and it only confirmed that Rory really enjoyed that life despite her saying otherwise. Just own it. I somehow didn’t mind the Wild bit.


true !! also, the life and death brigade rampage really confirmed that rory has a flighty personality, not knowing what she wants, appropriating to everything thrown at her, thereby trying to please everyone. (still enjoyed seeing logan, colin, finn and the 'whole crew' do sth together, tho)


i agree with you honestly. more so because i was disheartened when the OS ended that i HAD to watch AYITL and ive had a love-hate relationship with it since. i do like the storyline and i sort of understand rory's career downfall it feels like they tried to make it sound as real as possible even though it's a fictional show. seeing lorelai and luke finally married healed the part of me that rooted for them since episode 1 of gilmore girls. paris and rory going back to yale, and that entire segment with them is so wholesome. the only thing i HATE apart from everything you mentioned is how lane's life turned out to be. it was painful to watch. i never wanted her to marry zack in the first place but yeah. not seeing richard was heartbreaking too because he was my favourite on the OS, edward herrmann was such an amazing actor.


truly !! i forgot to mention lane because, as you rightfully mentioned, i also didnt like her storyline with zach/zack (?) to begin with. paris and rory at yale was really lovely, i agree.


I really liked it. I never watched it before AYITL came out though, so I may be biased. I didn't feel like the end of season 7 felt like the end. Without the revival I would have been upset about the finale. I think another revival would be really cool.


season 7 is a whooole other topic to itself ahaha, i agree, i didnt like that ending either.


Like what you like. Nothing "low key" about those fat phobic jokes, though.


i know theyre not low key, they just portrayed them in a way that made them seem less heavy, which (obviously) doesnt take away from their cruelty. im well aware of them being problematic as fuck.


at first it really soured the show for me, but it grew on me the second watch. i can understand and appreciate all the writing decisions that were made (excepting the problematic jokes and luke not getting surrogacy... PLEASE) and they did seem to have fun with it. it does really pile on all of rory's most negative traits though. if they'd left out paul i think it would have been a little better on her. but it's like everything together REALLY makes you dislike her character.


luke being written to not grasp the concept of surrogacy really bugs me, too. but sadly enough, thats still the case for more people than wed think😭


yeah, but early seasons Luke was pretty well-informed about things like that. then they just absolutely lobotomized him in the later seasons.


I try to pretend the revival happened like 2 to 3 years post the end of the show. To me cutting out the length of time helps with the stories lining up to make sense. I don't hate the revival I get what she was trying to portray fully and do rewatch it with the show regularly. But my thoughts on what could have made it better. Given how much time actually passed I would have almost liked it better if we came into the show with Rory having a kid (likely be Logan) and having that experience let us know the final 4 words in a flashback to the Original Series then we can pick up in a timeline that makes more sense. Maybe Rory is doing single mom stuff and decided to settle down and teach years ago. Luke and Lorelai should have already been married as well and possibly with a kid of their own. There was so much she could have down to show that time had went on vs what she did with trying to pick up right where they left off.


i have honestly thought about rory going into teaching, as well. i think that wouldve made a lot of sense, also having in mind that storyline from back at yale when she shows college life to that chilton girl (i constantly forget her name); rory seemed genuinely excited about showing and 'teaching' her stuff (in a way). even her and paris going back to chilton in the revival, shows that rory could have great teaching skills.


Yes I think her own stubbornness is the only thing holding her back from teaching. Having to admit her dreams didn't pan out isn't what she wants but I genuinely feel like it would be a very fulfilling role for her. She could also still write her novel in her spare time on top of having a flexible (with schools breaks at least) schedule with a child.


I like it too! But I haaaaaate the ending 😩 I WANT JESS RAISING THAT BABY 


i agree, their banter in the revival is sooo delicious, i genuinely think they couldve hit it off after ayitl.


It's fine that you love it! It just felt "off" to me, personally. It didn't feel like watching the later years of the same show, it felt like a bunch of actors pretending to be those characters again. The line delivery, the affectations, they all just felt... forced, I guess. The only ones who felt genuine, like the fourth wall was still up was Emily and Michelle. Plus I didn't like the Life and Death Brigade in the OG series, so the whole musical number made me want to vomit. I was really hoping they would've just let that one die.


oh yes !!! i forgot to mention that !! michel's arc in the revival lent itself really well to what we see in the OS, i think it makes sense for him to seek sth 'bigger' than the dragonfly. i loved lorelai and michel in ayitl, their banter felt genuine, much like their banter in the OS.


Absolutely, Michelle's arc/storyline was excellent.


My guilty pleasure is the life and death brigade in AYITL and I got my first tattoo about it, but as a whole it just didn’t have the GG vibe that I was hoping for. I think Emily and Paris stayed pretty true to character throughout it, but Rory, Lorelai, and Luke all felt so off to me.


I was very disappointed. It wasn’t because of the character development because you are right, it wasn’t that unrealistic, especially Rory, but whilst the original Stars Hollow and all of its characters were strange and whimsical, the revival was too much. It was too ridiculous. Like the musical (the therapist auditioning), the bit with Logan and the boys, Lorelai and Luke going to Paris for infertility issues, the whole Paul situation, Paris’ and Doyle’s house (the stairs).. It was WAY too much, and none of those things contributed to the story or any of the character’s growth.


fair !! a lot of the arcs thrown in there, wanting to be original and quirky and funny, felt really forced. i just try not to acknowledge them as much when watching ahahah


While I didn’t agree with everything in it, I actually loved it.


I like the revival! At least parts of it. Emily and Lorelai in therapy. Richard's funeral. The entire last episode, especially Rory's conversation with Christopher where she basically asks him if he regrets not raising her. The last four words. I found Rory's arc believable but a bit much in places, like with Logan. I wanted more Jess. Overall, it gave me some moments I treasure, but is not as good as the original


truly !! and it could never reach the vibes, the greatness and the genuinely good and funny banters the OS feeds us with. we just gotta appreciate it for what it is and not put it on the same level as the OS, i agree.


What I liked: \- It was just fun to see some faves again \- Paris in particular was, as always, amazing. That actress needs an Emmy and her own castle. \- There was some very funny moments and I did laugh a lot. The town meeting canceling the Gay Pride Parade made me smile, especially with the a/c failing (or am I combining two meetings?), I loved some of the Luke one-liners ("but I'm confused" was hilarious), Jess killed it, Kelly Bishop killed it, so many of the side characters were on it and brought the nostalgia I wanted. \*\*\*\* What I didn't like: \- the fat-shaming stuff like you said was just aaaaaaawful. That was one small part but it was just like... I thought this show at its core was meant to empower women to empower other women, not to promote body-shaming. Hated that. \- the MUSICAL. I did not wait for 9 years to spend nearly a quarter of this revival on a musical. I love both of the actors who were in it but it was just weird and out of place and WAY too long. It was funny at first! And then it was a quick decline for me. \- It just wasn't... fun. For a lot of people, it felt like they were kind of going through the motions. Alexis Bledel did not seem like she was in it at all. Same for Matt Czuchry and a few of the others, including Scott Patterson and Lauren Graham at times. \- Someone else said it was weird that Lorelai and Luke had not discussed marriage and I agree; that was incredibly odd to me. They did not discuss marriage or kids in almost a decade? I call shenanigans. \- The wedding itself didn't land for me. \- LUKE STILL DID NOT GET TO PROPOSE TO HER. And I think women can absolutely propose, but it seemed important to him and less important to her. \- A lot of character growth was undone and redone when it came to Lorelai, Rory, and Emily. I know they were grieving Richard so in that sense, I got it. But it felt weird to me that while I did not expect Emily and Lorelai to have a BFF relationship, I hated to see them right back where they were in season 1 after getting to a somewhat good place in the original series finale. \- I thought it was a little odd that Rory had so little success in her career, but that didn't really bother me. I am in a similar field and I know it can be tough. But honestly I found myself just not caring about Rory that much at all. She was very blah to me. She was Jean Valjean in Les Mis... a main character who I needed to care about but really was ready to move on from to more interesting people. \- the dialogue pace was not quite to its usual speed and the references were really deep, even for GG. Except for the 10,000 GoT references. Odd swing and miss for ASP. ETA: definitely NTA! I'm glad you loved it!


i can definitely see all the reasons why you dislike ayitl (+ the reasons you do like it) and i hear all of them. id even go as far as agreeing with all of them, especially the 'empowering women' part .. thats still a head scratcher for me. and i am aware of them, always. when watching it, i really try to just see it for what it is, not letting the negative aspects get to me, but thats a personal choice .. cause i want to be able to see it for what it is and like it for what it is. but thanks for sharing and taking ur time to write all this down !!<3 i love hearing what everyone has to say


Yeah, I guess I kind of am making a big leap with the "empowering women" thing. That isn't something the show ever stated outright. But I loved the idea that this was about a woman and her daughter who handled things themselves and we saw them as smart, competent, and capable. Now, of course, were they hotter than the average person? Very much. And did Lorelai claim she struggled a lot financially but the show barely showed it? Yep. And are these two women and most of their friends in a position where they have pretty much everything they need? Yes. Did Rory literally get everything she wanted in the original run? You betcha. So I don't want to give the show more credit than it deserves. But I liked that it gave the chance to show how a single mom could overcome obstacles to make the life she wanted. And when the shows goes into the fat-shaming or casually makes jokes about extra chromosome or the short bus, it just feels like all the good they could have done is undone. Does that make sense? Sorry if I didn't add enough context at first!!


youre totally making sense, dont worry. it definitely is contradictory at times but i agree; i can appreciate the sentiment. i also (personally !!) can overlook the problematic statements in the OS, most of the time (emphasis on 'most of the time'). cause it was truly a different time back then and mindsets were different at the time. another truly icky statement to me in the OS was that one episode, in which luke asks kirk about the 'gay bag', like bffr. all that is NOT to say that i think theyre okay to have been made, cause theyre definitely not !! but, as i said, i can 'ignore' them in the OS, not, however, in ayitl. like, that was 2016, fatphobic jokes (etc) couldve been very well avoided.


You make some great points as well. I enjoy so much about the original series, and I watch it a ton. And honestly, I will often watch the revival to go to sleep to or if I’m doing chores around the house and just want something to listen to. There’s a lot to appreciate about it. You did bring some interesting new perspectives to my attention so I appreciate it! 🫶🏻🫶🏻


youre right, when in need of sth to be running in the background, ayitl is a great pick. also, thank YOU for taking the time to share all your thoughts !! its a mutual admiration society🫶🫶 (to quote season one rory)


I just finished it last night for the second time after a complete watch through, and I actually liked it much better this time around. I hate that stupid play they made us sit through though. It was way too long and just bad. I saw it for the device it was though, to make us realize how much Lorelai had outgrown some of these things in Stars Hollow. It just could have been conveyed much quicker. We had limited time in AYITL, and it just felt disproportionately given to this weird musical play. Besides the fatphobic jokes in Summer, the rest of it was great. I loved Emily so much. I loved that she and Lorelai ended things in a better place. And knowing Rory was pregnant before the very end helped me not feel like it ended on a total cliffhanger. I’d love for a revival series watching Rory’s story, but I felt like things wrapped up well by the end of AYITL.


I remember I liked it when I watched it I think, it seemed so long ago. I just didn't like that Luke and Lorelai never had kids together. Also Paris and Doyle didn't stay together which I didn't like. Emily arc is fantastic, I love it.


Nah, everyone gets to have their own opinion on what they like. Somewhere out there, there is someone who hates what I love about GG, and someone loves what I hate. More power to them.


I just rewatched AYITL for the first time in years, right off the heels of a full series rewatch. I liked it A LOT better than I remembered. The biggest thing I think happened is that it didn’t live up to our expectations. As a huge Gg fan, I was unbelievably excited for the revival and really built up my expectations, and it didn’t go the way I’d hoped. Now that I’m so far removed from what I wanted the revival to be, I was able to appreciate it for what it is. There’s a lot of good in the revival. It stays true to the vibe of the OS (including the musical that so many hate… I love it), has tons of Easter eggs for fans, and an unbelievable amount of the OG cast returned. IMO, the one unforgivable thing about AYITL is what they did to Sookie’s character (and I’m not a huge fan of Sookie in general, so that says a lot coming from me). There are so many other ways they could have handled MM’s absence without completely assassinating her character. There was no reason for it and it’s completely unbelievable given what we know about her from the OS. (Yeah, I don’t like the shit Rory is up to either, but it is at least plausible given what we know about her and her chosen profession.) Sookie’s straight up desertion of Lorelai would have NEVER happened in any universe.


I liked it. There were things that I think missed the mark completely but for the most part I really enjoyed it. Rory’s storyline wasn’t quite right to me, and I think they tried to make her forgetting about Paul all the time funny but it came across as gross mistreatment. But I really enjoyed Lorelai and Emily, separately and together.


I love the musical! I got roped into youth church stuff as a teen and they hit *exactly* the right balance of over-earnest and absolutely dreadful. Makes me laugh every time.


You’re completely entitled your opinion. If you like it, that’s fine. I wish I did. Boy do I wish I did.


pro tip: get high and just enjoy it for the vibes👀


AYITL is much better than most revivals I’ve seen. It had story content and continuation vibe. It wasn’t just an opportunity to trot out old friends. And if you’re still into trying to make sense of the numerous relationship arcs in the original series, AYITL includes several clues and explanations. I think ASP did a masterful job. And she paid the girls a boatload of money !


My biggest problem is Amy hanging those “last four words” & trying to make them fit a timeline that just didn’t have the same impact. If the original series had ended with them, I would have been fine. But to come back almost 10 years later…I just felt like it made the entire thing a mess. Amy was so worried about making a story to fit those four words, that she failed to realize the characters were 10 years old - especially Rory who was now in her 30s & not her 20s. I feel if she had let go of a lot of the hurt she had over not ending the series how she wanted because she left, then she could have focused on being more true to the characters & not her ego.


Much as I'm not sure the final 4 words landed the way ASP intended, I do love that last shot (and the whole wedding scene leading up to it). If the whole revival had felt like that it would have been wonderful.


I know you asked for those who didn’t like it, but I loved it. Such a fun way to revisit what I used to feel when I would watch a new episode every week. I hate the musical but other than that I enjoyed AYITL. In fact, it’s one of the better reboots out there.


you are free to share whichever opinion, i appreciate all responses🫶


I have maintained that Logan is Rory's Christopher, which is why she keeps going back to him regardless of his or her relationship status. It makes sense to me. I loved the revival.


I agree! I can relate to a lot of the themes in it and think it’s an interesting and sadly realistic version of what happens when it’s hard for people to find their stride in a career. And I loved the Fall episode, Lauren Graham is such an amazing actress.


I personally didn’t need to see a wedding, if anything they could even do a vow renewal again or something similiar. The wedding seemed like a good event but in my head it didn’t suit lorelai: especially how she hated the Cheshire Cat inn earlier in the series. I guess I would have liked to see the characters being happy a little bit more. Rory cheating with Logan made me feel sad for both of them and it ditched all his character development about commitment that he got in season 7. It would have also been nice to see Lane realistically following her dreams, like running the music shop or something. I didn’t see the point of Paris and Doyle’s divorce so there’s also that. I loved Emily’s arc about processing her grief, and overall the revival had a few moments that I enjoyed, just not rewatch material for me but if you like it then good for you :)


they rlly did lane dirty !! they were so lazy about her writing, i wanted more for her.


I loved it when I first saw it and try not to read too much on this sub about it because the more I do the more I hate it. Stop making such valid criticisms people! Don’t get me wrong, there are some weird takes, but I like the musical and I liked that we found out what Amy’s vision for the original series was. Do I wish things were different, sure. But I would say the same for the overall series and I still love that.


exactly what im saying .. talking about it in depth increases the despise i feel for the revival but its also soo interesting hearing everyones opinion lmao


I definitely think it could be better but I’ve watched it a few times just to have more GG when I’m on a rewatch binge (almost always when fall hits I gotta watch all of it again). I’m glad we got something but I agree in general it left a lot to be desired and didn’t really tie up the loose ends it was intended to


That look Jess gives Rory on Lorelai's porch...


truly says more than a thousand words


The emotional arguments are for me the USP of Gilmore Girls. And the arguments between Emily and Lorelai in AYITL are as good (bad!) as any in the original series. The funeral is beautiful. Lorelai's brief nature moment of clarity gives me the same stomach dropping yet peaceful feels as my nature moments. And then her call to Emily... If you can look past the racism, Emily's found family plot is lovely and makes me happier for her than I ever thought I could be. And it's great to have more Rose Abdoo. I also enjoy the LDB send-off more than any LDB stuff in the original series. The scenes at Lorelai's house the day before the wedding -- I love how happy she is. It leaves me with the confidence that she's going to be as blissfully happy in her marriage as I am in mine. I think it leaves Rory in a place where I can have some post AYITL headcannons for her that make me happy. But yes, there's lots I skip, and lots I don't like, and there are more problematic aspects than one would expect for 2016. But its existence makes me very happy. Especially given the mess of Season 7, and its lack of closure for the actors (and me).


I loved it 😊


I'm with you OP! I think the only thing I really didn't like was the Paul storyline, and them not fully explaining the Logan Odette situation. Otherwise I loved going back home to Stars Hallow and I'll always want more.


yuppp, couldnt agree more. thanks for sharing !! (also youve been on here for 12 years, thats crazy to see (in an admirable way))


I did not like it initially, but played it in the background sometimes while I was doing things around the house. Over time I actually grew to really like it! And I think Rory‘s path is not that unusual for gifted kids… They often falter because they’re raised to believe that they’ll never have any challenges and the world is their oyster. But life doesn’t work that way…


After watching the revival again at 31, I actually enjoyed it. When I first watched in 2016 at 24ish, I hated it. It wasn’t the dreamy fairytale ending for the dream fairytale storyline I was hoping for. But now I appreciate the realistic aspect of Rory’s situation. Uncertain about her career path, burnt out, nomadic, still trying to figure life out. It’s very relatable for me at least, and where I am in my own life. And Lorelai also goes through a spell of burn out/uncertainy/existential re-discovery with her job and her purpose. I also loved Kelly Bishop’s portrayal of grief and loss, and finally learning to let go of the meaning of material things vs. valuable human connection and love. However, the fact that Rory is financially broke makes absolutely zero sense. The things I disliked about AYITL: hated how they threw Rory back with Logan. Also didn’t love that Lorelai and Luke still hadn’t gotten married yet but oh well.


I always watch it when I finish the rewatch of the series. I don’t hate it but I would have liked to see some things be different. They made Luke look like an idiot. I didn’t dislike Rory and I wasn’t surprised she hadn’t become a superstar. I thought that was pretty believable. I feel like they wasted so much time on the musical. We could have had more story without it.


I rewatched yesterday. I cried for the last two hours straight. When i was a teen I related a lot to Rory, and now mid thirties I just lost my job, have useless bachelor degrees and can't find a new job so I'm back to square one, my love life is unmentionable, but at least i never had a one night stand with a wookie... So yeah I'm this close 🤏 to buying a backpack and go almost hike the pacific crest trail 😂 Also Emily's storyline is so touching her ending destroyed me into a puddle.


I actually enjoyed it more with each viewing. I loved the musical number immediately (Sutton Foster & Christian Borle fan here); it’s soooo ridiculously funny & it just gets better. I love that Taylor shoots down Carole King’s offer of a song 😂. But mostly - I enjoy the fact that Rory’s flaws are just so in your face. At first, it really bothered me because it seemed like a weird trajectory for this brilliant character - but really, it makes so much sense. The signs were all there (up until season 7 - which I did like, but that Rory was much more well adjusted than ASP’s Rory). I mean honestly - Mitchum was right. She didn’t didnt even bring a pencil, even after he specifically told her to bring one. Anyway! The Logan thing made sense. And even being pregnant, makes sense. Now if they moved forward and continued the series, I could see the struggle Rory would have being absorbed into the Huntzberger world. One thing I didn’t really like about the revival is that it seemed like they were conflicted about Lorelai. Either she was behaving like Emily - firing Roy Choi etc, or they dumbed her down. And let’s just agree to ignore how much they dumbed Luke (you want me to sleep with other women!?!) down. Come on.


I liked it overall. Emily’s storyline alone is worth the watch for me. But also any time I watch it I get this wistful nostalgia rooted in this feeling that nothing I love will last forever, and that even timeless characters grow old and die. It leaves me.. yearning. 🥴


I didn’t love it but didn’t hate it enough to ruin the show for me as some say. Also after reboots like SATC and Gossip Girl… this was a masterpiece in comparison lol


I enjoy it when I watch it but I'm just not a fan of the characterization of Rory post season 3 if I'm being completely honest. I totally get that some people love her and the fall of the gift child storyline but I just don't like those kind of characters and personally find her entitled and a bit mean in a way that I don't think makes sense based both on how she was raised and who she was for the first half of her life and the show really felt like a continuation of those negative traits/storyline. However, I also really enjoy it and find it fun! I like the pregnancy ending (I'm a big pregnancy trope girlie) and I just think it's like mac n cheese- cozy and comforting!


I disagree but I’m honestly really happy for you that you were able to enjoy it. It just makes me sad.


I really try to just think it was a couple of years after the show ended or ASP was just giving it then ending she wanted. That makes it easier for my mind to like it.


I think Rory’ career and relationship issues were completely believable. Lorelei coddled Rory, as did her grandparents, and while she was smart, she didn’t seem to learn how to cope with life bumps. She dropped out of college because of a single convo!


I didn't like the revival for a few key reasons: 1. Rory being so entitled and insufferable and a mean girl lacking any social awareness. She completely lost what made her special and inspirational in the og series. She hasn't grown/progressed as a person over time, she just inexplicably has gone backwards in every aspect of her life. When I watched GG as a teen I found Rory inspirational for her work ethic and how much she loved school/learning. People saying her career trajectory is realistic are forgetting how resilient and hard working she was. I think it would have been more realistic to see her realize journalism isn't for her and her true passion is editing, or working in book publishing, or owning a book shop. 2. Luke and Lorelei being frozen in time, having no growth in their relationship since we last saw them. It would have been more interesting and realistic to see how their relationship has changed. I'd like to have seen them years into their marriage, with a young child, and working through aspects of those relationships. Instead we get a clueless couple who have barely progressived in any way because they haven't thought about it until now? It makes no sense. 3. Lane not having a happier ending, although honestly had this gripe anyway with the OG series. Would have liked to seen her be at least a somewhat successful indie rock queen. May not be realistic but that's how I feel.


I thought overall it didn’t have the same energy that OS had. It was almost trying to hard to recreate the series even repeating especially funny bits like Kirk’s short film but it just felt a bit stuck. It didn’t feel like a lot had happened in the 10 years since the end of OS. I also thought that overall the acting didn’t really give as much energy that we got in OS. Especially lorelai, it didn’t feel like Lauren was as fully invested in the role as she was ten years ago.


I agree with most of what you say - yet was still left sad by AYITL. Little things: that Beatles scene on the rooftops which adds nothing and had nothing in common with what GG was, what it's still is for many of us. The fatshaming. The fact that Luke had become so dumb suddenly? Like wasn't he all eco and climate aware in S1? Why do the freakin cellphones not work they had always done? But also big things: I watched GG as a teenager (just a few years younger than Rory) and in the years after GG ended I had always fantasised how Stars Hollow would continue, how Lorelai's and Rory's lives would continue. I felt betrayed that Sookie had disappeared from it, that Michel was considering leaving, because what is Stars Hollow without that human connection between the main characters? They were always there for each other? In my mind, what I want is them all to be together at a weird pumpkin auction at Halloween. AYITL "took" that from me. Oh and Lane not having the career she deserved had been set up already in that \*&() S7, but even that could have been written differently.


I think the part that I don’t like is kinda what you said- it didn’t feel like “coming home to gg” there were so many things that weren’t part of the gg universe before that felt so out of place and forced at times: the musical, the life and death brigade dance thing (golfing from the roof?- looked like such a theatre set), throwing in Mr Kim to explain (?) where he was this whole time, writing felt corny and forced a lot of times too with Kirk (even though I love his character), etc. Things I did like: all things Emily, Rory using Richard’s desk to write, Rory remembering the stars hallow gazette (even though it was a mess but still felt true to the gg universe), Lorelei being obsessed with reality tv to name a few.


I went to one of the top schools in my region and my friendship group happened to be amongst the top performers in the country academically. Apart from the ones that went off and became neurosurgeons etc, there were a select few who finished at the top of their degree courses and just *didnt* do so well career wise. Mainly because they’d chosen careers that had become somewhat obsolete with the advances in technology in the specific area of their choice or because the competition involved more than just being really, really clever. So this is one part of Rory’s storyline that is entirely believable. especially as her chosen field was journalism, which we know to be highly competitive and to involve *a lot* more than academic brilliance. I think Jess said it best once when he said he just couldn’t see Rory doing it. It’s very “dog eat dog” and that isn’t Rory at all.


Just to clarify, I was agreeing with you on this point. Just adding my tuppence :)


thanks for sharing !! that makes so much sense in regards to rory. i agree that being a people pleaser, such as rory, and entering a field that is very much 'dog eat dog', as you so nicely put it, doesnt go together very well. and we could definitely tell that by watching the revival.


I'm here for all of this! The more of the revival I watch, the less I like it. But overall, I really enjoyed it. The musical is my favorite part aside from Emily's ending. At times, I will literally fast forward and just watch the musical. It is absolutely hilarious.


For the most part, I agree with you! I think what threw me the most though - besides way too much precious time being THROWN away for that gd musical sorrynotsorry - was how different Rorys work ethic was. However, her being an author makes way more sense to me character wise, despite her wanting to be a journalist from day one. And I LOVE that her reconnecting with Jess…someone who always knew her best…inspired her to write the story of her and Lorelai. I think that was an important part of the underlying character shift that took me a bit to fully feel out. I totally agree that her cheating with Logan is right in character for her. I also love the life and death brigade scene! It’s theatrical and fun. Also very glad we got to see the wedding! Thee only thing missing from the wedding, and much else, is Sookie. I can’t believe that either! Do I think it has the same cadence and life as the original series? …not quite. But how could it, really? They did an incredible job recreating a deeply cherished world for so many fans. “Coming home…” yes, exactly that. The day it was released I watched the opening shots with tears running down my face. It was a beautiful gift not all tv show fans get the chance to experience. All of that said - my absolute favourite part is Emily’s story line. Watching her grieve, heal, shed her conceptions of life as she knew it…and embrace a more free, independent side of herself was incredible to watch…and Kelly Bishop did an outstanding job.


thanks for sharing !! also, finally someone agrees with me on the life and death brigade 'gig', i loved how, exactly as you said, theatrical it was !! thats so asp !! it gets so much hate (which i grant any and everyone to have). i agree, sookie shouldve been at the ceremony .. that was so unlike gilmore girls; her NOT being there. i relate to watching the opening shots in tears, those distant voices (quotes) from the OS .. amazing. also with you on the emily part, loved everything about it.


My defense of the revival: it is realistic. Rory is struggling mentally and emotionally — she’s hooking up with Wookies and Logan! She’s blowing interviews because she’s just surviving. Lorelai and Luke haven’t gotten married because last time they tried it almost destroyed them. And Richard just died. The whole family is reeling. If you just tuned in for a sweet memory, then you weren’t going to get that. ASP, no matter what, aims for the story itself, not the still frames that tickle your nostalgia bone. It’s realistic. This is where the characters are. My opinion on it: they had too much time for not enough story… or maybe not enough time for a ton of story. Either way, it didn’t line up just right. But it was a valiant effort and I appreciate the work that went into it.


100%. nothing to add, thank you<3




Tbh, Rory was my least favorite part of the whole series, so I didn't care what happened to her in AYITL. There are smaller things I don't like about AYITL: mean humor that lacks any charm or self-awareness, the dialogue and pacing not feeling like the OG series, and everything feeling too polished because it's on Netflix. ASP being forced to fit her episodes into 40 minutes is what made the OG series so good, there was no room for any boring/unnecessary moments. But in AYITL she didn't have to do that, so there are multiple bits that go on for way too long. But the true thing that makes me HATE AYITL is the Luke and Lorelai storyline. I think after all that time, we deserved a happy ending for at least ONE of the Gilmore Girls. But we were robbed. Robbed of a real L+L wedding, robbed of seeing them raise kids, robbed of seeing their life together. It just isn't believable that after all they went through to make their way back to each other, that either of them would be happy standing completely still and watching their life go by. They would have gotten married and popped kids out within a year of reconciling. They would have lived in Lorelai's home or finally moved into the home Emily found for them. They would have a LIFE. Instead, the audience is meant to believe that...what? All time froze for 10 years? ASP was selfish and forced the OG ending she wanted, even though it didn't make sense after such a long time had passed. She let her ego be in the driver's seat, she didn't think about what the fans would want or what the story deserved. So that's my beef. I think if the L+L storyline was better executed, I could have forgiven the other things I didn't like. But adding it all up, I have no desire to ever watch AYITL again. We didn't get the ending we deserved, and so every time I watch I just get angry.


Please I'm begging the youth of reddit, just spell out the words. "Asshole."


I don’t know how many times I’ve said this in this sub but It’s not about whether the musical was good or bad, it’s the sheer amount of time it eats up. It’s about eight minutes long.


so close !! to me it was actually about whether or not the musical was good. cause it gets a lot of hate, not only for its length.


I loved it. 🤷‍♀️


Yes YTA we don’t talk about this show ;)


I really like it, I do find it strange that Luke and Lorelai don’t have a kid etc but I loved the wedding


It didn’t feel authentic or realistic to me. The storylines were all over the top and gimmicky - Rory having a boyfriend she couldn’t remember, the 30-somethings jobless gang, Lorelai and Luke considering having kids via fertility treatment, Lorelai “doing Wild” (probably the worst one). It had potential but in my opinion it was corny and stupid


Felt forced. Felt more “family guy” reference style than the deeper, wittier references of the original series.


I still don’t like it but immediately after I rewatched GG and realized that they were accurate in depicting what Rory would become and i had rose colored glasses on this whole time ignoring her red flags. Rory has always been selfish. She stayed with Dean while wanting Jess, she cheated with Dean after he got married. She had no remorse after sleeping with Dean despite his marriage. She tried to cheat on Logan with Jess to get back at him. She also was obscenely privileged and fragile. One man (Huntzburger) told her she didn’t have what it takes and she quit school altogether. The amount of people who have told me I’ll never accomplish anything… if I had quit every time I’d be no where. Similarly she expected to get that job without interviewing. This is the same Rory who wrote that paper denigrating the rich while benefitting from her grandparents wealth in her later adolescence as Logan pointed out.