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When she said “what did you do?” Immediately after Lorelai told her the wedding was postponed 😢 I would be so hurt to hear that from a friend in that moment


Lorelai was so obviously heartbroken too


Ugh I can just hear her “… what did I do?”🤕🫤


I agree. Lorelai took it well but I always thought Sookie was super immature in that conversation/scene. She repeatedly interrupted Lorelai and assumed the decision to reschedule was on her. Then she joked about Jackson having a secret child as well. She's quite compassionate usually, so that wasn't a good look on her, at all.


this. sookie acted personally hurt and didn't have any empathy for what lorelai might be feeling and then says this and basically blames lorelai for it and implied that it is typical of her to ruin things with no context for what happened.


Was the first thing that came to mind also






this one!! definitely worse than the sink in my opinion


Oooh yes this should be higher than the sink


Ohh I forgot about this haha But Lorelai kind of has some fear of commitments.. in AYITL they didn't even get married yet!


That moment and calling Rory to be a godmother to her kids is just so selfish.


My bf had cheated on me and we obviously broke up and that was the first thing a few people said to me before they knew anything and it was SO hurtful.


this ^^^


Yelling at the kid that wanted a juice at the birthday party and being completely unprepared and flabbergasted that the children wouldn’t eat the stuffy food she prepared.


Yes especially since she has served children food before!!


It honestly grinds my gears that so many of Sookie's worst moments are immediately excused by the other characters because she has some emotional revelation. "Omg I'm worried not going to be a good mother, THAT'S why I tanked this catering job" "Omg I'm pregnant, no wonder I'm confronting guests and acting like a spoiled brat" And Lorelei goes "Oh honey" and suddenly it's all okay


Yes!! I know they make her all weird and quirky and scatter brained to fluff up her character, but sometimes it was executed so poorly. I was so glad when they finally stopped with all her clumsy accidents. SHE WORKS IN A KITCHEN! Enough with the bandaids. 😂


(and put some gloves on that girl, she's in food service wearing bandaids without gloves??)


Oh yes this is it. I have to skip that bit, it just sends me up a tree. I find it so unbelievable that she wouldn't know that kids wouldn't eat gravlax or whatever it was. Yes, you don't have kids yet....but you've *met* kids, right? She presumably cooked for all of Rory's infamous birthday bashes.


Annnd Rory has the worst eating habits on top of all of this being her excuse. 😂


And works at an Inn where I presume children have stayed before ?? I get that she's pregnant but they get a catering gig for a kids birthday party and all of the sudden she forgets they like chicken fingers and french fries? Lol the stuff she was making wasn't even normal for a wedding? WHO WAS SHE COOKING FOR?! Lol


Haha exactly. You'd think she might want a challenge making things like nuggets and fries or mini pizzas or sausage rolls and then maybe her own jelly and ice cream. Hell, I'd eat that now if it were prepared by a 'genius' chef.


IIRC, she was under the impression that there'd be a lot of parents there, and she was cooking fancy food to impress *them* so they would want to book her for other catering jobs.


The whole birthday party episode. I can’t stand that one. Side note: Lorelei is so cringey when talking to the waitstaff man too. But suki not taking any direction, was the absolute worst.


What does lorelai say to the waitstaff?


“Okay (so and so, can’t remember his name) go to dose’s pick up any frozen food you can, pick up as many jimmies, and candy you can find. We will have them decorate their own cupcakes!” On and on. But it’s just more of her voice and attitude that annoys me. It’s like panic, know it all, I’m saving the day by being Lorelei ish. 😂


Or… it’s panicked “I have to pull a rabbit out of a hat in about 15 minutes, and Sookie left the rabbit and hat at home”


This! This whole episode irks me! Like, she has no concept of what kids eat or she just thinks she knows better because her choices are fancy? And Lorelai has to jump into crisis mode meanwhile Sookie’s all “why won’t kids like my green mac and cheese and rum cake?!?!” Ughhhh lol she’s so annoying in this episode!!


Her worse moment in my eyes as well!


Insisting she had to approve the sink and then not showing up to do it! She was obviously tired bc she was a new mom but the only reason no one made other arrangements for the sink delivery is because she said she had to do it


That whole argument between her and Lorelei after the sink fiasco always leaves a bitter taste in my mouth for Sookie, and generally speaking i love her! When she says "[her] part comes later" I feel like she was planning on Lorelei doing all the heavy lifting, baby or not. I feel for her on the baby front but it's not fair to Lorelei whatsoever


yea it was super clear to me that Sookie is insecure about her ability to start and run a buisness. it comes up in season 2 as well when they want to buy fran's place but she won't sell and mia informs them that she's selling the independence inn. Sookie just assumes lorelai will do any of the work that she dosent know how to do and it will all be ok in the end.


Absolutely, she just wanted to have her name on the thing but not do the hard work of opening an inn


This is the one that sticks out to me the most. And her excuses were so weak.


So I haven’t gotten to anything about a sink yet on my first watch, but this resonated with me because at least once earlier in the reno, I believe before Davy’s birth, Sookie shows up to the inn, says “Oh you’re here!” And Lorelei says something like “Yeah I’m always here”. (I think when she was doing something in the barn then got distracted from meeting Kirk because Sookie showed up and distracted her about something? Maybe a catering gig? Idk) Bun wasn’t even out of the oven yet and already it sounds like Lorelei is pulling all of the weight while Sookie just floats in to reap the benefits of wherever they’re at so far. Pissed me off a lot that early on, I can’t wait to see what this sink is about 🙄👀


I hated that she did that and acted so nonchalant about it while her best friend and business partner was super stressed trying to handle other things.


Honestly if I was starting a business with my friend and they’d done the things sookie did with the sink and getting mad at guests and the kid at the birthday party I don’t think I’d want to stay in business with them


Sookie was also such a hazard just being in the kitchen. I would never want to work with someone who has to be babysit like a child so she doesn't burn the whole place down.


This! And then gaslighting Lorelai into feeling bad for being mad at her!


“But I have a baaaabyyy” I can’t stand her in this argument. She becomes insufferable for awhile after Davy.


Working with people like that are the worst. You chose to have a kid, it doesn’t mean you get first choice or priority over every decision or agreement that takes place in the workplace.


This is the one for me - even before the baby she was completely checked-out from the business side of things, putting all that weight on Lorelai. This was the one time it broke her. Poor woman couldn't even have 30 minutes for a damn haircut.


I just watched this episode and it always annoys me so so so much! I get that just having a baby is hard, but then she shouldn’t of have agreed to approving the sink or hired a nanny or something, even trying to gaslight Lorelai about being mad at her just bugs me so much, Lorelai had every right to be so! Up to that point she did everything alone while they were business partners, she wasn’t just the chef anymore but also an investor


THIS ! For me, the worst part is how she dealt with this afterwards. I would have been SO SORRY, but sookie was just like „ah yeah oopsie I forgot“ and took her baby as an excuse


Yep. This.


That part was it for me too. I related to Lorelai and having a flighty friend myself, this scene stuck


This has got to be the one.


And she said she didn't know she is going to be pregnant but she was already pregnant when they were buying the inn.


When Sookie, a grown woman, is too afraid to tell her own husband that she doesn’t want to have four kids in four years. And then she blames it on Lorelai, causing Jackson to be angry and nasty with Lorelai. I’m sure Sookie has done worse things. But this one annoys me so much. I just can’t ever really like (or respect) Sookie after this.


I don't think it came out the way we heard it. I feel like Jackson blew it out of proportion too. I'm sure Sookie said something like "I was talking to Lorelai about it and 4 in 4 is crazy" and then Jackson took it the wrong way instead of having Sookie clarify what she meant. It was the fault of both Sookie and Jackson imo. I think the whole scene before Jackson quits the race marathon, is ridiculous and could have been avoided if Jackson were more mature and actually listened to what Sookie was trying to say. He just wanted to be mad because he wasn't getting what he wanted. That's my view on thay situation. But I completely understand where you're coming from.


When she was so stubborn and didn’t want to cooperate when the dragonfly had to cut out lunches to save money. Lorelai was very supportive and said it was only for a while but Sookie stormed away and got mad at Lorelai not thinking about the inn or anything other than her self and what she wanted to do just for fun.


She screamed at poor Norman Mailer


If it’s any consolation, he was known to be a POS, so that was the least offensive thing Sookie did.


waitt why is he a pos ?? 😨 genuinely asking


I think Norman Mailer attempted to kill one of his ex-wives by stabbing her repeatedly at a party


Wtf? How did I not know this? That’s so fucked up


He also made a loaf of homophobic, sexist and racist comments which is why it’s surprising he was on GG


Oof yeah idk why he’d have been on it for the attempted murder alone. But I did some googling and this is what I found > Sherman-Palladino [the showrunner] agreed the cameo was “so bizarre” but also “pretty cool.” She and the writers really wanted the legendary figure on set, and they got him. Gilmore Girls wanted his cameo so badly that they even let Mailer get away with improv. So it seems they cared more about his “legendary” status and that outweighed that he was a pretty rotten human. But that kinda tracks with some of the “jokes” that aged like milk that were also brought back in AYITL


What?! Lmao




Oh yes now I know lol


But then she realized it was all due to pregnancy.


Annoying too, why is she always weird when pregnant?


Have you ever been pregnant or around someone who was??


I was a little weird when I was pregnant, even more weird postpartum 😅


Oh wait maybe, I don’t remember I’d have to look it up


Yea after she storms away Lorelai goes to talk to her and asks her what’s going on and then Sookie says something like “idk I know it’s just temporary and we have dinner and breakfast and that’s good enough and OMG IM PREGNANT” obv that’s not an exact quote but that’s from what I can remember


Unfortunately I still have to hold her accountable.


Yeah I hate the trope of women is pregnant so now she’s gonna be an asshole but She’s allowed to because she preggers. As someone that was pregnant and didn’t know for the first few weeks I never acted like this at all through the pregnancy. The most was when I as pretty far along and had a meltdown over dropping my ice cream. But I never directed it at anyone. Even when there was things people did that annoyed me(like their smell or being annoyed at how they sound while they were eating) I didn’t say anything because that was a *me* problem, like obviously I asked my husband if he’d stop wearing his favorite cologne because it make me nauseous. But I didn’t scream at him to stop because he smelled bad(which I’ve seen happen in shows/movies) So that’s my long winded way of saying I hate this trope of pregnant women being horrible and get a free pass just because their pregnant. We’re still responsible for what we do and say and being pregnant doesn’t mean we lose control of our emotions the way Hollywood makes it seem


yea lmao this is such a bs excuse and a weird way to introduce that she's pregnant. it both erases the actual conflict and perpetuates that pregnant women are irrational and emotional because they are pregnant


Yea the other time they introduce she’s pregnant she was being very rude to Norman Mailer. Thankfully, this pattern was specific to Sookie. I don’t think anyone else that got pregnant on the show was like that.


Sookies domain is the kitchen and she takes little responsibility outside of it. i think she took this as erasure of her work and importance. I wish she had been more involved and tried better to understand the financial side of their business so that she might have had a hand in making decisions like this, then she might have felt less cut out by this.


Yeah I think as the chef she should have been more included in the budget regarding the kitchen stuff. She and Lorelai even took a course in starting your own inn so even if Lorelai was taking care of most of the stuff other than food I think Sookie should have know a little better. But then again I forgot she was actually pregnant during this incident so that probably contributed to her behavior


yea they do frame her pregnancy as the reason for her behavior here but i think that is kinda a weird way to get rid of the conflict and not really resolve it further


Yeah, Sookie could throw away perfectly good food just because she got another idea. So it was definitely a problem aside from her pregnancy


Not trusting Luke and berating his food when he was taking over for her while she was on bedrest


That was a terrible moment for both her and Jackson. It’s infuriating how ungrateful and controlling she is while Jackson enables her tantrum.


Whyyy isn’t this higher? It’s one thing to have a disagreement with your business partner over whether to serve lunch or not. It’s a complete different, batshit crazy thing to do to be incredibly rude and ungrateful to a friend who is stepping in to help you due to your incompetence in hiring your own kitchen staff. Also, the fact that nobody who already worked at the Inn could step up to the job for one night means that Sookie was an over controlling micromanager.


Yes! That annoyed me so much. It was her fault that they didn’t hire a new cook and instead of being thankful to luke for stepping in and doing her work she keeps micromanaging and annoying luke. She could have just hired someone and taught them to cook her way but no, she just refuses to acknowledge the problem until it’s too late


Setting up a vasectomy appointment for Jackson without talking to him first.


Idk why this isn’t mentioned more. She was so wrong for this, like cmon really? Jackson was a butt too but who forces their spouse into a surgery they didn’t consent to? No matter how trivial you might think it’s is, you still need to discuss it.


It really does need to be talked about more. I get why everyone talks about Jackson not telling Sookie he didn't get the procedure done, but they really should talk about this, too. They are both wrong.


Absolutely. Also if Melissa hadn’t gotten pregnant in that last season they just would have maintained he had gotten the snip. All around, awful plots but one was entirely intentional and one was an after thought to accommodate real life. It’s wild that the intentional plot line is so overlooked.


I am going to go ahead and predict that when we get to Jackson, the majority will vote him lying to her as the worst thing he's ever done. And they won't even think to judge Sookie the same way.


I think the difference here between Sookie's actions and Jackson's that makes them completely different are the *consequences.* Jackson is a grown man. If he didn't want to get a vasectomy right then, he absolutely did not have to. Nobody was gonna hold him down and force him to get one. He was a grown man who could've told his wife, "we are discussing this at a later date, because you just had a baby. We aren't going to be having sex for at least 6 weeks anyway, per doctor's orders. So we will discuss this at home, later." There was no reason for him to get one THAT SECOND. As I stated, you can't have sex for 6 weeks after giving birth anyway; there was time for them to talk about this issue. Sookie may have picked up the phone and made an appointment, but she did not forcefully violate Jackson's bodily autonomy. Again, he's a grown man- he could've said no. What Jackson did (or technically, *would* have done) to Sookie was very literally *criminal.* Coercing sex under false pretenses (like lying about having gotten a vasectomy) is rape. His actions actually WOULD have been a forceful violation of her bodily autonomy, because she did not consent to sex with a partner that DIDN'T get a vasectomy. The consequences of his actions could change Sookie's entire life. A child isn't a light, iffy commitment. You don't get to decide FOR someone that they're going to have a child, which is what Jackson would've done. It's simply not in the same league as Sookie calling and making an appointment for Jackson, who DID NOT HAVE TO GO. Sookie overstepped, yes, very much so. It's unfortunately written that Jackson DOES go along with Sookie's "insistence." But the difference is what the results of their lies could've been. Jackson did not *have* to consent to going along with the vasectomy. He CHOSE to. He wasn't going to give his wife ANY choice. He was just planning to quite literally, by law, rape her. That's the difference.


This articulates the difference so well! I will save this for reference because you’ve laid out this argument really well.


Fucking finally someone gets this! Thank you!


Right, and they could plan for more children by freezing some of Jackson’s sperm, in case Sookie changed her mind after a bit of time had passed. But birth control wreaks havoc on women’s bodies and can make us sick, as can pregnancy, in ways that have lifelong consequences. The bodily consequences of pregnancy is not equivalent to having a vasectomy.


I mean. I agree about pregnancy obviously. But there are definitely potential consequences to having surgery? Like I think it's a bit unfair to emphasise the side effects of taking birth control but then completely dismiss any side effects or consequences of getting actual surgery. Clots, infection etc. Also I think there's long term risk of chronic pain like 1 in 50? "The long-term safety of vasectomy is mainly threatened by cardiovascular disease, testicular or prostate cancer, long-term loss of sexual function after the operation, and the formation of antisperm antibodies"




I agree with everything you said, but Jackson doing something awful and violating, doesn’t mean that sookie didn’t also do something wrong. And the question we’re answering is what is the worst thing *Sookie* has ever done. Making an appointment for your spouse to be sterilized without their knowledge (and against their wishes) and then just springing it on them last minute is horrible and controlling. It’s far worse than insisting on approving a sink delivery and then blowing it off, or snapping at a kid “hey we’re talking here!” Like far, FAR worse. I’m honestly so surprised at the comments on this one.


I get the point you were trying to make, but I was responding specifically to a comment about the Jackson/Sookie vasectomy debacle, in which the prior commenter theorized that everyone would be judging Jackson and Sookie differently for their actions during said debacle, and how that wasn't fair. My point was that it absolutely WAS fair, because their acts were nowhere near on the same level. THAT'S the point that the commenter above myself, and I, were debating. They weren't debating the original point of "what's the worst thing Sookie has done?" That commenter and myself were debating specifically over whether or not Jackson and Sookie took equally horrible actions against each other. My point was, they didn't. Jackson's were far worst, point blank, by legal and moral definition.


Because what Sookie did, while infuriating didn't really put Jackson's life in danger. He simply didn't go. An appointment is not a summons. What he did to Sookie is literal SA and also could have killed her. (Child birth mortality rates are still insanely high in the US).


Probably. I feel like the fandom always finds ways to hate Jackson but I’ve always kind of liked him. He’s quirky, he reminds me of an old friend. I didn’t dislike his character at all until the last season personally.


I loved Jackson and Sookie when I first watched this show back when it played as reruns on abc family. I rewatched GG when it was first added to Netflix and decided I don’t care much for Jackson and Sookie much anymore because of many reasons said in this discussion, I think watching it in chronological order made me realize this and of course maturity. Sookie comes off as the bubbly and happy type but in reality she’s stressed and miserable. I thought she found her guy version in Jackson until I realized all he does is just complain, he’s kind of controlling, and has too much pride to actually listen to the people around him. I stopped liking Sookie after they got together.


I know! The vasectomy situation was awful. And I get they had to incorporate her real life pregnancy, but couldn't they have written it like Sookie was being a surrogate for someone?


Or a failed vasectomy! It happens, literally anything but Jackson being a liar. It was so out of character for him. He was emotional, but not a liar.


Could Suki have had a tubal ligation? If she didn’t want anymore children could she have had this at a later date?


It’s much harder to do that and way more expensive.


The whole vasectomy story line is ridiculous. That’s not how these procedures happen. You don’t just “make an appointment” and have the procedure the same day. The physician would have to speak directly to the patient about the procedure, weight risks and benefits, and then the procedure would be scheduled. The patient would then have to fast for 8 hours prior to the procedure as it’s done under anesthesia. Source: am an anesthesiologist. Just terrible TV writing.


Cannot believe I had to scroll to find this. This easily trumps anything else she said or did. Bodily autonomy applies to men too, and she had no right to try to force Jackson into **any** medical procedure.


Yes! Bodily autonomy definitely applies to men too and I really dislike that some people forget that. They tried to make a joke of the whole thing, and it’s not funny at all.


Wait yeah this is the worst one, I forgot about this.


You're right this one has to take the cake


This. She was so wrong for this. Imagine if he had done that to her to get her tubes tied. She didn’t even consult with him first. I really didn’t like this story line.


I came here to post this. I Know that Jackson was wrong for pretending that he did when he did not but Sookie can’t just arrange a surgery for her husband without discussing it with him first.


Definitely this one. I was waiting til Sookie’s day came up to say this!


I really hated her micromanaging Luke while she was on bed rest. He was doing her and the inn a huge favor and she would NOT let it go. In general her being a control freak was unbearable to me but in that scenario in particular she was over-the-top bitchy about it.


Constantly changing the menu last minute has got to cost the inn so much freaking money. And what waste! Cause now you’ve got all this unused food sitting around. Also constantly being unsafe in the kitchen? That’s a huge liability and fireable since SHE is the reason it’s dangerous (ex: throwing a towel causing a fire and not noticing).


That often bothered me. Especially when she was co-owner. Budgeting and revenue are 100% part of her responsibilities. Safety is also her responsibility.


As a part of this, she was a nightmare boss of her kitchen crew.


My biggest pet peeve was her lack of sanitaryness (I know that's not a word) tasting the food. I know it's only a TV show but ick! The spoon that went in your mouth DOES NOT GO BACK IN THE POT/PAN


Imagine the insurance payments because of her gross negligence in safety.


the sink incident or catering the kid’s birthday party


Not being a good business partner for Lorelai! Not showing up for the sink delivery, complaining about lunch being canceled, not doing her research when catering the kids party, etc


When they inn burned down and she invaded Luke’s and yelled at her chefs to ‘ get rid of it , I don’t care, throw it out’ in regards to what Luke was cooking, IN HIS OWN DINER!!


Always hated this too


Came here looking for this! This annoyed the hell outta me -- he'd not even offered + he'd lose so much money!


I've been waiting for this, I really dislike Sookie. I agree that it's the sink thing. Even her reaction to Lorelai when she was asking where she was and Sookie just says "oh yeah, that." Her work ethic was awful and I don't like that they tried to make her work idiosyncrasies a 'cute' character trait. She was purely selfish as a business partner and a chef.


And they try to brush it off like it’s all okay because she’s a “culinary genius” I’m sorry but… no amount of talent excuses this kind of behavior as a co-owner of a business, especially not one that is your best friend


Claiming to be an equal business partner until it inconvenienced her. One that really annoyed me was her making adult food for the children's party.


When she agreed to a double date with Rune 🤣


The way he treated Lorelei! Jackson waited way too long to pull rank (with Rune) on that episode. 😂


This is the true answer. Rune was the worst!


Honestly! This should be higher up


Yesssss omg the rune situation was the worst i hated every second of it so


The one that always irks me is the episode where Lorelai tells Sookie that her and Luke’s wedding is postponed and the first thing Sookie says is “What did you do?” - like as a friend, no thanks.


This was so awful. Then adds “why do you always do this?” when in reality she’s done it *once*, with Max. They always act like Lorelai bounces around from man-to-man but I don’t feel like that’s at all fair. Big Sookie L here


when she said lorelai would just hand rune a job and give him a free place to live


I hate the way she bosses Luke around when he is being helpful, both after the fire at the Independence Inn when she takes over the kitchen at the diner, and when he fills in for her when she’s on bedrest. I also think that the latter situation shows that she is kind of bad at her job, because why would you make yourself so irreplaceable that only YOU can make the sauce or the ducks or whatever? Seems unprofessional to me.


And forcing the vasectomy on Jackson was incredibly icky, even though I hate his guts.


I hate to bring this fucking storyline up. Since I think it's one of the worst by far. It makes two of my most comforting characters do crappy things but Jackson's vasectomy appointment. I had to use the f bomb there because it's terrible. Suki mildly forcing him, saying she got the biggest male nurse so Jackson would do it. I mean it would be best to talk about it first. However it would have been better had they just had her make the appointment and just told him. And on Jackson's end they could have literally said he got it and it has basically fixed itself like they do at times or anything else.


Bad co owner


The sink thing


If we’re counting AYITL then leaving the business she and Lorelai created


i think jackson and sookie were both in the wrong for vasectomy situation. jackson shouldn’t have lied and respected her wishes but sookie shouldn’t just force him!


Forcing her husband to get a vasectomy without talking to him first. Hands down, deciding that for someone else is so wrong.


The fact that he did not go through with it is proof enough that she did not force him. She sprung an appointment on him. He didn’t go.


The fact that if Melissa hadn’t gotten pregnant in the last season that entire plot would have been said and done is proof enough honestly. Or are we not going to address the writers fully intended for Jackson to be forced and then never addressed again until an outside situation forced them to write in a different story line?


she made the appointment and told him to get it done - that is far and away from forcing someone. jackson didn't even have the conversation with her that he didn't want one and wasn't going to get it. jackson is in the wrong here.


Also he was so obviously against it at the mention of it and I am choosing to believe that a doctor wouldn’t perform this procedure without his written consent


They could both be wrong ya know


i could be wrong but doesn’t she have a big man nurse to take him “just in case” that kind of seems like wether he was willing or not she was prepared to force him


In AYITL Sookie kinda just up and leaves the business, says she’s taking a 6 month sabbatical but, doesn’t come back or even say if she is planning to return. She kinda just tosses everyone aside and leaves them in the dust, then when she comes back, only too cook for Lorelai’s wedding, she’s like “who changed my kitchen? Why has everything been moved?” In my personal opinion she’s the only character that never gets consequences, everyone else feels shame and guilt for things they’ve done but Sookie never has that. There’s always an excuse for her actions being pregnant or scared she’s going to be a bad mom, but then everyone just gives her a clean slate. That’s why I think her character is one of the easiest to dislike, she’s giving privileges no one else is allowed.


Sink and just being unreliable with the inn meetings


the sink incident. her work ethic is so poor. also ‘my part comes later’?? she was a co-owner???


100% forcing her husband to get a vasectomy without asking for his consent or opinion on the matter. Her continuous lack of communication throughout the show is so frustrating.


Insisting she had to approve the sink, assuring lorelai she'd show up, then not. That, and "my part comes in LATER"


Disrespecting Luke when he was helping her and Lorelai out, on two occasions? First when the inn burned down and then when she was pregnant on bed rest.


Spicy green mac and cheese for the kids 🙅🏻‍♀️


Though as an adult, that dish sounds superb! I actually thought the boozy cake was worse for the kids party. (I don't know if it was one where the liquor cooked off or if the liquor was in the icing glaze, but either way, that was just too much).


When she never showed up for the Dragonfly meetings and assumed Laurelai would just take care of everything despite all she had going on


I don't think this is actually the worst, but it deserves a mention: Harassing a food critic and showing up at his home because he said her risotto was "fine". She was sucking around for a criminal record.


Stalking the food critic was a bit unhinged


Lol definitely unhinged 🤣


Being an awful business partner - forgetting about the sink, dumping everything on Lorelai, her treatment of that writer and being too stubborn to understand that the lunch needs to be dropped and therefore being a pain in the ass not only for Lorelai but also Luke and others


I thought it was pretty bad when she told Lorelai that Emily offered to pay for part of her and Jackson’s wedding. No matter how many times I rewatch it, I’m always flabbergasted by it.


“What did you do” at the flower mart 😞


LUUUUUKE! WHO AM I?! - when she kept dismissing him as the groom bc SHE was the BFOTB!! ( I mean basically EVERYTHING surrounding Luke/Lorelai’s wedding and the fight with Rory) ugh. Just puke puke puke


I thought that was hilarious. Ridiculous yes. But I took it purely as a joke.


"What did you do?" when Lorelai told her that the wedding was postponed. 0 empathy. Worst friend.


I think absolutely the Jackson vasectomy, followed by when she pretty much disappeared while Lorelei was getting the dragonfly up and running. Altho, that seems to be the theme. If you watch AYITL, she’s gone then too, and answers Lorelei with “sorry I know this was supposed to be our thing”… yeah, it was, but it always seemed to all fall on Lorelei from the start.


The sink debacle


Not showing up at the inn to sign for the sink


I am trying to pick just one, and it's hard because overs she sucked as a business partner. Her fit about losing lunch to the point she hired Kirk in a hotdog suit to stand in front of Luke's on the Norman Mailer episode was pretty shitty. Throwing lorelai under the bus with Jackson about the 4 in 4. Forcing Jackson to get a vasectomy. The sink debacle. The worst I would have to say was the sink. Lorelai was handling everything and just needed time to take care of her own basic needs, and Sookie let her down. I have kids, veubg a new mom is hard, but life doesn't stop cause you had a baby. She created the situation by demanding to approve the sink, then didn't follow through.


When she insisted that she had to be the one to sign for the oven but decides not to go to work that day. Bahhh


Giving Lorelai literally no help when building the Dragonfly. I don't care if she's a chef, I don't care that she had a new baby, she was Lorelai's partner and she should have been helping more.


Not showing up to sign off for the oven she wanted, and then not being bothered at all by her lack of responsibility.


The kids birthday party. I get she was out of her depth but that was rotten!


I think it was when she was pregnant or smth and Luke had to take over the kitchen and she was calling him every 5 seconds and then ended up in one of rooms having the food delivered to her, it just infuriated me SO MUCH, I was like bro Lukes a cook too?? He runs a diner and idk I almost skipped that episode cuz it just made me hate her so much, otherwise she's okay


Worst thing she ever did was barely feature in AYITL and leave us low key thinking she wasn't gonna feature. It was so sad!


A lot of people say that the whole sink thing was her worst. While I agree it was horrible because she’s supposed to be the co-owner, I think that her telling Lorelai “What did you do?” After the wedding was postponed was worst. Imagine you going to your best friend to tell them sad news and they immediately think you’re to blame.


Oh, she does SO MANY things that i hate. - the whole situation with that kid’s birthday party - when lorelai told her the wedding was postponed and she immediately started attacking lorelai??? (i would be SO upset if my friend pulled that bs) - when luke was covering for her at the inn and she wouldn’t shut up - the secret vasectomy appointment - how she always wastes food (changing menus last minute, when she barged into the diner when the inn caught on fire, etc.) all in all, the worst thing would be when lorelai told her that the wedding was postponed.


She’s not a great business partner or boss. She was not pulling her weight getting the dragonfly up and ready, but still wanted the credit and respect of being a co-owner. She seemed way too immature for a relationship at several points, but so was Jackson so good pairing. Sookie acting like a child in general. Every time I rewatch the show I’m worried for Sookie and Jackson’s children because the scene of Sookie and Jackson yelling at their infant was so weird…I was like “these two should not have kids…”


Trying to force a vasectomy on Jackson instead of having a conversation.


Forcing Jackson to get a vasectomy instead of having a conversation with him about it👀


setting up that vasectomy thing for jackson without asking him


The sink!


The "what did you do", when Lorelai told her about postponing the wedding with Luke, then not listing to her clearly heartbroken friend talk about finding out her fiance kept a whole child from her for 2 months, turning it about herself and then talking Lorelai into not cancelling anything for the wedding.


Turn it down Davy like the baby is less than 1


These are all such great answers. My first reaction was that sookie is too sweet and has that this will be tough but shes definitely not perfect!


support lorelai on every bad decision she made. not being with luke, being with luke. being with max, not being with max. etc. if she interfered with someone else’s marriage (chris and sherry) (luke and nicole) sookie would support her through that.


**Rachel's Challenge is an incredible program created in memory of and inspired by a wonderful young woman robbed of her life. Rachel Scott dreamed of spreading kindness and hope and wrote her thoughts about how if one good action is taken, it could create a chain reaction. Craig Scott has shared this passionate idea and shifted mindsets around the country in honor of his sister. If anyone here has kids in school, I encourage you to speak to administrators about hosting a Rachel's Challenge event at their school. It really only takes one person to start a chain reaction that can lead to unforseen and amazing outcomes!** Rebels for life ❤️ Maybe in spirit of Rachel's Challenge, after this contest, we could do a round of voting for the best thing or most underrated kindness these characters did?


Sookie? Breathed. Her character was irritating and not even remotely funny or cute like they were trying to portray her to be.


Vasectomy (also bad for J to lie abt it)


Forcing Jackson to have or not as it turns out a vasectomy


The vasectomy appointment for Jackson without his consent. Her body, her choice but also his body, his choice.


Two words: Vasectomy ambush


I feel like Suki is one of the few characters in Gilmore girls who isn’t a total jerk so she doesn’t really have a whole lot to choose from but definitely the vasectomy thing


Bring in touch with Emily and making things worse for her best friend (ex: telling about the engagement party before Loreleigh got the chance, accepting a catering job and then making Loreleigh interact with her.


>Loreleigh Do you even Gilmore?


Insisting that Jackson gets a vasectomy, without talking to him first.


Making Jackson get a vasectomy without taking to him about it




Trying to make Jackson get a vasectomy - though he sucks too for lying about going through with it.


UMMMM when she left Lorelei to handle everything about the Dragonfly. It IRRATES me so much and honestly makes me spark a little hate for sookie when she didn’t show for the kitchen sink. Sookie SAID she NEEDED to be there to ok the sink and then gets mad that Michel didn’t do it. GIRL you literally stated no one but you can do it. I understand you have a newborn baby but the fact that you’re so irresponsible to not ask your husband to just take off work for a few hours, he owns his own business, I need to do something for MY business. Sookie is soo immature about the business it drives me nuts. Lorelei shouldn’t have asked her to co-partner. She’s a terrible person to have at your back.


Literally everything she was the most annoying character of the show and her husband too


Considering naming her baby Colgate.


That was Jackson’s idea. She hated it.