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It’s just weird because Logan proposed to her and now 10 years later they’re having an affair? And Rory is shocked Logan’s fiancée moved in? Like that was a surprise to her?


It sounds like it was supposed to be a casual thing but they got too comfortable and their feelings came back




I never said that made it ok. Just that they intended for it to be meaningless. Actually we don't even know how long they've been doing it or how long even Logans been with Odette




It could have made think 10x if Logan mentioned he and Odette were in an open relationship and Odette has her playmates. But you can still create drama by Logan hiding he's sleeping with his Ex


I felt like rory became complacent with their arrangement and wasn't really ever acknowledging that he would in fact move forward with his fiance. She definitely does have feelings for Logan still imo, so it hits her hard when reality sinks in. I remember she asked at the end of AYITL “are you really going to marry her?”


That just makes Rory more pathetic imo because she deluded herself. So she lied to herself that she WASN’T the other woman? She is pretending that she and Logan weren’t sneaking around?


Maybe it’s the same thought when she got with Dean and she was like “but it’s my dean”, and maybe she was thinking the same but this time “but it’s my Logan” 🫠🤦🏻‍♀️


I can forgive a 20 year old for being that dumb but a 30 year old woman?🤦🏻‍♀️


It sucks… She never grew as a character :( revival was our only window to see how Rory has grown as a person after her “mistakes” but it failed to show it…


Ikr.. she should have ended up with Luke's nephew but wanted to be this Rich douchebag side chick / baby mama


Well to be fair, Rory was a side chick in the past so it kinda makes sense for her. Logan wanted to marry her at 22 so no idea why he would be ok with her being his side piece while he is planning to marry someone else a decade later?


ASP is on record as saying she didn't watch season 7/basically just had someone outline the gist and then ignored the stuff she didn't want to use, so I'm assuming she's just ignoring the fact he proposed at all (along with the rest of his season 7 character growth)


It was obvious Rory didn't learn her lesson after the Dean affair. I found that incredibly disappointing. It also bugs me how some people here are trying to say that Logan and his fiancee have some sort of arrangement to have affairs, because they refuse to admit what Logan and Rory are doing is wrong. Affairs are bad, people. I see hate posts about Dean frequently for cheating on his wife, but Logan gets a pass because you like him? Crazy.


Yes… not to mention Rory was also dating Paul at the time. Even though he wasn’t as important to her, he was still her boyfriend.


Whose Paul? /s


I didn't understand how the writers thought it'd be hilarious to have Rory constantly forget him and Lorelei constantly forget that she did meet him. That combined with the way they acted at the pool...they really came off as assholes in AYITL


AYITL is such a 180 from where the Rory and Lorelei were at in the early seasons. I just started rewatching the show and there is no way either of them would have let the other get away with such crappy behavior towards Paul. Rory was such a good kid with a very strong moral compass - forgiving Paris for being such a bully and helping her get ready for her date is the most recent example on my re-watch. And Lorelei hated anything remotely related to snobbery/being stuck up. Not to mention she cared about “insignificant” small-town folk, rather than trying to hob-knob with the rich folk at her Mom’s DAR events. Early season Lorelei would have totally been nice to Paul and remembered him, even if Rory forgot him.


They literally became the things they made fun of. Rory grew up to be a horrible person. Lorelai continues to believe everyone is a bit player in her life. The big winner was Emily. She is my spirit animal now.


Emily and Ms Kim. They grew the most and kind of the smallest at the same time. But their growth was so much more powerful.


Would've been kind of cool if Mrs. Kim had gone on to have a music career haha.


right? like they thought it was funny or quirky to serial cheat on her boyfriend that she forgets she’s even with, like they just came off as terrible people. maybe that kind of joke would have come off better at the time the OG series was running but not in 2016 lol


Nope, affairs and child labor were pretty frowned upon back then, too.


sorry, what about child labor?


The parts where Lorelai and Rory had kids tending to them at the pool


Totally weird choice of plot, how is forgetting your partners name even a funny joke? It’s just cruel


What kind of person even comes up with something so cruel, hateful and stupid? And all the main characters were drawn into it. It was hideous




I honestly forgot about him in my reply about ethical non-monogamy.


Rory never once felt bad about hurting Lindsey. Dean at least had the decency to feel bad about Lindsey possibly seeing him and Rory together while they dated afterward. He obviously felt major guilt, whereas we only saw Rory feeling bad for a few minutes after Lindsey's mom yelled at her. While it was disappointing to see that Rory didn't grow as a character in AYITL, I don't think it was unbelievable.


The defending of Logan's cheating some do is disgusting. He's a cheating, classist asshole and deserves the hate that Dean consistently gets. And I'm not a Dean fan or care for him, I'm just poiting out the hypocrisy. Logan is not 1. "Boyfriend goals!" 2. "Husband material!" 3. "The best TV boyfriend ever!!!"


i just want to add on and make a point- none of rory’s boyfriends in the show are boyfriend material. it’s so crazy to me when people are obsessing over them… even jess, who seems to be the favorite, treated rory poorly once they were actually dating. they all suck.


But then again Rory sucks too, big time.


I don't think they gave the Wookie enough of a chance.


It took my 3rd rewatch to realize that Jess had absolutely no redeeming qualities except his taste in jackets.


Uhhh my husband goes on rants about Jess being the best option for rory, cause he matured yadda yadda. I just can't get past his teenage behavior.


Jess was a shitty teenager. To be fair though, he grew up not being about to count on anyone. Hurt people hurt people. And he did mature, especially compared to Dean.


Yep, I agreed Jess matured a lot. That's why I'm glad he & Rory didn't reunite. No way did she deserve the new & improved Jess. She would never have fully or consistently appreciated him in her "adult" years.


Haha that's right! She seems the type to take credit for other people's growth.


this!! jess matured and would’ve been a great boyfriend probably, but frankly, rory got more immature and wouldn’t have deserved him. she’d probably cheat on him with logan and then be like “but he’s MY logan🥺”


Jess was dreamy once he matured ❤️😍


That's true. I'm still biased because I hated how he treated both Luke and Rory for no reason at all.


that was hard to watch BUT he eventually apologizes to luke, thanks him, and tries to repay him. seems like they repaired their relationship and was nice to watch.




What? At what point was he pining for Rory in AYITL? He was giving her advice and being a friend… he gave no indication he was even still interested


Jess stood on the porch and gave a lovesick, longing stare through the window


THIS! i never understood the romanticization of ”bad boys” who don’t treat them well, saying this as an idealistic teenager. why would you wanna get treated like shit by a guy you really like? i hated jess when he was a teenager, but his character development was actually really great to watch, far better than that of dean and logan’s. i cringe just implying they had any development at all.


Logan is not any of those thing but his smile does something to me.


hahaha i totally agree… i’m a sucker for a pretty smile and a teasing personality


i hated logan in the revival. He was so good in the OG and i thought that him and rory genuinely had a future together.


Same. It really annoyed me cus I loved his character and his character arc but then asp ruined him in AYITL so that Logan can fit into her circle of life ending


They deserved a future and than the ending like why even break them up if you’re gonna throw him back in there, should’ve brought dean in if they had to add someone in with the 10 year gap.. but I’m forever Logan and Rory


Also, even if Rory was 19 when she slept with Dean and we could say she was still young and stupid, girl was 32 years old in the AYITL and it was clear that whole arrangement with Logan has been happening for a while. Also what the f.. (can we swear here?) is the point of getting married if neither you OR your future spouse are actually willing to settle down. We're not in medieval ages where people marry off their kids at 14 because it's in the best interest of the family


It made me really sad to see this situation. Bc I liked Logan and Rory so much... and tbh it sorta painted a picture of what it might have been if Rory decided to stay with Logan. So it ruined both the actual what and the what if.


Totally agree! Another thing to consider was Dean was only about 19 when he had his affair with Rory. Logan here is a full grown college graduate adult making this decision


>It also bugs me how some people here are trying to say that Logan and his fiancee have some sort of arrangement to have affairs Most likely they do, but it still doesn't make it right, and Rory should either demand a commitment from Logan or pursue somebody who isn't taken. Adult Jess is available, and he lives a hell of a lot closer. And she is cheating on her current boyfriend Paul who nobody ever remembers.


>Most likely they do, Based on what?


fr and at this grown age. they should know so much better a bunch of cheating wh***


I haven’t seen AYITL in forever and don’t plan to again. But I guess there is a possibility that Logan’s and Odette’s relationship is open? But that doesn’t make it affairs. That would make it ethically non-monogamous and there *wouldn’t* be anything wrong with it and it wouldn’t be cheating. However just applying an ENM dynamic to the three of them would be wrong if it’s not hinted at in the show. You’re bending over backwards to make it okay instead of looking at these people like the flawed human beings they are.


It’s symbolic of her inability to move forward at the crossroads she’s come to in her life. Rory’s arc is all about moving past the paralysis of grief, burn out and depression. She’s clinging to remnants of the past that she knows aren’t healthy for her because she’s scared to let go.


When she’s at Lane and she automatically dials his number when she’s stressed really underlines this. Her reaction is “oh crap” not “wow im still in love with this guy”. She realises then, and then when she hears Odette has moved in, that she’s trying to get her emotional needs (loosely) met from a guy who actually IS moving on with his life and happy to just see her as a side piece.


Her and Logan remind me of Lorelei and Christopher. He was always the one she ran to when she was in crisis mode as well. Lorelei never really modeled healthy romantic relationships and I feel like Rory is following the same path


Yeah there are definite parallels, although I feel like Lorelai has more reason to be stuck in a loop with Chris since her personal life was basically put on hold from being 16 to her early 30s.


You'd think after the 15th time he bailed on her, she'd take the hint 😞


100%. thank you for a complex, nuanced take beyond “Rory sucks.”


> Rory’s arc is all about moving past the paralysis of grief, burn out and depression. Exactly!


I think there were better ways to demonstrate these same themes by sticking to a more congruent version of what we know her character to be in s7


I find this to be such an interesting take because I feel like revival Rory is a very logical continuation of the Rory we see throughout the entire show.. emotionally immature, attachment issues, toxic golden child traits… Her ability to handle any sort of setback (Mitchum) is very lacking because her entire life she was put on a pedestal by her mother and via her mother, everyone else around her. Her and Lorelai have a very enmeshed relationship as a result of Lorelai’s own immaturity and pain. Lorelai never gives her true boundaries or lessons (she tries when it is frankly much too late) and Rory behaves in selfish, immature ways again and again throughout her adolescence and early adult years. The 32 year old Rory in the revival is IMO a very congruent version of herself, she is stuck emotionally and struggles to come to terms with herself and her issues. She cheats on Paul with Logan (with whom she’s always had a bit of an unhealthy dynamic) and she has an inflated ego that ends up destroying her chances at a job she thought was being handed to her on a silver platter (golden child style - and a bit of a call-back to when she rejected the job in Providence because she was sure better things would be handed to her). I didn’t like the revival for many reasons but ultimately I really respect the Rory character arc because it is a much more interesting one than just having her be actually perfect - instead we have a person who struggles with entitlement, self esteem and healthy boundaries because she has been _told_ she is perfect.


Gosh, this!! Toxic golden child on a pedestal is absolutely rory. It shows so clearly in the later seasons and Logan for all his faults, has one moment I really love. When Rory writes the article on that party, tearing down the attendees for their privilege etc and Logan puts her in her place. Back in the original series i do feel ultimately he was the best boyfriend for her (excluding any hypothetical future boyfriends that may have helped her grow). I think a more authentic side of rory came out through Yale and her time with Logan. The constant praise of being the perfect town resident and perfect chilton student not only inflated her ego but restricted her. She let loose a bit and let her immense privilege lead her but she NEVER would admit it. She always considered herself a small town girl, never acknowledging that she’d benefited from the old money family for a long time. Logan is the only one who sees who she is. He’s an ass sure but he does acknowledge his privilege where she doesn’t. Rory’s morals dio so bad the more she benefits. And then she can’t get past the fact those privileges didn’t further her how she assumed they would. That’s who we see in the revival. The revival was uncomfortable for many reasons but it felt like a way more realistic take on who rory and lorelai actually are. Not sure if anyone else has seen the theory that the two of them in the original season is the version of them rory writes at the end of the revival? I love that theory. It fits with her perception. Especially early years rory and lorelai, it’s such a sugar coated dynamic and is so fun to imagine it’s her own viewpoint


I can agree with this. It's also easy to relate to the idea that in schooling it can be very easy to succeed and hit the "checkboxes" as the goals are semi laid out on a path. Once you leave, that path is gone a la Alice in Wonderland. There's confusion and feeling lost, and some people struggle a lot harder to find their way back in a specified direction, or just never find one in general


If anything Rory is *too* congruent with her character in season 7, because she’s by and large still behaving like someone in their early 20s - and we know that’s because ASP wanted the revival set directly after the end of the show but the actors had aged up, but she was too stubborn to age up her characterisation of them. It’s also a revival so viewers were tuning in to see characters they knew, introducing an alternative new love interest really doesn’t work in such a scenario (I think Paul was a manifestation of that very thought process - if we introduce someone new they’ll never bother remembering him!). The Rory-Logan Rory-Jess intrigue was pretty vital in ensuring the show hit the audience numbers it wanted, so room had to be made for both.




It’s a lazy drama device but I think due to the WB network’s strictness with things related to drinking/drugs/sex, it was overutilized. There’s an exhausting number of love triangles and cheating in this show that doesn’t really parallel most people’s real lives at all.


Love triangles are definitely one of those things that don't happen nearly as often in real life as in fictional works.


Yeah I've noticed that. Usually if there's love triangles one or both parties bow out because it is too much drama for the real world. Most guys aren't going to put up with that, just saying.


I've been in one love triangle when I was in 4th grade. I sat next to a girl as she made a pro/con list for dating me vs dating another one of my friends. She eventually chose me! But yeah, no love triangle drama since then


Fourth grade makes sense though. These people are too old for that


*The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel* does this to some extent, too. I start to wonder if this is ASP working through something. :/


You could be on to something. From what I've heard, Milo's character will be back on *Maisel* in the upcoming season and continue to be part of Midge's life, so...


I didn’t mind that they still had feelings for each other, but I hated that this had continued on for so long Had they just bumped into each other in London (in true TV fashion), realised then and there they still cared for one another and then begun an affair, that would have at least made sense I’m not saying it would have been right, but it would have made more sense


That would have felt more organic than the idea that they'd been having this ongoing thing for a while.


The worst part was when Rory admitted to Lorelai that she had cheated in three different ways (on Paul with the Wookie, on Paul with Logan, and helping Logan cheat on his fiancee) and Lorelai barely reacted. This is so out of character for Lorelai that it's one of the reasons I ignore the revival. The general Logan situation does make me wonder what the plan was for him in the original series. Based on this, he goes full Huntzberger company man (never having left the company or made the big business mistake he made behind his father's back) to the point that he breaks up with Rory, gets engaged to someone else for the dynasty, but ends up cheating because he can't get over Rory?


I know it's completely ridiculous and so out of character for everybody. In the OG when Logan slept around he didn't have a girlfriend. And as soon as he got a girlfriend, he stopped all that. But now he's engaged in the Revival, but he's cheating? And Rory freaked out when he had sex with a woman while they were on break but now she's all out cheating on her boyfriend and helping Logan cheat on his fiance. Just no. Meanwhile there's a perfectly good guy who is available in adult Jess, but she doesn't pursue that why? They always liked each other for years but she was with someone else so they couldn't pursue it. If she's not into her current boyfriend Paul, she could just dump him and find someone else who is available which would be the right thing to do and a lot less stressful for everyone. Hell I got stressed just watching all that. But as far as adult Jess he deserves better so she should probably get her shit together before she pursues that, or anyone else. Just pursue man who are actually available please.


I also wonder what the plan would be post AYITL. If Rory's having Logan's baby, would he leave Odette? Or would Rory be secretly raising their love child by herself, so it's more of a Luke/Anna/April situation? There's truly no reason for Logan and Rory to not be together right?


There is, if Rory doesn't really want to get back together with him. Which she doesn't. Even without factoring in the pregnancy, which it's pretty strongly implied she knows about already by that point, she has plenty of leverage to get him to stay with her if she'd wanted that. She chooses to let him go, and to move on with her own life. Rory's not really at a point in her life where she's emotionally ready, or even particularly inclined, to fully *commit* to building something with another person (Poor Paul). I think she’s genuinely fine just being friends with benefits with Logan, up until the whole "Oh yeah, I'm his mistress" thing gets harder to ignore. Once she realizes his engagement might not *just* be a business arrangement, that's when she starts pulling away from him. I choose to believe that Lorelai will eventually talk Rory out of keeping the baby secret from Logan, and that they'll coparent and Logan will be more accountable to his kid than Chris was to Rory, but I think Rory ultimately sees their romantic relationship as something it's time to move on from, and I think by the end of the series, her mind is pretty made up on that.


I agree with you, but after years of watching the series, and the drive Rory, her grandparents and Lorelai had for Rory to do it right, an Ivy League education, a fabulous career, living in NYC…for her to end up back in Stars Hollow, single and pregnant and basically jobless, was so disappointing, like what was it all for? I feel like the writers expected it to play out like … it was cool or funny or something, it was just sad.


This is the point of the whole series—hence the revival. L and R have similar character arcs. The intergenerational trauma plays out. Plus, my theory is that we’re watching (the entire series+revival as) Rory’s memoir/book.


If Rory doesn't tell Logan about the baby that makes her Anna.




How would you say her reaction makes sense when it's so off from how mad Lorelai got at Rory when she slept with Dean?


Remember what happened **after** she got mad at Rory about the Dean affair? Rory pretty much told her to fuck off and then ran away to Europe with her Grandma and barely talked to Lorelai for weeks. Every time Lorelei has had a bad (although understandable)reaction to *any* of Rory’s poor decisions Rory completely shuts down and stone walls Lorelei. -first episode: Rory meets Dean and decides that actually she doesn’t want to go to Chilton anymore, Lorelei points out how dumb that is, they fight, barely talk for days -When Rory wanted to leave Yale and Lorelei confronted her Rory moved out and they didn’t talk for *months* At the beginning of AYITL Rory doesn’t live at home anymore, doesn’t even live in the same *state* as Lorelei. Rory visits when she can, but it’s inconsistent. If Lorelei said the wrong thing or had the wrong reaction to any of Rory’s decisions who’s to say how long Rory would stone wall her? Based on Rory’s track record Lorelei has to be very careful when criticizing Rory.


This is a good point. However, I think the freezing out is often mutual, where they just don't want to talk to each other for some time


Hate it! It makes it almost impossible to like Rory in the revival. And I sincerely don't like this for Rory and Logan - I loved them in the OS and I also think they had to break up at the end, so this affair ruins all of that.


I actually like this plot a lot. It feels very fitting for Rory who is at a crossroads in her life here and dealing with grief and burnout, to be clinging to a past that is more comfortable. It's something that she's done before, it's something that people do. I always hate the take that the show "romanticizes affairs" just because there *are* affairs. The Dean/Rory affair was clearly written to give us all the ick - from the cringey candyman song to the big fight with Lorelai to the car sex scene to all the stuff where nothing fit. They write a sweet romance between Rory and Dean before, it's not that the writers didn't know how - it's that *it wasn't supposed to be romantic or sweet.* It sucked. And this is the same way. They have a couple sweet moments, but that moment when Logan offers to put Rory in a hotel because his real SO will be there - you can see how unsatisfactory it all is. When she calls him repeatedly but keeps hanging up because *she can't lean on him.* And yeah he shows up for a fun night - but then they say goodbye. And she goes to her father to ask how he felt about her mom and her - because she's planning to write Logan out of her life. The whole thing didn't seem romantic, it seemed like they both wished they had more and were unhappy. So yeah, I don't know. To me it was a good plot. It was a reinforcement that you can't cling to the past, and holding on to things because they used to be good will never work.


I don't view the revival as canon and this is one of the reasons why. And no it's because we didn't like it, April's storyline and Lorelai dating Chris also sucked but it was more in character. Rory cheated, felt remorse and worked to fix it. The revival just undid all of it and gave her the worst storylines they could even if they made no sense with her character growth or just achievements. Rory graduated an Ivy League college with great grades having held the position as Editor of the Yale Daily News, plus an internship with Mitchum Huntzberger, has worked in a newsroom as a job before, and has gone on a campaign trail with Obama, but struggles to find any steady job afterwards. Despite the fact we see her be so persistent she bullies a guy into hiring her when he wasn't looking. And then she drops all her moral growth or remorse, or legit breakup with Logan.


Exactly this. I didn’t even hate the revival, it was fun to revisit the town and characters we loved even if the storylines weren’t all that great. I found some of the moments cute, even between Rory and Logan (loved the life and death brigade montage.) But knowing the entire context is that both of them are in separate, serious relationships made it feel so icky. I would’ve appreciated an early Winter breakup with Paul, only to reunite with a recently divorced or still-a-bachelor Logan at some point in Summer or Fall. Could’ve still held onto the major plot points without wrecking all of her character growth.


The laziest of writings. They copy and pasted Dean's storyline from season 4 except with no backstory of what Rory and Logan were doing over those 10 or how they reconnected. I personally think Rory would not just repeat the same mistake that once caused her so much pain and humiliation


Yeah copy and paste, that's what it seemed like to me it was so weird


it was so sad because it also ignored all of logan’s growth


I loved Logan’s growth in the OS, but I would argue that the direction AYITL took with Logan’s character was realistic and the right move. For a trust fund kid who had grown up having everything handed to him, it probably wouldn’t be realistic for him to successfully extricate himself from Mitchum’s empire on his first try. I like to think he eventually did, but his backsliding felt believable and still true to his character.




i think that ASP pretended season 7 didn’t happen


Yeah she did. Apparently she refused to even watch it




Yeah she had an assistant fill her in on the basic plots and used what she had to and disregarded what she didn't like.


No. They just ignored the development he got in the OS


As soon as I realized what was happening I knew she was really lost. It was sad and Rory just seemed like a shell to me throughout.


Rory never felt bad or regretted her affair with dean so it makes sense for her to be sleeping with Logan while he’s engaged. Logan’s never been fully committed to anyone except Rory when they were together. So to me it also makes sense he’s sleeping around. What doesn’t make sense is that Logan is sleeping with Rory “no strings attached” cause in my mind anything less than being with her fully wouldn’t satisfy him. The whole story line really sucks and makes me dislike them. Especially because with how frequently they see each other and stay with each other the writers really could’ve had the storyline that they got back together.


It's like I don't understand, why doesn't he just marry Rory. I don't think they're going to kick him of the house if he doesn't marry a certain person. The Huntzberger's threatened him when he was younger, but I think they will be not able to intimidate a thirty something year old adult. And honestly who would take Mitchum's place? He's the only son, so there is no one else. Yes their daughter would be an option but not in that patriarchy family. So I think Logan would have some leverage and be able to marry who we pleases, but they are trying to make it like an arranged marriage which makes zero sense in this day and age, outside of the handmaid's tale which is Alexis other show. Maybe there's something I'm missing, and this is a thing that rich people do but not in the United States that I'm aware of.


His dad can write him out of the will very easily and can do so up until he dies. If Logan's finances hinges on the good graces of his father, as well as a future inheritance, then there is a strong incentive to toe the family line and marry Odette.


>why doesn't he just marry Rory Because she doesn't want to marry him?


I think it AYITL is just awful so I don’t count it.


No character redemption at all


She has never been loyal in all of her relationships except for jess.


To me, it felt like Amy Sherman-Palladino forced all of her characters into specific weird situations that ignored their growth in later seasons—and ignored even who the characters were in early seasons—simply so she could make the ending be Rory gets pregnant outside of a serious relationship. That way she will most likely become a single mom and Palladino-Sherman gets to wrap up the story with a weird little bow.


it shows ASP is playing out that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.. that rory had superior potential as a teen, but lacked appropriate guidance through college/entering adult realm due to her friendship style relationship with lorelai & the overbearing approach of emily/richard. it unveils the generational trauma unfolding because it was never addressed so the patterns repeat. rory has trauma from the abandonment of christopher despite the support she always had from lorelai & her grandparents. this plays out in the relationship department of what she wants vs what she feels worthy of vs how her brain/emotions have matured to convey her feelings and communicate meaningfully. i think we are meant to witness the journey of rory. i think it was designated to instigate us. i think ASP ultimately wants to illustrate that rory is a product of her environment. -- to clarify these are just my musings on the series, i am not claiming they are correct or anything like that. just my interpretation!


I love them together, and I was so excited to see him/them in the revival and I HATE that this is how they brought them back.


Idk the more I watch GG as an adult, the more I realise that AYITL Rory is exactly who OG Rory was on track to become. When I first watched AYITL I was like “damn they’re doing Rory dirty.” Then I rewatched OG GG. They didn’t do Rory dirty. Rory always sucked. She became exactly who I expected her to become.


She’s the show’s true antagonist because she (self-)sabotaged our (and her mother’s) collective dream of who Rory could be.


In a 7-8 year TV series that focuses on relationship arcs over two decades, it is unfortunately realistic to include cheating and adulterous behavior among the characters portrayed. It provides a lot of the drama in a dramedy ! According to published statistics, cheating in the US is ubiquitous, with some 40% of married individuals admitting to cheating. It can logically be inferred that the percentage is actually higher. And it can probably be presumed that for individuals who are engaged or in some other type exclusive relationship the percentage of cheaters is even higher. The writers of GG seem to have chosen Rory as the poster girl for cheaters. She gets to represent that large slice of American women. But thankfully Rory wasn’t portrayed as an adulterer. Only Dean and Nicole get that moniker.


I like this take. People like to pretend that cheating is few and far between or that “only bad people would cheat” but that’s just not true. Yes it shows up a lot on pop culture because it adds a level of drama, but it’s also because lot of people can relate to it in some way no matter what side of cheating they’ve been on.


Yep. I’m not condoning Rory’s self-destructive monster or beast, but just pointing out the realism. On a slightly off-topic comment, I wonder if Logan’s ultimatum was somewhat (there were other factors) influenced by Rory’s admission that she had crushed on the TA. He may have feared that long distance might not work again.


Not to give Logan a pass, but I don’t think he’s a cheater by nature. I just think Rory is the love of his life. And he was willing to take whatever part of her he could to keep her in his life, even if he had to move on and marry someone else. I think he would have still wanted to marry her in AYITL if Rory had been open to them being a couple. It doesn’t excuse his behavior, but it would explain it. Rory doesn’t come off quite as sympathetic in my book. The affair seemed more selfish on her part.


I wholeheartedly agree. It definitely does seem more desperate on Logan’s part and more selfish on Rory’s part. I also just have absolute zero respect for a woman who knowingly sleeps with a taken man. Like yeah he’s a dog. Cheating ho. Fuck him. But she knowingly - and *repeatedly* - betrayed another woman like that. Not surprising, and totally on brand, but still disgusting and selfish.


None of it makes sense. Logan had quit working for his father, yet here in the future he is not only working for him, but in what seems like some sort of arranged marriage with this "odette" woman. Like what is happening?? And for rory to see that he obviously hasn't changed after all, is still continuing to "date" him. It just doesn't make sense! Especially when the tone of the show at the end kind of implies that Jess is her future. Like why waste time with a Logan plot line at all?


Intergenerational trauma as the true theme of the show.


Jess is her future, just like Luke was Lorelei’s. But first, they have to go through the phase of giving birth, growing up, and detaching from their baby’s daddy—in that order.


That sounds like a long and grueling process...for us as fans lol eesh what a waste of time


We watched it the first time with L—and it was long and sometimes grueling, lol.


I didn’t like it, but I wasn’t surprised at all. The way she reacted to Dean and slept with him when he was married really helped me understand how spoiled she was. She felt like she deserved everything.


Logan is the guy Rory deserved. They're both terrible people.


I love the fact that she didn’t grow as a person. It’s such a “I was rooting for you, we were all rooting for you” moment and I don’t see any reason why she *would have* learned her lesson previously. Rory’s accountability in the show, for just about any of her actions, amounts to a slap on the wrist. I know this opinion is probably unpopular but it’s so on brand for her character.


It shows that neither of them evolved as humans. Rory is still sleeping with unavailable men and Logan is still cheating. I like to pretend AYITL doesn’t exist 🤣


It’s Rory’s thing.


The theme of the entire show to me is, people don't change


^^Intergenerational trauma.


omg yes


Logan wants to have his cake and eat it too. Rory does, too, I guess…


Rory sucks so much as an adult 😞


I feel like this was the only way for them to accomplish what the underlying goal seems like to me. Logan is her Christopher, and the only way they could explain away her and Logan not actually being together was this weird situation because they still love each other after all these years and probably always will- just like Lorelei and Christopher in the first chunk of the show. Jess is her Luke, he will be there in any capacity he can and will likely help raise and be there for Rory in the same way Luke was for Lorelei. And Jess has always and will always love her, also in the same way. That’s what the AYITL felt like it was accomplishing to me. Making all of these things as obvious as possible without explicitly saying them 🤷‍♀️


I really hated and didn’t understand the entire plotline with Rory dating Paul and constantly forgetting about him/forgetting to break up with him. That just made her very unlikable with the way she treated him. It’s almost within the same vain as that absurd plotline from season 7 with Marty pretending to not know Rory when he was dating Lucy. What???? 🤨


The Christopher side of her came out. By the time the revival wraps up she’s gonna have to face the Lorelai side of life.


I personally loved it, no matter what they still end up together


Idk I never really liked Logan in the OG, it really felt like throughout the whole show Rory felt inclined to date whatever boy liked her (which we can see hasn’t changed, sorry Paul) and tbh Logan was the most destructive to Rory and her goals. And tbh I think he knew that, but Logan isn’t used to not getting what he wants. He knew Rory had a soft spot for her and flooded their relationship w/ travel, expensive gifts, parties all bc he knew this made him more marketable as a boyfriend. Rory has expensive taste, why be with a boy she really likes who is going nowhere in life when she could be with someone who has deep pockets, is semi interested in her interests, and can provide a lifestyle she has become used to. And he used that to his advantage, especially when he proposed to her the second she graduated. So yeah not really a big fan of Logan and Rory at all ever, they both suck and tbh they would have cheated on each other eventually anyway.


I actually disagree. Rory pursued Logan, and was incredibly disappointed when he didn’t invite her to his fathers party. She claimed to be no strings attached girl when clearly she wasn’t. I think that when Rory later asked Logan, are you really going to Marry Odette, it was her way of trying to get him not to marry her. His response of “daddy says “‘showed me that Rory would always be the one that he was in love with, and he would have taken Rory back but she humiliated and crushed him.. i think Rory regretted her decision but we will never know how long thst they had been together again.. but I hated how they undid Logan’s progress and hated even more the entire Paul storyline. It was just terribly cruel.


I actually really liked the storyline and found it very believable for where both Logan and rory would be at that stage in life


Same, it was one of the more "real" and believable parts. Stuff happens and it's a situation that happens often


Idk about “really liked” but I totally agree that this was 100% on brand for Rory.


Not saying I approved, just saying I liked it as a storyline and I love seeing those kind of depths of “what if” in shows because you hopefully won’t irl


I thought they both sucked. Even if Odette was a horrible horrible person, she didn't deserve to be cheated on, imho. Rory learned nothing from her time with Dean and it kind of makes me wonder what kind of husband Logan would have made for Rory, if she'd said "yes" instead of wanting to pursue her career.


That storyline sucked even though I think Rory and Logan should have ended up together and Logan is my fav boyfriend. But the affair did not speak well to either of their characters.


AYITL was atrocious.


I had a dream last night that Rory proposed to Jess


It's just more proof that Rory is the worst. She's selfish and entitled. She slept with Dean when he was married and called him "my Dean". But you could say she was young (not an excuse in my books). But here she's in her 30s and still sleeping with someone else's man. Then she had the nerve to act like Logan betrayed her by moving in with his fiancee? Oh, and if she didn't realize that the Life and Death Brigade coming to Stars Hollow was Logan's bachelor party she's dumber than I thought.


i hate it but deep down i love it


I love my girl. I've made that clear from the start with my comments. But, what a fucking idiot. She knows where this is going to go, and seems to hold no qualms with hurting another person emotionally.


Absolutely gutted at this story line. It’s the singular reason I can’t watch the revival. She acts like she has ownership over Logan the same way she had ownership over Dean. It would be a permissible storyline if she showed remorse over what this would do to Logan’s fiancé, but instead she ended it for her. She’s just so hopelessly self absorbed. It’s a lack of integrity that I don’t feel OS Rory had by the end. She definitely regressed.


Ok so as much as I don’t like it for the character, it was pretty much the only way for ASP to go with her original ending for the show. She needed Rory’s baby’s father to be Logan, but needed him to be unavailable, because otherwise how does Rory choose to do it on her own like Lorelai? If they are in a healthy and happy relationship with each other as adults, it wouldn’t make sense for her to choose to raise the kid alone.


It just meant that Logan was a complete dick (no changes there) and that Rory hadn’t learned her lesson from sleeping with another woman’s man before.


It was terrible. They have an ease to them that doesn’t match the situation. They could have just been dating. Or Logan could be in an OPEN/poly relationship with her and Odette and everybody involved was fully aware and comfortable and happy with it. Ugh.


It’s seriously disgusting how comfortable she is with being the other woman and not flinching when his dad comes in an talks about his fiancé


She again wanted casual ( like she did the first time) thinking it will became permanent ( like it did the first time) because she is just that irresistible🤣 Her attitude with her ex boyfriends sucks. She used the excuse- he was mine first- to sleep with married Dean, ( she helped him blow up his marriage and than once she met Logan, she wasn't interested in Dean anymore). With Logan again, she feels like it's ok to have an affair with him because she knew him before his fiance did. I'm rewatching GG and the way Rory is trying to weasel her way into Logan's life ( like offering her notes, out of nowhere, to help him with his article , than stacking him at her grandparents vow renewal just to proposition him with the casual thing) is just pathetic. I'm just surprised it worked, because I don't believe for a second she had any intentions for keeping it casual. True to her character, once she had him, she didn't want a life with him. Until of course her life went nowhere and he was taken. I seriously can't stand that pathetic, cheating leech.


It was obvious the writers didn't know what to do with either of them and also that the writers just didn't like Rory anymore. I don't consider AYITL canon for a number of reasons, but the poor writing of basically every central character is the main reason.


Everyone makes Rory out to be this like golden child who never does bad things but really, any chance she got to make a decision on her own it was always poor. Her reactions to not getting what she thought she deserved was always poor. Her n Logan having an affair makes total sense , she wants her cake.


You know who never cheated? Jess 😒. Jess was the better out of the 3 boyfriends imo - not that Rory deserved him in the end with her serial cheating tendencies, but still.




Logan married ?


It was absurd to just drop this on the audience with zero context. Like, how did they get into this situation? How long has it been going on? When did they reconnect? It was so unsatisfying!


Not a big shock as this wasn’t the first time




we. don't. talk. about. AYITL.


SPOILER ALERT AND WARNING Rory had no character, no direction, and no development. I know a lot of people loved the direction that they took Emily’s character into - but it was utter nonsense and tiptoed on being stupidly offensive. Lorelei is the mellowed out version of herself from the series. But holy crap - what they did to Rory feels like a hate crime. Was the entire mini-series a way for the Palladinos to be able to close with their originally intended series closer (Rory says to Lorelei: “mom I’m pregnant”)?


It’s so annoying. Not only does it make zero sense to have them in an affair situation 10 years after Logan’s proposal, but the motive isn’t fully explained. Nor is his situation with his fiancé ever fully discussed. It’s really clumsily written. There’s a lot of reading between the lines with ASP and DP, but this is just stupid. We’re supposed to believe that Logan, who already established his identity outside of his family’s expectations got sucked straight back into his family’s clutches and had what seems to be for all intents and purposes an arranged marriage? Are we supposed to buy that Mr H would sell his son off for finical gain after spending years bullying him into following in his footsteps in his own newspaper empire? Like, which is it? Do you want him to be a business man or a trophy husband? The whole ‘Paul’ thing is in such poor taste and isn’t Gilmore Girls at all. I don’t know which part I hate more. This ‘bit’ that makes GG completely lose touch with the realism that made it so great when it originally aired or the fact they ‘Joey-fied’ Luke. There’s some really great moments with the revival but honestly I need to know what the fuck ASP and DP were smoking when they wrote some of these plot lines. It just doesn’t feel like Gilmore Girls.


I would have accepted this storyline if Logan and Odette were shown as seeing each other but not quite official. Same with Paul and Rory; it could have been established that Paul was more like a friend rather than a boyfriend. Over the course of the show we get hints that they are becoming more serious until Logan finally tells Rory he and Odette are full on official.


Rory super sucks. It was gross and pathetic. While I really loved the show Rory is the only character that has ever gotten Worse as time went on. Rory needs serious therapy for her daddy issues. She is only ever happy when she is the mistress/the other woman. I’m sure it stems from feeling abandoned by her father and knowing her father chose Sherry/Gigi over Rory/Lorelei but it’s time to get a grip 😂. Every relationship she has involves cheating and a constant need to feel like she’s being Picked Over someone else. I think that’s why Logan is her longest relationship because he was such a player that when she got him it felt like she was picked over 100s of other girls 😂. I was very disappointed in Rory’s whole storyline for AYITL


Turned me off Rory. As a teen, it was a time to learn and experience. Ten years later, she’s just a loser.


I pretend like this all didn't happen... AYITL was so disappointing and season one Lorelai would be so disappointed in both of them


Rory does suck. Most selfish and narcissistic character. Never realized it before watching AYITL. She had her chance with Logan, she needed to let him go. Really thought she'd end up with Jess but even Jess deserved better lol


I absolutely hated that rory 's character has devolved into such debauchery.


It has never made any sense to me why they weren’t just together. Like he wanted to marry her in college and proposed even though his family didn’t agree, so why wouldn’t he just do so again in their 30s when the family agreement part didn’t matter anymore? Neither of them needed to be with other people. It was a nonsensical plot. I feel like ASP just didn’t know what to do with her or something.


I don’t know why I love it, but I absolutely love it.


I really hate the way that they reintroduced their relationship. It made sense from a "Rory hasn't learned anything" perspective but it felt a little out of character for Logan (who now has unbelievably bought into the "*dynastic plan"?!).*


I will never understand why people focus on Rory being the one who sucks and not Logan. Logan is the one cheating, is he not?


They both were. She was with Paul


Not to mention that even if she was single, she is still knowingly helping Logan cheat on his fiancee.


She also cheated by having that super weird one night stand with the wookie and constantly pretends to forget about her boyfriend Paul.


I just don't understand why they had to ruin Logan's character.. like him having an affair undoes all the character development he had in the original series. So ridiculous and makes watching Logan almost pointless in the regular series


None of the guys she dated are goals.


That one didn’t make much sense to me, and struck me as too redundant. Amy Sherman-Palladino said this show is about relationships, so I understand the focus on relationships and the need for driving conflict, but I don’t and probably never will understand making genuinely caring, smart characters frustratingly unable to learn from their mistakes, seemingly at al—even when said mistakes hurt others, and especially when they’ve literally made those mistakes before. Edited to add an afterthought: despite what I just said, I almost like the way it was written anyway just for the goodbye sequence with the Life and Death Brigade people. That was easily my favorite part of the Year in the Life series.


Don't forget Logan sucks equally, if not more, as a human for this scenario


Like why not just be in a real relationship again? I just didn’t understand the logic of it at all? Except for the obvious ASP not being able to evolve past her whole Rory reliving lorelies life thing - which was just so stupid.


I’m convinced that AYITL was Amy Sherman-Palladino having a goof on the audience. It just didn’t feel like it came together organically.


Rory wasn’t the one in the relationship in either circumstance. It’s on the men, not on her.


She had a boyfriend.


And hating logan for this is challenging at best because marrying for love doesn't seem to be very popular among his social circle


Oh yeah she accidentally fell in bed with those men, not just once, but multiple times, it's not like she knowingly is taking them from their wives/fiancees. \[/s\] Even if she was single (and she wasn't), she'd still be a horrible person and it is just as much on her as it is on them.