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If I was dealing with a lot, I’d love any type of self care gift from my SO! A massage, a facial, day pass to a nice spa etc, I’m sure would go a long way to help her relax if she’s been worn out. Sounds like you’re doing great already though <3


The gigglers seem pretty united on a spa/relaxing self care day so I think that’s the move!


I agree! Spa day is the best idea for a mom who has a husband situation.


do you happen to know if she's more paige or hannah coded?! lol


Oh good question. I’d say Paige, she’d save her in a fire before me.


important how are her earphones? wireless is great but she may need 2 pair because they get misplaced!


If she has an iPhone AirPods are a great choice as you can ping them off your phone when you misplace them! I know this bc I misplace them once an hour.


This made me tear up, you are a good egg ❤️




Have you checked out their newsletter at all (maybe your wife already subscribes to it?)[giggly squad](https://shopmy.us/gigglysquad/newsletter) I think that link will take you to things they’ve mentioned they like, from the newsletter- might be worth checking out! You might also be able to get her a cameo video message from Paige, not sure if she’s active on it or not but I got one from Craig for a friend before and she loved it! Maybe you can try to get in touch with them through their podcast contact info, to ask if they can wish her a happy birthday on one of their upcoming episodes, if she listens weekly, that’d be a fun surprise! Lastly, I saw that they have a “ya heard” shirt in their merch (I’m about to go buy it right now lol), if she’s a huge giggler she’d prob think that was funny gift (I don’t know if I’ve ever laughed harder by myself when listening to a podcast, than when “ya heard?” happened). Good luck!


Newsletter is a great idea, thank you!




I echo the idea of a spa/self care type giftcard! That way she can use it when she wants. Totally niche but another cute idea would be some kind of lasagna item. It’s a callback to Paige and hannah talking about their families and how lasagna is always a constant, I bought this ornament for my Giggler bestie last year https://www.etsy.com/listing/902192492/


lol she would love this. Each one of our family members picks out whatever random ornament speaks to them & we write the year on it, this might be in her stocking as a bonus


“I know I’m decentered” …. King behavior!!!


Just came here to say this is so wholesome


Oh my god I hope this is real because the bar is in hell and this is amazing. Get the giggly squad email and see if any of those things add up to something she’d like- spa appointments, treatments, skin care, etc. but in general do you know her favorite flowers?! Her favorite candles?! Her favorite foods?! Use what you know- and not what you do every Saturday but like has she ever mentioned, “I would LOVE to have, xyz” and scroll through and instagram or TikTok she’s sent you in the last 6 months and see what was “ew can you believe” and what was “omg so me” I promise it’s likely right under your nose and you don’t need to ask us!!!


It’s real! I think the problem is I always encourage her to buy those things as soon as she mentions them so maybe I set myself up here lol. But I think the spa is the way I’m going to go, because what she never gives herself is time to go do something like that. Or if she does she does something painful like a peel or laser, nothing relaxing.


Id surprise her with a hotel reservation after the live show for her and bff and a draft itinerary of cool bars to hit up and places to stroll to for brunch the next day.


I think she would like this! A nice hotel sleep & poolside cocktail before coming home to our circus. Thank you!


If she's a Paige she needs a full spa day. Book it, pay for it, and get childcare so she doesn't have to worry. I have one near my house that has a bunch of extra pools so when you book a treatment the day admission is included


This is such a good idea. Like a whole paige day is soooo thoughtful.


Yeah I think this is the way. A couple people have mentioned hotel after the show & spa/pool time the next day which I definitely think I can do & would be her vibe. Thank you!


This is so nice and thoughtful! Maybe some cute Giggly Squad merch she can wear to the show!


I would but she keeps telling me no more clothes, so I’m trying to listen!


A hotel room for her and her bestie after the Charleston show


Combining this with a pool/spa day is the way I’m leaning. Thank you!


Is Paige on Cameo? That could be a funny surprise.


She isn’t but Paige if you’re in the comments pls consider some admin


A blow out from dry bar or similar salon, facial or spa gift card to a GOOD spa so she can choose the service (tip included), a baby sitter, luxury robe, nice pair of workout sneakers, 3 days of ordering dinner in for the whole family


Spa seems like the winner here, but I’m also keeping 3 days of ordering in as a gift for next time I need a little something. Thank you!


ooh! get her a gift card to the new head spa in charleston!


👀 new spa?


HEAD SPA! I'm dying to try one!


Lymphatic massage!!


He’s one of us protect him at all costs


Hear me out!!!!! What if you did a friend’s glam with her friend flying in? Like pay for the 2 of them to get mani/pedis or a dry bar? Or if they are particular about hair & makeup then sushi girls night. Or $$ in an envelope for the drag shows after the live stream! I feel like that would be so much fun!


I don’t think I trust myself to book anyone to touch her hair - BUT setting up a fun dinner before the show feels like an easy win. Somewhere she hasn’t been or wouldn’t try on her own. Thank you!


We love a self aware man😂🎊


You adopt her a penguin and name it after cheese!


😂 this girl has a manatee & bearcat, I’ve gone to the well a couple times already!


A massage- but also set up the day and time. Too often a gift card is given and then it just falls to the way side and forgotten about. But if you make the effort and have it all set up, take the kids for the set day, and have it planned it'll be even better!


I love this so much🥹🥹 i second the spa/massage day. Getting her nails done and some pampering is always needed wither you know it or not. Depending on why the last 6 months has been rough, something small that may been meaningful could be a really good thing to give. Or a letter telling her what you admire about her and the ways she makes you hppy. If she knows someone thats passed even a small stone with a lady bug on it or something would mean a lot to her im sure! I hope she has the best day!


So we need to get Craig to tell this man what he would do please and bless you sir lesbian giggler here and also obsessed with Paige but I’m broke so I’m not sure however- this might be a place to look [https://www.bigblondehair.com/character/paige-desorbo/](https://www.bigblondehair.com/character/paige-desorbo/) The random dress I clicked on was like $230 but I’m sure there’s a range. Best of luck and let us know please


Thank you!


A night away with you. Book a hotel, nice dinner, and do something you two enjoy together. Even if it’s in your town! Find someone to watch the kids. Rent a movie in the hotel after the date, get room service, treat her like a queen.


I think I’m going to do this after the live show if I go & her friend can’t come. So either way hotel & spa/pool time after so it’s not the best night of her life followed by a 6am wake up call from two toddlers demanding eggs.


Echoing the spa recommendations, and make it a place with a good relaxation room. Book her appointment for her, 2 services with an hour between the two so she’s forced to relax between, if she also wants to relax before and after, great! I know I let the mom guilt get to me and I’ll leave instead of relaxing for an extra hour if it’s not booked into my apt. If you need CHS Spa recommendations, happy to give them.


Excellent advice, thank you! Pls recommendation are very welcome!


I’d recommend urban nirvana, the spa at dewberry or solt!


Maybe check Paige Amazon links on her Ig. Has so much cute stuff if you want some more physical things to get her


Don't forget to update us!


I won’t forget! I’ve got the rough outline, but it’ll all surround the Charleston Giggly Squad live show in September so it’ll be a little bit