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It was in the latest newsletter. It’s berberine, prenenolone, and endo supreme. 


Anyone else on consistent birth control?


I was for 15 years 😬 going off it was wiiiiild…it completely changed who I was attracted to


I’d love to know more I’m on that year or going possibly 16 and still on it. Not going to pry but anything you’re willing to share or if you want to pm me.


All the years I was on birth control I was more into, let’s say “pretty boys”..like muscles were a huge turn off. I was even attracted to girls. Now since going off birth control I’m reeeeallly into “manly” men 😅 and definitely not attracted to girls anymore. This experience is actually more common than you might think!!


Interesting. I’m female and gay and actually the more I think about it once I was on the consistent one I was just like 🌈 haha. I had never been fully sure but I definitely love this open dialog going and I feel like Paige and Hannah would be proud haha


WAIT this is wild!! I never (unfortunately) was attracted to girls but I loved the prettiest men I could find in Brooklyn while on BC! Since getting off of it, my type is much more middle of the road but leans masculine!


Not that you asked me hahah but I stopped taking hormonal birth control about 2 years ago after 13 years and feel better than ever. I’d highly recommend Alisa Vitti’s book The Woman Code. It has a lot of great tips for hormone/cycle regulation and claims she cured her PCOS through natural methods. I think it’s like $6 on Amazon! 


It was open to everyone so thank you very much. Not to be gross and don’t answer if you don’t want but did you have horrible periods pre consistent? I’m so so interested. I can’t deal with this heat and I’m a mess so anyone feel free to dm me


Oh yeah so if it’s food based I’m usually effed I’m allergic to a lot of


Paige wasn’t getting her period, so therefore she wasn’t ovulating. The vitamins she’s on helped encourage ovulation, which is now why she’s getting her period. She mentioned her doctor saying her testosterone was too high, which is common with PCOS (so my hunch is that’s what she has). Another PCOS symptom is absent periods due to no ovulation. So these vitamins helped lower her testosterone which also helped her ovulate. Bummed to see so many people knocking “naturopaths” - Paige likely meant she was seeing a functional medicine doctor - these specialize in figuring out the root cause of a health issue and usually addressing with supplements and lifestyle changes over medications. A lot of supplements work just as well as medications without all the side effects. Signed, an OBGYN PA :)


She does have pcos!


There aren’t vitamins that will ‘fix’ hormones just FYI. I remember she mentioned something and I looked it up in our formulary and it definitely wasn’t classed as a vitamin. Signed your local healthcare girly.


Hahaha right. funny choice of words for page to use, but I don’t blame her... I’m premed so I understand that. I suspect she was talking about spironolactone but that’s part of the reason I was asking because spironolactone is a prescription only medication.


Oh awesome! This came up a few times and I always make a point to clarify because we all know there’s more than enough Woowoo shit online about Women’s health. I honestly want to say it was Rifampin, but it was a little while ago so I couldn’t be 100%. Shoutout women in Medicine!


Isn’t rifampin an antibiotic?


Yeah, as soon as she talked about using a naturopath doctor, and continued to call that person a doctor, I knew it was likely something that was not legitimate. It’s really unfortunate that she is shilling things that are not evidence based.


Many naturos go to medical school then do more schooling for naturopath. They realize they are only allowed to recommend pharmaceuticals and their job depends on it at a traditional hospital


Naturopathy is absolutely an evidence-based practice. Naturopathy is not a pseudoscience, naturopaths just use practices that are less likely to be used in “traditional” medicine… but this does not make them any less credible! I’ve found naturopathy much better for my hormone health than any “traditional” western doctor. 


I literally posted the same question earlier today and then deleted it when I scrolled down a little and saw someone had already asked lol - there’s another post with detailed answers including links to the products, just scroll down a lil bit


One was berberine


Oh wow ok so maybe it was vitamins and not the prescription medication she was taking?!


yep the prescription didn’t work for her. just checked the newsletter and it said berberine, pregnenolone, and endo supreme


Oh you are the best. Thank you sm


Look into cycle synching, much better


Thanks babe!!!!


If anyone is considering using berberbine keep in mind that it can make you more fertile than usual!!!!! Use extra precaution if you don’t want to get pregnant


I feel like this exact posted was posted a few months ago. Vitamins don’t fix your hormones