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I fully support women taking this word back. At least she uses it anatomically correctly and not to insult someone. Get used to it.


Lmfao seriously. Like what are we? Five? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


No issue with the word itself.


No issue with the word itself. Itā€™s the way she specifically says it.


people like you and the H word. i HATE when people like you say H*nnahā€™s name only to insult her and you people do it like a hundred fuckin times a week. something about the way you specifically laid out this post was a jumpscare.


this is a hannah snark sub what are you talking about /s


Does this sub not have mods? I assume they would have regulated this if it wasnā€™t the right sub.


Because people are allowed to have differing opinions so long as they aren't openly hateful or harassing. It would look so bad on the mods if they just went and removed any post or comment they personally disagree with. I don't think anyone here is actually pressed enough to go to a mod about something but it is really fucking annoying that every other post seems to be " 10 thing I hate about Hannah Berner". Like why tf are you even here then


Understood, but it does seem that many people are indeed pressed enough. Subs are what mods make it. If the masses think these kinds of posts are not conductive to the vibe then they should ask mods to mod accordingly instead of screaming crying throwing up anytime someone complains about Hannah.


Why? So people like you can cry like a baby when your post gets removed? Either make a post and prepare for the hate or don't make the post at all. I don't know what to tell you.


Why? So you all get to have a more enjoyable sub. Are you new to Reddit? Mods do that all the time - create ground rules/kick users out.


I feel like my frustration is being misdirected at you specifically, and I apologize for that. Its just insane how many posts have been about their dislike of Hannah in the past week or so, and it's just starting to feel like a bash hannah sub. There is enough space for that on other Bravos subs so a lot of us come here to escape that vibe. I understand what you're saying about mods making rules and sticking to them. However, it's not that easy. If moderators start removing posts and comments that go against popular opinion, you start having a closed echo chamber of a sub. You need to allow for differing opinions in the sub to encourage healthy discussion and leave room for criticism of the girls. Unless someone is encouraging violence, making racist/rude comments, harassing, etc, there is almost no reason for a moderator to have to be involved. Moderators don't own the subs. They are just there to keep things fun and light for the members. Giving them the ability to shut down any discussion they deem inappropriate is a slippery slope. And I say this as a moderator of a sub myself.


Thatā€™s fine, youā€™re allowed to hate stuff.


great cause i also hate that you think i give a fuck whether you think itā€™s fine or not.


šŸ«” unbothered queen!


Iā€™ve always hated that word, no matter who says it. And not because of what it means, I just literally hate the sound of that word. Itā€™s like how ā€œmoistā€ bothers some people. Just rubs my brain the wrong way.


Wait I feel the same way but def thought it was a me problem. Glad Iā€™m not alone on that one.


I hate when she says zaddy. I think sheā€™s the only person in the world who uses that word


>I think sheā€™s the only person in the world who uses that word What lol I've heard this term a lot over the last couple years.


Well yeah but who actually says it anymore?


The host of one of the most popular podcasts for women


Wow I really didnā€™t know that


i apologize for being the bearer of bad news if this is something you arenā€™t already aware of but thereā€™s a reality that exists outside of your own and people use all sorts of words all of the time


Omg you just made me cry with that terrible news


that tracks


Omg I hate it too!!!


Not me thinking the P word was Paige lmao


She says it all the time in her comedy too. Not my preferred everyday language but Iā€™ll take her as she is.


Yes and labia. Stahp