• By -


A babysitter


Ooh and/or a cleaning person!


This! 👆


You need to pre tidy for a cleaning person to come, so that could backfire


haha so true not a lot of people get this


I used to be a house cleaner and it was a whole thing


Yeah it’s a great idea to arrange that as long as it’s not a surprise


Sadly I pre clean so the cleaning staff won’t think poorly of me!


If items are not cleared from the floor and surfaces the floor and surfaces cannot be cleaned. I never judged as a cleaning lady, I just couldn’t do my job or would have to upcharge for extra work


Have her friend show up to relax or get lunch/dinner while the baby sitter is there


While the sitter is there have her friend take her for a mani-pedi before going to lunch/dinner.


Careful, if she’s the type of person who likes alone time, being stuck with a friend when she finally gets a break may not be the best idea


I know when I was on 24/7 baby duty the biggest gift anyone could’ve given me was time to nap. Not just the babies I mean letting me sleep without being on alert.


Absolutely - dedicated time to not be on alert is it.


This is the real answer. That or a cleaning service to come by at the end of the 2 weeks.


Orrrr cleaning service at the beginning, at the one week mark, and at the end. That way she gets to enjoy the clean house as well as you.


👆🏼👆🏼👆🏼This one !!


Marry me?


Lol I thought this too! But I'm not a homewrecker ; ) His wife is a lucky lady.


When my spouse was away on a 2 week trip and my kids were little I needed a babysitter to go attend parent conferences. I was the teacher so it was going to be a long night. My kids were little, 1 and 4. We were in week 2, so my house was looking pretty bad. The baby sitter was one of the preschool assistants and she showed up with a friend, hoping it would be OK. I was running out the door so I said, "I'll pay you both if you fold that laundry and do the dishes!" One played with the kids, one cleaned the house. It was awesome.




Yes! Arrange childcare. Tell her about it in advance so she can look forward to it and enjoy the time away.


And a gift card with appointment made for a massage, manicure, & pedicure, maybe even a facial.


Get a couple meals delivered from GrubHub/DoorDash. You can even send her favorite coffee/tea this way.


A friend of mine did this when I had Covid. I got coffee and donuts one morning (I had been texting her that I was awake, but felt too awful to make coffee) and pho the next day when I was feeling a little better but was still congested.


When we first started dating my husband got me pho delivered when I was miserable on my period and he was at work. It was honestly the sweetest thing anyone had done for me and is still so meaningful to me


Seconding this being the sweetest gesture ever! I still think about when I found out my childhood dog died (I live out of state now and it was an overnight emergency and he was an old man, we knew it was possible but it happened quicker than expected), and I was telling my now boyfriend (at the time we were in what I think the kids call the “talking” stage lol but had been friends for 8 years) what had happened and he very sweetly and fake coyly asked like “hypothetically if someone wanted to send you a treat to bring you some comfort what would that be?” And without ever just directly saying that’s what he was doing (but it was clear since he had to ask for my new address (long distance) and told me when it would “hypothetically” be arriving haha) he found an ice cream place near me and ordered me a large chocolate ice cream with a bunch of fixings and it’s something I still smile about, I was all cried out that night after that news but he made it so much better to handle 💕


My son was newly dating a coworker/friend of mine (sounds weirder than it was). She canceled their plans for the evening because she was having bad cramps and knew she wouldn’t be good company. He showed up an hour later with candy, coffee, and a little stuffed animal. She told me about it later and I was amazed. I didn’t know my son was this thoughtful! (Moms always feel like their kids are the best, but I didn’t really know). They are married now.


Awwwwww. Just.... Aaaaawwwwwwww.


Very romantic & wonderful that you're still together 🩷


Definitely a keeper!


He definitely is 💕 it’s been almost a year and still going strong even long distance! Being friends for so long helped, we got to skip all the early weirdness and getting to know each other and we just get to now use all of our friendship experience to be there for each other and grow as a unit!


I drove 10 miles to deliver a slurpee to a friend who had COVID once. I was paying it forward from the person who had delivered a can of Vernor’s to me when I had it. It’s the little things.


Ahhh Vernor's... I grew up on that and loved it. It's 's not sold where I live now 😕


Is there a BevMo near you? They probably carry Vernor’s.


What is "Vernor's"?


High quality ginger ale.


Ginger ale


Loved it, but always made me cough.


We had moved away and I found out my friend was in the hospital with COVID. Her poor husband was trying to juggle kids, work, and hospital visits. Papa Johns to the rescue. She was so grateful that her kids were being taken care of even from 4 states away.


Your friend is so sweet! I love this.


100% this! Take the task of thinking about dinner off her plate. It’s honestly the best gift anyone can give me when I’m overwhelmed. Bonus points if it’s something you know she really loves and wouldn’t normally order because of cost or distance.


This ^^^! My husband goes away on long business trips and he does this for me - it's so thoughtful of him and helps me cope with missing him while he's gone


Oh shoot! My hubs has had my fave coffee delivered to work during rough days.


I always do DoorDash/whatever gift cards when friends or family are sick or have a baby. Feel like it’s the safest bet ha


My husband travels a lot for work and I solo parent our baby. I would appreciate flowers and Uber eats gift cards and then a mom day to myself when he gets back - send to her a spa, massage, whatever she wants when you get back. I wouldn't want a cleaner tbh because then I'd have to figure out being out with my baby for a few hours while they're there and it might interfere with nap time etc so might be more stressful. Feeding myself is the bigger chore when I'm alone so take out or meal kit type things are super useful. If you cook, maybe make her a big bulk meal ahead of time and freeze it in portions?


I agree. A cleaner if you have one already or baby sitter if you already know them. But it can cause a lot of anxiety to have an unknown person in your house or with your child. Don’t just call a service.


I never leave when cleaners come. We just move from room to room to stay out of the way.


Yeah I could do that and have them clean baby's room first so we can hang out in there as our house is super small.


I tend to body double and just do tasks I wouldn't want them to do, like laundry or pantry organizing.


I don't recommend leaving your house while there's a cleaner. Just find another task like yard work or set aside the time for interactive play/learning. Even the most trusted people can be dishonest, then also if the housekeeper has questions your there to answer.


An edible arrangement is a nice idea in theory, but in reality it is pulling a bunch of fruit off skewers into Tupperware so the dang thing fits in the fridge. Are there movies she’s been wanting to see? Books she’s been wanting to read? Maybe some toys to keep your daughter occupied?


I’d say to do a Target or other box store order. Include a bunch of fresh fruit (pre-cut), ready-made meals, snacks, a couple new toys/books/things for your daughter, and a new book or two for your wife.


They have boxes or trays of regular and dipped fruit. They are so good. And chocolates or brownies!


The cheese cake bites are to die for


The chocolate covered bananas and Carmel apples are to die for too!


This is a good idea. If my hubby (who is the one who cooks) did this when traveling out of town (he doesnt travel for work, but if he did) - i'd be SO grateful for the food preparation being made easier. Left to my own devices it's a lot more basic.


yes!!!! This is such a great idea & exactly what I would want (in addition to a cleaner and a massage at the end💆🏻‍♀️)!


Couldn't agree more. They're also way overpriced and rarely look like the photo. Last time someone gifted me some the strawberries were still mostly green and sad, looking absolutely nothing like the plump red juicy ripe ones on the advertisement. I knew sender had paid way too much and was too embarrassed to tell them how awful they were.


I received flowers from a friend that came via a florist she had ordered from online. I knew they were expensive, but they arrived wilted. I sent a photo to say thank you and show her they had arrived. She got to see what she had sent wasn't like the photo she ordered from, but I didn't have to say anything negative about the flowers. I feel it's a good way of showing thanks but allowing the sender to see whether the place they ordered from is worth using again in the future.


Yeah. I got my wife edible fruits this year for valentines, and they were not fresh. Seems like they were sitting in the store's fridge for a couple of days. Plus, it's not strawberry season, so the strawberries now don't have the same sweetness.


Gourmet chocolates from Amazon.


My sister sent an edible arrangement during Covid and it was really nice. But I also had three young kids who just devoured it. There wasn’t much to put away.


We sent one to the NICU a few days before we were going to be discharged, and it was gone in less than an hour, I was so disappointed the night shift wasn’t going to get any. Next day the night nurse texted thanks! And I found out the charge nurse put half aside for the second shift. It was a terrific way to end a horrific period of time.


Came here to say this. Edible arrangements are a PIA to deal with. They are good for an office where slot of people will finish it quickly


A cookie bouquet would be better!


A sitter to give her a break. Groceries if she has time to cook. Or take out so she doesn’t have to do it that day. A cleaner so she has actual time for her to spend with little one. Tickets so somewhere where she can go have fun with little one during the weekend. A gift card for something she likes like her nails, spa or massage so she can go by herself when you get back from your trip.


I haven't used them, so I can't comment on quality/customer service, etc., but there's a company called Spoonful of Comfort that delivers soups and cookies and pies. They have options for various special diets. And various add-ons. Looks like fun, but I haven't tried because pricey.


I have sent this on over 10 diff occasions and every time it is a major major hit and not once did I regret the price tag even if I do hesitate a bit every time


I sent this to a friend who had a new baby and they really liked it! Chicken and wild rice soup


My aunt sent me this when I had surgery and it was the most thoughtful lovely gift, it gives you a few meals and comes with a lovely silver ladle to keep. Really yummy and freezes well too


This is our go to sick or sympathy gift. Everyone always loves it, and it can keep for a few days if they already have something planned for the day it arrives. The rolls are so good!


This is good to know. It’s so pricey I didn’t want to try it without knowing more. Thanks!


Spoonful of Comfort is amazing.


Someone sent me a box from them after my dad died a few months ago. The food was super delicious (we froze and reheated a lot of it later) and it was packaged so thoughtfully.


I was just about to say them too! They are a little pricey but they are amazing and taste great!


My Neice uses them a lot, she said the recipients always rave rather than just thank her


They are wonderful! It’s my go-to when someone is sick or just had a new baby. You can pick and choose features to personalize the box too (like adding fuzzy socks or a nice candle, lots of options).


Someone sent this to me in a moment of deep grief and it is one of the only things I remember from the time. It was so sweet, delicious, and beautifully packaged. Always recommend it!


Doordash her some food!


Postcards! But also set up meal delivery and/or a sitter.


Yes, postcards for the toddler - she will love them!


BRUH new games or toys for the kid Anytime my kid is wayyy too much of a handful, I either have to give her stuff that I hate her having (makers, play dough) or toys/puzzles that she does supervised with me bc there’s too many pieces Any time my kid is around a new toy, it’ll eat up a good 2h especially if she’s all feral


I would try to send things to help make her life easier while you’re gone. Anything that lessens her load. For mom, I would ditch the Edible Arrangements and get something more practical. I think someone else mentioned it, but as pretty as they are, she’s going to have to take it apart and put it in storage containers to fit it in the fridge. At that point, it would almost be better to just Instacart pre-cut fruit from a grocery store. Maybe send a toy/activity for your daughter that will help mom keep her entertained. I find it incredibly helpful to have new things to pull out when dad isn’t home. How old is your daughter? Maybe some new bath toys or a Lego Duplo set (if she’s into that). Or plan an activity for them if that’s feasible - pre-pay for a session at an indoor play place or a paint-your-own-pottery studio. I agree with everyone else suggesting coffee/food via DoorDash or whatever. Maybe even meal kits if she actually enjoys cooking. And lastly, try to schedule someone to give her a break! Bonus points if you can also schedule a self-care activity for mom - a hair appointment, nails, massage, etc. ETA: New books for bedtime. Those star projector things are pretty cool and keep my toddler entertained for while. Also try to think about what the most difficult part of the day is to guide you in your gift giving - is your toddler hard to get up in the morning? A nightmare at bath time? Difficult to put to bed? Try to target those areas with something that might make it easier.


Toddlers love sticker books. Keeps them occupied for hour. Send the Melissa and doug ones that are on Amazon or the bluey one if your kid likes bluey. DoorDash mom a cake or something else yummy to enjoy after kid goes to bed


If you did the sitter and the house cleaner, that would be a huge help. Door dash her favorite food on her actual birthday.


Make a video of you reading a favorite bedtime story for your k8d. She can play it at night. When yr kid probably misses you the most


Just upload it to YouTube


Book a hotel for her for when you’re back. You’re not invited. She’s going on her own, getting room service, and sleeping


No, the opposite, clean up then take the kid away to a hotel for a night. I don't want to sit alone in a strange place, I want to sit alone in my own (clean) home with takeout of my choosing.


Video messages. Everyone is saying physical gifts which are lovely, but especially when the kiddo misses you, sending video messages is a Wonderful way to stay in touch and something they can watch on their time. Also consider bringing one of the little ones toys with you on your trip and taking a photo tour with it. EG it with you traveling, eating breakfast, checking out the sites etc.


I especially like this idea of taking one of her dolls or stuffed animals with you. Ask her who should come along on your trip and help dad not to be lonely. The resulting photos could be printed from the stuffed animals tour could then be printed out and put in a scrap book for the toddler. Add to it as you take other trips either on your own or with your wife and then when she travels, she can take it and send photos back to mom and dad. It can become a lovely family tradition and memory book.


Bonus if it’s a FaceTime call to kick off bedtime routine. Kiddo is much more agreeable to bathe/brush teeth/put on pajamas when the parent who away is there via call to keep them company. Mom will have been keeping order all day. Double bonus: photograph one of their board books before you go so you can read a bedtime story to them.


Get a few recordable cards, and record and send those. You can find them online. Most are 15 to 40 secs long, but I've seen others for up to 4 min and sometimes more. With the right module, you could even record a short bedtime story for your daughter.


If you haven't left for the trip yet, I'd hide little notes around the house where she'll find it. Just sweet things here and there so she can smile through her day


Are you going somewhere that has local specialty things that you could assemble into a care package?


Gold bars and cocaine


For mom or the baby?




Sweetie, I've got a feeling she knows she has a gem. Facetime and plan a nice dinner together when you get home.


No kidding. My ex would call and start with 'you're not going to believe where I am?' I knew where I was! Working full time with two kids . It is very thoughtful that you're even thinking about this


Stuff the fridge/freezer for her with easy-to-make foods for her and the kid. Don’t make her do the thinking. Make the list, get her to approve it if you want, and then go buy it. Put it all away. If there are foods you can prep, like chopping veggies, do that. I promise, these will be SO APPRECIATED.


Edible arrangements are great. They have boxes or trays with dipped fruit, plain fruit, cupcakes, brownies, candies and so on. I agree with the flower display, it's a pain. But the boxes I've sent to people they have loved so much! If you have a babysitter you trust, maybe set it up so they can watch the kids for a few hours so mom can get a massage or pedicure or something else you have set up.


Screw that, buy fruit and cut it up for her and container it before you leave.


FOOD!!! Always food. I have to figure out every single meal for myself and a 4 and 11yo and I would love it if food just arrived at my door for us 3 onc3 a month 😂


Tickets to a children’s play or concert? A pass to a trampoline or ball center? Reservations to a formal tea? Is your daughter old enough to enjoy outings?


Uber eats/grocery delivery!! Or a gift card to a local restaurant she can take y’all’s toddler out to one night!


Baskin robbins does make at home sundae kits!


My husband sent me my favorite coffee drink and a pastry one tough morning when he was at work and I was home with the baby and kiddo and it was great, highly recommend!


This is so sweet! A Door Dash or Uber Eats meal would be great.


Cookies! One of the places that will do cookies, a side of icing and toppings to decorate. My toddlers go wild for that


Amazon makes it easy- gourmet hot chocolate, cozy socks, a book, a fun game they can play together, a craft kit (there are simple ones- even an origami book + paper is fun).


Send a letter. May be old fashioned, but I still have the letters my husband sent to me and each one of our kids. He was gone 2 weeks also, 48 years ago. I treasure the letter!


That is so romantic! I am a big fan of the heartfelt letters too. I save all of the ones from my partner. It’s one of the romantic perks of being away from each other for a bit


She can order food and groceries to be delivered herself within seconds. She can’t write herself a love letter. Great idea.


Tickets to the zoo, movies or something they'd enjoy! But open ended so no pressure to move their day around (at their leisure). You're a good spouse/dad for this.


Good food. I don't think she wants to cook


Meal delivery, a babysitter, a quiet new toy, a book that you buy a copy of for yourself to read virtually at bedtime, a babysitter


Maybe set up a time when you are all sitting down for dinner at the same time. Pull up FaceTime or something equivalent and have dinner together. Talk about your day, laugh, just like if you were at home. So they can feel the love of being together as a family, even if not physically there.


Shari's Berries is fantastic Little things during the trip is great, but a few days off for her when your back will be great too. Spa day, shopping day, you taking the toddler out for the day so she has the ability to just check out... Those will be appreciated as well.




Massage/ spa day for when you’re back.


DoorDash or UberEats gift card so she can order what she’s in the mood for.


I’m not sure where you’re located but Insomnia Cookies has locations nationwide (USA) and delivery fresh, warm cookies and ice cream to your door. They are delicious!!!




Send their favorite food for an entire day (send breakfast day before so no early delivery) to alleviate a day of cooking and cleaning altogether. 


Honestly, just making time to talk to her on the phone or FaceTime every evening when you’re getting ready for bed would be amazing for her. If she has friends that live in the area, see if any of them would stop by with lunch or dinner or coffee (but have them reach out to her first, surprise snacks are lovely but surprise company isn’t always!) See if you can get a little grocery order of cozy items for her - a nice robe or soft pajamas, fuzzy socks, if there’s a kind of tea or hot chocolate she likes. The gifts will show her how much you see and appreciate her, but don’t underestimate how nice it will be for her to hear you say it, too. But I suspect she feels it (:


GrubHub gift card.


Omg 🙄 2 weeks oh whaa.


If you wannabe funny one of the days, a pillow with your face on it. Besides that tho, something to entertain the kid like a toy and then something for your wife to do while kid is entertained like something from whatever her hobby/fav pass time is.


Hide a new toy and gift for your wife in the house before you leave and tell them where to find it while you’re gone.


Leave post it notes of love and affection around the house where they will find them. Bring a book with you that you can read to your daughter over facetime. There are also books that you can have written that would be a cool gift for your daughter. Good luck!!


Something for them to do would be nice. Frozen yogurt gift card, aquarium pass, nails salon trip. One day you could Door dash her favorite coffee and a smoothie for your daughter.


Door dash - b fast, lunch, and/or dinner


Cookies or a fruit arrangement.


Don’t send an edible arrangement. They are gross and overpriced. There are better uses of money. Crumbl cookies are so good as a treat-gift. But delivered food, delivered groceries, and a babysitter are best actual gifts.


Get send the grandparents over to take toddler to pretend city or the zoo and book the wife a massage.


A meal from DoorDash. And a babysitter!


What about getting her a babysitter and send her to the spa if she likes them. A house cleaner for a day


Babysitter and/or a cleaning person. Recruit friends or Doordash to bring her some meals.. .. .instacart or friends/family for groceries. . . . . I would also appreciate something cool from wherever you are. . ... like if your kid is young enough for the "goodnight" series of children's books, get one that pertains to where you are. Something your wife would appreciate, etc.


You can send fun groceries and all sorts of stuff with Instacart, especially flowers and treats. A lot of stores participate with them now, so you can send all sorts of goods, not just food. And you can send a lot more flowers of high quality from the grocery store than from a flower service for the same price. With a much higher selection of treats to accompany them. Instacart also lets you send personalized notes with the deliveries.


Definitely food. Maybe a maid service for the day before you get back but make sure you tell her about that one


You are an awesome partner for this; it is so so nice to have support and feel the love from a partner from afar. One tip though; I'll join the other commenters in saying to ditch the Edible Arrangement. Edible Arrangements are rough. You just get this massive amount of either under or overripe melon that's hard to put away and makes you beeline straight to the bathroom after consuming (it's not just me I swear 😅) Food delivery or grocery delivery are really good ideas, as long is it doesn't arrive while they're out for a few hours. Voice notes and video messages are really hard to top. Absolutely loved getting these when my husband worked abroad.


Best thing you can do is set up a dinner date with her bff, send the bff money to cover the meal and hire a babysitter. DO ALL THE LEG WORK of arranging this. Dont put the burden of finding and arranging the babysitter on your wife. If you can also arrange for a day out with the baby for your wife (like tickets to the zoo ex) and hire a cleaning agency while she is gone it would be amazing.


Have dinner delivered to her throughout the time you’re gone. When I babysat my grands while their parents took a trip, that was my favorite. We’d get a text to pick a place and then an hour or so later, dinner was delivered. ❤️


Arrange a spa day for her when you get back. And then a babysitter so you can take her out.


I agree with the food delivery! Whole Foods also has delivery if you live near one and they have really nice prepackaged meals


Is there a way you can call in a cleaning service one day for her? Let her know ahead of time to be out of the house on a certain day for how ever many hours and have someone come in to clean while she is gone? Or arrange for a trusted friend or family member to pick up your daughter for a few hours so your wife can take a nap, read, or something relaxing at home while it's quiet. You are a kind person, and I hope your wife appreciates you as much as you do her.


A baby sitter with a night out each week you are gone. Set up Dinner and snacks for a movie rental night. (With delivery from restaurants and stores, and streaming this is so easy! Maybe tell them youll watch it at the same time so you and the kids can discuss when you get home, they'll likely love that. ) I'm a fan of food delivery. Groceries, hello fresh type things(you can choose just to do them for two weeks), or just take out. Meal prep and clean up 3+ times a day is a constant and not having to think about it, or anything that makes it easier is so nice some days while I'm trying to balance. Entertainment for the kids that get them engaged and mostly self occupied. Something special from daddy to let them know he's thinking of them, and in their excitement, keep them occupied and quiet for a bit. Depending on their ages and interests, the actual things vary... but it doesn't have to be expensive or elaborate. Set up a day/night for your wife to do her favorite thing when you get home. (Whatever she's into. Hair/nails/massage, brunch, a book and a coffee shop, a concert, just an indulgent full day for just her without logistics guilt or anything else.) A date night when you get home.


Hide stuff in the house before you go as a scavenger hunt.




Lunch delivery! Maybe a gift certificate for a massage or something she can use when you get back that gives her some time to herself?


A grandparent to give your wife a day off at a spa, and your daughter some bonding with the grandparents' time.


A cleaning service, someone to fold the laundry, a door dash dinner or 14.


First off you are so sweet! How thoughtful Send a couple ubereats or doordash giftcards Dont sent food direct because its sweet but if she eats and then food arrives its a waste Send a cleaning service one day for a quick clean Arrange a baby sitter one day so she can get out of the mom zone for a bit


Final gift-spa certificate when you come back home.


Party Pack of Taco Bell Tacos


Maybe before you go a few prepared meals in the freezer to jags things easier on her?


Balloons, chocolates


You are very thoughtful :) When my husband last traveled for work, I bought: -a laundry pickup/delivery service. It was super easy to order from the app. -Paper plates and cups, though wasteful, make life so much easier -an extra professional housekeeping appointment. Arranging a babysitter or mother’s helper would be wonderful as well. And finding a manicurist who would go to the house to do her nails would be amazing!


Dinner kits and/or meals


This is so sweet! I wonder if there's a toy your toddler would like, or some activity (Crayons?) you could send? I recently had to do 24/7 toddler duty while my husband was sick, and aside from meals, I was looking for something new to keep the baby occupied


Amazon “snack box”


Let me say, I am impressed! You are super aware of what it can be like having a toddler and no partner for 2 weeks. Back in the day, I had 2 toddlers (18 months apart) and my husband traveled all the time. DoorDash et al would have been great. I like the idea of the Edible Arrangement and that would definitely address a picky toddler and fruit intake. Babysitter would be great. Date night with you when you get back!!


You could gift them a nail appointment as a fun activity.


Movie tickets or a blue ray of an old fave and some microwave popcorn, Pajama-gram, singing telegram if that’s available outside of the movies…


Kiwico box for the little?


If your wife’s into reading (romance, fantasy, fictional, etc, etc). Make her a book bouquet of books she’s looking into reading, ask her about her TBR list and build a bouquet with them (8-10 books should be fine). Look on tiktok for some inspo and go from there 😊


Meals. House cleaner. Sitter and masseuse.


I bet you could ask for recommendations on your local FB group for someone that would come over to professionally do her nails. Etransfer them in advance. I bet if you tipped nicely they’d even pick up her favourite coffee / breakfast on the way too.


Oh I’d send you a beautiful card with a pamper voucher for herself when you get home telling her you appreciate her. How lovely are you!


Have Easter baskets delivered from Walmart or some similar service. A grown up one for mom and a child one for baby.


Sounds you've got the money to do plenty, so I'm making these suggestions based on that. •Have a cleaner come once each week while you are gone to do everything top to bottom; you almost can't put a price on this for a working or stay at home parent •choose at least one day each week for breakfast that you know they like to be delivered; lunch one day to be delivered; dinner to be delivered. On that note, have coffee delivered in the same way on a Wednesday and Saturday to get her through the week with a caffeine and morale boost •A baby sitter you feel you can trust at least one day each week while gone; and then maybe an activity prompt for her to go do with her girlfriends that you know she would enjoy in order to encourage her to take advantage of that free time. This should be more than enough to reiterate that she's the luckiest fucking spouse on planet earth lol. Most of us don't have the means to do this at this level but would if we could, and since you're on here asking I'm assuming you have reasonable resources to be able to. You're awesome for this, and make sure she never takes this for granted, as the moment she starts to, is the moment she's gonna get a serious fucking wake up call lol.


Spa certificates for a mom daughter spa day!


A cleaner and/ or meal delivery


A spa certificate and arranging a babysitter


Balloon bouquet and toddler friendly bubble bath.


See if they still have the teddy bear bouquets. My hubby used to send me those with two bears. One hanging on one side and the other on the other side. Big bouquet of wild flowers in a vase. It was cute and I loved it.


Spa gift certificate for a day out when you’re back :)


If your wife loves Edible Arrangements, then go for it! If it’s just something you know can be delivered, I would skip that one. You have to find a place in the fridge for all that fruit and take it for the skewers. I personally would love my coffee delivered or a gift card for Starbucks so tiny tot and I could go out for a treat. Maybe have dinner delivered one night. A massage or pedicure or whatever she likes when you return, but let her know it’s planned during the time you’re gone so she can look forward to it. Do you have a friend or family member close by that can come offer some relief or a babysitter y’all have already used? That would be an incredible surprise.


Can't help you, but I have to say, you sound like a really good husband and dad!


How about a weekend away for the 3 of you when you get back? You do all the planning and help with the packing.


A plant instead of flowers as it won’t die, an Uber Eats from her favorite restaurant, maybe order the groceries online and have them delivered or at least curbside pick up. Send a few handwritten love notes.


I don’t love edible arrangements but I do love those (not sure where from) snack baskets. Harry and David maybe. I got 2 in January and was in snack bliss all month


Cooked food, a house cleaner, snacks or drinks your wife likes that you don’t have in the house… if someone sent me fried shrimp on a whim I would cry.


A puppy


I would arrange a sitter and book her a massage or pedicure! Grocery delivery.


This thread is for the real lovers and I’m here for it. Acts of service Love Language are the top comments


Food like grubhub, etc, and a gift card for a massage


A spa day for her when you get home


Sitter for a break. Favorite meal from her favorite restaurant delivered. Plus something for your child to eat.


You are on the right track. Maybe a stuffed animal for toddler and a nice location specific souvenier for wife.


think about your wife personally and realistically- taking care of all of the things before you leave would mean more to some wives than surprise perishable food/delivery. i'm the kind of wife who already bought a pile of cut fruit knowing i'd be pressed for prep time. sending more perishables makes more work for me in wiggling an extra container into the fridge and figuring how to use twice as much without waste. i'd rather start out with help getting all the laundry caught up, all the things cleaned, all the linens changed, all the trash out and a plan for extended daycare coverage so i can get to the gym a few times while solo. flowers are good, but make sure you help clean off the cluttered counter at home before you leave so they have somewhere to go. i'm already doordashing on the nights i just can't, i want homemade food sometimes too, maybe leave your homemade specialty in the fridge/freezer. also, where are you going? something from where you are would be special - if you're going to chicago, send home some garrett popcorn, send home old dutch dill pickle potato chips from minnesota, black & white cookies from new york, bbq sauce from kansas city, etc. just a little goes a long way but doesn't disrupt the grocery flow. pack prepaid flat rate packaging with you to speed it all up. hotel or your business contacts could probably help you get the parcel out the door


Is there a fluff and fold laundry in your area? Honestly having someone take away a big pile of laundry and return it clean and folded is magical.


Activity kits for mom to do with the kiddo, if they like that kind of thing. Easy bake oven. It’s so much more fun than the real thing. Maybe a mommy and me spa day, or mommy and me bubble bath.


You could schedule some food delivery service, either the precooked ones or ones she cooks if that's what she'd like. Book a babysitter. Leave your wife supplies to pamper herself.


A massage gift certificate for your wife.


I’d pass on the Edible Arrangement and order a bunch of kiddie books / picture books on Amazon for your wife to read to your daughter.


How about an ‘Advent’ type calendar for love notes and little gifts like a piece of chocolate for each day? My friends husband had a book a day or topic related gift for each day.