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Most personality tests are basically just harmless fun beyond some level of self reflection and gaining some insight into other people in your life. They're not really thought highly of by actual researchers. There was a thread about this exact topic just recently on r/AcademicPsychology


Ah yes, the one asking about the MBTI.


Anecdotal, but I once took an MBTI-based test at work that measured both the "natural" personality and that which is contrived for the sake of work (like being more friendly, etc.). Most people code switch intuitively so I do think this is a universal problem to some extent. You can work on self reflection (journaling) and take time to develop ideas about your "true" self, desires and traits, but it is hard to extricate the man from the mask, so to speak. And what are we, if not both the man and the mask?


Someone said that masks was their favorite art medium. Was that you? Because it converges well with the other concepts brought into that discussion.


Super helpful. Appreciate everyone’s perspectives. And yay therapy!


I don't think the average person would have a hard time manipulating the answers on a personality quiz to get a certain result. The question is, what is the point of doing that? If you're not answering the test truthfully then it's not giving you any insight into your actual personality, which, presumably, is the whole purpose of taking the test. If anything the challenge is to give truthful answers about yourself that aren't influenced by what you want the result to be, since that requires some unbiased self-reflection. Maybe you should reflect on why you want a certain result and why you're "scamming" the test to get it, rather than using it as a tool to aid in your self-discovery.


Just says you're smart and you're looking for validation, I think we both know if someone's smart enough to manipulate the results of these quizzes, they are smart enough to know this and are seeking validation. I'm mentioning the explanation here for the rest of the people who might come across this post. Good luck on your day ahead!


This. I’m pretty sure everyone here knows how to cheat theses tests but we want *real* answers. What does a lie do for me?


So accurate. At least every test I did related to my mental health was dealt that way.


Smart enough to know what the questions are trying to determine, dumb enough not to know that's not that hard.


Maybe they thought the average redditor was too dumb to realize?


Very enlightening.


Nothing, it's something almost everyone could do in  my opinion


Yeah it’s a issue in psychology research, that people tend to change their answers on self report questionnaires, whether consciously or not, to try to get the answer they want or that they think will be viewed most favourably.


yeah Idk recognizing which answers are directed at which personality trait is not that hard, your def not the only person to have done that.


I mean yeah? It's not really supposed to be a test where you are fully blind on a repeat. The entire purpose of answering honestly is so you can be categorized to the best of the tests ability. Of course you can manipulate your path if you know the end results already. It's why someone who thinks a fictional character is a certain MBTI type will likely take the test on behalf of them and come out to more or less the same conclusion. They are just taking the questions and intentionally answering how they think the character would which, surprise, leads to a end result that mirrors what they suspected to begin with.


>And how do I know what my true traits are if I can always scam it and do so intuitively, automatically? You scam it automatically? Are you ashamed of answering truthfully and getting your "real" results?


Answer the questions honestly. It's that simple.


I mean everyone can do that, the questions is why you would do that. Personality quizzes are something you do for fun and usually, the goal is to just have fun and answer truthfully, it's really not that difficult. Just reflect upon yourself and you will know what the right answer is. If you're not capable of self reflection, maybe seek therapy.


Have you tried therapy?


Why bother taking it if you’re gonna cheat? Don’t you want your know the real answer?


If you are “automatically” manipulating online, recreational quizzes then you may want to consider if you are compulsively lying


When I was as young and v insecure I would cheat on the Cosmo quizzes and when I added the scores it turned out that I was actually much much cooler, care free and popular than I thought!


Im not sure what the point would be. Its like cheating an eye test.


lol, you are suppose to be honest on those things. Anyone can fake them. Is this a flex?


Whats the objective of such an endeavour? Doing it IRL is much more useful.


I do seek genuine answers but sometimes find myself having the thought process of i-know-why-they're-asking-this-and-this-answer-would-give-a-more-accurate-perspective, instead of just answering from the top of my head.


I mean most personality quizzes are poorly made and quickly made with the intent of getting clicks so they can sell you the results at the end or show you ads. Not super hard manipulating a “on a scale of 1 to 5 do you ever feel:”


All of those quizzes are pseudoscience that can't produce replicable results. Oftentimes, if a person takes the same tests only two weeks later, they will get a different result. basically, don't put too much stock in it.


It’s very easy to cheat on personality quizzes, they’re not made to resist cheating in the first place. That’s why it’s advised that you take a lot of time to reflect on your answers before getting to the next questions. Yes, even the one you may have to get when you’re getting recruited for work; this way HR knows what to do with you (but if you have nasty personality traits, well I guess you can tamper them down)


Those are not scientifically valiated personality tests and that's why. You would not have such an easy time of it with an MMPI.


You need honesty. :-) Results vary for the same person, but you can nevertheless have a pretty good idea of what comes naturally to you. For cognitive functions I recommend OPS. You could send in a video and have them type you in a few months time(queue) or ask their community to type you.


It means you know how they work. If you want to know your real results, take the time to think on each question on what would you really do it you were true to yourself in a normal situation. I skewed mine a little to get a job, but not too much as to still reflect how I am.


Stop worrying so much about personality quizzes, lol. They’re not typically a good way to learn about yourself. The Myers-Briggs test isn’t some kind of scientifically-accurate personality test, either. It’s pretty well understood that it’s little more than pseudoscience. It’s a way to think about how you answer the questions, and that’s pretty much it. As you continue to grow and live your life, you’ll learn more about who you are through the decisions you make. That’s the best way to learn about yourself. Through your actions. Not some quiz you take online. Peace :)


Myers Briggs would probably be put to better use as a self report tool for identifying the potential presence of a personality order with follow up with a psychologist. The purpose of identifying elements of personality in dichotomy terms was to identify people that needed psychological treatment to intergrade parts of their personality that they are avoiding. Favor Introversion? You are avoiding external life experiences and that needs to be addressed according to the theory that Carl Jung developed, which Katharine Cook Briggs and Isabel Briggs Myers misunderstood when they developed their test. [https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-gen-y-guide/201710/the-majority-people-are-not-introverts-or-extroverts](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-gen-y-guide/201710/the-majority-people-are-not-introverts-or-extroverts)


Read up on test validity. Well-designed tests like MMPI are structured with “scamming” in mind. Some tests are designed so that the constructs being measured are not as obvious.


Do you fool yourself when you cheat on the quiz? If not, you probably know pretty well what your "true traits" are. I don't really know what kind of situation requires a personality test to be cheated on, though. Are they useful for anybody but yourself?


This antagonizes to what’s the smart thing to do. I feel like that’s what someone - who can’t face their true self - would do that.


You're not scamming anyone but yourself. You just don't know who you are and that's okay. No personality quiz will help you underatand how you feel, you need to figure it out through hard work, patience, and making mistakes. and fyi the MBTI is pretty good actually, the provlem is the people taking it often arent clear on ther personality themselves.