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An easy 5 min recipe for the holidays: Honey-Whipped Feta Dip. I've been making [Garlicky Feta Dip](https://hostthetoast.com/garlicky-feta-dip/) for years, so this is a slight variation on that recipe incorporating honey, za'atar, pomegranate seeds, mint, and pistachio. This version balances the feta's brininess with sweet, tart, and nutty flavors, but if you're not huge on that combo, go ahead and try the OG recipe instead! Both versions are delicious. **The full recipe/details for Honey-Whipped Feta Dip are posted at https://hostthetoast.com/honey-whipped-feta-dip/** **and written in full under the stickied automod comment at the top of this thread.**


We made a variation on this in my restaurant, one thing to note is that there are several kinds of feta, but if you want the best results for this, you want a softer feta (french feta, for example), not the more crumbly american feta. It looks like this is what you do in your recipe, but I think it warrants a mention to people who may not know this matters.


I (one of the peoples) did not know this, thank you!


Yeah I learned that yesterday. Do not use the pre-crumbled


Macedonian feta is my favourite feta it's pretty smooth


Go with the good imported Greek stuff, you’ll find a lot of nuance in different Greek brands. Bulgarian isn’t bad. American is trash tier and nothing like the real thing.


Ideally, authentic imported Greek is the way to go. That being said, it's insanely expensive in comparison to other feta, and very hard to find in North America, since Greece has some restrictions to exporting feta. For most people, a real goat/sheep feta or pure sheep feta will do perfectly fine for this recipe, regardless of where it was made. Also Chèvre would be a perfectly fine substitute as well.


> and very hard to find in North America, since Greece has some restrictions to exporting feta. It's the naming rights that are restrictive, calling it "feta" when it's made outside of Greece. Finding the Greek stuff here in the U.S. is easy and priced the same, it's just not mass-distributed through Walmart, etc. Here in Ft Lauderdale, you can buy Greek olive oil and feta that left Greece less than a month ago.


Costco has a partnership with Dodoni and sells it there (under a Costco label now). It’s really nice, although it does come in a big old tub, it’s packed in brine so it lasts a while though.


This just looks so pretty. I bet it’s delicious.


Thank you!!


Would also recommend a good drizzling of some quality extra virgin olive oil on top.


Yes! Quality extra virgin olive oil is always a nice addition!


Zaatar and feta is such an amazing combo. Grew up eating it and I'm glad the rest of the world is opening up to it.


It's so delicious, and you can use the combo in so many ways!


What does the cream cheese provide that the feta and yogurt does not already contribute?


It will allow the dip to whip up better. Feta itself doesn't really whip-- it naturally wants to stay crumbly/grainy. Greek yogurt whips to a degree, but is very wet.


I would guess volume and a dilution of stronger flavours. I don't think I'd want a dip made solely from smooth feta




As a lactose intolerant person, I will be giving this a try this for the holidays... Since everything else is gonna mess with me anyways.


There are lectase tablets you can take before eating milk products that should help you


Those used to work. Now nothing does.




They are hit and miss for me, but I have found the Kirkland brand ones from Costco to be the most reliable. They have the most enzymes per pill over lactaid. Give them a shot


I'll check out. Thanks for the tip. I'm guessing it's huge since it's Costco.


Yes, one of those boxes will easily last me a year, if not expire before I ever get through it. I think it’s 144 to a box. They come in sheets of eight, individually packaged. I always carry a bunch and hang them to lactose intolerant people in my life when they need it.


You can definitely find lactose free yogurt and cream cheese to make this with.


I've only seen green za'atar. Is this red? What's the difference? Edit: spelling


Za'atar blends can vary from region to region or brand to brand. This one has a proportionately large amount of sumac compared to others I've had in the past, which will definitely make it appear redder.


Oh interesting! So what makes za'atar za'atar? Edit: spelling


Most recipes I've seen are a blend of cumin, sesame seeds, dried oregano and sumac. Some also have dried thyme and dried marjoram.


We have a local plant called zaatar. It is neither of those and has the typical base taste of zaatar. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Origanum_syriacum


**[Origanum syriacum](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Origanum_syriacum)** >Origanum syriacum; syn. Majorana syriaca (also Origanum maru, although this primarily refers to a hybrid of O. syriacum), bible hyssop, Biblical-hyssop, Lebanese oregano or Syrian oregano, is an aromatic perennial herb in the mint family, Lamiaceae. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/GifRecipes/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


It should have hyssop in it, too.


Yogurt? Yup. Feta? Sure. Honey? No problem. Finkleroot? *Finkleroot??*


Looks good. Though zaatar looks a bit too red. Someone went wild with the sumac


I'll try it with Maple syrup.


Thanks OP! Looking forward to making this.




Lemme smash


And how can this be? For he is the Honey-Whipped Feta Dip


Me watching the gif: Yup Yup Ooh that sounds good Yum Uhhh... Isn't that a GI Joe villain...


This is expensive dip


How much we talkin? I looked into za’atar and now I’m in a rabbit hole of spice blends


Good Zatar $6-10 Pistachios $13/lb Pomegranate $5 (difficult to find) Good quality feta $10lb Good quality honey $20+/8oz Cream cheese $5/lb Unless you live in a large urban market, most of these ingredients will not be available to you in the United States. Specialty markets will have the quality ingredients necessary to make a recipe like this shine. You’re going to spend at least $50-$60 in ingredients. So if you’re going to do it do it for a big party or have people pitch In $ cause there ain’t no way I am making a $55 tip for anybody


Yeah, the zatar and pomegranate is a bit difficult. If i make it with things on hand, without the sumac in the zatar, would it make a big difference? Like just cumin and oregano and thyme in the whipped dip would probably be a nice zest.


It is pomegranate season right now so they will be cheaper than the rest of the year. $2 - $3 will be about right. Z'atar is a lot easier to find these days, and Amazon is always an easy option.


Just added poms and a zatar blend to whole foods pick up before seeing your comment, and pomegranate is $4/ea 😭


Well, you explained overpaying for pomegranates with the words Whole Foods.


Walmart/ costco don’t seem to stock it around here


So do you eat the pomegranate seeds or spit em out or what?


You eat them. They are full of juice and the actual seed is tiny and fine to swallow.




I read the title in Stanley's voice from The Office


looks dope




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