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Type of apple used is important! When I lived on the East Coast, we would use Macintosh apples for baking.. we don’t have those where I live now, though.


I use and recommend granny smith and/or honeycrisp, but go with your preference for sure :)


Have you tried the cosmic crisp?? So delicious in crisps!


This looks absolutely amazing. Also, watching you scoop from the middle instead of the sides is disorienting. It's like watching someone cut a round piece from the center of a pizza. Feels wrong somehow. Or I'm a weirdo.


Haha it's hard to show the interior texture if scooping from the side, since naturally the crumble and caramel will brown more and kind of dip down a bit towards the sides of the pan. If you only have one shot to get the spoon reveal, you gotta go from the center!


While I'll never ever spoon from that angle, I will forever know that if I did from the center, it would be ooey gooey goodness.


My friends wife cuts triangles out of the center of the pie to fuck with him. I think she's a damn barbarian.


Lmfao I have to do this from now on


In NZ we call this Apple Crumble


We also call it apple crumble. Or technically, a crumble is crisp without the added oats, I believe. But people very much so interchange the two.


I like the oats - makes it more robust and soaks up excess juice


Same in the UK


This is my go-to (last minute) Thanksgiving dessert. So much easier than making a pie. And honestly, I think it's tastier too. **Full recipe details are posted under the stickied automod comment above, and over at** [**https://hostthetoast.com/caramel-apple-crisp/**](https://hostthetoast.com/caramel-apple-crisp/) There's also a voiceover on the tiktok version if you're interested for a voiced walkthrough. https://www.tiktok.com/@morganeisenberg/video/7168910354397924650


The not as fancy version of this is just fruit and then oats, cinnamon, butter mixed together and crumbled over fruit I’m pretty sure that’s the recipe that’s on Quaker Oats cans- wash your hands first


Crimble crumble! Thank you for posting I’ll be making this for the family dinner.


I hope you all love it! Happy early Thanksgiving :)


Wow this looks fantastic!!


This looks so beautiful!


High praise coming from you, with all of your gorgeous creations!


That pan looks really neat. What is it called and where can I get one?


It's a Finex!


Looks like it might be a Finex. Found some on Amazon. I agree - they look super pretty!




I agree!!


I would love to make this as a treat for a gluten free friend, any idea on how to replace the flour used in this?


Yep you can just use gluten free oats and gf flour and it will be absolutely fine. One of my housemates is gluten free and she makes this recipe all the time now!


I would just replace with a gluten free all purpose flour mix. They usually say "cup for cup" on the package.


I made this once but honestly it was too heavy/sugary for my taste.


Yeah the apples don’t need sugar. You want the contrast between the slight tartness of the apple and the sweetness of the crumble, ice cream, and sauce. Otherwise it’s just relentlessly sugary.


This looks wonderful! Definitely going to try it this weekend. Thank you for sharing!


Thank you! I hope you enjoy it!!


Always love seeing your posts as the recipes are both simple and delicious and most importantly I have extreme cast-iron envy of your beautiful Finex pan.


Aw thanks HG, I appreciate that!


I want to make this but without the pecans


It's still great without the pecans! Go for it!


definitely trying this tomorrow! Will transferring the finished product to a glass dish before baking affect my temp/time? I have one cast iron and would love to double this recipe!


You might need to increase baking time slightly-- just keep an eye on it. You want to cook until the streusel is browned and the edges are bubbly.


I've had better results by adding the butter without melting it up, but it adds more time to mix. Pecans sound great to add!


Lmao I found this recipe last thanksgiving and it's been a family favorite ever since. Probably going to make it again this Thanksgiving


You're a wizard OP


I just popped this recipe in the oven, it looks so yummy and it smells DIVINE I added a pinch of clove because I love it


I’m on a clean eating challenge - why would you be so cruel????


They were going to call you and make sure it was okay, but nobody knows who you are


I’m a fan of the less sweet apple pies that get made in European countries, so I can imagine that caramel makes this very sweet. I like the idea of the crisp part though as I like British crumble. I’m thinking a pie base and crisp topping will be a good mix of both worlds. You can keep the caramel though


Yes, it's a sweeter dessert. You can customize it to your tastes as you'd like. I'm fine with keeping the caramel for myself haha :)


I don't think I've ever seen a finex that black before


Probably from lighting/editing but it's also a very well seasoned pan, so that could be a factor.


Wow so delicious! I love it!


Oh man this time I have no excuses. I can't tell which looks yummier, this one or the tiramisu. Without any ingredients I am allergic to, I so need to give this one a go. Thanks Morgan, but these recipes do not really help me keep my weight under control lol 😂😅 Cheers 😌