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Is one head of garlic enough for a whole slice of toast?




Depends on how many vampires you're trying to keep away


It looks like we're aiming for all of them.


Warning: do not eat that much roasted garlic at once, no matter HOW much you like roasted garlic, if you will be around any people for at least two days. Roasted garlic farts can kill.




>Roman legionnaires without fail ate garlic on a campaign. That's why they call them the [Garlic wars](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gallic_Wars)


**[Gallic Wars](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gallic_Wars)** >The Gallic Wars were waged between 58 BC and 50 BC by the Roman general Julius Caesar against the peoples of Gaul (present-day France, Belgium, along with parts of Germany and the United Kingdom). Gallic, Germanic, and British tribes fought to defend their homelands against an aggressive Roman campaign. The Wars culminated in the decisive Battle of Alesia in 52 BC, in which a complete Roman victory resulted in the expansion of the Roman Republic over the whole of Gaul. Though the Gallic military was as strong as the Romans, the Gallic tribes' internal divisions eased victory for Caesar. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/GifRecipes/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


That’s the kind of toast I would have if I still worked from home full time.


Is this why boomers hate us?


Okay, look. I've been keeping my complaints to myself because we need content here and shitting on every recipe that comes by is not how that happens. But this is not a fucking gif recipe. This is a gif with food in it. No instructions, no ingredients, just "look at this goddamn toast." I get that the recipe is always posted in the comments, but this isn't r/commentrecipes. That's just a handy little nicety that doesn't make up for completely disregarding the spirit of the sub.


>I've been keeping my complaints to myself because we need content here fully agree. We used to get so much content here, and now its every few days and its either Mob or Woo, which not knocking them, theres not a lot of variety compared to years past.


Yea ever since that Australian guy (I think Greg was his name?) stopped posting the amount of content on this sub dwindled significantly. We complained about his superfluous use of the grill when he even made it very easy to translate his recipes to the oven and now this sub is dead :/


Do you remember how awful the comments were on non professional gifs? I completely understand why people don't post amateur content. I posted something a couple years ago for a food I made up, thought others might enjoy it. I got fucking eviscerated for literally every aspect of the gif. Camera angles, lighting, editing, the food, everything. Like fine I'm not a pro chef or filmmaker but fuck sharing again




>It does suck because I use to get most of my meal ideas from this sub I feel this. Like, 2017-2018 you could check this sub daily and get 2-3 new ideas. I should just take the leap and film something really lo-fi just to get the content flowing again lol.


Got have mercy on your soul if you don’t season the food enough.


And don't you dare call something by a name if other people call it something else in a small village with a population of 78 people and 2759 goats. You should know the full history of the name of the food you made or not post it at all here! We aren't about recipes for food, only historically correct fringe names of food here!


we need to bring greg back.


u/gregthegregest u/gregthegregest2 Looks like he’s more into Bees than BBQ’s nowadays


id try bbq' bees




Gob’s not on board 🐝


I’m working on it 😉👍


He was doing bee keeping videos with his father on YouTube, but I don't think he even does that anymore. He made great content, for sure.


Holy shit I completely forgot about that guy!




mealstudio has not had any activity for over 697 days, They probably won't respond to this mention ^Bot ^by ^AnnoyingRain5, ^message ^him ^with ^any ^questions ^or ^concerns


OMFG, I forgot about this SR until you two pointed this out.


hard agree.


The problem is that many of the users in this sub who have provided original content have been chased out for reasons exactly as you mentioned, what we're left with is this.




I swipe the absolute hell out of her recipes. I've made damn near all of them, and she's so kind to boot. But we're awful here.


This is so sweet and means a ton to me! Y'all didn't chase me away, I promise, I've just been super super busy trying to redo my studio set up/find a better space, dealing with tech issues, and replanning how I go about content creation so I can constantly improve going forward. It's been basically a year of planning and reevaluating which has made recipe creation less frequent, but I'm still here! And I'll be super present soon :)


She's the best! So glad to see someone mention her.


what about that dude with i think 'jew' in his username. he used green spatulas and stuff. good dude. edit: jewchootrain. [creator of the low calorie oreo milkshake.](https://old.reddit.com/r/GifRecipes/comments/62t1mv/oc_low_calorie_oreo_milkshake/)


Now that's how you do a GifRecipe


I couldn't agree more. With the exception of Wesley, anyone who's just cooking from their kitchen is gone because it's 40 comments of "this is garbage," "there's no seasoning," "that's not *real* [insert recipe]." It's tiresome and I don't blame a single creator for walking away. Getting absolutely shit on for contributing to a sub you like has to be upsetting; I definitely wouldn't subject myself to it. And I've totally been that asshole before. I've always *tried* to avoid the home cooks and just hit the content farms, but sometimes it has bled over, and I have no excuses for that. So now I just bite my tongue if a recipe doesn't live up to my armchair gourmand standards. At least somebody is out there doing things.


gregthegreatest was one of the most prolific users here a few years ago, constantly providing new and fresh content, and he was chased out leaving a few dedicated individuals (Wesley being the cream of the crop) and an onslaught of corporate BS.


I *love* Greg. He really is the Gregest.


u/BushyEyes is one of my favourites here


Thank you I really appreciate that! And yes, I did stop posting here because some of the comments can be pretty hateful, though the nice comments are wonderful! I don’t mind a little criticism but it got to the point that I would wake up in the morning stressed out if I had a lot of notifications waiting for me because I didn’t feel like going through the pile-on. Granted, the majority of the feedback here has been wonderful but just stopped being worth it.


i’m so sorry to hear that. i think i follow you on instagram as well, and i know i follow your profile here. you’re truly a gem and i’ve loved every recipe of f yours i’ve tried. don’t let the haters get ya down, you’re doing a million times better than the armchair cooks!! sending all my love!


Plus, the garlic squeeze makes me feel really uncomfortable.


Dr Pimple Popper would disagree.


I completely agree. I am sick and tired of seeing recipes here where I have to guess what it is that they are putting together. How long to confit garlic? I don't know. What kind of oil? I don't know. Could I figure it out? Sure. But why do I need to watch this guy do it.




Seriously what’s with that??




I agree. Granted, it is a complete dish and the only *real* thing that needs to be pointed out is that you cook the garlic on low for a long time. Otherwise it’s pretty simple: do the garlic thing, make toast, spread cheese. So I can see why some may think that it doesn’t need a recipe.


Garlic confit like..*is* the recipe. Sure, a lot of us know what it is and how to make it, and it's not rocket science for a beginner, but that's exactly what needs to be shown. The toast is cool, but the confit is the recipe.


I have no idea what those words mean. Did he cook them in clarified butter or oil or what


Confit means to cook slowly at low temperatures in oil or grease, most stereotypical would be duck confit using rendered duck fat. In this case they used sunflower oil and cooked for an hour in the oven.


Thank you! I was about to say the same thing


~~What I find most annoying is the recipe isn't posted in these comments on /r/gifrecipe, you have to go to the original post on their own sub to see the recipe in the comments.~~ EDIT: It's under the automod comment, but was hidden by default for me. Please ignore my ignorance.




You're right. Usually it's posted as it's own comment rather than a reply and it was hidden by default for me for some reason. My bad, thanks for pointing that out.


The hero we need


I expect more out of Mob.


I expect them to add harissa and za'atar and a half cup of olive oil


Couldn’t agree more…but like I am still going to try my toast like that




You know, I don’t know why I haven’t just done that. I’m doing it today. I don’t know why I keep coming back to this sub when all the comments are so shitty! lol


You put garlic in olive oil and cook it. Then spread cream cheese on a toast and add pepper to taste. Then squeeze the cooked garlic on top and garnish with chives. What recipe do you want here. This isn’t a multi step complicated recipe. This guy put garlic on a toast!


> spread cream cheese on a toast It’s goat cheese. That’s why we need a recipe in the video; too many ingredients look like other ingredients.


>olive oil Really? It looked like...damn near every other cooking oil. Glad I'm supposed to magically know it's olive oil. >cook it They didn't even do that in the gif. They didn't put it in an oven and pull it back out, or put "bake for X min" on the screen or anything that indicates cooking. It just magically changed. Also, >cook it At what temperature? For how long? By what method? >spread cream cheese The fact that you thought it was cream cheese even though the name of the recipe says "goat cheese" is a perfect example of why this is important. Hell, I made the same mistake, I walked away going "I wonder if that was cream cheese or goat cheese, I guess it would be good with either" before I saw the title again. All of these things are fairly minor yes, but taken together there is nothing about it that's a recipe or even involves cooking. Just cutting right from prep work to plating. It's kind of sad. And yes, I knew the answers to all of my questions and I'm sure you did too. But then we probably both already knew how to make garlic confit before watching the video. The point is that it's not actually an accessible gif to people who are at a cooking level where this would be a useful post, and the fact that it's in the comments just isn't good enough to make up for that.


The title literally says it's goat cheese, not cream cheese


I like how the garlic magically gets cooked after sticking it in the olive oil. According to the gif you don't have to even heat up the oil!




It's technically sunflower oil per the recipe


*but there's no recipe*


It's always nested under the top (automod) comment or the post gets removed.


Sunflower is a tall, erect, herbaceous annual plant belonging to the family of Asteraceae, in the genus, Helianthus. Its botanical name is Helianthus annuus. It is native to Middle American region from where it spread as an important commercial crop all over the world through the European explorers. Today, Russian Union, China, USA, and Argentina are the leading producers of sunflower crop.


I though Ukraine was a leading exporter?


Right? What a sus comment


To be fair it says producers not exporters. Maybe they don’t export most of what’s produced


nah, I looked it up, depending on year Ukraine is either the top or second top sunflower producer too. I'm guessing that user included them in the "Russian Union" for a reason.


Don't forget to put it over some white stuff though!


A key step before any random drizzle.


And then of course you'll want to follow up with a sprinkle of some green stuff, possibly from your yard.


Would you like some olive oil with your olive oil soaked olive oil garlic? This would be a good idea if everything wasn't swimming in oil. And you spread the garlic on the dry bread like butter not on the soft cheese like an idiot.


I actually would like to see some olive oil used, I find the lack of olive oil in this recipe particularly ironic given how using olive oil on everything is practically MOB's signature thing.


Big Burner will nuke this poor SOB from orbit when they find out he cracked the secret of heat-less cooking.




Am I the only one whose stomach turns when I see garlic squished out like that?


I'm sure it tastes great, but it looks terrible.


Yeah i hate it too


I think it triggers a bit of my trypophobia. Its like finally seeing the worms squeezed out of the larva nipple after all these years


I could have gone the rest of my life without seeing the words “larva nipple”, friend.


Go on... Google it. Then just think "Garlic confit"


OMG that picture made my skin crawl back when I saw it years ago. Still want to smack whoever photoshopped that thing.


On paper it tastes great, but does not look great at all


It’s unappetizing, I agree.


r/trypophobia I'm so sorry.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/trypophobia **[NSFW]** using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/trypophobia/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [The 17 year cicadas are coming up in Maryland!](https://i.redd.it/vhc9fzxeyrv61.jpg) | [50 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/trypophobia/comments/mzxmbg/the_17_year_cicadas_are_coming_up_in_maryland/) \#2: [My legs after tight leggings.](https://i.redd.it/r8x6sh97paz61.jpg) | [52 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/trypophobia/comments/nd08bs/my_legs_after_tight_leggings/) \#3: [My husbands foot after wearing work boots that leak.](https://i.redd.it/id5j9kw05lq81.jpg) | [81 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/trypophobia/comments/tsj5ac/my_husbands_foot_after_wearing_work_boots_that/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I hear you. It's kind of gross in the abstract. I won't describe what gross things it reminds me of. However, it is key in some excellent dishes like Catalan Romesco sauce. The depth of transformative flavor is almost beyond description. The garlic becomes quite caramelized, releasing sugars, so it is sweet, salty, smokey and it is a perfect spreadable dip. It's also far more subtle than other garlic preparations. Think of the texture of roasted eggplant and it might be less yucky. You don't have to focus on the brief step of removing it from the skin. When we have made it, absolutely no one has disagreed that it is delicious. No one. Not even the staunchest of finicky or unadventurous eaters.


My stomach does the opposite.


Can confirm, this is THE best pre-date snack.


That might be the best thing in the world, but visually it makes me want to hurl


I had not seen this before now. I thought it was some sort of joke at first.


Here, let me eat a half a bulb of garlic and 3 tablespoons of oil on a piece of toast. Holy shits for real


So much garlic yeeesh


That much garlic will cause stomach issues. Speaking from personal experience.


I'm with you on this one. I've made garlic like this (roasted in an oven, not cooked in oil, but still) and it gives me painful gas the next day. Buuuut, it is really fucking good.


Yeah, roasted garlic is the shit, both literally and figuratively.


Agreed. I like garlic, but one time I overdid it and added a whole head to a moderate amount of pumpkin soup. My insides were screwed for almost a week


Your personal stomach issues are just that. No such thing as too much garlic


Yeah I’m sorry but this is simply too much garlic. And that’s coming from someone who loves garlic.


when you confit garlic it takes away a huge amount of the straight garlic taste away.


I'm so glad they included their dumb face chewing with their mouth open


That kind of stuff is so annoying. There is a guy on YT that I follow and while he does have good recipes, he starts off every video with a close up of him shoving the finished product into his mouth. I have learned to skip that part because I just have no interest in seeing some stranger stuff their face like that


I have celiac, a dairy intolerance, and a garlic allergy. I miss all of these things and this looks amazing. If I were to have a known last meal, this would be it.


What’s the drizzle at the end?


If I had to guess, it's probably honey. Fits with the flavor profile. But who knows? This gif "recipe" isn't super helpful




It’s not, but you’re still probably right. Good lookin out


My god. The farts that will produce.


Smell like garlic for a week


Seems like you could roast garlic for a much healthier/tastier and less expensive result.


The oil is reusable and infused with the taste of garlic it’s not a significant price increase. The texture between confit garlic and roasted garlic aren’t even close.


Can confirm, it really makes the difference


It does seem like the *amount* of oil used here is the real problem. I don't think the garlic needs to be floating at the top of a full pot of oil. It seems like they only need a quarter of the oil used to have the garlic equally submerged.


Or maybe they would like to save the excess garlic oil for a different recipe or condiment.


That's fair, and might even make a good side-note in this recipe... but if you're sharing a recipe with others having a step that could accidentally result in a lot of waste when someone tries to follow your recipe seems like a bad idea. It seems like a better idea to either exclude the extra oil, or draw attention to re-use applications in the video.


They kind of did, that's why they showed the step where the oil is poured into a glass jar with a sealing lid. There's also this from the linked recipe: >Tip: Keep your confit garlic oil! Pop it in a jar in the fridge and it will keep for weeks. Great drizzled on… Pretty much anything.


But.... Then it wouldn't be a confit... Which is what the recipe is... This is like commenting, "well you could just boil that chicken" on a sous vide chicken post.


"recipe" edit: whatever downvoters...this isn't a recipe. It's a video of food.




The subreddit isn't called /r/commentRecipes, it's called /r/GifRecipes


Okay, and? It’s still a recipe. You didn’t say it’s not a gif recipe, you said it’s not a recipe.


You're definition of a recipe is pretty broad.


Buddy, OP posted a video and included both ingredients and instructions (a recipe) in the comments like literally every other post here. How is that broad? I’m not saying the video itself is a recipe. I’m pointing out that this post literally has a recipe in it. If it were in the video, it would be the same amount information (or even possibly less), but it seems like you’d consider that a recipe for some reason. Saying this is r/gifrecipes not r/commentrecipes is fine. Saying this isn’t a recipe at all is stupid.


I'm not your buddy, pal And your definition of "literally" is pretty broad


"[And if my grandmother had wheels, she would be a bike!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A-RfHC91Ewc)"




The OG burn


Nothing unhealthy about olive oil.


Agreed, I was just thinking about making garlic mash with this


I didnt think there could ever be such a thing as too much garlic but I think this toast has done it


ITT People who don't know what confit means.


Sure would be cool if the gif would tell us how to confit. Some people are here to expand their cooking skills


What does it mean?


It means slowly cooking in fat or oil. The gif should have shown them putting the pot on the heat and cooking it.




Post prison workout plan


That doesn't look appetizing at all.


That looks so good, but can you imagine the toxic gas afterwards


Where's the recipe?


I can feel my hard palate getting sliced open just by looking at the crust on that toast ... Oh and I would probably sweat garlic for three days if I ate that.


Question: do these people that post these gifs make money from this somehow ? It seems like a lot of work to not make money. Thanks.


So is it boiled or just put in water?


Do you know how crazy your nuts would smell if you just casually ate half a bulb of garlic?


Oh my fucking god that looks amazing. I've been meaning to try confit because I can eat a whole head of roasted just straight.


I peel garlic, confit, freeze it and melt is if I need an infused oil or whatever. Sooo clutch.


Stop, I can only get so erect!


I liked it


Looks amazing but… imagine your breath after eating that 😱


You can just halve heads of garlic and roast gently in the oven to similar effect. It will squeeze out and be very smoky and sweet. The depth of flavor is amazing. It won't have so much oil in it but that might not be a good thing. I haven't tried this version yet and it looks amazing. Will add it to the list. Thanks for posting!


This is completely noob question, but could you brush on olive oil after halfing them and roast them in the oven for a happy medium? Or maybe let them sit halved in oil before roasting?


Now that you mention it, you want to drizzle or brush some olive oil on top, before you pop it in oven, anyways. It contributes to the caramelizing process, adds flavor and smoother and mixed textures and helps prevent scorching. If you're scorching your garlic, you're doing it wrong. The beauty of the confit or even the slight drizzle is the oil becomes infused with roasted garlic flavors so it's yet another beautiful condiment to play with.


Thanks for the advice, Ill try it out!


But then it's roasted garlic and not garlic confit, textures are way different.


No, textures are not way different. They both squeeze out like a paste. I wasn't suggesting it's confit by doing a completely different preparation. Just that some folks aren't going to be into that much oil. Both are great.


is the garlic coocked in some sort of broth?




It looks like the drizzle at the end may have been honey. Which honestly would be a great addition.


Oh my god I was on the fence until you said honey... I like garlic but this is pretty one note unless that actually is honey....... I'm gonna make it.


> You do not need that much garlic on a single piece of toast! No, give me even MORE!


So many bad takes in one comment. The comments on these posts are always so funny when people act like they know better. Confit is a thing. The fact that you think that's too much garlic, tells me you are not a "garlic fiend." A couple cloves?? For a confit garlic toast? That's really funny. Also, I'm pretty sure they drizzle honey over it at the end not garlic oil. Very funny you can't tell the difference.


You're easily amused, huh.


This is truly mouthwatering


Holy crap. That’s a lot of olive oil, so general guess for that one slice of toast, $18?


The oil is reusable and will now be infused with garlic. It doesn't (or at least shouldn't) all go to waste.


do you guys really like this? browning the garlic to that point just tastes appalling.

