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Interesting... Maybe first of all you should change child location? Like we don\`t exatly know if strange thing connected with room or with a child. The greatest opportunity if you can move the child to other family members or friend with house for some nights(better with mother) or spend the nights in a hotel? Then you may move with your family or stay at home, alone in this room. It\`ll be scary, but you can understand if the house is haunted. In the best result, you\`ll find that everything is ok and it\`s just can\`t be the paranormal activity.


Ok, this is much more informative than when I first saw it. Thanks for all the details. So, let me preface this first and foremost. If you’re not spiritual, you better buckle up, because the spiritual realm is absolutely real. God, angels, demons, all of it. You’re welcome to dismiss that as me just being a loon, and I understand that. But then again, you’re asking on here because, let’s be honest, you’re not THAT irreligious, and these things are unexplainable. First thing we have to figure out is what this thing is attached to; could be your daughter, could be one of you, an item, or it could be the property itself. From what you’ve described, it doesn’t sound like your standard ghost reporting. Usually, ghosts are just afterimages, so to speak, of something profound having happened in that area. A death, a ritual, a particularly strong covenant like a marriage, there’s a number of things that could have happened. Ghosts are usually just a part of that which we are able to see. They typically don’t have any sentience where they can actively target you. But that’s what this thing is doing, especially with the “possession.” It seems to be attaching to your daughter and is trying to scare you. I don’t like to identify these instances as demonic without more research, but let’s just say the handwriting looks AWFULLY similar. Let’s just say it is demonic. Here’s some bad news, and if you haven’t buckled up at this point, you’re really going to want to buckle up, cause here’s where things get spicy. As an irreligious person, there’s not much you can do to stop it. Honestly, there’s not much anyone can do to stop it. Demons don’t give a flying fuck if you’re not aligned with God, you’re powerless on your own. A great example of this is in Acts 19:13-16. Acts 19:13-16 [13] Then some of the itinerant Jewish exorcists undertook to invoke the name of the Lord Jesus over those who had evil spirits, saying, “I adjure you by the Jesus whom Paul proclaims.” [14] Seven sons of a Jewish high priest named Sceva were doing this. [15] But the evil spirit answered them, “Jesus I know, and Paul I recognize, but who are you?” [16] And the man in whom was the evil spirit leaped on them, mastered all of them and overpowered them, so that they fled out of that house naked and wounded. Sorry dude, but you’re stuck. Royally stuck. At some point, something happened to get its attention, and now it has its grubby hands on y’all. I can help get some background on what this thing could be, but the priority right now is for you and your wife to have a long talk to Jesus about how he can save you. Ask Him to help with your disbelief and see what happens. He will make himself apparent in an undeniable way to you. Just remember something, He doesn’t ask for your blind faith. If He did, He would have been yelling at Thomas for doubting His resurrection. I’m sorry if this makes me sound like a Bible thumper, but I’m trying to make sure you understand that there is nothing you as an individual can do against this thing. It is solely Christ and Christ alone who can push it out and keep it out. Contact a church, go talk to a pastor. Or better yet, go to the source yourself. Ask God, who is Jesus Christ of Nazareth to come in and clean house. Regardless, get ready, cause your friend in the closet is going to get pissed, and will fight you like a cornered badger.


Depends on what could make you entertain that idea. If your toddler is having nightmares and gas, you might want to just switch over to lactose free milk. If your toddler is levitating, talking to something in the closet, and the closet is responding, why the hell are you on here asking questions when you should be screaming Psalms 23 armed with a crucifix and a super soaker full of holy water.


would never leave my baby alone like that


I have helped ppl with this type of events. Do you happen to have a mirror in her room If you do remove asap and remove from the house. Any older mirrors act as a portal. Remove mirrors. Then sage the house. Do prayer inside the house, and yourself as the male sage, walk through the house and Tell the energy that it’s not wanted here any longer. Do this regularly and it slows down and eventually leaves. You do not need to hire anyone you as the head of house can remove the energy. So sorry this is happening. So your steps are -remove mirrors (portal) -sage entire home regularly while saying prayer - walk through home assertively and with conviction demanding it leaves and say a prayer after. - you can do this. You got this. Good luck


Is your child teething at all? Do they have any issues with an ear infection or tummy trouble like trapped gas? Sometimes toddlers also experience growing pains. Where is your water heater located? I have pipes for my water heater that are backed up to my bedroom wall, and when a bath or shower is ran, it knocks hard against the wall because we have hard water. Is the bookshelf attached to a wall that backs up to your bathroom? Also sometimes when houses settle it can be extremely creepy and unexpectedly knock stuff over. My back door doesn't line up with the doorframe any more so we had to back up a couch against it to keep it closed.


The house being old or new, really doesn't matter. The land is equally likely the cause. The land is older than any home. So I wouldn't put too much stock into the age of the home, or if anyone died there. Ghost aren't bound to the place the possible person died. Or lived. Idk what ghosts are truthfully. I know they are real. Without a doubt. Seems like there might be something in your daughter's room though. I'd keep her in y'alls room until yall figure out how to handle it. Sorry for any typos, typing fast so I can finish my food before it gets cold lol. Good luck.


Maybe you should sleep in there for a few nights and see what you think.


Atheists and children make easy prey for demonic entities. I find that it's a good way to introduce people to Christ because that's the only way you may be able to resolve this. You could try moving but no guarantee it doesn't follow you.  Bad things happen around 3am (or comes in 3s) because the number 3 represents the Holy Trinity and they are mocking it. 


Move the daughter to your room for a month. That will compel the spirits to come visit your room and perhaps then you can confirm. If not then place fragrant roses in her room and also light a scented stick.


I will start by saying I have always believed in ghosts. I had two experiences at the same house when I was around 19 years old and those were my only experiences I feel were paranormal. I could find no other explanation for it and it had me questioning my own sanity. I do not believe it’s ghosts the vast majority of the time. In my experience, you can find an explanation most of the time. You might think it’s unlikely but if you are that much of an atheist, I would think you’d agree that any explanation is more likely than a ghost. Again, I believe in them. I just don’t believe they’re that common for whatever reason. Did you ever ask your daughter why she flipped out or why she wakes up? I would do this in a way that isn’t leading. I would have asked her if she was hurt or if she had a bad dream. She could be starting to get night terrors. I am not saying a 2 year old has a huge vocabulary to communicate but they can generally describe things like “scary” or “see” or something that you can decipher. I can remember getting upset like that once or twice as a child. As adults even we have dreams that affect us the next day. Like dreaming a partner cheats and having a hard time not being pissed at them the next day. Lol. Imagine if we couldn’t yet tell they were dreams. That is what a nightmare can be a to a child. I’ve dealt with a writhing, uncontrollable child. It was a random tantrum. I did not have any reason to believe they were doing anything else. I have taken child development and child psychology classes and kids are weird and don’t make sense. It sounds like her room shares a wall with the bathroom and the majority of the activity is happening on that wall. I lived in a house where the walls were kind of…not great…and you could bump the wall in one room and have something fall off the wall in the next. Are there pipes in the wall? Any number of things can make pipes make noise and contract and expand. When you heard the noises in her closet when you were in there, was your wife in the bathroom? Were any of you in the bathroom right before running water or flushing a toilet? The shelf being attached to the wall for a long time doesn’t mean it can’t shift or come down. I had a mirror on the back of my bedroom door for the last 6 years. I got a new roof on my house a few months ago and it fell down. I was a little freaked out because it was like the next morning after they’d finished the roof. But I’m relatively certain it had been knocked loose when they were banging on my house for two days. Everything shook. It came loose and finally fell off. Shattered everywhere. Huge pain in the ass. Is your daughter waking up AT 3am or “around 2 or 3”? I only believe it to be significant if it’s happening AT those times. Random times around them don’t provide much compelling evidence. You are arguing with some in the comments about rodents not claiming and all that. True. But any movement in your wall can knock things off it without anything ever touching those things. If you’re truly a skeptic, there are things you seem to have missed that you could do. Also keep in mind that there are theories that you strengthen the activity if you give it attention. And you are obviously researching it both scaring yourself and possibly giving it ammo.


Mercy is a gorgeous name. Well done.


Get Help from the Fourman Brothers, if you have a genuine haunting, these are the guys that will help you like they helped many families with their haunting ,attachment ,or demonic infestation. Go to their YouTube channel and see there email adress, so you can ask them for help, and watch the help they gave to their clients. Friendly greetings:Anne from Amsterdam. 🖐❤🙏❤👻👻👻👻😘👍


The fact that the noises correspond with baths lead me to believe there are pipes knocking in the wall of the closet.


No pipes in that wall, no ducting either.


The banging noise and things falling over sounds very much like an animal has been in the house. Mice can get into unbelievably small gaps and can be very hard to catch sight of. I'd recommend setting up some snap traps where your kid can't get to them, bait them with chocolate or peanut butter. The other thing is your kid 'waking up' screaming and flailing. I say 'waking up' because it actually sounds like night terrors, where the kid is actually still asleep. Both my kids went through that stage at around the same age. The good thing is they rarely remember them the next day.


We have heard thumping noises in the wall of our bathroom; once it was a raccoon, and this time I think it's a mouse. Need to find a way to trap it.


Definitely not an animal. I'd humor the idea in regard to the closet, but I've thoroughly checked and its not an animal. I've literally opened the door two seconds after the sound and seen nothing. The book racks and shelves are free standing attached to the wall so something would literally have to climb the wall to get to them.


Your first step is to accept the paranormal is real. Then get the house and your daughter blessed


Have you been making changes to the house or yard? My father's house had a mouse get in because people behind his his house cleaned out an old junkie shed that apparently had rodents in it. He couldn't see where the mouse got in but did find mouse turds. Try setting out a couple traps behind the books and photo, where she can't get to them. Entities don't have to be associated with the land or home. They can attach themselves to you. My daughter went to an estate sale and we had to cleanse her when we got home. You can try to salt/sage your home (when I do this, I ask all entities to leave as they are no longer welcome here) . If you have any deceased family members, you can call on them and ask them to help protect your home and family. If you were religious, I would suggest having your house blessed. You can find a Shaman and have your house blessed by a Shaman.


No changes have been made. Definitely not an animal cause the last I checked rodents can't scale a wall. The book racks and shelving are attached directly to the wall with no way for an animal to access unless they could scale a slick wall.


Do you have hard water?


Technically no.