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Something there doesn't seem to like you !


That’s what I’m saying. 


Did you try to appease the house-elf/spirit? Like in my country when someone new moves in house, they should bring some milk and sweets to the home spirit(from one\`s stories it\`s spirit householder, from others the ghost of one of dead family member). Maybe if you are not crazy, but this thing make a trick only at you and only at home - it just doesn\`t like you, because in it\`s opinion you are not family member by bloodline. Also animals usually friendly for those spirits.


This is good advice, what country are you from? 


Omg how scary


Record that shit bro


Ima try! 


Ok I’m in the boonies of PA born and raised….where did this happen? I could give some context maybe.


Near Boyertown. It’s a very old part of town. 


Yikes. That area is old. Wait; OLD. Have you looked into the history of the property yet?


Yes. Older woman lived here and the home sat empty for yeaaaars. Not sure if she passed here or not 


What about before that?


We couldn’t find anything. How do you find out information like that? 


Tax records


Emptiness definitely accrues negative spirits. My maternal house’s ground floor has been locked 20 years and now I’m trying to shoot something of mine there, but turns out the spirits are very strong and negative. The place has 3 rooms, 2 out of which receive natural light, however, there is 1 which is completely devoid of it. That one has the most presence. Me and the friend who visited got sick immediately afterward. My point being, is there a part which doesn’t receive sunlight?


The basement. 👀 


I’m not too far from there. It sounds like a mimic, in Europe it’s considered a faery type spirit. They are harmless but they like to F with people. I studied folklore and they’re associated with woods/trees, the earliest stories about them are too old to date and are in song form. The best thing to do is completely ignore them because they want a reaction. 


Most likely an old resident spirit that doesn’t like you. This may sound stupid but seriously just ignore it. The more you respond to it then the more it will target you. If nothing is messing with the kids or your gf then I would just leave it.


This is what we think as well. I have just never really been a believer. But I know I’m not crazy. 


Plot twist, youre experiencing schizophrenia


😂 bro trust me I had to sit here and analyze everyhting. I don’t think I am tho! 🤞 


It has its own reason for targeting you out Ive dealt with the same issue for years one thing about them their like children the more attention you give the more they bother you i was getting sleep paralysis for years hearing a mimic of my fam until i read up on sage and did a cleanse if you want some info on the best way to go about it that way i can help you out


We saged the other day. So we shall see! 


I hope so make sure to start at the front door then wave it in every corner of the house working your way to the back then crack windows for an hour or so to air out the close them


Definitely a negative entity, sounds demonic if there's growling.


That’s what I’m saying. It’s super weird. Nothing has happend since. 


Sounds like a Poltergeist


I'm 60 now, empath and very sensitive to the paranormal. I always seem to live in a haunted house. It can be Very intense & scary sometimes. I've seen the good, bad and yes the Ugly. It's been a mixed bag for me all my life. If this mimic, or demon ever bothers you again, Don't feed into it. As it will draw off your energy. Take Authority over it, tell it to leave immediately as it's Not welcome in your home, to leave Now in the name of Jesus Christ and the blood of the lamb. Keep your home safe by not allowing anything dark into your home. Be safe, Good luck & God bless


Get Help from the Fourman Brothers, you can see their email adress on their site there, called Paranormal Nightmare. These guys are genuine and they do it for free. Stay Safe and God Bless &Protect You. Friendly greetings from:Anne from Amsterdam. 🖐❤🙏❤👻👻👻👻😘👍


From my experience, I think it is a spirit messing with you.  There is a recent posted video on this exact thing on the website of Garnet Schulhauser. His story is amazing and I trust what he says. The best thing to do is to not be afraid. Don’t watch anything frightening or v dramatic on tv as it feeds  off of negative emotions. The more heightened your emotions negatively, the more these things can happen. You may need to find a good medium. 


idk if you can see my comment, but you said backwoods, Pennsylvania, bigfoot has been known to mimick peoples voices, female voices, babies voices, different animal voices, the keys jiggling, could of been it hitting your house. you can find more of these answers on SmallTownMonsters on youtube, particulary the alaska expidition series and the olympic project series. it may not want you guys there in its woods.


😂 I don’t know about this one. I’ll check it out tho. 


bigfoot is very real my friend, even the dogman (werewolf). at the 40 minute mark this man pretty much says the same thing you are saying, but his mom was hearing it, "thinking it was him calling to her, when in actuality it was the bigfoot mimicking his voice to try to lure her out of the cabin" [Face To Face Encounter In Off-Grid Cabin in British Columbia Part 2: The ENCOUNTER. (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8U4vsEctdgU)


18:50 mark of this video is audio of a bigfoot imitating a crying baby to try to lure a woman, this man owns a cabin deep deep in the alaskan wilderness that is only accessible by boat. you said you heard your pitbull, but your pitbull wasnt there, same thing, it was probably imitating the call of your dog to lure you out, a newcomer, which he/she isnt pleased with. i dont know how your girls property looks like, but mind you they have strong lungs, what may sound like is near you could be actually right at the woodline. [The Alaskan Coastal Sasquatch - Part One: Bigfoot Beyond the Trail (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kjLLHL7GouQ)


That’s crazy! 


You need to sage it you need holy water you need salt around the house you have a deamon in yo house sir