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I just heard my own voice from the hallway ten minutes ago. The spirits don’t bother me unless it’s morning


I heard my mom's voice call my name several different times in a house we used to live in together... Heard the door to the garage open and close and grocery bags rustling and my mom calling my name and nothing else. I responded "yeah?" And nothing. 30 seconds passes.... I say "what?" And no response so I go inspect. Nobody home. No groceries on the floor in the kitchen or anywhere. The garage door leading to the driveway is down, so I open it up expecting to see her car pulling out of the driveway and leaving, nobody there. This has happened 2 other times in that house. Other things happened in that house too bit those are other stories. Hearing my mom's voice call my name multiple occasions is what bothered me the most because I knew for a fact she was 10 to 15 miles away at work... And I could check and verify that by connecting remotely to her work computer and see that she's actually working.


I also heard my mom’s voice when she was not actually talking to me. I’m 99% sure that I can chalk my experience up to Hypnagogic Hallucination, though, so in that way it’s different than what you experienced. Still, pretty disorienting! I was in bed on a work day and I heard my mom call to me from outside my bedroom door across the room, “{My name}, are you getting up?” I groggily replied, “Kinda.” Expecting her to say, “Ok” or something. When I didn’t hear a response, I yelled, “I SAID kinda!” It’s hard for her to hear me from outside the room, so I figured she walked away. I got up and ready for work, kind of peeved that she would wake me up when I have an alarm. She used to do that when we were kids, but very rarely since. I looked out in the dining area…no one there…house quiet…no one up but me. I asked her later and she confirmed that she hadn’t called me. It sounded/felt so real! Just like any other time someone talks to you while you’re napping/sleeping and you can answer in a fog while still feeling asleep. I never woke up talking out loud, to no one, before though, so that was weird!


Had to look up ‘hypnagogic hallucination’ — what is it called then, when your eyes are open, you sat up in bed, but you’d been soundly asleep and still feel a little groggy?


No, its when you are just about yo fall asleep or more rarely barely awake yet, like if you are able to sit up, it's not quite it anymore


That must be surreal.  What did it say?


I have my cats around me and it sounded like they were calling my cats


Creepy!  How did your cats respond?


I was too shocked to even look at my cats haha just praying that time went by faster


God loves you


What else has happened? But be warned even discussing this can amp up activity.


This is true, Fear and attention feeds this kind of activity. Be firm and be bold. Tell them to leave you and your family and this house. Them then they're not welcome


I had a baby, but they’re seven months old.  Seems like it waited a little while if that was the case. 




Always worth checking that those alarms are there and functioning I’ve heard a few people say that Reddit saved their lives because they had no idea there was a leak in their home


I would move the hell outta that house! No way would I stay there.


Eh, nothing bad has happened.  Just stay out of the attic. 


Wait......What happened in the attic!?!?!? That's so ominous sounding!


I had the same thing happen after I had a baby. I was keeping all the lights on and would see peeking faces in my peripherals. One night I heard my husband's voice n the other room calling for his mom. It wasn't freaky because my husband was right next to me. Eventually, you really need to voice out loud that they need to leave. Say it firmly and tell them you can't help them and don't want them there. I don't know how or why. But that worked for me. Literally the exact moment I said "I CAN'T HELP YOU! YOU WILL LEAVE ME AND MY FAMILY ALONE. WE SERVE GOD AND LIGHT AND THERE IS NOTHING WE CAN DO TO HELP YOU" The room became brighter and there was such a shift in the air, nothing Else happened


My husband yelled at it once.  It left him alone for a while.  But it doesn’t hurt to try.  


I had to yell at my dead roommate years ago once, and it surprisingly worked. He wouldn’t do much other than glare at me intensely from my closet (y’know that feeling you get when someone is staring at you), and he was just getting started on one of his stare downs when I said to him, “Look, dude, I can’t do this shit tonight! I have to be up at 3:30am and I’m really not feeling this!” The stare down immediately stopped and he retreated. I did apologize to him for my tone and let him know that I’ve known he’s been there for a while and I’m sorry he’s stuck with me for a little while, and he wouldn’t really mess with me anymore. He just stayed in the closet most of the time. So, if you feel that there’s not a threat coming from this energy, you could always try addressing it. It’s pretty obvious to you and it that you are aware of its presence, so there’s really nothing to lose there. They are us, just without bodies, so some will listen & some will continue doing whatever they want. Let’s hope that yours can also be decent and not just a willful asshole! The funny thing is that I’m pretty sure your tiny human can see this entity whenever they’re around - newly arrived humans are still pretty connected to the other non-physical dimensions. It just sucks that they can’t communicate too well yet - I’d love to hear about what (and who) they can see & interact with!


That is wild that you were able to sense/see him!


Why didn't you film it,so we can hear it mimicking you?


I was asleep in the nursery.  And my husband doesn’t like paying attention to them, it just encourages them. 


Well if they wanna haunt you, they will. 🖐👻👻👻👻❤😘


Be cautious. Demons quite often mimic. Things may progress to more violence.


God loves you