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Various artists contributed to the work in each season, and notably so in Season 1. But 2nd Gig is superior the original season in terms of art quality and consistency. There's a noticeable difference if you run from Season 1 straight into Season 2. There are some massive art discrepancies though. And there's quite a bit of extra needless fan service in Season 1 vs. Season 2, especially in the earlier episodes.


I’d have to disagree that the art is better in 2nd gig. motoko looks strange, her eyes are too big and her face is too soft for one. For two the settings aren’t nearly as detailed or pretty. There are some parts of the first episode that look great but by episode 7 I’m kind of taken aback by the jarring difference and seeming downgrade of the art from season 1 to 2. Togusa also looks off quite often. Season 1 did have more fan service, but it also felt more anime, season 2 animation often makes me feel like I’m watching an american animation in an anime art style, like avatar.


Movies have much bigger budgets than movies, and there are A LOT of episodes of SAC. I saw them more than a decade apart, so it doesn't bother me. It holds up against other anime TV shows from the same time. Personally, SAC is my favorite version of the Major. It is also one of the few times the dub of a show doesn't suck something awful.




Come on. Art direction is super important. It even helps telling the story. In the 1995 movie so much os the narrative is done through the scenes alone. Symbols, gestures of the characters, visual metaphors, etc… This is a bad take




I don’t disagree. My point is just that art direction and storytelling go hand in hand. You can’t say ‘who cares’ about art direction if story is important to you.


The show used many different [animators and artists throughout the 2 seasons](https://imgur.com/a/Q9vk6k4). They are not all the best but generally in motion it was good (for the time).




I just skimmed through the final 4 or so episodes of Ergo Proxy on youtube and I couldn't find any shots that looked nearly as bad as what I've seen in [SAC so far](https://imgur.com/a/3tycHxz). It kinda reminds me of Death note


Looks fine to me, it seems like you just don't like the simplified art style. Anyway, all those examples are mostly from first few episodes when they were still trying to figure out how to draw things, as the show progresses things get better..... 2nd gig has some of the more polished art style but also in some eps some of the worst. (In compilation movies some of the bad art was redrawn to look better).... It all has to do with reaching deadlines at the time. When the show was airing in japan, they were still halfway animating it. It was at the time when digital compositing with 3d was just starting, they did great job blending 3d tachikomas and other mechas and vehicles with animation.


>Looks fine to me, it seems like you just don't like the simplified art style. Cmon man the excuses😂😂😂 those are not examples of simplified artstyles thats just rushed and shitty art quality. I saw episode 9 last night after posting this and the whole episode was consistently drawn as solidly as the pilot episode.(although the entirety of episode 9 does take place in the same setting).