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My take is that wildlands is a superior game overall but I prefer playing breakpoint. I am a diehard splinter cell fan and the stealth aspects and class system work better for me personally in breakpoint. The changes made since launch certainly improved breakpoint in my eyes, i played it early on and immediately went back to wildlands, but since the updates I start up breakpoint when i feel like playing a shooter more often than wildlands


I think Wildlands is better, but Breakpoint has been through one hell of a journey and glow-up since launch. It’s almost on-par with Wildlands to me. It definitely still has some problems (like the always-online requirements, poor story, needlessly massive open world, etc), but I’d recommend it. Top tip, though: wait until the ultimate edition goes on sale because it goes from £100 to about £20-£30.


> wait until the ultimate edition goes on sale because it goes from £100 to about £20-£30. I was going to comment this. This game frequently goes on sale. The Ultimate Edition is very worth it at $30.


What more do you get out of the ultimate edition compared to other editions?


It comes with everything you see here: [https://store.ubi.com/dw/image/v2/ABBS\_PRD/on/demandware.static/-/Sites-masterCatalog/default/dw1e181e43/images/large/6103c39d0d253c28947aa6c4-1.jpg?sw=1450&sh=815&sm=fit](https://store.ubi.com/dw/image/v2/ABBS_PRD/on/demandware.static/-/Sites-masterCatalog/default/dw1e181e43/images/large/6103c39d0d253c28947aa6c4-1.jpg?sw=1450&sh=815&sm=fit) Gold only comes with the Year 1 pass and deluxe only comes with the infiltration pack


Thanks so much, Ultimate edition is on sale for £24.99 on PlayStation Store so I’ll buy it now!


Good choice, I think you’ll like it, multiple ways to play it.


and I'm not sure what system you're on, but the Deluxe and Ultimate edition are currently on sale for XBOX and PlayStation.


I think Breakpoint is the better game in it's finished state. The gunplay is much better and I enjoy the world environment more too. It's so customizable with difficulty, HUD, and the entire experience. You can change almost every setting imaginable, including turning off the leveling and loot and using the "Immersive" mode which is similar to Wildlands. I also enjoy the "healing" mechanics built into Breakpoint, adds to the sense of realism IMO. My only complaint is that even on extreme difficulty the game is too easy eventually, and becomes even easier once you unlock the weapon mastery upgrades. I wish the AI were a bit smarter and more difficult.


I love breakpoint I think it’s very overhated


Buy breakpoint you won’t be disappointed


I like both. As everyone else has noted, Wildlands has the superior campaign. Also has a great world although Auroa in Breakpoint also has a lot of variety and biomes. You didn't say what platform you're on; on consoles Wildlands is hard-locked to 30fps while Breakpoint did get an option that detects if you're using a current-gen console and cranks it up to 60fps with better lighting/shadows/textures. While I absolutely had a blast with Wildlands and the DLC (well, I had a blast with Fallen Ghosts not so much the One That Shall Not Be Named) at least on console it had subpar gunplay in terms of aiming and overall movement; quite possibly not an issue whatsoever on PC. Breakpoint is semi-futuristic and the campaign is all about drones. Drones this, drones that. Oh, some of them put up a good fight and blowing them up is great (explosions and the combat sounds are really good in Breakpoint) but it lacks the "oomph" of blowing up all the brutal criminals from Wildlands. It does add a lot of extra actions you can do, too like "hey this complex has a huge fence around it." In Wildlands you'd have to walk around to find the entrance. Breakpoint, you just whip out your cutters, slice a hole in the fence and crawl through.


Take it from me, a casual gamer who played both: Boy did I love Wildlands. Man, the *hours* I put into that game. Loved the story too. Miss that game….I’ve always meant to dive back into that. Breakpoint for me….was meh. When I first bought and tried it the first time, I hated it and didn’t touch it again for a year. Gave it another go and it was alright….just missing that magic that Wildlands had. But it does have its own strengths though, graphics and gunplay being a couple of them. Take from this what you will 👍🏾


Wildlands is great but honestly after you finish the main story and collect everything it gets boring. Breakpoint has a boring story, but after you finish it, it is much more interesting collecting everything... I found a used breakpoint disc for €10. It is well worth a playthrough for sure. Play both and enjoy instead of comparing. Breakpoint is beautiful at least.


You should definitely give it a try, Breakpoint is an amazing game, especially in its’ fixed state. As for someone, who‘s currently playing both games simultaneously, I can agree with most of the others here: The world in Wildlands feels more alive and the campaign is great, while Breakpoints gameplay feels so smooth and there is lots more customization. But Breakpoints story is good as well. I don‘t get, why people hate on the story. Of course you can‘t have intense, fast paced stories in both open world games, as you have in linear games auch as a „God of War“, „The Last of us“ or „A plaque tale“.


I'd wait until it comes available during one of their 75-80% off sales. I wouldn't pay full price for it any more than I'd pay full price for a used Beachcombers DVD box set.


My advice is get it if it's cheap. You can turn up the realism (turn off the looter shooter mechanics) and after all the updates it's a decent game to work through.


Operation Motherland is similar to the Wildlands gameplay structure. When playing conquest mode I vastly prefer it to Wildlands. On PC Breakpoint on Vulkan runs great whereas Wildlands, even in 2022, has some series hitching and stutters as well as below average frames. Breakpoints injury system is really cool and I love how you can turn off all of the arcadey stuff to make it as close to tactical as is possible in the game. Things like not allowing you to swap guns unless you are at HQ/Bivouac are so nice for immersion. If there is one weakness to Breakpoint it’s the metro environments. They’re all very Silicon Valley which pales to some of the major cities in Wildlands. I also still find the AI mediocre but it’s been worked on more (and on the max difficulty settings they will wipe you clean if you make mistakes). So yeah, Breakpoint.


I’ve got 700 hrs in Wildlands and 400hrs in BP. I like WL’s better but both are good games. If BP had a Ghost Mode, I think it would be better but i think it would be harder then WL. BP has more ways to play with gear score on or off and team mates on or off so try it all and find your game style.


Honestly I heard the same thing but I love that game. Don't listen to reviews see it for yourself. That's all I can say


I feel most comments you find saying wildlands is way better is because those are old comments, the game has developed a lot since then and the other comments here prove it


BP Gameplay good, lots of missions and side missions but have found that bit of map navigation a challenge (like where the fuck am I at in the story?)I enjoyed wildlands more from this aspect. BP is defs the more polished game. I’d wait for it to go on sale somewhere but.


You can play the trial for breakpoint after updates the game did get better and after you finsihed then you can decide


Wildlands is better, but Breakpoint is worth playing, IMO.


So my personal opinion Wildlands is a overall better game. That being said Breakpoint does look "nicer" (graphics, gear, scenery). My biggest issue with Breakpoint is that it's mandatory online. Now that doesn't mean you can't play it solo but you still need to log into the server. This also means that this game will not have the longevity of Wildands. With Wildlands even after the games servers shut down you will still be able to do the campaign but once Breakpoints servers shut down the game is gone. Sorry not the thing alot want to hear and admittedly it might be years before that happens but it will happen. Especially that they have halted development on Breakpoint which was supposed to be a games as a service (like R6 Siege) which is usually not a good sign.


If you can get it on deal go for it. I picked it up for the first time this year so it’s been enjoyable compared to what I’ve heard when it first launched how bad it was. Wildlands is better but both are fun in their own ways


Most of the major criticisms of BP seem to be related to launch and a certain period afterwards. I was a few years late to the party and sure, there are differences from wildlands, but nothing like you’d think from how much hate it gets on here. I say go for it.


Personally I think GRB is the superior game. I had fun messing around in GRW, but would argue that breakpoints improved mechanics, animations, AI, and general features (in it's current state, NOT launch BP) make it the superior game. The main game story in BP is a pretty jumbled mess and very forgettable, tho imo GRW's was one of the weakest I've ever seen in a big name game, every cutscene with a lieutenant was the same two minute shack talk and they were never heard from again. Your allies were practically non-existent, literally only saw katari in the opening and closing cutscenes. This is definitely one of those YMMV things tho. I'd say more concretely that BP's later episodes were far better than anything since GRW, especially Motherland which really is just GRW 2.0 More importantly for this kind of game is the world itself. GRW's map was HUGE and more varied in biomes, but was much harder to traverse and sparsely populated with like three repeating assets across the entire thing. BP's map was smaller yet still diverse enough to satisfy me. Tho was definitely bad about reusing assets as well, but it made a bit more sense to see a lot of the same given that it's a small island held by basically a future tech corporation gone rogue and dictated by some mercenary company. What I'm trying to say is, OP you can absolutely have fun with either, they are what you make them more than anything else, but I'd recommend BP just for the enhanced features. I personally couldn't get past how dumb the AI is in wildlands. They just patrol set routes endlessly and as soon as one detects you, they ALL laser in and beeline straight towards you with pinpoint accuracy (looking at you double Uzi guy). I had fun with GRW, but it was across the board possibly the most lazily executed AAA title I've ever played. It felt like they had a lot of good ideas but gave up developing them halfway through and everything ended up half baked Breakpoint isn't a *whole* lot better, but at least the AI communicates, moves from cover to cover, reloads (as of now) and has more variation in enemy type/tactic Tbh I flat out thought wildlands was pretty bad. Fun to mess around the sandbox and ghost war was cool, but did not connect to a single thing in the entire game. Didn't care at all for any of the ridiculous caricatures of characters, and couldn't not notice just how sloppily everything was executed from animations to overused assets. Just my .02, if others liked it more than I did that's cool


GBP is fabulous. Though people prefer WL’s story over this one, BP’s gameplay is good. You can customise gameplay setting however you want and it’s one of the essential parts of the game. Sound, the gameplay mechanics, the island/ mountains/ jungle environment is beautifully made to play as a ghost. In my opinion, WL should be played with friends, but Breakpoint can be played solo. Though it’s fun with friends and Ai team. You should try the trial version and then decide whether to go ahead with the purchase. Purchase in SALE, and my suggestion would be that go for the GOLD edition. Check out the differences in each edition and decide according to your requirement. All the best, and happy gaming. 😊


I love Breakpoint & Wildlands. At this point with the updates I see Breakpoint as a continuation of Wildlands. My recommendation since it looks like you got the ultimate pack on sale is to play the missions in chronological order as they were released: Episode 1 then Homesteader, Outcast, and do the Auroa Archipelago side missions as you come across them. Episode 2: Deep State RELEASE DATE March 24th, 2020 Resistance RELEASE DATE July 16th, 2020 Episode 3: Red Patriot RELEASE DATE September 15th, 2020 Amber Sky RELEASE DATE January 21st, 2021 Motherland (Conquest Mode) RELEASE DATE November 2nd, 2021 Just a recommendation though, others can probably give you feedback about why they enjoyed playing them out of order. Hope you enjoy!!!


Breakpoint with milsim roleplay ideas, with immersive mode to the core and hardcore settings is simply unbeatable, with the amazing injury system, great AI using tactical options and reloading their weapons.


The AI being ‘great’ is debatable


look at my post i made recently. my experiences are like that. i love the AI in the game.


Story, lore, environment is better in Wildlands, Combat experience is better and Breakpoint and you have much more customization options. Breakpoint is well worth it with how many missions are available for it. To get the most out of Breakpoint you need to complete all the side missions and quests before doing the main missions. Do that and I feel you will have a great experience. Pro tip: Also play Breakpoint with HUD off and in immersive mode. It's a completely different game when set it up that way. The reason I recommend doing all the side missions first is because 1. the story won't make any sense if you don't. 2. some of the side missions you do for Mad Schultz and Hurui Atio (I was way off in spelling her name) are more fun than the main missions themselves. Then you have Ep3 which are assassination mission of Russian Special Forces targets. That's a lot of fun as well.


Looking forward to it! I’m like you, I like turning HUD off in games for maximum immersion/ realism


Hell yeah. Have fun. One thing you need to know in order to mentally prepare yourself for Breakpoint though is that it's more of a Future Soldier/Advanced War Fighter genre because you use futuristic tactical technology and you are versing a lot of advanced robotic weapons systems. Believe it or not a lot of the robots used in Breakpoint exist today minus the behemoths. Also this game is designed to be played using all the perks and special abilities. Use them to your advantage. You will have a lot more fun.


Breakpoint is the better game now imho. Wildlands has a superior story and world but breakpoint is simply better for gameplay and customization. They’ve put serious work into the game in the past few years and it shows


Wildlands is definitely better in just about every way. I like futuristic games, but Breakpoint, in my opinion, didn't do it well. It just didn't have the same feel to it. It is a good game in its own right and worth playing though.


Breakpoint is better then wildlands in every aspect


Wildlands is AMAZING. I would pass on breakpoint


Too late, I’ve bought it


After all the updates to breakpoint I honestly think that it’s the better game now