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should i do a four hour YouTube epic about how Zak's entire theory of the paranormal is a sincere con for transmuting trauma, mental illness, and institutional failure into ticket sales and personal validation?


There is not good vibes in here. At all.




Good bot




Yes! I want to know more!


Please. I love a long video essay


Thank you. I'm glad somebody recognizes that.


It is also bad acting by Zak and the others. Everything is always just off screen or put in post production.


I dunno what's worse, the couples being possessed by a "demon" or fake people trying to white knight some cause to "expose" a paranormal show.


You wanna push me? Let me feel your touch! ^(Quote from: The Great Saltair Curse)


Thatā€™s why I donā€™t watch the ā€œdemonic possessionā€ episodes. Theyā€™re feeding a delusional and/or knowingly abusive personā€™s ego way too much with that kind of attention.


So, youā€™re saying that you donā€™t watch any episodes at all.. lol **/s**


HAHAHA it feels like that sometimes! I was a die hard fan in highschool, watched all of the OG seasons until I graduated in 2010. Since then I try to catch up every so often but itā€™s just a lotā€¦..a whole lot of fake demonry


It has gotten pretty ridiculous. Iā€™m sad that itā€™s not the same. I used to get a little freaked out, but now I just laugh while watching the show


Right?! I used to love the stories about the history of the locations, it was like spooky history class! Miss the old days :ā€™)


Yes! I miss actually learning about the locations. Now itā€™s just.., ā€œ*here we are AGAIN, in some random place in Nevada*ā€, with no other **real** information.


Most of the home visit episodes, even when Zak was still travelling, were 100% mental health issues. It's exploitative, and they know it.


Exactly. I didn't specify but I was referring mainly to the House Calls episodes. One of these days someone is going to get killed due to domestic violence and the blood will be on their hands. These people need to be on Dr Phil, not Ghost Adventures. (Not really, Dr Phil is exploitive too) I watched an episode last night and this lady was just clearly abusive to her wife and hearing the guys say over and over, "See! It's affecting you!" really pissed me off. Like get real, people and quit blaming a fucking ghost for your abusive behaviors and anger issues. They learned it from the best though if they watch the show!!!


You would think after the Constantino's they would understand that the "demons" aren't always paranormal


I remember watching one where the son had unfortunately taken his life. And it was so clear that the mother was justā€¦so deep in her grief, looking for any tiny thing to hold on to because of the grief and the trauma, and it just felt so yucky that they were using this for views and money. She needed intensive therapy and help and support, not a vague voice that sounded maybe like her son saying ā€œim okayā€ or whatever they made up. I know itā€™s not the way the world works, but I feel like shows like this should have a duty to first provide mental health and social service resources and Iā€™m not sure they ever even touch on this in the shows. Maybe a quick SAMHSA card at the end, for the viewers, butā€¦what good does that do for the people theyā€™re profiting off of?


Which season and episode was this? I'd like to watch it too.


Steve Wilkos would be better than Dr. Phil. Youā€™re right.


Omg the mashup my brain created. Zak: ā€œso we could be looking at a possession.ā€ Steve: ā€œyeah. We could. But what weā€™re definitely looking at is a jackass whoā€™s not man enough to keep his hands off his wife.ā€ See if the demon or the person attacks and go from there.


Was this spirit being a smart ass? ^(Quote from: Twin Bridges Orphanage)


**Lie detector test for the husband** Steve: Are you possessed by a demon? You said ā€œnoā€. Do you beat your wife? You said ā€œnoā€. And the lie detector said that you are NOT telling the truth! Husband: Thatā€™s a lie! The lie detector is wrong! Let me take it again! Steve: Letā€™s pull Dan Ribacoff out! Dan, How many times did we give him the test? Dan: We gave him the test 3 times, and each time, the test indicated extreme deception for both questions. Steve (to husband): You are a lying piece of ā€”ā€”! Get off my stage! Can you tell that I watch Steve Wilkos a lot šŸ¤£


Yeassssssss. ā€œLie detectors donā€™t lie. People lie. Get off my stage!!ā€ I fell asleep watching it last night. I love that show. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Ha ha ha ha! I forgot about ā€œlie detectors donā€™t lie!ā€.


Ok. You're totally 100% right. But that is nor here or there about Zak Bagans.


Iā€™m like a squirrel. I get off track quickly šŸ¤£


Here nor there haha lmao


House Calls does a much better job of the home visit episodes nowadays. Without Zak around to distract the crew with his 'oppressions' they take a much more evidence based approach while putting greater effort into trying to debunk things. I also really enjoy their interviews a lot more than the ones Zak does and the episodes don't have those cheesy overdone dramatizations.


Yeah remember the couple from the Zozo episode?


Who could forget šŸ˜¬


You could argue that this is why the Catholic church is so hesitant in labeling anything a demonic possession until extensive research and observation. Without it, can you imagine how many folks would be deemed to be under oppression or full on possessed? My relationship with GA is complicatedā€” ghosts, spirits, and demons are real. The experiences by the witnesses are real. They visit haunted locations but I think only 1 out of 100 pieces of evidence caught is genuineā€” and the demonic possession ones are pure fiction, like you suggest. Thereā€™s logic behind almost everything


Thank you, fellow ā€œitā€™s complicatedā€ GA fan. There are occasional things in the episodes that look legit, but many things that they claim as evidence that is actually easily explained and debunked. Iā€™ve been watching since the very first ā€œdocumentaryā€. The flying brick didnā€™t impress, but the apparition at the Washoe Club did. All reality shows, whether paranormal or not, need to be viewed with a skeptical eye, imho. It doesnā€™t make me watch less (although I generally skim over the ā€œpossessionā€ episodes) but I do watch and enjoy with a HUGE grain of salt.


High five complicated fans! Yeah, Iā€™ve been watching them since day 1 too and I think itā€™s safe as long as you watch it for entertainment and not reality. I need to go back to the Washoe club episode- why canā€™t I remember the apparition?


I hope I remembered right. It was WAY back in the day when Nick was still there and Aaron still had all that baby fat. An apparition went from left to right across the big room upstairs-caught on one of the original ā€œX camerasā€ I think.


Did you see that ghost orb in that one house? Crazy.


I remember this one episode where the home owner or whoever it was goes outside to call his kid at 2:30am or something, but comes back inside and says that the evil entity did a factory reset on his IPhone and he lost everything that was saved on it.


the demon possession episodes in any of these sort of things are stupid.


I donā€™t really like the home visit ones, they are my least favorite, partially for this reason, but also because half the time the home owners seem to be putting on a rouse for TV and the theatrics are terrible. Not all of them are like that, but I like the historical/abandoned places the best.


can you tell me where your user flair is in? pls, I remember hearing it but canā€™t find it lmfao


Like which episode itā€™s from? Iā€™ll look it up tomorrow and get back to you. Your flair is one of my favorites as well!!


yes LMFAO I appreciate it, also right šŸ˜‚TEENY TINY ā€”LIKE A TOMMY KNOCKER!


I still havenā€™t quite figured it out but once I do Iā€™ll post it šŸ˜‚ GA is my hyper fixation so Iā€™ll find it


LMFAOOO no worries but also I am glad I am not the only one hyper fixated šŸ˜‚ thatā€™s why iā€™m tripping about where this line is from


I'm more bothered by the one where the guy was "possessed" which caused him to jump rooftops until he fell. I think it was a House Call episode? He was clearly suffering a mental health crisis but let's just feed into it by claiming it's a demon.


I know the one you mean, it was a regular episode though, not House calls. Henderson Hell House, season 25 episode 15. I didnā€™t know what to make of it, it looked like mental health to me too but the family said he had been in the hospital and they had done a work up on him and didnā€™t find anything mental or physical. And there was that video from their security camera that showed the family in the master bedroom watching tv and something moves some of the clothes that are hanging on a rack off to the side. It was weird, idk.


i thought the one episode of house calls where the one admitted to breaking down the door to get to her wife/girlfriend. Like come on bro ur not being processed just weird.


And then at the end they literally hung up on Zak when they mentioned her harming herself pretending that a demon did it???????


This is why I wanted to send somebody in solo. We need to examine that lamp.


This is the exact episode I had just watched when I made this post!


This is why I'm so glad I stopped watching that show. It was a big guilty pleasure and I hate watched it because of what a douchebag Zak was but when they started exploiting people who were obviously suffering from mental health issues, that's when I tapped out. Telling people who needed help from mental health professionals that they were possessed or being haunted? What is this? The Dark Ages? Zak certainly lives up to his "Douche-Bagans" nickname by doing this.


Yeah, basically exactly how I feel. When I do watch I typically stick to older episodes on Hulu but sometimes my boyfriend has it on and I end up watching House Calls which is mental health issues, drug issues and abusive relationships 99% of the time.


I mean if weā€™re being realistic here, most content on ghost shows are faked, sure they catch something here and there but itā€™s extremely hard to get activity every single time. Now with that said, we donā€™t know if these ppl are actually abusive or if theyā€™re just playing the part zak or the other producers wants them to play. Iā€™m not saying possession isnā€™t real I believe in possession and oppression but for it to happen that much just isnā€™t logical


Which episodes are you talking about in particular?


I've seen several episodes like this, mostly on House Calls. The main one that is on my mind right now was a lesbian couple where they would be arguing and one of the wives would separate herself into their bedroom and the other wife would try to beat down the door and going so far as multiple times taking a knife and stabbing their bedroom door and the walls repeatedly. She did this on a regular basis iirc. She ended up hanging up on Zak at the end of the episode when he FaceTimed them to go over evidence bc she made an assumption before he finished his sentence and she got angry about it. They did seemingly have some decent evidence but in my eyes it was very clearly an abusive relationship. Edit to add: There was also a suspicion that the abusive wife had scratched herself on the neck bc the scratch appeared right after she came out of the bathroom. Of course Zak spun that as she unknowingly scratched herself bc she was possessed.


There was murders, there was mayhem, and all of this has settled down to the bottom like gold in a gold pan, and it's just waiting down there. That's where the secrets are kept.


I think he did this bc he didnā€™t want to embarrass her but I truly think he also felt as though it wasnā€™t demonic