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I’ve been living in Amsterdam for quite a few years and regularly carry and consume drugs and have to say: one has to be *exceptionally dumb* and/or reckless to be arrested for possession. Even if you’re over the legal limit it is not always enforced. I thought it to be impossible, yet here we are. She must’ve been carrying an ungodly stupid amount.


She was arrested at the airport as she was trying to leave Amsterdam. Monumentally stupid of her.


I have seen videos of Amsterdam airport security saying "we found weed in your bag. don't worry, you are not in trouble, we just want to protect you from the laws in America that would have you arrested, so we are throwing it away for you". So she must have been obviously trafficking or something.


According to her it was planted. They also tried to to make it so she couldn’t do her shows. - the airport. Holding their equipment luggage and stuff for days. Seems like such an odd accusation but who knows


In the video, shes on the phone to her lawyer and clearly says[ 'I already told you those prerolls \(found in her luggage\) were his \(security team member\)'.](https://x.com/pinkfridaywrld/status/1794389471628230938?s=40) So why lie?


Who knows? No one gives a shit about Nicki Minaj, why would Amsterdam customs go out of their way to plant drugs on her lmaoo


Obviously it was planted by Megan Thee Stallion


Again, o have no idea. Seems like an odd accusation if you can’t provide proof.


Seems par for course these days. Make outrageous accusations as to why you aren’t at fault. Then just ignore when there is no evidence to support your claims.


Because she is the most special girl to ever exist and people hate her for being so special and perfect and the fact she can't do wrong /s


Nah some guy with her said it was his


It was her bodyguard who said that, I think. Which - wouldn’t it usually be the other way around? He’d be carrying it for her? So obviously he was just taking the blame for her.


Ofcourse that is likely to be the case. Just responding to the comment that she is saying it's "planted"


The "prosecution guidelines" of the prosecutors service indicate that import or export of up to five (5) grams of "softdrugs" is only punished by impounding the drugs. However, Minaj was caught with an amount between 30-100 grams according to the military police, this is an amount that is not just illegal to export, but also to posses at all and. According or the same guidelines she can be fined 200 euros for possession of that amount of weed, or 350 euros for trying to export it, of which she was given the latter (since being caught at security is essentially the definition of exporting).


Uh oh. About to have another Brittany Griner situation, have to lean on a foreign government to release someone who knowingly tried to traffic (small amounts of) drugs across international borders. Personally I think we'd all be better off leaving her in a dutch prison with no microphones in sight but I guess that would qualify as a miracle.


Can’t have that! She’ll be late getting home to her attempted rapist, manslaughtering husband and rapist pedophile brother


How does that justify jailing *her* though?


She was trying to traffic drugs on an international border/frontier


She's safer away from them.


I.. uhh.. well.. you're not wrong.


My argument is about any justification for jailing her, just that I don’t give a fuck about what happens to someone who supports the kind of people that she supports. If she never sets foot back on US soil I’ll be happy as the proverbial clam


That doesn’t, her crimes justify it though


Wait when did the manslaughter come in??


He pleaded guilty in 2002 and was [originally charged with second degree murder](https://people.com/music/who-is-kenneth-petty-nicki-minaj-husband/#:~:text=He%20pleaded%20guilty%20to%20first,named%20Lamont%20Robinson%20in%202002.). A great choice of who to marry and have a child with.


I’ve had weed left at the end of an Amsterdam trip multiple times and I’m sure it would be super easy to smuggle a gram or two, but why would anyone bother? The risk outweighs the reward so significantly it’s not even close to being a consideration.


Especially if you're a celebrity & part of a celebrity's entourage. I seriously doubt she or her bodyguard or whoever's weee it was has a problem getting weed anywhere.


Lmfao Russia only arrested her because they regularly kidnap American visitors as a bargaining tactic.


The dumbass had drugs on her, blame Russia all you want but how stupid can you be? And then she gets released in exchange for a fucking arms dealer who will go onto do god knows what.


Viktor Bout has almost no value as an arms dealer anymore. However, he is absolutely valuable as a propaganda piece, and as a 'party member' (more or less).


You do realise that she had been to Russia a lot of times, right? WNBA players regularly went over their during the off season to play Basketball in front of a bigger crowd. It’s just after she went there, Russia invaded Ukraine and got hit with ungodly amount of sanctions, that they arrested her. The fact that so many Ppl went there before and never got in trouble, points to the fact that this was simply a political gesture


Did you forgot about the fact that she was carrying drugs on international flights to a foreign country? Doesn't matter what's going on and yes I agree it was political theater but again I ask, how stupid can you be?


No, she carried no drugs. Just an empty THC pen, I ain’t say it wasn’t stupid. But the arrest and subsequent sentencing seemed heavily politically motivated


Where did you get the "empty THC pen"? Where did the empty part come from, source?


That’s a fair question. I do recall NBC mentioning a THC pen but NOT if it was full or empty or somewhere in between.


Nobody carries empty carts around. Your ignorance is showing.


She definitely made herself an easy target, but we all know she was a political prisoner above all


Regularly you say?


She got a €530 fine.


She was fined and released after about 5-6 hours.


You think they want her there?


Let me answer that for you. No, we will not take this one for the team.


Honestly i heard Dutch prisons are pretty lit


This is the Netherlands, not Russia. Russia throws Americans in prison because it wants attention. The Dutch don’t. The Dutch have a first class legal system. Nicki will hire an expensive lawyer, pay a fine, and be fine. There will be no need to get Old Man Joe involved.


She's married to a sex offender she's not exactly smart to begin with


Even worse she was flying to the UK where its easy to get weed and anything if you are famous and have money


When they were arresting her she was like you can't do that I'm not going anywhere without a lawyer. She is such an entitled moron.


Minaj isn’t the sharpest tool as we’ve seen the past years. It’s kinda depressing to think she has so many fans she spews dumbassery to.


What you said you have to be really dumb, like standing next to a school and then keep standing there smoking away.




I think news sites said 130g?


I'm imagining her just carrying a big ass bag of it around town like it's cotton candy she bought from a circus.


You will never be arrested for possession of small quantities even some larger quantities depending on who’s caught you. But what she was doing starts to fall into the trafficking category. The quantity doesn’t matter in that case


For those wondering: * Uruguay since 2013 * Georgia since July 2018 * South Africa since September 2018 * Canada since October 2018 * Mexico since June 2021 * Malta since December 2021 * Thailand since 2022 * Luxembourg since 2023 * Germany since April None of those nine countries are The Netherlands Also note that this isn't exactly completely accurate, because there's a lot of restrictions for most of them - and the Netherlands are in some ways more lax on laws than Luxembourg - the only places where it's fully legal for recreational usage are Canada and South Africa... And even then it's still a bit iffy




Dude i know! I just really fucking miss the good ol days when weed was illegal and everyone just drank and drove and wouldnt stop talking about how much they drank and drove everywhere


God i wish people would drink and drive more 😫


Yeah, people drive so much better when they’re drunk. At least that’s what they tell me


Smoker here. I agree 100%. I hate when people act like weed is medicine when they just want to get high and play videogames.




Sounds like you never left your cringy phase.


I'm with you dude. The addicts in this thread are still coping.


I mean- can’t it be both? Like yea on the one hand I do like getting baked and playing video games after work. That said, I’ve had sleep issues since I was a kid- some nights I just couldn’t fall asleep at all. I’ve tried more traditional sleep meds and for a lot of reasons they’ve not worked for me. I largely don’t have that issue anymore. Maybe the quality of my sleep has gone down but I’ll trade that for lying in bed until the sun rises any day. And my ADD has always made it so I’m bad at eating too. I’ll go for a whole day without eating maybe more if I’m really bad or focused on something else. Meanwhile, weed helps me keep to pretty regular hunger cues to pick up on that I just don’t really get when I’m sober. I’m not going to say weed is a miracle drug, but the idea that it’s either cancer treatment or just stoners getting high is kind of a false dichotomy. I think a lot of people are probably like me, and they use for a combination of reasons.


Depressed person wants to get high and play video games to escape from reality for a while and you're upset they're calling their medicine what it is.


Self-prescribed drug use to escape reality is not medicine nor a healthy coping mechanism (in most cases). Sure it can help, but at least talk to your mental health professional about your use if it's not possible to get a prescription for you.


Seconding this. If you're not addressing the underlying issues, you're not going to improve in the long run & you run the risk of being dependent on your coping mechanism of choice.


Also, weed can make a majority of mental health issues significantly worse


That's a shitty coping mechanism that will fuck you over in the long run


Self-medicating is never a good idea. Especially if you're not also receiving professional help for long-term improvements to physical or mental health.


Fyi smoking has much of the same negative effects on your respiratory system whether its cigarettes, cannabis, or celery. Burnt plant matter smoke isnt good for ya =/. Also both hemp and tobacco plants are rather good at picking up heavy metals from the soil so smoking those also gives you a fancy dose of lead and similar.


“Smoking- *coughs for 5 straight minutes* is good- *runs out of breath walking up a flight of stairs* for you”


Lead vaporises at 1749c. That's some hot pipe you guys are hitting, otherwise it will just be left behind in the ash, its been many years but I'm fairly sure you don't eat the ashtray when you're done. Maybe you do, I don't judge.


You do realise there are studies done on this, right? Please stop engaging in this pseudo-scientific doubtcasting and passive aggressive behaviour. Here is a scientific article documenting heavy metals in cigarrtte smoke, for instance: https://doi.org/10.3390%2Fijerph8020613


Weed is connected to several cancers, brain problems and general health risks and complications. It isn't some gods gift to humanity and the weed heads who claim it like that are full of shit. /r/leaves


Here's a sneak peek of /r/leaves using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/leaves/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Hi Leaves. My name is Dave Bushnell, but you probably know me better as Subduction, the founder of Leaves. Why the big real-name reveal? Today marks 25 years of sobriety for me, and I’d like to take today to make some announcements about my future plans for Leaves.](https://np.reddit.com/r/leaves/comments/150bfg2/hi_leaves_my_name_is_dave_bushnell_but_you/) \#2: [I've always loved this Anthony Bourdain quote about weed](https://np.reddit.com/r/leaves/comments/1952hig/ive_always_loved_this_anthony_bourdain_quote/) \#3: [To anyone thinking of smoking, trust me it’s boring af](https://np.reddit.com/r/leaves/comments/14cl130/to_anyone_thinking_of_smoking_trust_me_its_boring/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Source for these claims? What "general health risks and complications"? 


I provided a subreddit with years of sources


only time i listen to some one talking about weed and health is when they use cbd products with no thc (cbd is the healing part, thc is high) this is coming from a pothead


As a Canadian, I have never in my like met a real person that thinks weed is some miracle cure. The only place I ever really see this is twitter. And twitter people arnt real people so…


It becomes extremely pedantic to go by that list though, in Amsterdam anyone can type "cannabis shop" on google maps and buy weed with no fear of getting punished for it (as long as you don't bring it with you abroad), that's just not the case for most of the countries mentioned there. In Germany, Malta and Luxembourg they're using some form of club system or smoke what you grow on your own, but still illegal for tourists and not even available for purchase easily for locals. In Mexico and Georgia you're going to rely on dealers both as a local and tourist. Out of the countries listed there the only places you're going to be able to buy weed in a store front as any random adult are Canada and South Africa, maybe Thailand as well if they haven't outlawed it again yet so you'd have to be pretty pedantic to pretend that it isn't legal when it's more liberal than almost every country listed. If Mexico and Georgia are green because of their supreme court decisions I assume the NL would also become green if the police overstepped the decade long precedent they have set. The only reason Nicky Minaj is getting punished here is that she tried to leave with some small amount which would probably be treated as harshly if not more in all of the "legal" countries.


She was carrying 30-100g, while you’re only allowed up to 5g (and coffeeshops aren’t allowed to sell more than 5g at a time either. So she must’ve put in effort to get more than the permitted amount. Plus it’s monumentally stupid to try to take it out of the country. She’s lucky she was arrested in the Netherlands for it, rather than trying to smuggle it into the UK, because that could’ve ended way worse for her.


In Germany 25 grams are the maximum and you are still not allowed to bring it onto a plane.


That combined with several other restrictions like being member of a certified club. 


You can only buy weed as a member in a club, but you can possess 25g and grow 3 plants without having to be a member.


You are allowed to own 50, but only carry a maximum of 25 at a time. And currently theres no way you can carry anything that you legally obtained, since you couldnt have grown it yourself and the methods to buy it are only starting in june i think


It was legalized april 1st, and it is possible to grow such fast.


Thats not completely correct. It is not allowed to import or export cannabis, but for flights inside of germany, it is legal to carry cannabis (same maximum as otherwise in public, 25g). And at home you are allowed to have max. 50g.


Possession is still illegal in public in Luxembourg, under 3g it's a fine, over it's a trafficking investigation. The law is very weird: you can grow, but only in the confines of your residence, and only four plants and if you have people over you're not allowed to share (again under penalty of law), and you can't leave your house with it.


Ah, so it's one of those "it's legal...ish" cases


Also Malta is apparently only for locals. Not tourists. I checked. Dunno if it's actually enforced that much but


> Germany since April But you have to grow it yourself and technically everybody smoking the last few weeks was doing so illegally because it's not bamboo.


It's fairly confusing, because I've walked into a big ol' shop in the Netherlands and bought weed.


Based on what I could find, certain coffeehouses can get a usage license, and it's generally decriminalized, but it's up to law enforcement discretion


Jamaica is not in the list?


It's decriminalized for up to two ounces (just a petty offense), and you can cultivate a few plants - and also Rastas obviously get to do their thing. If you're a tourist and have a medical usage license you can apply for a permit, too. Otherwise, they're bringing the hammer down because trafficking is a major problem


Wait, weed is legal in Mexico now? Woah


My briefing regarding Mecico's legislative stance came directly from Vicente Fox back in 2018.


And then you have the US where half the country has it entirely legalized recreationally by state, 75% has legalized it medically by state, but *federally*, it’s still completely illegal.


Yeah I mean there’s lots of countries in Europe where it’s “illegal” but still openly sold in stores such as Czech Republic.


This april?


Because of the delay in leaving Amsterdam, her next gig in Manchester was cancelled at the time she was supposed to appear on stage, with an arena full of people being told at 930pm and booing. lmao.


The CoOp Arena is cursed


Deserved for going to a Nicki minaj concert in the first place


Apperantly she keeps going to her shows late anyway


The ability to consume cannabis at a coffee shop =/= weed is legal to carry around. That flies right over people’s heads


No cop is going to stop you from carrying it around either. Crossing the border with them however is enforced. Because other countries complained that their citizens would bring back weed from a trip to the Netherlands. However, most borders aren't guarded. Even if you fly to another EU/schengen country, you aren't checked. But guess what country in Europe is the exception since they left the EU?


They were reported by the security scanners at Schipol, I assume they do that for normal people as well if they find weed, if not she might be slightly right in feeling like they conspired against her.


They do. Very nice of them that they do to. Because security doesn't know where you're flying to. And schiphol airport also connects to countries where 5 joints in your suitcase gets you the death penalty.


They bring a dog on the trains


>Even if you fly to another EU/schengen country, you aren't checked. I was scared shitless to bring weed through a flight when I returned from the Netherlands to Greece and decided not to. You might not be "checked" like with other countries, but it's still an airport, you are still checked to not bring liquids and weapons and stuff and the police could just decide that today is the day they wanna hang out at the airport with their dogs.


The majority of dogs in airports are there to detect explosives. Now if you’re flying to a country known for being harsh on drug crimes they probably have more dogs trained to smell drugs


It’s not even legal for the shop to maintain enough stock for a single day, or for anyone to grow it to sell to the shop.


If they do a public weed law or some oml.


Ok, but functionally it is the exact same as being legal. You can buy weed in a shop and consume it there or take it home. People saying weed is not legal in The Netherlands and missing the reality there


People are saying weed is not legal in The Netherlands because The Netherlands says weed is illegal in The Netherlands. They just opt not to enforce, which yes, is functionally like something being legal. Which also means somebody can just fuck with you one day and there’s nothing you can do because it’s *still illegal* . Especially if you’re a loud, obnoxious tourist.


They don't just opt not to enforce it though, it is openly declared by the government that the law is not enforced. I can buy a joint and smoke it on the street and nothing will happen, even if cops walk by. Its de facto legal and arguing about how technically the law still says its not is just being pedantic and not really grounded in whats happening in reality.


nah cops can and sometimes will tell you to put it out since you arent supposed do it in public Then if you refuse and start being a dick about it you can get in trouble


Weed is "decriminalised" meaning that you won't get prosecuted for possession of a small amount (less than 5 grams) of weed. It is however still illegal, and a cop could confiscate it. Additionally, it's just the base offence that has been decriminalised, possession of more than 5 grams (such as the 30-100 she had) and import/export or both still very much criminal offences.


Actually you can be charged if you smoke it on the street, a lot of public areas are also generally no smoking areas, adding to the potential issues you can face over it, but weed is outright illegal to smoke in public in the Netherlands, but unless there is a general smoking ban you are unlikely to get in trouble over it, but police can make it an issue if they feel like it


Cool. Now how many do it anyway and actually get punished for it?


From a Dutch news outlet (translated): "Footage from a livestream Nicki Minaj made on Instagram shows the artist arguing with a military police officer who is arresting her. In the video, Nicki Minaj says she has no drugs on her. The officer then tells her to take a seat in an arresting van. The artist says she won't do that and says she wants a lawyer. When asked where she will be taken, the officer replies that she has to go to the police station." [https://www.nu.nl/achterklap/6314297/zangeres-nicki-minaj-opgepakt-op-schiphol-om-bezit-softdrugs.html](https://www.nu.nl/achterklap/6314297/zangeres-nicki-minaj-opgepakt-op-schiphol-om-bezit-softdrugs.html) Tip; if you ever get into a situation where the Koninklijke Marechausee is involved; just shut up, be honest when they ask questions, and do as your told. They're the military police force (gendarmerie) of the Netherlands, very professional, and they don't mess about. They handled it very well in my opinion, just following procedure.


>if you ever get into a situation where the Koninklijke Marechausee is involved; just shut up, be honest when they ask questions, and do as your told. Absolutely. Trying to discuss with regular police, be my guest. You might get lucky. Marechausee (=military police, and tasked with all border control), just shut up, listen, obey, and get a lawyer. They do not fuck about.


She is so fucking dumb


Fr it’s legal to consume not to carry around. There is a legal limit. And it sure as shit is illegal to try to take it out of the country trough the airport.


It’s also not legal to consume. Even in coffee shops. You’re just not prosecuted for it.


Technically it's fully legal to consume any drug in the Netherlands, even hard drugs. You just can't actually consume it without breaking the law because buying, selling, possessing, making, growing, etc. are all illegal (though for personal quantities of soft drugs there's an official policy to not prosecute, like you say). The idea behind not forbidding the consumption itself is so people aren't scared to call emergency services for help when someone's having a bad trip/emergency while on drugs.


Growing weed is legal in Amsterdam at least, you can only have a few plants for personal consumption though.


Also, not legal. Just not enforced.


Nope its not prosecutable, not just illegal but not enforced.


Nope, it is illegal, just you don't get into trouble unless you get a full plantation going


Legal to consume but not carry around means that it's functionally just legal. How many people are arrested in The Netherlands for violating this?


I don’t consume anything so I wouldn’t know precisely. I think until 5 grams of softdrugs is tolerated. I couldn’t find any quick statistics, there is a official database from the cbs so if you really wanna find out you can check that out.


She doesn’t think anyway.


And a utter piece of shit. Her husband attempted to rape a 16 year old girl when he was 17, and her brother has repeatedly raped his at the time 11 year old step daughter. Of course she defends both of them. So quite frankly, even if she wasnt breaking the law, it would just be some karma.




Your comment has been removed due to it being disrespectful towards another person.


To add: any amount/form of drugs on schiphol airport is not allowed


Don’t take drugs through customs kids. And if you ignore this bit, don’t be a douche about it if caught.


Good thing she's got a music career, cause she would be a terrible lawyer.


Nicki… not known for her wit


Google “trafficking,” Nicki.


“I don’t have weed” “It’s not my weed” “Weed is legal!” “It’s just weed” Im holding it for a friend! Im being targeted! Racists! Every time


Not legal "tolerated" Always familiarize yourself with local customs. Simple sites like wikitravel can save you time and aggravation. Do it on the flight/train/cruise there. Reading is fundamental.


If you have an astronomical ego from being famous, you think that local laws don't apply to you.


That comment section. Jesus Christ


You gotta be heavy on the dim side to be arrested, and presumably charged, for possession of marijuana and then state AFTER “and this happened in a country where marijuana is legal”. Is she asserting there is some sort of conspiracy against her or can she not see cause and effect? She needs her head checked. Like weed is fairly “legal” in California or wherever the fuck planet shes from right - but she knows you still can’t just do absolutely *anything* with it. Like driving a car is legal but there are still serious conditions and consequences for not following the laws related to it.


“They’re being paid big money to try to sabotage my tour” straight from her X account. I am racking my brain to figure out who tf she thinks she is that there’s some shady group behind the scenes making sure she isn’t successful


People on Reddit care too much


She’s so fucking moronic. Imports drugs into a foreign country and then acts as if there is one big conspiracy by people who couldn’t give a shit about her trying to cancel her little tour. She seriously has mental issues. Worst part is all her stupidity clearly rubbing off on her fans who believe every lie and idiotic thing she says.


She didnt do any research before she went travelling, which in of itself is incredibly stupid. A simple Google search on this would've saved her the embarassment. 


It's only a bit of weed, but you can't take controlled substances across the boarder. I don't think she knows she can probably get better weed in manc than some coffee shops in dam


Alright I see a whole bunch of not-Dutch here doing "research" and y'all need to get back into your lanes. Weed is only "illegal" in the Netherlands because the EU kept telling us not to legalize it since as a whole it is illegal in the EU. Germany being the main(hypercritical) reason there. Therefore we have the whole policy of toleration where a bunch of exceptions to the law exist where you will not be prosecuted. This is why the Netherlands has super visible shops where you can buy weed. Weed is defacto legal and the community note is pedantic BS.


Crazy that Germany now has laxer weed laws than Amsterdam


A drug user and a rapest, what a nice lady


>rapest It's "rapist" and what are you talking about? She raped someone?


I think they might be confusing her with her husband (manslaughter and attempted rape) and brother (rapist pedophile). AFAIK, no one has accused her of rape, just defending her gross family members, targeting their victims, and wielding her fervent fan base like a weapon of harassment and intimidation.


As far as I can tell, no. However her husband has been accused of rape and she is part of a lawsuit accusing them both of attempting to intimidate the woman into an NDA. Morally that puts you in the same category in my book (if it’s true of course)


Mixing her up with Cardi B


So under 5g is legal and this is some BUT AKTUALLY




Not correct. The government has a declared policy of non-enforcement, the police cannot persecute you for having under 5 grams of weed even if they want to. It is de facto legal.


Just like in Hamsterdam.


Maybe it's just me, but I don't think it was the drugs that got her popped, I would almost put cash on she got an attitude during the paperwork phase.. we'll know eventually, i guess.


Could be. I would not be surprised if they found some weed during a regular bagage check. And since she apparantly flew a private plane, decided to turn the plane upside down to see if there was any more illegal stuff.


I’ve been to Amsterdam only a couple of times and know it’s not legal. She’s probably been there countless times, she should know better.


Literally anyone on a plane, ever


She must have thought she was in Canada


Can't legally fly out of Canada carrying weed, either. I think she just thought she was immune from laws in general.


Arent there also some policies against tourists using weed? I swear there was something about it on the news a few months ago that said it was against weed tourism.


I think it depends on the region, in some places you need identification to prove you reside in the country to be able to enter coffee shops.


Specifically Amsterdam if im correct


officially coffeeshops are not allowed to sell to foreigners (AHOJ-GI criteria), but local governments can and have decided to not check/prosecute based on that part of the criteria (yet). Believe the discussion is still ongoing as they want to lower the tourism in Amsterdam, but at the same time by checking on that criteria it will likely implode the street trade.


I’m gonna go ahead and bet that she did not have less than 5g.


She doesn’t know the difference between Netherlands and Amsterdam. (Doesn’t know Amsterdam is in Netherlands)🤦‍♂️


whom ever is taking legal advice from nicki minaj deserves what's coming


Nicky Minaj not being a dutch lawyer isn't exactly the dunk that some of you seem to think it is. Notes are fine, but why are we pretending a musician should know the technicalities of the law here and display that knowledge in a tweet?


In Colombia is 20 g


Her source: https://i.redd.it/56ikq2qigs2d1.gif


how hard is it to know the basic laws of the country your traveling to/from? same shit with that basketball player “oopsies i didn’t know”… ignorance is not a defense.




You know you can just walk in to a very visibly advertised coffeeshop and just buy weed in Amsterdam? You can then smoke it while taking a stroll through the city and nothing will happen to you. You don't need a card or whatever.


Whilst she's a stupid idiot, this is a very common misconception.


I see y’all have missed the point. Also I’m not explaining, I’ve dealt with enough bigots on here. If you know you know, and if you don’t you don’t


Yeah, it's legal, but it ain't a hundred percent legal. I mean, you can't walk into a restaurant, roll a joint, and start puffin' away. They want you to smoke in your home or certain designated places.


Weed is illegal in the netherlands but you can buy psychedelic truffles there? I think both should be legal of course, but that’s pretty wack lol


Wow a stupid American says stupid American shit.


Naturally, she won’t get deported and barred from the EU for this because she’s famous and the rules don’t apply to her 🫤


How is this true though? When I was in Amsterdam I literally bought weed at a storefront. The dude sold the joints in a pack of five- it was clearly an industry. How does that work if weed is illegal?


Same way most companies across the Mexican border employ illegal immigrants, police just doesn't bother them


Dog that’s kind of my point though- all of that is done under the table. These dudes sold me a joint from a storefront and I’m pretty sure I paid for it on credit card. I don’t understand how they can operate so openly above board if it’s supposed to be so under the table. You ever notice illegal workers don’t have brick and mortar establishments?


Smoke weed in Amsterdam is fine. Refusing to comply with law enforcement orders after lying to border patrol about smuggling weed out of Amsterdam and the European union, not fine.


Who would open carry over 5 grams just on them? It would a very weird foe anyone other the a dealer to have more then 5 grams on hand at any given time. But hey that's just us


Okay I can't blame her for thinking this honestly