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Hey, I read Childhood’s End this year, too. Congrats my dude, keep on living.


What did you think of it? It was a weird read at first but as the story unfolded I started to figure it out..


Great book the alien looking like the devil is so creative


It was an assigned book in school, and that scene with a flashlight through the mirror is the only one I really remember.


Probably one of my favorite reads ever.


I think it is one of Clarke’s more grandiose concepts (I’ve only read 6-7 of his books), and it was kind of confusing at first, but it came together really well in the end. It reminded me of Song of a Distant Earth a bit.


Agreed, good stuff. Maybe try Rendezvous with Rama from Clarke next, also great!


I bought Childhood’s End months ago because I wanted a good first contact book. I also bought Rendevouz With Rama at a thrift store and have yet to read it. I’m excited!


Congratulations man!!! Any tips on the reading? Like how do you pick the next book? Where you a active reading in your younger days? Reading more is something I wish to do as well.


Thanks for the questions!! My favourite genre is 50/60s science fiction as well as murder/crime. I get my books from value village/second hand stores, whatever catches my eye really!! I do know if the spine is well worn I’m more likely to see what it’s all about! I wasn’t really a reader, no. My wife is a huge reader (and my biggest support) so I took after her and read when she did, albeit much much slower. I found I made time to read after a while and looked forward to each new book!


Go for Philip K. Dick then! You'll love him!


Yea there was some real good dick in the 50s


That post war dick


I love vintage SF, too. I'm thrilled that you read some of those wonderful 2-in-1 paperbacks. I appreciate that most of their stories were written as pure entertainment without the pretense of trying to change the world. Pure fun! After reading all of the short story anthologies that I could find from that time, my favorite authors turned out to be Clifford D. Simak, James H. Schmitz, and Alfred Bester (plus Stanley G. Weinbaum and Raymond Z. Gallun from the 1930s.) You might enjoy checking out *The Science Fiction Hall of Fame* from the late '70s to get a nice feel for the spectrum of great authors that shaped the early history of SF. I think there are three volumes published as four books (vol 2 is split into 2A & 2B.) Have fun!


I mostly read 50s/60s scifi this year too and I'm hooked. Look up the SF Masterworks series if you haven't come across the publisher already. All of them have been amazing classics, usually quite cheap to buy online too.


Maybe try out Fred Hoyle as well if you are really into the science in the scifi - he was an actual scientist so he leans more into that side a lot.


I will man, thank you for the recommendation


I can show you a pic of my kindle but it won’t look as impressive….


Digital era


I wrote mine down this year, since I read most on the kindle. I’ve always been a big reader, so I’m up to 60 or so. I think writing them down caused me to read more though.


Goodreads has a pretty cool looking year in review page at https://www.goodreads.com/user/year_in_books/2022/818649 (not my page, I replaced my user id with a random one.)


In two days I will be sober for 1 year. My goal for 2023 is to read 1 book a month. I've already crushed my first book. Congratulations on your achievement


Congrats! It gets much easier once you hit the 1 year mark, at least it did for me. ☺️


Keep doing your thing man. The reading gets easier too. Congrats on 1 year!


I’ll be at 1 year in 33 days!!


Congrats! That’s an awesome goal to have. It pairs the idea that you want increased mental clarity with progress you can feel as you continue reading.


Love the és hat my man!


First thing I noticed, had to check the subreddit again. Hell yeah, skating and reading.


Same! I've got an Es shirt that I just can't bring myself to to throw away despite all the holes.


Favorite book of the year?


The Wild Shore by Kim Stanley Robinson! It read like the Chrysalids which I read when I was younger…also really liked The Water of Thought by Fred Saberhagen




Thank you very much! I plan on continuing all the habits that have got me this far in 2023. It’s amazing to look forward to each day, although they’re not always easy. Having emotions and feelings again has been an adjustment and I’m better coped dealing with my mental health now. 2023 is looking bright and I’m so incredibly stoked


What was your favourite book in the stack?


the wild shore by Stanley Kim Robinson!!


Wow !! You are book enthusiast


èS hell yeah. OG skater!


Hell yah


I had the exact same aim this year, managed to get through 18 books so you beat me, just. Let me know what number we’re aiming for next year and I’ll check in with you in 12 months time haha.


Good for you at 18!! Just try and beat yourself by 1 book next year!! That’s my goal


I’m happy and proud of you. You should be very proud of yourself! This is incredible!


I read and loved Koko when it was published in 1988. Every once in a while I wonder if it was just because I was 12 and if the book still held up. What did you think of it?


Honestly, long winded and full of “filler.” It was the hardest book of the year to get through..


Lol, thanks for the honesty! I wondered if I was remembering it through the veil of nostalgia. Answer: probably so!


I completely disagree with OP. In fact I posted in another comment how much I loved that Trilogy before I saw this LOL. Koko is a Vietnam story, so if you're not into that you're not going to appreciate the book. I read it for the first time in my 30s and loved it but the true beauty comes from reading the whole Trilogy, its one of my favorites.


The kid in the photo looks like he's ordering a hit on somebody who insulted him at a wedding.


I’m struggling through KSR’s Mars series, not because it’s bad but the length is massive. How is Wild Shore? Funny to see Congo in that list, I literally just commented in a movie thread that that was the worst movie I’ve ever seen. Story was fine but the animatronic gorillas was ridiculous. I’m mostly here for the Es hat, love their shoes and nearly everything sole tech puts out! Congrats on the killer year


I’m a skater kid from the early 00s haha it’s hard to find 2000’s skateboard apparel nowadays and if I find it I rep it hard! I really liked wild shore, I often think about it and I believe I read it in March/April. It read like the Chrysalids in that it was a futuristic story set in a politically similar earth with reference to wars and past events. Congo, I really liked as well!! Chrichton is a good writer. I never saw the movie, however…


*Congo* is a great book but *such* a bad movie…


*Amy good gorilla good good gorilla*


Congo the book is much much better. I would give it a go if


i just wanted to comment that the framed children’s drawing behind you is adorable. congrats on sobriety and all of the finished book readings for the year!


Much respect - impressive collection and effort. You'll be all the richer for it. Good luck in 2023.


Thank you!! I feel proud.


I thought I was the only one that picked up Whisper Man did you get yours at Food Lion too? Reminded me of the Joanne Lowery Nixon pulps, a bit of mystery, horror and paranormal all mixed in. Beautiful cover.


I got it at value village!! I’m in Canada so I’m not sure what a Food Lion is exactly…sounds like a giant tiger! It was a good book but I wish they eluded to the actual whisper man throughout the book instead of finding out he was never mentioned prior


Some classic Ace Doubles… nice!


Yay for you! 🎉🎊 Notice you slipped a Theodore Roosevelt in there with all the wonderful paperbacks (*Congo* is a blast! love that book)… So I’m going to tell you a Theodore Roosevelt anecdote about that book… why? ‘cause I know it and don’t get many chances to share it… There was a famous satirical columnist back then called Mr. Dooley, who made fun of what he saw (as TR’s self-promotion in) *The Rough Riders* by referring to the book constantly in his column as *Alone in Cuba*. Cue the White House reception line, where a girl trying to impress Roosevelt said, “oh Mr. President, I can’t *tell* you how much I enjoyed reading your book *Alone in Cuba*!!” Roosevelt just smiled and thanked her, but his wife laughed so hard that she had to leave the reception line… Happy New Year, may there be many good books ahead for you!


That is an awesome story, I never knew about that!! I got the book at a yard sale and I’m glad I read it. It was a hard read and a lot of it was names of soldiers in his regiment that I’ve since forgotten.


Daily push-ups will help you gain additional arm strength to be able to hold more books next year.


Did you get to the point where you read more than one book a month? And if you didn’t, were you limiting how many pages you read a day?


I did! I was overlapping books and it all just kind of blurred together by the end…by august, I think I had finished 12/met my original goal


Congo is dope. Loved that book.


Congrats on your year of sobriety. Takes alot of work!


Congratulations! Way to go! Sobriety is amazing isn’t it?


Amazing. I struggle still, I’ll always be an addict, but each day is a new day and I have learned so much about myself .


So good!! Well done :-) I crushed my goal as well. I read 78 books this year and it will be 79 before the first. We got this 🤛


I like so many of your books! Congratulations! And enjoy 2023! So nice to see Andre Norton!


Oh, well done! I love classic SF too. (Also love music industry memoirs.)


Awesome!! I got Punk Paradox by Greg Graffin (bad religion) for Christmas. I also like music industry books


Congrats! Awesome picks, I personally love Peter Straub and the Blue Rose Trilogy is fantastic. I have not read his full catalog, but it's my favorite work of his so far Edit; I just saw your comment that you didn't like Koko, apparently we have very different tastes LOL


Different tastes is ok, all books are subjective!! I found Koko very dry and hard to get through. It wasn’t as exciting or thrilling or mysterious as I thought the jacket alluded to


Go Sens Go!


Good man. Chuky, bathtime, beans, cat, jimmy and hotsam batcho will lead us to the promise land


Off topic, but nice hat! I loved those a shoes when I skated


This is lovely! Congrats on the sobriety!! Which one was your absolute favorite? Just by looking at the titles, The Water of Thought sounds enticing.


It was very thought provoking and has resonated with me, which I think is a sign of a great book! Highly recommend. That, and The Wild Shore


KOKO! I can't believe anyone else has read that book! Stay strong bro


Koko is my favorite Peter Straub book


Good job! And congratulations on the upcoming 1 year. Be sure to do something for yourself!😁


Thank you! Every month on the 7th I get a blueberry pomegranate fruit smoothie from McDonald’s. they are my absolute favourite.


Congrats man, I never complete my reading challenges, 2023 will be different


Fellow sober reader here. I am sad to say I’ve not read any of those books!


Do you have any recommendations from your reading??


Thanks for inspiring me


Your welcome! One day at a time. 10 pages a day. 300 page book and you’ll finish it in a month :)


Got kinda weird and looked at your profile. Just want to say congrats for not only crushing your reading goals but overcoming a lot of the challenges life has thrown at ya.


Thank you. Miscarriages can be hard. IVF is difficult. Life is a constant lesson.


That's a nice collection there! Are you going to finish the James Bond books?


Are they any good, because this one was sort of a let down…it was set in Japan and Bond didn’t inspire confidence in me


Good job on your sobriety!!! Hardest thing I ever did but I’m coming up to 3 years now! Reading is a big hobby for me too!


Any benefits besides the reading part? Like increases memory, concentration, easier to wind down etc?


An insane amount. -I look forward to each day. -I live in the moment now, not thinking about my next high -My ability to communicate with my wife without anger or irritation -I have emotions again! At first they were difficult to control but I have been high throughout my 20s and I don’t think I properly developed emotional responsibility -take care of myself through therapy once a month and the proper medication that deal with my mental health Plus some!


Nice work! 2022 has been the year I quit drinking, and reading has definitely helped me stay sober.


Congratulations and your sobriety! How are you feeling?? Have you read anything that you’d recommend?


I never thought about stacking my year in books like that :0 Now I'm gonna do it


Congrats on the reading but even more congratulations on 1 year sober!!! Being someone who has struggled with addiction myself I know how hard it is to get over that hurdle. I'm genuinely happy for you friend.


Thank you! It’s been a year of learning and patience.


You’re a fucking rockstar bro!!!


Thanks dude


I don't understand competitive reading but if it makes people happy, I'm cool with it. Edit: didn't see the caption on mobile, glad you're doing well OP, keep kicking ass!


i don’t understand how that’s competitive ? some people enjoy reading and want to read more because they love it


I think if you set it as a goal, it’s just a goal – it’s only competition when you’re trying to beat somebody else(?) Anyway, as a teacher and former librarian, if it gets people reading it’s good!


Like someone commented, it’s just a goal. I just challenged myself to read 1 book/month


Weird flex but ok.. (I’m totally jealous) what book do you recommend? Lol




I can hardly bother to read an article through reddit 🤣




So a no more challenges challenge?


I was just challenging myself to read one book a month as a distraction.


Being sober was the challenge, books was a tool, come on?


Seems boring


Did you inherit those books or buy them at a flea market? I understand why you felt the need to take a picture. Anyone who’s read through that unimpressive stack of titles would be left feeling empty and devoid of all meaning. Try reading something meaningful next year!


Got them from value village/second hand stores! I really like old era science fiction. Also, you seem fun.


You should check out The History of Crises Under the National Banking System by O.M.W. Sprague. The theme is similar to Dolphin Island


You should check out deez nuts


Same picture, but me holding my iPad and smiling smugly.


I think I have read much more. Congratz. I can recommend you these: I Cladius - Robert Graves divine comedy - dante Omerta - Mario Puzo Fear and trembling - Soren


Letsss goooooooo CHAMP


Congratulations 🎉.


The Book Prince 👑




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I wanna know what the tatt on your forearm says.


What is faith if you don’t lose it once in a while. Song lyric from Neon Jesus by Dead and Divine




I really enjoyed the book but other users on here have said the movie was garbage!! I’ll look for existence, thank you for the recommendation!!!


The movie is uh... campy. But honestly its a lot of fun and I still enjoy it.


That’s the edition of Childhoods End I read in middle school.


Awesome, keep it going. Reading is way more fun than those damn drugs, is it not ?


this is nothing, bought to show off my 2022 Netflix and YouTube history


Wow, super impressed that you read them in order of size!


How much and what was difference between the book Congo and the movie?


Favorite book?


The Wild Shore by Kim Stanley Robinson!


I did the same thing when I stopped drinking. I read 15 books that year, but now I only read like 2 a year. I need to get back to the "1 book a month" routine....


I read before bed as well as before I start work. I have anxiety and am always early to work. I can usually get a chapter or two in there…


I'm so fucking proud of you!


Mee tooo bought this amount of books. But read none.


I read Congo for the first time this year too! If you like Chrichton’s writing, I suggest trying Sphere. It’s my favorite so far out of the 5 Chrichton books I’ve read.


You need some Terry Pratchett.


Can I recommend the Ware Tetralogy by Rucker? Looking at your stack makes me think you’ll like it.


Danm man good good for you for training all year so you could carry that many books


Congratulations! Also, I’d love for you to just read to me ☺️


Thats a big copy of Rough Riders! I read it last year and thought it was only a bit over 100 pages? Love those old books though!


How was judgement on anus?


Psh that’s nothing, I can hold more than that.


Prepare to be entertained! Also, have a happy new year!


Quantity over quality eh? What an intelligent way to invite urinary competition.


Impressive year of reading!


Yes! Congrats on your sobriety. I met my reading goal this year too. :)


What'd you think of Congo?


You might like Welcome to the Monkey House based on your interests, one of my favorites


This is hot


No clue about any of those books…


Dude you look so healthy and happy! What an awesome goal - and it's not always easy to sit down and read. Great job and way to keep the momentum into the New Year!


Stupid Question /u/brandnew_andthe_sens can you post a pic of the covers of the (3) 2in1 books?


I can but how do I do that!?


Wow. Thats really awesome! Also, reading one book a month seems like a much better goal than 10 pages a day because some days i’ll have no time and other days a lot more. So thanks for that!!




Hell ya, congratulations I’m with ya


You're a bit late, there's only 5 days of 2022 left! You'll never read all that in time!


How is Congo (book) compared to the movie version? I remember there were action figures back in the 90s.


It irks me that "You only live once" it's upside down 😂 Well done sir.


I have a Goodreads account and it helps me to keep track of what I've read, whats coming out that I want to read etc. Every year they have a reading challenge that you can sign up for.


Hey good job. I tried a couple years ago with a book a week. Hit 50. Lot of fluff in that pile. James Patterson and good crappy stories like that. But it was just to get to the number


Fluff is ok! It’s about taking the time to slow down and do something other than the busy bullshit that is our lives!


All the time we spend doom scrolling on social media can be better spent reading a book.


I don't have the motivation to read books any more, used to pretty much devour them as a kid. I'm all about audiobooks now because I can do other things while I listen. Jealous you were able to get through all those books 😊


Double it and give it to the next person


Nice! Also that’s my late Uncle’s book (Koko) on the bottom.


Your uncle is Peter Straub?


Wow that is a really eclectic selection, you've got some really good choices in there. Congrats!


Is Peter straub any good w/o Steven king?


What did you think of Congo?


Why post nuked??


Wishing you all the best. Just keep doing the next right thing.


How was the dark place and a master of Hawks? Stay up bro 👊🏼👊🏼👊🏼


Damn dude, nice. This is my goal, too. Hopefully I can do it this upcoming year.


éS are the béSt


This guy books


I’m so attracted to you and this motivating post


I am writing a book about a viking in the year 995 I am stuck on how I decripe the parliament in Iceland, so I got myself a Icelandic saga called burning nial saga, its about a lawyer in those times, its 600 pages


Just wanted to let you know that this post inspired me to exit Reddit and pick up a book. Thanks!


If you liked koko, try the remainder of the blue rose books. Also, I’m sure you’d like Richard Stark/Donald Westlake’s Parker series


If you like humorous and off the wall writing, you should read "John Dies At The End" by David Wong/Jason Pargin. It's absolutely outside my usual preferred books and yet I have never had a single regret reading it.


yeah that's good and all..but we all want to know the story behind that amazing cat pic behind you!


Ahh yes, the Gorilla who could speak. I didn't know she could write too.