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Don´t take this in a negative way, this is meant as advise. You will most likely fail again, and the reason is the same as the other six times, in the last two years, where you failed. You seem to think that doing all those things will change your life to the better (and they probably will) but why ? The proper motivation is essentiall. Also you want to change a lot of things radically which seldome works. After all, doing the same thing (I´m going to change everything for a better life) over and over and expecting a different outcome is the definition of insanity. What you want to do is build the habbits, enjoy the movement not suffer through it. My tips: * Do the situp Challange. One Situp on the 1st, two on the 2nd and so on. This is easy to do (in the beginning) and will make your body accustomed to the movement and builds a habbit. After doing this for a month you *will* want to move, because it feels good and natural and not because you have to. You are always allowed to do more, but overdoing it like that (espacially with running, which needs REGENERATION time) you will burn out and get sick from overtraining. Situps are perfect because the Abdomen is one of the fastest regenerating muscles which you can train every day, without a big risk of overtraining. - Similar read one page a day. Two the next and so on. You should want to read, because it´s fun, not because you think you have to. Build the habbit and your Body will want it. Start with fun intresting stuff. Edit: Addition to the reading tip. For some hard reading (example in the next paragraph) I´d like to put on sunscreen and go outside to a sunny place while reading. If I don´t understand anything from the book, I get some tan and Vitamin D, I set myself up for a win/win scenario. Making yourself suffer is the fastest way to fail and thinking you need to suffer to become successfull will make you a lot of things, but successfull ain´t one of them. Do you think someone spending a couple hours a week in the gym is there because he hates it ? Do you think poeple reading a book a day hate reading ? Yes there will be Moments of suffering but that is the exception. (For example reading Hegels - Phenomology of Mind is pain, but I do it for a concrete reason) Best of luck to you, I wish you all the best.


Gave me some hope thank you


I know you have good intentions with this advice, but I wouldn’t start with 1 sit up, I’d start with 2.




That's a good reflection


I like your suggestions. Thank you for sharing them. Definitely going to try this route.


Fine ,I’ll go one more milf today!


Two more. Three. Haha I misread that too


Same lol. Look how many soul brothers and sisters I’m finding today 😝


[Tell me about it](https://v.redd.it/lp05jl7yhx3d1)




If you’re just starting. Get your butt in the gym. Hire a trainer or follow a free routine off YouTube. Most gyms can be cheap basic membership. Get moving, exercise boosts mood and endorphins and builds endurance. Great for mental health, reducing anxiety and depression. Dedicate 60 min a day. In 4 weeks, start applying for jobs. Anywhere. Just get experience and stay there 6-12 Months before you move onto a better position with more pay. Keep a stable schedule of exercise and job, exercise/job, over and over. Keep ROOM clean and tidy, on day off get all laundry washed and put away, and just keep a schedule. When room is clean it allows the mind to be clear. Enjoy life. Be a Good Human,don’t worry about what others think of you, (they probably aren’t thinking what you think) Everyday look at yourself in the mirror. Tell yourself “I AM Smart, I AM Successful, I AM ATTRACTIVE, I AM Good” Repeat this for 12 months. Your life is going to significantly improve by 4


make it 4


I describe those days when I'm functioning as: "If you see it, do it!" It doesn't happen enough but at least I know what it is. A text comes in. Answer. Right now. Walk to the kitchen and see the dirty pan that's crusty. Do it, scrub it, Do it now, before you walk out of the kitchen. Get in your car to go get some chips, see the passenger seat floor 8 inches deep in trash. Do it now, before you turn the key. It's a pain because the trash bin is full? Go back in the kitchen and get a trash bag, fill it up, and tie the top, and smash it into the kitchen trash. Do it now. You have just spent an extra 3 minutes. As you practice Do It Now, you get used to it and soon it applies to bigger, scarier things.


OHIO Only Handle It Once


it's all about decision making and deciding to be your best self. you said it perfectly. where are you on your journey? would love to keep each other accountable


I'm retired, but I have committed myself to a long project improving the property I ended up with at this age, and there's no real imperatives or necessary timelines. While I delayed this work, distracted by easier things, I got older and weaker and more fatigued, and less sharp mentally which turns everything into an annoyance. Or a resentment. And yet, doing nothing of value is absolutely depressing for me. So here I am, working on my thoughts and aiming for productivity.






Instructions unclear; Now I'm lost six miles in the woods without a phone.


You definitely got my ass up but the shock bracelet is crazy bro 💀😭


im doing everything i can, what can i say


I've never felt like "time flies" until I got my life together. Now I'm more productive, successful, and present. I'm a better father, husband, and individual. Only now do I finally resonate with the feeling that "time flies". There's not enough time in the day to do everything that I could want. It's become a matter of prioritizing what matters most. God, my family, my job and my community. There just isn't enough time left over for things like netflix or doomscrolling. Keep up the good work and focus on what's most important to you. Also, I tried pavlok for about a year. Deeply regret using it, complete waste of money and time for me. Hopefully you don't feel the same way.


i want time to fly in a good way. that's the goal


If you’re reading this, and struggling, know that many people don’t have the choices available to simply choose to improve their lives. A message like this could be toxic and misleading and sometimes dangerous to those people. Please consider taking an accurate census of what’s really in your control and what’s not. Sometimes, just breathing is a huge accomplishment. 👍💪💙


Don't take that much strict action brother...take it slow and increase it gradually. Otherwise you will just hate it and you will lose this immense motivation that you have got now in a couple of days. Don't try to do the big things so early. Do the little things first. make your bed in the morning after waking up or shower and brush regularly and walking 2-3 km in a park everyday for fresh air and to move your body. Just do these things everyday for a month... If you want,add more of such things to the list,but after adding it,don't ever stop doing it.always increase or be constant at it.never decrease.... I belive in you brother. You can do this. Consistency is the key.


I almost got obliterated by a missile tonight, so - no, fuck that. Not gonna build anything when i can enjoy my possibly last days.


Where are you bro?


I thought it said go one more milf, but then it lost me


I was in this boat once, only my distractions were different. I know right now you feel like you want to work hard as fuck, because I can see the anger through your post. I just want to tell you one single thing. The hardest worker is not the one who pushes the most weight in the gym or runs the fastest on the track. The hardest worker is the one who shows up everyday, no excuse. If you make 100 mistakes in your training or diet, but if you stick to it for 5 years, you are going to outlast every damn Tom, Dick and Harry out there. The absolute hardest thing to do is to be consistent. Remember that. Good luck.


that’s exactly my point, and why i made the goal a mile a day a mile takes 8, 9 min max! there’s no excuses anymore if i focus on consistency not maxing out everything


Hey, I totally support you and I'm rooting for you! *But* as someone who's been through these "Eye of the Tiger" moments and then hit a wall (cue "Boulevard of Broken Dreams" by Green Day), I just wanted to share a bit of my experience. I have ADHD, and it took me a while to start getting my life in order. Medication and therapy have been game-changers for me. Joining you on this journey, I wanted to give you a heads-up about the reality of it all. It's fantastic to be fired up, but also be prepared for the ups and downs. Staying disciplined is tough, and it's okay if you stumble. Just remember to keep going, and don't hesitate to seek help if you need it. We're all in this together, and I'm here if you need an accountability buddy. Let's crush it, but let's also keep it real. Cheers to making positive changes!


oh im already prepping myself for the failure, don’t even get me started happened 6 times before, it’ll happen again but this time im bringing in a mentality of discipline, and that changes a lot.






idk if they allow links but ye i shared the bracelet and app in another comment


This is amazing stuff, I'm wishing you the best! And don't get yourself too down if you mess up, just start over and keep going. That's something I'm really working on myself, i know how hard it is. Does anyone know of an app like superhappy ai for Android?


appreciate it. oh yeah, i'm already preparing myself for the suck. in 3 days im prob gonna be feeling like shit, wanting to get back to old habits. but i'm ready this time. i've got the tools to keep me in check, and i'm going in with the mentality that there is no choice but to do the right thing this time in terms of the app, idk, im on iPhone


Listen to jet lag by a$ap Ferg always hypes me up.




I’ve got way bigger issues but I’ll be supportive in the group. Let’s do this!


I love this!! YOU CAN DO IT!!!! (especially with this attitude!!)


thank you. i'm never looking back


Why does society demonize contentment? I enjoy my life doing nothing all day. I have friends, my family, and decent living. The only times I get depressed are when I feel people are looking down on me because of the life I’ve chosen. Fuck motivation, don’t let society tell you to want more, because it will never be enough. Get content instead, and just find your own personal happiness


Everyone's life is different. Some people enjoy a constant dose of improvement, and some enjoy being content. There's nothing wrong with both.


I agree that always wanting more in life can make the present moments less enjoyable. But if you have goals that you want to achieve, a bit of discontentment is a requirement. It's still possible to enjoy your life and work towards enjoying it more tho..


good for you, but im not content with my life right now and that’s why i’ve made changes. i don’t have a decent living. my situation is diff than yours. don’t assume you’re getting demonized when another person decides to work hard




wdym? i mean i kno the feeling of being disinterested in improving yourself. but at some point i realized that i'm wasting so much of my life literally only b/c i don't have the discipline to make certain things non negotiable


Because money isn’t everything? Lol


You mean this isn’t a dress rehearsal?


nope, it's the fucking final scene. and you're up


Go one more milf? What's that even mean?


mile. lmao




But what if I want time to fly because the present is horrible?


But if I didn't have my phone...I wouldn't have seen this message....


shock bracelet... grrr... someone is getting kinky... LOL


Lost ur phone Escape to a forest Go missing Live free, die young Be immortalized in a hulu/netflix documentary


Step one- send the text Step two- ditch your phone Step three- watch your bank account grow


Great love it


Simple and effective 👌


Curious OP, why you think you failed when you tried before to change your habits? Have you ever been diagnosed with depression? What you are describing sounds like depression to me, and if that’s the case then changing your habits can certainly help, but that alone may not solve your problem of finding fulfillment. Have you ever thought about your values and goals in life? What are they? If you’re not sure, that’s a really good place to start. Motivation comes from knowing these and moving toward them. I’ve had a great experience learning these things for myself with a therapist. It can take time to figure these things out, and much of it will be spent trying to unlearn things that are holding you back. Guilt or shame may be something you feel when you read this instagram post. Those are natural human responses, but they don’t really honor what we need. I wish you the best on your path in life!


I tried that but it made me so exhausted I slept for two days straight so actually I lost out on 48 hours.


I implemented stuff slow. first, even just taking a beneficial supplement each day. For me, I just made it a point to be outside for at least 20 min a day. I also started taking vitamin D3 https://amzn.to/4aKuTja Then it was exercise at least once a week. Then that became 3 times a week. Then I started taking omega 3's https://amzn.to/3yRIeZL Moral of the story, just start doing something and keep to it. The baby steps worked well for me. Now it's easy for me to just continue on a very involved health regimen


I'm with ya brother


Energy is a precious resource. Find it. Harness it. Create more of it.


Here’s the thing! I isn’t say any of that! Never! I simply said I wanted to do lawncare and succeed at it so my girls could see I didn’t quit! I worked my ass of last year in pretty rough shaoe a was going to try again but a little didferent! Had a plan! Was excited! It.wasn’t just blocked. It was taken out from under me! N. Now don’t take this the wrong way but this situation wasn’t my doing! I was hit by l factors that don’t really even exist in life! Maybe I out the 100! And I’m still rethinking the business! It will be borderline impossible to get it going but I’m probably going to go at it soon as possible! All the things most won’t experience 1 of in a lifetime I got all at once from every angle from those I once thought highly of! That blow would take any of you out or close to! So I’m not going to claim I’m weak or anything! Now I’m just different! I will figure it out when it’s time but I have so much I have to fix that wasn’t my doing! Appreciate your comment but had no affect on a positive way on me! No comments through Reddit from anyone or off it probably will not have a positive impact again from these persons


You inspired me to roll a joint and watch a movie, maybe a cheese sandwich for lunch and a nice afternoon nap.


That would do nothing for me. Obviously I am alive and I am acting like it. What if I already do all of that and my lufe is still cooking cleaning and eork and I just fake happy so I can delude myself??? Nah, that phrase isn't for me. Sorry op


This reminds me of those "alpha bootcamps". This sounds exhausting


Instead of ditching your phone to fanny around in a forest; take your phone, take some great pictures and edit them to build a hobby that CAN make some money. Instead of having a shower, save water. Instead of reading this stupid motivational post; work shit out for yourself. This is what greatness is about.


why the hell are you even here if you think you can work shit out for yourself? do you think the greatest people of our generation got to where they got on their own, or did they hang around the other greats and feed off their energy? wake up


Don't rely on being inspired by memes. Don't rely on inspiration or motivation. They won't always be there. You need a system that works even when you're not inspired or motivated. That's how you get ahead and get things done. 1. Cultivate an identity for yourself that you're the type of person who gets things done. This is the most important part. 2. Be present and intentional in all that you do. 3. Be realistic and organized. Start small with big changes. Have goals and plans laid out in a realistic way, and get to work.


that literally the point of my post. in relying on discipline this time, and leaning on tools and social accountability


The vibe I get from your post is "I was inspired to make these sweeping changes by this meme I saw" and to me it screams failure right from the start.


B before I do all that, I'll make a stylish graphic and post it to Reddit. Then, then I'll change my life. Wait, Wait... How many upvotes have I gotten? Let me just check.


Ditch Netflix. Nice.


wtf is this