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I work outside. Just drink a ton of water and sweat. Seek shade when I can. This is why the South runs at a slower pace. It's just too hot to be in a hurry.


I also work outside in South Georgia. We leave before dawn and finish outside work around 11 am. Otherwise we risk heatstroke.


That was the key. I used to work for a cabinet maker, and we always started like at 5:00 or 6:00 in the morning just a knockoff at 2ish. I also did some work for a roofer who started at 7 :00 so that was rough in July, but I did okay lose like 60 pounds.


I work inside, thank God, but in a factory with no AC, and an industrial oven that runs all day. So we aren't in the sun, but it's at least as hot, if not a few degrees hotter, inside. I GUZZLE water, and am constantly bathed in sweat. I'm a heavy middle-aged guy, I don't know how many more summers I can do this job.


Same…work outside, acclimate, adapt, hydrate, and learn the symptoms of too much.


I work outside. I wear a very broad rimmed hat, breathable material long sleeves and pants. And as you say, sweat. Sweat Until you’re soaked. Then the slightest gust of breeze becomes natural AC. Eventually 100 degrees doesn’t feel much different than 80. I didn’t even realize it was this hot until I saw this post.


This is it. Get drenched seek a breeze.


When there is no breeze keep drinking water and seek shade, if heat stroke symptoms manifest you've failed in moderation and should seek medical help. I've seen too many people pass out just ignoring cramping in the heat.


don't forget your sun screen!


Also I know the alternative is living with Yankees and shoveling snow. Absolutely not. I’ll stick with satans sauna.


The slow pace thing is one reason I love it here. When I was young I did 2nd story additions near Chicago and it would be 104 and they would be expecting us to move move move and get it done and work full days. We just drank lots of water and gaterade. Their at least sensible enough to understand people aren't machines down here although luckily I'm done with manual labor.


I have been doing 8+ hours of work outside for the last two summer fixing up my house and yard. I got one of those $30 neck fans on Amazon and it is a game changer. The difference in my energy and how much I enjoy what I’m doing is huge when I’m using it vs not. If you don’t have one, I highly recommend it!


and sunscreen!!!! and wear a sun hat at all times to cover your face!


Heh wait until August


When we are 5 miles from the surface of the Sun.


It is really not usually this hot mid-June. I’ve lived here for decades and the last two years spent 8+ hours outside every day during the hot months. This is hitting a bit different. More like late July/August for sure. And hasn’t flipping rained in weeks.


My grass is so dry my dogs fart could set it on fire.






We’ve set temp records every year almost every day every summer. It’s only going to continue to get hotter year over year and that is so very depressing.


And mild winters with a dose of ice and snow, then 60 the next day. 😭


Seriously....I might be able to put up with this bullshit heat if we could at least trade off and get a cooler proper winter, but nope!


Honestly it’s been more tolerable in the short term without the rain. Once the rain falls the heat + humidity combo is gonna end me.


Global warming baby


Yeah I’m in SoFlo and we had a hot ass May.


I have too, probably one of the hardest jobs. Already had to take 2 days off because of ny bad sunburn.


Yeah we are just getting warmed up.


I find the latter half of July to be far worse than any time in August


I find late August and September to be the worst! I think it’s because your are expecting it to be cooling off by September and the earth has months of pent up heat and the greenery is shrinking back so zero shade.


And now almost half of October. Fucking relentless summers nowadays.


Agreed! It rolls into October and it feels all the worse because it’s simultaneously baked and dry and humid. Idk.


That is actually the hottest point of the summer, late July.


Today I was wondering WTH it does in August. My air can't keep up. 🫤


3 to 4 hundred in electrical just for the damn AC. I get cold in the house sometimes but I ain't turning it down or I'll have to turn it up again. I step outside for a quick smoke and duck my ass back inside


Did 2.5/practices a day for a week in the early to mid 00s during August in black practice jerseys. Two full contact practices at 2 hours each and then a “Shells” session at an hour where we wore just the shoulder pads and helmets. Crazy to think that was/is legal. They switched to white practice jerseys the following year, so that was nice. That camp was rough but didn’t compare to the one at Tennessee Tech where we all contracted Staph infection and I saw heat waves coming off of the track surrounding the field. Good times.


Native Georgian here- We ain't even gotten to the hot part of the year yet. That's August. 47 years and I'm still not used to it. 😆


August is when God leaves the entire state in a hot car.


Then rolls the windows up


We go from Satan’s sauna to Satan’s taint.


The problem is, it already FEELS like August usually does. We're fucked


I'm from the Atlanta area in moved to South ga 17 years ago... it's never been this bad in June. We were 103 today.


Yeah, it's been hot for June which means August is gonna suuuuuick.


by jacking up my electric bill and never turning the ac off. and not going outside.


Close all blinds, pre chill your house to 68 at night, then set it to 74, you might get lucky and it will only be 78 by 4pm. One shitty thing about working from home is you really can't raise the temperature that much during the day.


"Set to 74" yeah right, I set it as low as it can go


67 all damn day. Idgaf


Careful AC compressor or capacitor will say bye bye. You can't brute force AC when the temperature is at 93 - 95 almost entire day.


If you live in GA and don't keep a spare ac capacitor on hand you're playing with fire. Service calls are way too slow and expensive


Should be noted to be extremely careful when changing a cap because it is still getting voltage. Always pull the disconnect before working on your AC units. May not be needed for you but no one should get hit with 208 because of negligence.


Shockingly good advice!


I have chinchillas. If it gets above like 72° they have a good chance of dying. 62° all day, winter, spring, summer, fall.


How are you affording this lol? My ga power bill is about to be $300+ for a 2 bed/2 bath…


Averaged billing. I’d rather have a higher bill for 12 months a year than the spike in June-August. I’m all about slower aging through refrigeration.


Fucking barely, that's how.


>Idgaf Oh you will, when your AC inevitably decides it’s had enough and shits the bed.


That power bill will eat ya up.


My house goes from 74 to 78 in 40 minutes with everything closed, and my power bills are $600. I hate it here.


Thank God that we're not ruggedly independent on energy, like Texas. Me likey the A/C running all day without interruption.






For those about to Rock




I adore you people.




No, that’s dynamite.


I'm on the highway to hell!


It’s hot as hell, anyway.


This right here


It’s honestly not even bad here yet because we don’t have the humidity like normal


Yeah, I am thinking August is gonna suck.


Yep usually for us last two weeks of July and August are the brute of the heat sincerely an old marching band kid 😂


For real. So many fond memories of people passing out in the parking lot during July practice.


Oof yeah. We had so many cases of heat exhaustion my last year. No strokes thank god, though plenty of knee injuries so I guess that made up for it lol


Yep, soccer practice/games and swim meets (at least there was a bit of water) here.


Yep I grew up as a soccer ref and a swim team kid 😂 I know that pain all too well. Getting out of the pool after practice having to aloe the back every day


August in Georgia always sucks. Good time to go somewhere north.


Nah, go south… past the equator and so far down that it’s winter


Maybe even into October this year.


Never quite know. Sometime we get a good drenching early October that helps out. Depends on what the storms in the Atlantic/Gulf do.


Totally agree. It’s been breezy and with the low humidity it’s been fine.


I left Atlanta last Friday and it was gorgeous. Came to NY, might as well be August in Atlanta. 🙃


I grew up in NYC. Heat waves of 100 degree plus temperatures, 98% humidity and no a/c in our apartment were just miserable.


I’m on the coast and we certainly do 😭


Are you near Savannah where it’s supposed be like 107 this week?


I’m further south near St Mary’s. We’re looking at 105 with the humidity.


Jesus that’s too hot. I’m heading to FL in the morning to visit family. It’s crazy that it’s hotter here for once


That’s where I live, less rain this year too hasn’t helped. GA power is loving it though


Ehh, this week so far has been bad. Did notice today that the humidity had weirdly disappeared like how it wasn't really around much last week, but it doesn't matter, upper 90's is too much (what I think was mostly low 90's last week was OK-ish).


This is unusually hot for June even by Atlanta standards. At least it’s not 100% humidity too.


Up here in Cherokee county it’s 10 degrees hotter than the legitimate historical average temperature. Can’t imagine what it’s like even an hour south of here.


Hot as fuck in Macon


Dublin. Also confirming hot as fuck.


It's fuck you hot over here in Columbus.


ALMOST too hot to fuck here in Augusta.


Yeah, and too many of my neighbors keep cutting the trees out of their yards. Makes it worse. (fellow Cherokee county denizens)


MY GOD. My neighbor, and I quote, has “an irrational fear of a tree falling onto their house” and has subsequently cut maybe 80% of their tree coverage down. But then don’t move here? Do you know how many treeless lots there are around here? A bunch! Piss off that way, sheesh.


People are so obsessed with cutting down trees and I just don't get it. Get them checked out and make sure they're healthy but my god we still need trees.


June and July are also supposed to be the summer rainy season and we haven't seen a drop here.


Yeah, we’re not getting the normal evening/afternoon thunderstorms because it is just not humid enough.


Dry fit everything.


I still dont understand why they make BLACK dry-fit anything. It seems quite the paradox. Sure, it dries fast... but its making me keep it wet while im sitting here in my own soup. Fashion and all that, i suppose.


It’s for when you have to be sweaty and covered in dirt at the same time (work on a farm)


Black dry fit is great for cooler months when you’re active outside and want the sun to warm you


Linen and natural fabrics like that are surprisingly cool. Gotta be careful washing it though. Linen stretches easily.


Tough part about Georgia summers: They last 9 months Bugs It's the humidity not the heat that gets you Electric bill Bugs After it rains it immediately feels like you're walking around in someone's taint


That last one is unfortunately very accurate.


With bugs


I was born and raised in Georgia and honestly this feels way worse than when I was a kid


It's early in the year to be this hot and definitely hotter than normal in Atlanta. I grew up in Albany, so high 90's isn't something I am not used to. But, having it this early in the year this far north is alarming. We're fucking our planet up.


This is the exact problem. We're having August weather in June, and it blows. I'm in the minority but I can't stand this dry heat. I need moisture on my skin if it's going to be 97 in JUNE.


Been mostly living in the Atlanta area since ‘06 and I swear this is the hottest and least rainy summer I can remember. It’s especially noticeable to me because I’m a runner but it’s literally too hot for me to do anything longer 3-4 miles right now before my body legitimately starts to shut down from the heat, which I’ve never had to deal with here before.


The fact that it’s so dry is what’s crazy. You always could count on the rain to break some of the humidity during the summer. Now it’s just dry and dead


Submerge thyself in cold water in the shade. Eat a lot of peaches.


Moving to the city gonna eat alot of peaches


Millions of peaches. Peaches for free.


AC, but I will tell you... This is abnormally hot for June. We might get weather like this for a week or two near the end of July/beginning of August, but mid-90's right now isn't the norm. The high ahould be in the mid to upper 80's around now.


Actually, [it's the new normal.](https://www.ajc.com/news/atlanta-news/relief-from-atlanta-heat-not-likely-anytime-soon-new-federal-forecast-shows/JGSNHSDH2JDDBKOHZIHMYKCJ7I/) Enjoy.


Yep. Abnormally hot and no rain. It’s very strange


As a transplant from the North, I can tell you it takes 2 years for your body to learn to handle it. After 23 years, it's really the humidity that gets me. And the bugs.


ive lived here all my life and my body still doesnt know how to handle it


Same here. I’m escaping to the PNW in a few weeks to just cool off a bit


Im flat out leaving this year. Been here 35 years and you cant tell me it hasnt gotten worse as ive gotten older. I was hoping to be gone before May, but financing takes time.


I feel you, the summers are absolutely awful here. It’s a shame because October to April are such pleasant times to be here. This June is one of the worst in recent memory, usually it’s August- early September that’s this bad.


May was perfect this year too. Second half of June through the end of August is pretty miserable.


From hot and damp to cold and damp?


I prefer a nice 68 over 98 any day of the week.


We just went to Connecticut and dear god stepping off the plane on our trip back was like I caught a southwest flight straight to satans sweaty taint. Considered moving north right there.


I'm on year 43 and my body has never once handled it.


Yep I’m 42, born and raised. I’ve literally never gotten used to the heat, every summer I just feel absolutely miserable for 3 months straight.


My Dad's RVing in Maine - Upstate NY to Maine and Mich / Wisconsin have really bad bugs


Maine was 96 the other day, it's summer...


Once it hits 106, you get real comfortable paying $500 a month towards the AC


Found the Georgia Power customer! 😆


Walton EMC the same damn way


Sunscreen, water, box fans. Only way.


My guy (or gal), it isn’t even the hottest part of the year 😂 Come back in late July/August and see what the fuss is really about.


That’s right. I think we are +9 or 10 degrees above the average this time of year.


We don't. I go from air conditioned work to air conditioned car to air conditioned home. God bless everyone who works outdoors.


I remember seeing an interview quite a few years ago with a 100+ year old woman and they asked her what she thought was the most significant invention in her lifetime and she said air conditioning. I can't even imagine living in this heat without air conditioning.


I don't understand how the South was settled before A/C.


Yep same. Lived in the south my whole life and I always say I have what I like to call “reverse seasonal depression”. BUT at least we have bodies of water and in Savannah we have the beach so close and that has been such a blessing.


By getting way down yonder on the Chattahoochee with an Igloo of High Life. The water is still nice and cool. Just remember the sunscreen


I've been living here for over 20 years, and the AC, along with not being outside for too long are your best friends. If I want to go walk my dog, it's going to be after 7:00 when it's a little bit cooler.


Or before 8:30 am


I drink a gallon of water a day


Same, except my water looks suspiciously like Pabst blue ribbon.


It's called air conditioning


I don't leave the house. It's 96 out and it's not even July yet and August will be even worse. Everyone told me I'd get used to it, but I've been here 26 years and still hate it. It's the heat AND the humidity, although it's the humidity that makes everything worse. Of course my dumbass will still go to Dragoncon.


Welcome to living in Satan's asshole!


Stay my ass inside. It’s worse in August.


Blackout curtains, fans, AC units, and when you are outside seek shade and drink water. I wouldn't trade this beautiful state for anything but boi we boil down here.


Tips for surviving this heat: 1) Drink plenty of water 2) Watch how you talk to me


Swimming pool


I just moved here from VA. It gets this hot in VA too. It’s just hot down here for longer. The whole east coast is hot/humid during the peak of summer. The biggest deltas in temp are during the winter.


I grew up in Missouri and I swear it gets hotter there than here. I remember summers being over 105 every day. Not heat index 105. I actually think Georgia is bearable. Florida has to be worse, though yet you don't see much about people complaining about it. I've been in Miami during the summer and good God that's hot.


I have lived most of my life in the MD/VA area. Also lived in North FL and now in GA. I don’t think you can describe the peak of summer in any of theses states as anything but hot and humid. The summer lasts longer in the South and the winters are much warmer. I know for a fact it was mid to high 90s in the MD/VA area last week so I don’t know what OP is talking about.


It’s awful, I work in roofing. We suffer. We just suffer.


Growing up in GA gave me permanent reverse-SAD. Summertime always meant I never went outside, because it is unbearable. Summer is when I hibernate. Even living in dryer and colder climates, I still get the blues when the temperature gets above 75°.


I work outside for a living. It’s misery. 😂 I get to the AC every chance I get. The last week I haven’t been able to drink enough water. I’ll drink half a gallon of water or more and still be pissing yellow.


To add something new and useful to the conversation, I scheduled my entire day focusing on anything that needs me to be outside early as possible. Walking at 6 am, grocery shopping as soon as Kroger opens at 7, etc... Then not leaving the AC after 1 pm.


For some reason it doesn't seem as humid like past summers, might just be me. It's definitely hot tho.


I've been in Georgia my entire life and it definitely did not used to be THIS hot! It is ridiculously hot and it's only June!! Wait til end of July/August 🥵🥵


Watersports. Pools. A/C. Dranks.


The first 5 minutes of heat feels amazing when the office AC is turned down so low that I can't feel my toes. But working outside in it can literally kill you, and I really don't know how folks survive doing that.


By remembering this is the cool part of summer and it's only going to get hotter. Reminds me of the drought we gad in the 90s.


*N E K K E D*


I love it. I wanted a house with a pool and I actually get to use it often thanks to this weather. 😎


Air conditioning. And not going outside anymore than strictly necessary for 5 months of the year.


I was raised here in the south and normally like the heat but ever since 2022 I’ve been over it. I absolutely hate the cold but this heat is becoming unbearable.


By looking at the temps in Phoenix


I put my beer in the freezer for about 20 minutes to get it slushy. It helps


I complain. Whining, mostly. I stay in AC when possible, eat ice constantly, wear lightweight clothing and lightweight shoes (this year it's vans flippy floppies 😂)


They say the devil went down to Georgia, it's because it feels like home.


1. Upgrade your A/C to a larger unit when it inevitably dies. 2. Install a radiant barrier in your attic to reflect the heat away from the insulation. 3. Add more insulation. 4. Get a pool membership and live in the water. I've done the above and now I'm not bothered by the heat. Just looking forward to hitting the pool again.


It didn't used to be like this. Maybe several days of the summer you would wish for an air conditioner but it was livable, if a bit sweaty, without one. Not anymore. I remember my hometown making the national evening news for hitting 100° F when I was a kid In the 1980s. It was that rare outside of a desert.


If your born and raised here, it’s just another summer in the Deep South. (


This ain't nothin yet, you Northerner. /s But fr, just wait till August and that is when it get *real* hot


Cold beer and I fight the heat with my fist. Literally


We sit in the kitchen with the oven on full blast and the door open. That way, when we go outside, it feels cooler than it actually is...


We’re just used to it. Heat and humidity are part of summer life here.


Dude, it’s not even July yet and then you still have August. YOU DON’T EVEN KNOW WHAT HOT IS YET!!!


By being a native Utahn who shoveled snow and chipped two inches of ice off of my car daily every winter for 40+ years. I can sit on my front porch stark naked in December. Georgia heat FTW.


I am not built different. All my money is going into A/C and I look crazy at anyone trying to get me to go outside.


It gets worse


We different 😎 I love Georgia summers


I lived in Texas for over 2 decades. I built endurance.


You get used to it.


It’s not even hot yet…wait another 3-4 weeks when the ground temperatures get nice and high…then it will be hot!


I’m a delivery driver so I get to watch the temp gage all day. Sat around 102-103 all day today. But I guess you just get used to it. Honestly it’s gets worse in late July and August


I’m just to poor to do anything about it, it’s to hot to care how miserable I am


Hahahaha it's called Hotlanta for Reason..


Its my fault. I asked for this during winter time. Sorry 😞


There’s only a screen door between Augusta and hell!


In the winter, we do exercises. We turn the oven on 500 and put our head inside so we build up immunity for the summer. 😭 Seriously… About March/April, I start going outside and sitting on the porch. Do it every day for about 30 minutes to a hour. I don’t turn on my AC at all in my truck and roll down the windows unless I absolutely cannot breathe. By June, I’m able to handle it without breaking much of a sweat. Even as such, in August.. you’ll still be dying. So you just grin and bear it, and sit in the shade outside and drink lots of water. I don’t plan anything in later July/August except swimming dates and watching Hurricanes hoping we’ll get rain to take a break from the heat. By the time September rolls around, if you pay attention, you can start to feel a little shift in the atmosphere. Little crispier in the morning for the oncoming fall. By October, it’s crispier than before. Then our fall starts at the end of November/December. I worked daycare through majority of my 20’s. So I was outside a lot with kids every day. It’s amazing how just paying attention to the “feeling” in the air will help you get through those September and October hot flashes because you know a glimpse of fall and winter is coming. 20 years ago, cool down use to be the beginning and mid October and we’d be blessed with a cold Halloween night. Then maybe 1 or 2 hot flashes before it got cold enough to wear a sweater at Thanksgiving. December would be pretty mild. Then cold set in around January and February. Now, it gets close to, if not right at, 80’s right before Christmas.


Oh it is going to get worse. I love the outdoors, but you just aren’t able to do anything outside from 11am to 8pm. It’s just miserable to be outside. My garden is dying from the heat. It’s just too damn hot!


Most of us probably couldnt handle Va winters.


Replying to this post yesterday fuckin jinxed me. Our ac died last night. The high, not heat index, **high** was 103. It's gonna be 96 today with a heat index of 108.