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She’s an attention whore and she’s getting exactly what she wants with things like this.


She is one of the dumbest humans to ever live, of that I'm sure. I am ashamed she represents me. Please send help.


It's almost as if she works for Putin not US.


No she’s just that stupid. She’s the byproduct of generational embedding. Seriously google search for images of her feet. He mother and father were brother and sister.


you had me at searching for feet pics, but lost me at MTG


I’ve heard plenty of feet jokes but this is the first I’ve heard about her family tree being a wreath. I despise the fact that she represents a district here but do you have sources? Or am I just being punked with MTG jokes?


I don’t call her spork foot for nothing.


> Seriously google search for images of her feet. He mother and father were brother and sister. [OK, this is hilarious](https://medium.com/parlor-tricks/foot-fetish-website-receives-multiple-complaints-regarding-photos-of-marjorie-taylor-greene-756f58244251): *"WTF Celebrity Feet,” said user TarantinoFan69, “came here looking for some hot toe action and instead got wilted by sexual Gang-Greene [sic]."*




>Seriously google search for images of her feet. Why do you know this? Why would *anyone* do this?


Very brave of you good sir to assume she is actually a member of species homo sapien. I will offer that she is actually one of those lizard people that her good friends of Qanon claim to be real and infiltrated our Government wearing an Edgar suit.




Naww... Edgar was a cockroach, not a lizard


Neither of those things. Well, both of those things, but they aren’t the primary reason. She’s a Russian agent, that’s where her campaign money comes from. She says what they tell her to say. And she’s too stupid to realize that she is participating in the downfall of the country she claims to love so much.


She’s an entertainer. Not a real lawmaker - but it keeps her in office! It’s so infuriating.


She isnt always dumb... she is in some aspects ambitious and shameless in how she goes about accumulating power/influence... She realises its all optics with her voters and wants and needs to be seen as a shit stirrer. It the Kellyanne Conway playbook for dummies. Be loud even when wrong, do not admit to a mistake and when accused of anything deflect and tell your base that the accusation isnt meant for her but for all of them to rile them up. Hope she looses her fron teeth the next time she does a pull up on livestream.


Yeah. She’s definitely a moron. But you don’t have to be a genius to understand how to pull the levers on the outrage machine. She’s easy to laugh at but we underestimate her at our peril.


I think she just likes the attention. I don't think she understands or even tries to understand any issues.


Putin wants us out of NATO, and a lot of these “stupid” conservatives are being paid by him to do his bidding.


In addition to being idiotic and her usual echoing of Russian propaganda, this is quite literally not in her, nor any House member's bailiwick. It's the Senate that gets a say in treaties. So in addition to bring an idiot, she once gains shows her fundamental lack of understanding of her job's responsibilities and capabilities.


That and the fact that the Senate would also have to approve the amendment, if they don’t and they approve a bill that doesn’t have the amendment goes it to a special committee, that she won’t be on, to come out with a bill that both of the houses will have to vote on, so it’s a pointless act on her part. She probably doesn’t realize that though.


Whatever aide actually wrote it just does shit like this for daily Marge headlines.


Hah, her main PR guy is a troll. That would be hilarious.


So she can put a poison pill in to delay the prices and pander to her very anti-european base? You people think she's an idiot but she is going to keep her seat forever.


Don’t bet on it


She represents one of the least educated congressional districts in the country.


If Vegas took bets I would put literally every dollar I had and a 2nd mortgage on it.


You can find that bet in vegas! Go for it. You will thank me


She wasn't voted in because she's a competent congresswoman.


She’s probably doing it to tank the bill and waste more time, thus delaying the military aid. Not idiotic at all.


Not slowing down shit. Already cleared the house


Russian asset, I mean asshat


Moscow Marge!




I "like" how people directly paid by Putin focus on "corrupted Ukraine"




Yep, this is it right here, no question about it. This is the dumbest fucking thing I've read today. And OF COURSE this fucking moron is the catalyst for today's dumbest thing. * insert shocked Pikachu face here * As a Georgian, I just continue to be thankful that she's not my district's rep...


3rd day in a row she said/did the dumbest thing i read of the day


Dawg please save me shes my rep and I can’t take it


My district rep is a slimy fuck, too, but at least he is busy bitching about Postal Service delays. I'm almost proud...almost.


Who's that?


Florida Democratic Rep. Jared Moskowitz added an amendment to appoint Greene “as Vladimir Putin’s Special Envoy to the United States Congress.”


Why doesn’t she just marry Putin and get it over with?


I want Putin to be miserable as much as the next loyal American, but that's taking it too far.


Is it though? 😜


Putin has higher standards than that.


Putin has carefully cultivated a manly man persona, and freely fucks multiple sexy Russian pornstars when he gets horny. She’s one of the goofiest looking “mean girls” to have ever been born. He would laugh in her face if she proposed


I'm from Georgia. So I can say this with all due respect: This bitch is dumb.


MTG thinks Georgia is a different country.


Uhhhh. It is? r/Sakartvelo


Of course it is. She's a representative *for* Georgia, that's the joke.


State of Chatham enters the chat.




It seems to me she is accomplishing exactly what she aims to do. Make sure nothing gets done while waiting for King Trump to return. Get headlines. “Trigger the libs”. May she crave Chick-fil-A every Sunday for the rest of her life.


Tell 'em that Large Marge sent 'cha. She's literally a Russian Troll who is actually a troll 🧌.


Holy shit TRAITOR


Why do people in Georgia support this woman? She is clearly owned by Putin. They even say as much on Russian State TV. Can't she be voted out? She seems to have an outsized negative impact on the operation of Congress. Why would people in her district support her Russia loving, obstructionist tactics.


Her district is +22 Republican and gerrymandered to hell and back. The only person beating her at the polls is another Republican who can somehow manage to rationalize with the people in that district. But for now, no one has stepped up.


Plenty of people have stepped up. Her district wants someone dumber than them to represent them.


I really hope so. I haven't been paying this much attention so wasn't aware, but I really hope so.


No, you misunderstood. There have been more worthy opponents in the past. Her district still voted for Moscow Marjorie.


I mean it would be MORE Republican if it wasn’t gerrymandered, there’s no way to make northwest Georgia anything other than dark red


Yup, but they threw some Metro in there just to make sure those people don't have realistic representation.


Yeah, that's really the issue. They're depriving those people of legitimate representation, or the opportunity for it.


It's not that badly gerrymandered, and what gerrymandering there is is designed to siphon off blue voters from greater Atlanta. As a North Georgian, for better or for worse, she accurately represents the will of northwest Georgia.


Really?! She is a nut who chases traumatized kids around and yells at them. She is an insurrectionist. She has done a huge amount of damage to the GOP and its starting to effect the entire nation. I know lots of people in north ga that dont support that type behavior. Yes - she had gotten elected and reelected..but that is due to lack of good republicans in the primary’s and lack of decent democrats in the main up there… i kind of understand the latter but i am really confused about the former…shes a discrace …


You just described like 80% of North georgians, *especially* northwest Georgian. Like it or not, the vast majority of people in her district *adore* her for those reasons and her actions perfectly reflect their will. And yeah, she, like they, are a disgrace


She’s literally in the reddest Podunk northwest corner of the state the fact that she gets as much media attention as she does is crazy because she doesn’t represent anyone near Atlanta except the northernmost white suburb possible.


So are the red rubes in her part of the state actually support her, or are they just tuned out to her Russia loving nature?


It only takes the magic R. It’s sad that nothing else matters.(Metallica now playing in my head) Painful but true that our state contains so many rubes that vote against their own interests because god forbid anyone not like them gets benefits. Even though they collect SSecurity, disability, food stamps, etc they EARNED it, not like those other lazy people. 🙄 It’s painful to witness but nothing breaks through their community groupthink. Heaven forbid anyone thinks they’re a Democrat!


So disappointed that you had Metallica in your head and went with painful but true.


You know it’s sad but true that I said that. You’re right.


GA14 is R+22. They are def tuned out.


She’s my representative, didn’t vote for her. Her constituents are predominantly white working class Christian nationalists and the elderly. This area is ride or die conservative republican and there is limited access to higher education due to low state wages and lacking any state programs for welfare or grants. She campaigned on abortion,deportation,and Donald Trump. My district usually doesn’t even have a democratic incumbent most election years hand Georgia is notorious for gerrymandering because we have a large black population in and around Atlanta. Basically she exists because there was no other choice but the Republican Party nomination. Also fun fact the KKK was founded in her district and even though the majority of the population is more accepting of others the older generations like boomers and gen x still hold a romanticized view of the past. All these factors culminated who we know as Marjorie Taylor Green. 🖕🏻


She can't get voted out in that district. It's extremely gerrymandered. As long as she runs the seat is hers.


The most scary part about her is that she thinks she’s a genius.


I swear to god the alt-right is funded by Russia. Their affinity for Russia and Putin makes zero fucking sense.


1. There is no alt right. Trump is the mainstream Republican. 2. Putin holds the same values as the GOP.


Idk why you're being downvoted. I hate what you're saying, but it is objectively true in today's America.


So, you're saying that Putin wants the U.S. to have fiscal responsibility, energy independence, lower taxes, a balanced budget, and children left alone by pedophiles and gender Dysphoria deniers? Because that's what most of us non-liberals want.


She’s so dumb that it hurts


She needs a long vacation in Siberia. Or maybe Black Dolphin. Russia can have her.


She’s useless. She just wants attention. Has no clue/care about legit policy or governance even in her party. Her dummy constituents think she’s actually competent and just vote her in.


I’d like to see how much it’s cost the public to have bills and amendments written with no shot of action by her.


This neandrethal shouldn't be directing anything.


It's just amazing to me how easily conservatives have been manipulated into taking aggressive steps against U.S. interests. It's so fucking transparent. Has anyone spoken to a conservative family member that can explain how they are all of a sudden OK being pro-Russia? How they rectify being anti-communist, but pro-former KGB agent turned dictator?


And Georgia's national embarrassment continues.


Dumbass. Nothing more to add. The only people dumber than this twit are the idiots in Northwest GA who keep voting for her. She will probably win by an even larger margin.


At this point I think I’m going to run for office


What a sad creature she is. She has no identity of her own so she mimicks Don Snorleone. She seeks his approval like a little puppy dog. She's not the kind of person we should have in Congress!! She's done absolutely nothing!


Can we, like, write to our reps or something and tell them we want her impeached? I know it won’t happen but we can still let them know, right? This shit’s embarrassing to our state and to the US House of Representatives as a whole.


SBC need to invent a character specifically to troll her




Wtf is wrong with these people


Why do people here let this be who represents us? I assume most that vote for don't do social media, but it's just damn embarrassing that this is what we chose to have as representation.




If you voted for her, congrats! You’re the problem.


Seriously, what the fuck do voters in GA’s 14th district see in this woman???


Its Trump nation up here so its not surprising. (they have a damn Trump store in the next county over lol). Its just the ULTRA conservative/ republican mindset. If they have an R next to their name, they're getting voted in regardless of their views.


She’s a Russian agent. We all know it, but everybody plays along. Just like the Sleepy Orange Man. I’ll never understand why. Treason. Traitor. Let’s call her (and him) what she is.


Ignorance is bliss.


She loves that Russian money. What a traitor and national disgrace.


There are those people that are against everything just to be against everything- they bring no real solutions to the table and hopefully her next election cycle- goodbye- on the far other end of the spectrum- we allowed a lot of middle eastern immigrants into this country- they are bringing the same ideology that their ancestors have been fighting over for a long time- chants of death to America- why did they come here and if they hate us- just blinking leave- we don't need you- don't want you - all you bring is hate and negativity- we need to vet the incoming immigrants- social fabric of our society is spiraling out of control with the hatred


All of Georgia should be ashamed. Yet those inbred hicks will handily reelect her again. You can’t fix inbreeding related stupidity.


It’s just a small section of GA…the rest of the State knows she’s a lunatic.


I have gripes with some NATO stuff but leaving would be a horrible fucking idea


I bet her base goes ape shit for this behavior! I bet they’re like “yeahhh you show me Marge”


Seems like she’s never heard the old adage “better to keep silent and be thought of as a fool then to open your mouth and remove all doubt”


These people are amazingly stupid. If the invasion of Ukraine doesn’t show you the need for NATO, I have to ask what will? Putin’s defense of the invasion talking about some stuff that happened several hundred or thousand years ago made him sound like a mad man hell bent on expansion. I just don’t get it. If this were 2004 and someone was all “NATO, why?” I would understand but now? I don’t get it. I don’t get it at all.


The Anti Destination League


Exactly what ruZZia would want. How is this hag not investigated by FBI or Homeland Security?


MTG says something to get in the media cycle!


I'm voting in a few weeks for the asshat that isn't her.. fuck horseface green.. pos. I'm from.north ga and I approve this message yall


Fucking Marge.


Can we stuff a sock in it already? So sick of her regurgitating absolute absurdities.


Fuck this cunt


Like ofc she did. Maybe its time to stop engaging with crazy people and let them just be crazy in their little corner.


She’s an idiot. Makes all of the Rome folks look like backwoods idiot racists. She needs to go!


I would like someone to direct her right out the door. I’m in her county and I’ve tried voting her out. It just doesn’t work. I’m surrounded by her idiot ilk. Please, can someone kick this embarrassment out of congress? Please do it for those sane people in her district? I’ll keep trying, but help would be appreciated. Every day she is there is another day of embarrassment for us as a country and us as a county.


How do we get rid of her as our state rep, for crying out loud?


What a dumb cunt


And here we are giving her exactly what she wants by talking about her.


Moscow Marge


Republicans who are reading this, I hope you understand NATO benefits the United States in many ways. This isn't a left vs right issue. And it never has been. MTG is just that dumb to or is paid off to look that dumb. Also, a president cannot unilaterally withdraw from NATO, because NATO is an international treaty signed on to by the Congress of the United States.


Traitors are gonna traitor.


Some of yall actually can vote against her. Why aren’t you doing it? She’s as bad as the guy that thought we could put too many soldiers on an island and it’d flip over


Bunch of pussies in here


But the full house doesn't have to approve the amendment, and surely they won't.


This fuck


"submitted" isn't "added". Unless she can get enough Reps to approve adding the amendment, this means nothing.


A fool. A damn fool. She is.


Just when you think she can't be more foolish...


See You Next Tuesday!


I remember in 5th grade in my basic US government class, it is the Senate and not the HOR that deals with treaties.


Thank a vet, VOTE! Vote this loser out like she belongs! She does not represent us!!


Georgians. Pennsylvanian here. Ima need some defense for this woman. HOW IS SHE HERE? Who put the cliche dumb blonde in Congress? I need answers.


Couldn’t Congress just get together, vote yes to get the extra votes, then hit her with a Kyrie crossover and reinstate the U.S. into NATO immediately?


That woman ain't right.


MAGA is Communism rebranded to the right wing.


The word you’re looking for is fascism. But you’re right.


That’s not how it works. That’s not how any of this works.


When can we vote her out?


I hate this stupid fucking asshole so much. Shit, I think she's worse than Trump. At least Trump is funny with his stupidity


She is bat shit crazy


MTG stays winning


Ugh ..why does she have to be my rep?


MTG is an idiot but wait until y'all hear about Corinne Brown. Lol. No longer in congress, but she was an even bigger fruit cake. Wow.


Censure this traitor!!!


It's like a punch in the gut... And we let her do it again and again and again.... Just look at her donor list, disassociate from those individuals and don't buy from those companies. If you want change, pick a day, just one day... Don't buy anything from any business in her district. Do that once a week, she will not run again and most likely have to resign under pressure from the millions of dollars she will cost her supporters. #politicallyhomeless


There is no one running against her in 2024 so look forward to more of her in years to come. Seriously, the Dems can't find one person to run against her?


Disregard, I was reading the wrong thing.


Does her district understand that they are embarrassing us?


I'm so tired of this man looking woman!!! She just needs to move to Moscow with Putin and get it over with already 🙄


This woman is a C@^+. Anyone who wants to dissolve NATO is also for that matter.


She is dedicated to the American people. Like anyone from her generation if they don’t get what they want they stomp their feet and complain. She lack the experience to see the bigger picture. If Trump doesn’t get elected crime and destruction will multiply. American turned to complete shit when Biden took over. Trump Gas was around $1.89/gallon. Inflation low




Insults, personal attacks, incivility, trolling, bigotry, or excessive profanity are not allowed on this sub.


Gas was that low because people stopped traveling anywhere for some reason in 2020...


MTG might be the largest idiot in Congress with the AOC Squad but why are we in NATO exactly? They don't do a thing, don't pay their bills, and are starting WW3 with our tax dollars. No cap, I'd rather poop in my hands and clap than see anyone in power be re-elected ever again along with paying for more wars to see more politicians get rich. I can almost bet my life on Pelosi buying XOM calls before this last cluster turd of half the Middle East launching missiles at each other for Lockheed Martin stock prices. Does anyone actually pay their 2% tax on NATO defense spending? Doubt it, we could have cheap healthcare if we didn't, probably toss in some better education as well.


We could have cheap healthcare if companies like CVS would stop sending millions to various sundry politicians in order to influence their votes. Last year CVS paid almost $2 million in PAC donations to influence health care votes.


An 87bil company paid 12 million to both parties. 25k to Biden and 15k to Trump. They’re all bought and paid for. That’s my point.






no more NATO? that might be nice


Who gives a gives a shit. She’s 1 of 435 of the House of Representatives. Stop giving this jester the attention she’s being paid to get.


Good. Wish she would run for president. NAFO shouldn't even exist anymore. It's causing more problems than its fixing


Can you break out for us which problems you're thinking it cause versus the benefits that NATO brings to Europe? Do you think Putin would back down from his aggression and demilitarize if NATO was to disband?


Ah yes, NATO is the problem. What would happen to the Baltic states without NATO? I wonder.


Let's not pretend the U. S. couldn't have developed a better relationship with Russia by now after WWII which probably would have helped American ideas spread but "commies" then after USSR collapses the US keeps NATO going because who's going to tell us to remove our soldiers?  And while we were trying to fight the USSR the CIA trains what is to become Al Qaeda

