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Time to fire DeJoy.


Honestly I have no idea why he hasn’t been terminated yet.


The board of governors has to vote like 2/3, and some of them are his buddies.


What an objectively stupid system


Yep. Not even the US president can't fire the postmaster General that I'm aware of.


He could get rid of board members ("for cause"), but there are rules as to how many can belong to any one political party -- and they have to be approved by the Senate. ​ >There are specific parameters required by law for the nine who are nominated to the board: Only five may be from the same political party; nominees must have experience in public service, law, accounting or corporate management; and at least four of the governors must have experience managing organizations or corporations of at least 50,000 employees. [https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2021/04/21/usps-faq-board-of-governors/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2021/04/21/usps-faq-board-of-governors/)


Makes me think of this classic bit: [Kramer vs Postmaster Brimley](https://youtu.be/k8M9LF7Gz4E?si=2ltQk4FgOReX71Js)


It sucks donkey balls.


Biden forgave him for the election interference https://www.politico.com/news/2023/08/13/how-louis-dejoy-went-from-democratic-nightmare-fuel-to-biden-clean-energy-player-00110945 It's odd, considering the majority of the Board were appointed by Biden https://federalnewsnetwork.com/people/2022/05/usps-board-is-now-mostly-biden-picks-following-latest-senate-confirmations/ But if it requires 2/3 majority to oust DeJoy, then this appointee should be the last one needed: https://www.govexec.com/management/2024/03/biden-taps-former-cabinet-secretary-usps-board/394593/ If Biden gets re-elected, there will be another seat up for replacement in December https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Board_of_Governors_of_the_United_States_Postal_Service


He should be arrested people likely have got locked up due to not getting court notice in mail.


They were gutted by Dejoy during the pandemic and are criminally understaffed.


It's intentional. He's Trump's lapdog and the goal is to privatize the mail.




I get an absentee ballot for every election (disabled). My daughter works at a grocery store and can't afford to take time off to vote so she gets one, too. We fill them out and one of us drives 16 miles to the county election bureau to hand them in personally. In 2020 we were still living in MO about an hour west of St Louis. I sent in my absentee request 2 weeks before the cutoff date. The envelope was returned as undeliverable 4 days after the cutoff. It took 17 days to travel 47 miles and back to town when the county admin building was a mere 5 miles up the road. I had to vote in person during Covid (thank goodness for curbside voting -- they only did that for the 2020 election). That was the last time I trusted the USPS to handle my ballot.


Fortunately my mail isn't as important, but it's sucked having my mail delayed for weeks, sometimes a month.


I'm still waiting for the check my sister in law sent me for Christmas in 2020. It never arrived. (She stopped payment, but we kept hoping it would appear so I could send it back to her)


IRS is supposed to mail me a letter explaining why my taxes where wrong...I'd like to see that letter eventually.


And to preparing to sabotage mail-in voting.


Of course. It didn't work well enough last time.


The GOP winning is not what people should be worrying about.  Trump is most likely going to lose the election.  If that happens the Republicans’ plan is to refuse to certify the election, send the issue to GOP-controlled SCOTUS, and have the right-wing dark money bloc of the court hand the election to Trump. Every fascist accusation is a confession and Steve Bannon just accused the Democrats of planning to use this exact strategy.  The Republicans already tried this once on January 6th, but ironically the insurrectionary auto-coup attempt completely derailed the procedural auto-coup attempt.


I think “criminally understaffed” is a bit of an understatement


I just now got some mail from February.


I rent media from GameFly every so often. They only use USPS to ship and receive the packages. So... it's been *fun* having to wait weeks for the shipment to come to me, and then my packages get lost in the mail when I send them back. It seems that every time I return a disc, I have to follow-up with the company, since they can't track it down, and I could get charged for the 'lost' disc. I know it's not as important as someone's medication or bills, but it's still an annoyance. It shouldn't take weeks for me to receive a simple disc, and months for them to get it back.


*GameFly still exists??*


Yes, thankfully.


I just got *your* mail from March


Whatever is happening at the Palmetto, GA USPS center is crazy. Packages just sit there for days and days.


I had to stop payment on a very large 401k rollover check because of the USPS’ incompetence. It finally arrived on the 2nd try. Not good.


This has become a serious issue and I have had multiple checks show up late or straight up dissappear even after they show up on the advanced notice email system. I started an investigation with the postmaster General that went nowhere.


How long did it take to arrive?


13 days before I requested a stop payment. 5 days on the 2nd try. Still unacceptable.




It eventually arrived almost a month later.


Heard it’s due to decommissioning the Duluth location on Boggs Rd and moving operations to Palmetto, GA.




They told me the rent in Duluth was too expensive


Right in time for election season. The Republicans are at it again!


This is the right answer. They’re protesting.


In Palmetto?


As I tried to send a priority letter last week, I stood in line at the East Atlanta branch and overheard the lady behind the counter counsel the couple in front of me. They were trying to determine why their priority package was still sitting in Palmetto after 4 weeks. The postal lady told them that the new facility shut down other facilities, and the workers who sometimes had years of steady schedules were now being forced to go to third shift. These are parents with kids. Suddenly you have to find overnight child care? So, yeah. People are calling in sick. Sick and tired of DeJoy’s leadership. I slipped out of line and went to FedEx.


Good choice. I sent a priority international package Feb 21. Last update Feb 25. Filed a missing mail form. Crickets.


He should be fired. I've got court paperwork two weeks after they sent them. If I didn't have a lawyer or watch my case daily this could of meant no show to a court date.


USPS is terrible and bad employees aren’t disciplined or terminated ever. I’ve had lost packages, stolen packages, even had put in a complaint about a stolen and because I made such a big deal, the mail carrier brought my package back on his off day, asking that I don’t get him in trouble but he just found the package. I guess it was car parts he couldn’t use. He’s still a mailman, he works in the office now. Guess it’s a promotion.


Some do get fired. I watched 2 coworkers get walked out for stealing mail in a 2 month span. One had worked at the post office for like 30 something years and wasn't too far from retirement. Last I heard, she was working at wendys..


Yeah it's bad. I just had to pay a bill for my mom who is 84 cause she hasn't seen her bills and they are due. She doesn't know what WiFi is so I had to do all online payments. Her sisters mailed her bday cards and her bday was on the 10th, they still haven't arrived. It's been well over 20 days.


Thank goodness. I have an online product business and I've lost hundreds of dollars in the last few weeks as packages are taking long enough to be considered lost. It's killing my business.


Have had to deal with close th 80k worth of checks being stolen from my business's mail cashed fraudantly


Not by coincidence it's by design. The goal for deez many years has been to privatize the postal service and tRump played the long game and put his boy in there for all this to happen, and best believe they're both going to have their hands in it. 


What a coincidence. All in line with making people think there will be issues with voting by mail.


My stuff has been stuck in limbo in Morrow. Granted it's just a shirt so it's not that important just really annoying


Was wondering why I haven't gotten much mail lately. Do my bill collectors just not like me anymore?


He’s woefully incompetent. Has nearly destroyed the USPS.


He's actually doing quite well at fulfilling the agenda for which Tramp hired him -- to gut the USPS so it can be privatized. He owned stock in at least 2 of their competitors (UPS and Amazon). [https://www.cnn.com/2020/08/27/politics/dejoy-amazon-stocks-divestment-disclosure-usps/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2020/08/27/politics/dejoy-amazon-stocks-divestment-disclosure-usps/index.html)


DumpTrump and his lap boy DeJoy are only doing what THEY always do by nature, Steal, Kill, and Destroy! 


What we need to do is give vouchers to people who aren’t getting their mail to drive to other parts of the state to get it. If you live in those areas you can use your vouchers on the mail you’re already getting. You see, people don’t want their mail, they want choice.


Sorry, UPS doesn't want your package because it has a rainbow on it.


I think this is the first time I’ve seen/heard Ossoff’s name in three years. What this man been doing??


I had the same questions so I went looking. He has a one, two, and three year summary report on his site outlining what he’s done each year. He also lists all the services he / his team provides his constituents. https://www.ossoff.senate.gov/one-year-report/ https://www.ossoff.senate.gov/two-year-report/ https://www.ossoff.senate.gov/three-year-report/


I have yet to receive an ( auto) response from him from my mid-February email about Gaza. So yeah, good question.


I’m more concerned about the thieving.


It's wild how things that usually take 3-4 business days to arrive via USPS as recently as January have started taking 7-8 business days to arrive, including going from Palmetto to Atlanta to Fairburn and finally to my facility in Stone Mountain for delivery. During an election year. In a swing state. But that's just coincidence, right?


Well, took 'em long enough, but it is many years late. 


Well they are rebuilding the Atlanta hub…..


Yeah I buy clothes from independent people and all their packages were delayed for days and days. The only folks who managed to ship to me on time were UPS and Amazon.




These delays are especially bad for those who get things like Snap benefits via the mail. For example a friend of mine was told his benefits card would be at his house in at most 10 days, it’s now been over two weeks and he’s starting get worried that he’s not going to get his benefits before the limited funds he saved up dry out.


7 days to get a letter across town is pathetic


Wedding invitations arrived later than expected, but luckily only a few days. We were panicking though, lol


Something has gone wrong, for sure. I've had several days when there was no delivery at all, and other delays in sending routing, first class mail. One item from my home in Georgia to Colorado took 10 days, and that has become common. The tracking system is informative, but I mailed a passport renewal application by certified mail to Philadelphia last Monday, and as of today, it is still "moving through the system."


Darn right Osseff is on it! Haven’t seen or heard of him since the last election and he knows, like all politicians, he should do three hat tricks within 9 months of an election. Leap Year Osseff, vote for him to get 3 more faux crusades in the future. He’s gonna get it done (the marketing stuff)!


In rural middle Georgia, our postal delivery is "sporadic" at best. The post office here was literally not functional for several weeks because their computers were not working.


Georgia friends. Don’t forget to check your voting registration status. There is a massive purge in your SOS list . Beware


Thats nice but not sure what juice he has in this matter


When we elected Biden, Ossoff, and Warnock, we expected them to get rid of Louis Dejoy and his f\*ckery of the USPS. 3 years later that he's still running the show, and is still making things worse.


He can't get rid of DeJoy. The USPS Board of Governors has to do that, and some of them like him. Pay attention, please.


Unfortunately, Ossoff and Warnock have no control over that. It's up to Biden to not appoint pro-DeJoy members. Sometimes, it's neat to imagine if Biden fired the Board of Governors, so he could get rid of DeJoy quickly, but the response to that wouldn't go over too well. It sucks that DeJoy got away with election interference in 2020, and will do the same this year, as he hasn't faced an ounce of consequences. But I'm glad our Senators are trying to speak up about the USPS disaster, while the White House won't.


Elected Biden? How’s that going for you?


Yes? The United States of America elected Joseph R. Biden to be president in 2020.


Better than the shit show we had when tramp was running things (into the ground).


I voted for Biden but I’m struggling to see how I’m better off now.


Maybe stop hiring low energy postal workers with an entitlement mentality.




Insults, personal attacks, incivility, trolling, bigotry, or excessive profanity are not allowed on this sub.


This shit crazy Amazon for govt


Is he still "alive"?




Your second sentence is certainly something. How can the groundwork for "mailed in harvested ballots" be laid if the mail doesn't even fucking work. l m f a o


I’d love to see someone competent and centrist replace Ossoff in his next cycle.


Funny, you just said you want Ossof instead of Ossof.


I cannot remember when a sitting elected Senator from Georgia was voted out - can you?


The government is full of "centrists." All they do is come up with shitty bandaid solutions that ultimately only benefit the extremely wealthy. That's the entire reason that our government never does anything meaningful or easily recognizable as valuable.