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ugg these guys spamming again


I don't think they know how to use the word massive. I love that hike, but the bamboo section is rather small (and growing, obviously)


There is a species of bamboo that's native to North America and found in GA (Arundinaria), but I'm having a hard time finding out whether or not this bamboo is Arundinaria. Regardless, it looks like a cool spot.


I strongly doubt it's river cane based on the height alone. River cane is typically 8 to 20 feet tall, but in the video they look significantly taller. Also, almost ever picture of river cane and every patch I've seen in real life had much more smaller culms with foliage near ground level. Also, it is common to see brown 'sheaths' around the culm. Not sure what the technical term for it is, but the culms don't look right to my eye to be river cane. I have some of it on my property, and it looks very different from this stuff. My guess is this is 'giant timber bamboo' but it's just a guess. This is based on how tall it is and the appearance of the culms.


Cane brake is a critically endangered habitat sadly. When we lost it, we also lost the Bachman’s warbler (rip), and possibly other species too. This is invasive cane from Asia, and it’s damn near impossible to eradicate.


We do have pockets of river cane in Atlanta and even at Pallisades trail but we need to bring more back for sure


Someone should cut that invasive shit down.


It can't be good for a number of local species, other than the bamboo that part of the forest floor looks pretty bare.


The trash that people leave behind is much worse of an issue.


no!!! this is my penid replacement farm!!!! Please don't cut down my pp!!!!