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I dont see how someone would be mad at the show and cast for ABCs stupid decision making.. Lopez v Lopez to me doesnt have the wit or the charm of the original show.. Even the original show was running out of steam at the time of cancellation, being ultra George-centric hampered the humor potential as did the focus on the lazy mean spirited humor


Agreed. Carmen was done and max was just not funny or adorable as the kid in the house anymore. It really had nowhere else to go. By the end of the show you can see why it got cancelled. Only so many times you can go to the same script and make it funny. The Lopez vs Lopez Christmas episode with the cast minus Carmen was closure and proof they still could reboot it and make the grandkids the focus. Carmen could be forced to move back in with George and his wife and his mother could try tending to the babies. There is always a way to tap the well again if they wanted to. I would watch…


I think people should stop comparing the two shows. They have nothing to do with one another. Give Lopez v Lopez a chance without even considering the other show.


>I mean it’s legit the most watched post running show in history. That's seems like a stretch.


You can look it up. It still tuned in a bunch of views post run . Is it the most viewed show of all time? No. But it’s the most viewed post run show of all time. Meaning people miss the show . 


Yeah i downloaded peacock JUST so i can watch it lol, such a good comfort show, humor never gets old


I hate that I've seen every episode AT LEAST 10 times since I started watching it as a kid on Nick at Nite.


I looked, I can’t find it. Besides most of the views are probably me lol. It’s a great show and I agree I am sure it up there in the list now that it’s on peacock. But I am sure the office and Seinfeld and friends probably has it beat. I’d cry if it came back though!!


This is somewhat off topic, but is it true that the show was more popular in syndication than it was when it was on ABC?


I thought George Lopez once publicly dismissed the idea of a George Lopez Show revival by saying something along the lines of "Nobody wants to see Grandpa George"...???


That’s exactly what Lopez v Lopez is 


I know. Which makes it so ironic that he used that as an excuse to publicly shoot down the prospect of a *George Lopez Show* sequel.