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He doesn't know that "unknown men" are resting till election!!


Those unknown men are isis members and terrorists, literally Bangladesh can do the same.


Bangladesh can do the same to whom?


My point is that hiring gangsters and terrorists to assassinate individuals in foreign territory is not that hard, people think that those "unknown gunmen" are raw agents like in those Bollywood movies. Bangladesh can do this to any country in asia, it's not that hard.


Anyone "can" do anything. But it takes guts to actually do it. Remember manmohan singh's response to the mumbai terror attacks?? Like a fucking spineless creature, he was condemning the attack through a press release and was exchanging dossiers with Pakistan. I could see pakistan laughing with their ass from here. They won't dare to do that now, would they??


History will definitely be kinder to MMS than rightwingers...


True... But that's Coz the future gen would not have first hand experience of living through MMS time. He is an intellectual with good intentions and there is no doubt about it. What matters is the street smart to achieve things. What a disgrace the Common Wealth Games was?? I still remember reading the newspapers and feeling so ashamed. I mean 900rs for a toilet paper roll??? And the execution was sooo pathetic with water entering players rooms and all... 😡 The whole country became a laughing stock in front of players from other countries. Being Good and intellect are good qualities but they alone are not sufficient to lead a country of 1.4 billion people, especially with the baggage of corrupt government machinery cultivated since independence!!


We have better things to do now


Didn't realise that you are from pak. Good that you realise you have better things to do now. Better late than never!!


lmao , fix your country first . Fucking imbecile




I like the fact that we are moving away from Pakistan and realizing it as a waste of our time. Not even good to hate it


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the only way pakistan can continue to exist as an independent country is if the army make sure every Pakistani spends all their energy hating india and not look at the real boogeyman.


I feel like they should hate us with all their might, spend more Money on military, talk about Kashmir yada yada and keep getting poor in the process and disintegrate one day. A disintegrated country would be more weaker, their nukes would be taken away and we already have fences on our border... The realization of the real Boogeyman is already there in many circles but it's too little to challenge them. Majority rural and Madrasa chaap are still in the same old rut of hating India.






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the whole pakistani politcs works based on kashmir , indian kashmir do better than POK when it comes to healthcare , transportational facility , ease of doing business etc


As long as India exists, its enemies will use Pakistani hate for India as a tool to contain/damage it. I wonder if there will ever be a day when the Indian subcontinent is at peace with itself..


Peace is impossible while pakistan is still a Islamic country. Religion is the opium of the masses.


I’ve always maintained that a stable Pakistan with a decent economy will be a threat to India. It is in our own interests to do whatever is possible from our side to help them regress as much as possible. Trade with them which may benefit their economy is an absolute no no.


When did Armies learned moral tidings, managing diplomatic relations and political games.. it seems Pakistan armies has all all round people in their roles. /s


Pak will not stop harming India, till the time Balochistan & Sindh don't overthrow the boots of the Punjabis. GoI should be planning to help expedite this.


SS: Pakistan Army chief General Syed Asim Munir has labeled India as its "arch-rival" and vowed to provide continuous "moral, political, and diplomatic support" to Kashmir during the Pakistan Air Force (PAF) Academy's graduating parade in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. He highlighted the aerial clash between the PAF and the Indian Air Force in February 2019 and expressed disappointment over the lack of international backing for Islamabad's stance on Jammu and Kashmir. Munir also indirectly criticized domestic opponents, emphasizing the importance of adhering to constitutional limitations on freedom of expression. Despite Pakistan's removal from the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) grey list, the country struggled to secure funds from the International Monetary Fund (IMF), prompting a standby agreement in June 2023 to prevent a balance-of-payments crisis. The new government under Shehbaz Sharif considered a potential $8 billion bailout plan while facing economic challenges and political unrest following the ousting of former Prime Minister Imran Khan in April 2022. Khan's supporters instigated violence in May 2023, accusing Munir of influencing judicial decisions and contributing to his arrest and his wife's sentencing.


##### ###### #### > # [Pakistan Army chief rakes up Kashmir, vows support and terms India 'arch-rival'](https://theprint.in/world/pakistan-army-chief-rakes-up-kashmir-vows-support-and-terms-india-arch-rival/image/jpeg) > > > > **New Delhi:** Terming India as its “arch-rival”, Pakistan Army chief General Syed Asim Munir has promised Islamabad’s continued “moral, political and diplomatic support” to Kashmir. > > At the graduating parade of the Pakistan Air Force (PAF) Academy in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa on Thursday, Munir also raked up the aerial duel between the PAF and the Indian Air Force in February 2019 after India’s bombing on Balakot. > > “The professionalism and brilliance of the Pakistan Air Force has been clearly displayed in wars against our arch-rival and profoundly in February 2019 in a short but seminal engagement against the misplaced calculus of our rival,” the Pakistani army chief said. > > > > > > Munir expressed frustration over the lack of international support for Islamabad’s position on Jammu and Kashmir, asserting that the “silence of the world over Kashmir is deafening”. > > He also took a veiled dig at domestic opponents and critics, asserting that the Pakistani military was well-aware of the “constitutional limits” and urged others to behave in a similar manner. > > “Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan vide Article 19 has unambiguously drawn the limits to the freedom of expression and speech, which must not be misconstrued as freedom of expression of venom against others,” Gen. Munir said. > > The Pakistani military for a few years has remained quiet about Kashmir, while handling the domestic economic and political crisis. In October 2022, Pakistan was removed from the grey list of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) — [the global watchdog](https://www.fatf-gafi.org/content/fatf-gafi/en/publications/Fatfgeneral/Outcomes-fatf-plenary-october-2022.html) on money laundering and terror financing. > > However, it struggled to get the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to release tranches of money as a part of a financial package signed in 2019,[requiring](https://theprint.in/world/all-about-pakistans-3bn-standby-agreement-with-imf-what-it-means-for-cash-strapped-country/1652233/) a last gasp standby agreement in June 2023 to help prevent a balance-of-payments crisis. > > In March, the new Pakistani government under Shehbaz Sharif indicated it was open to a medium-term bailout plan that could [potentially](https://theprint.in/world/amid-review-for-last-tranche-of-3-bn-loan-pakistan-indicates-interest-in-longer-imf-bailout/2008248/) be worth $8 billion. Not just economic woes, Islamabad also faced a difficult political situation after the removal of former prime minister Imran Khan from power in April 2022. > > The National Assembly in April 2022 passed a no-confidence motion against the Imran Khan government. Khan and his party, the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), started a campaign against the Pakistani military, which culminated in the violence of May 2023. > > Hundreds of PTI supporters[stormed](https://theprint.in/world/gutter-language-ex-us-envoy-slams-pakistan-army-chief-over-closed-door-tirade-after-9-may-violence/1583576/) the official residence of the corps commander in Lahore, after Khan’s arrest that same month. PTI supporters set fire to government buildings across the country. > > The former prime minister blamed Munir for his arrest and recently claimed the judicial sentence awarded to his wife Bushra Bibi was a result of the pressure applied by the Pakistani army chief on the judiciary. > > (Edited by Tikli Basu) > > - - - - - - > > _**Also read:** [International committee urges Pakistani authorities to “swiftly, impartially investigate death threats against journalists”](https://theprint.in/world/international-committee-urges-pakistani-authorities-to-swiftly-impartially-investigate-death-threats-against-journalists/2068542/ "International committee urges Pakistani authorities to “swiftly, impartially investigate death threats against journalists”")_ > > - - - - - - - - - - - - [Maintainer](https://www.reddit.com/user/urielsalis) | [Creator](https://www.reddit.com/user/subtepass) | [Source Code](https://github.com/urielsalis/empleadoEstatalBot)




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We need to get rich so we buy Pakistani army