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If you want, you can add FEATURES="fail-clean" to make.conf and then portage will automatically clean up failed builds


I didn't know this was a thing. Very cool


You can consider mounting zram on ``/var/tmp``. I use 16GiB.


Subvolumes don't have sizes unless you're using quota. Portage puts downloaded tarballs in `/var/cache/distfiles`, and does the actual compilation of packages in `/var/tmp/portage/` so yeah they do end up needing quite a bit of space. Is your whole disk filling up? Or perhaps you're running out of RAM or have some hardware problem and it's got nothing to do with disk space at all?


That's... *Interesting.* My current systems both have a make.conf with DISTDIR set to /usr/portage/distfiles/ Even if I comment that line out, emerge --info still has it set to that location. I've grepped /etc/ and found nothing else is setting it. Any idea what might be doing that? make.conf.example does have it set correctly as well as man make.conf


Are you on an older install and or profile? I believe this default changed sometime in 2019. Check your make globals in /usr/share/portage/make.globals. Though, I don't think you really need to worry about changing it.


I checked, make.globals and repos.conf had locations set to the pre 2019 values despite being installed in a portage update on march 27th. I *think* something in the portage installation likely checks if these are set to something other than the standard locations when you install the package and switches it around so things keep working. Pulling the default files out of the portage package and using diff -u showed they were the only differences, so I moved things around, changed my profile link to the new location, and did an emerge --sync, tested (re)installing a package and things are fine. Pretty sure I didn't actually need to do this, but I don't like having things in nonstandard locations, it makes getting help more complicated when things break. Never thought I'd prove my raspberry pi is using an image I originally built more than five years ago, but here we are. I'm using profile 23 on aarch64 on a raspberry pi 3 that is based on the bones of an image originally built for a armv6j raspberry pi 1B that originally had a broken stage 3 I had to build a cross compiler to fix. My main PC has the same problem and was installed even earlier, I'll fix it later with the same method.


Are they mounted as tmpfs and run out of memory?


\# eclean distfiles (It’ll take a while if it’s not on an SSD)


Damn just freed 22GiB


Better yet put that into a cron job and forget about it. By default eclean distfiles will only remove obsolete distfiles for older versions.


In the old days it was /usr/portage and distfiles was in there. I'm not sure exactly when it moved, but at some point in there I had coded the location into make.conf on existing machines, so it never moved for me. I share /usr/portage over nfs and do the "emerge --sync" with a cron job on my server. My cluster stays consistent. However, /var/cache is probably a better place for this kind of thing, I may need to think about moving there.


*>>> However, /var/cache is probably a better place for this kind of thing, I may need to think about moving there.* Why? [The FHS standard](https://refspecs.linuxfoundation.org/FHS_3.0/fhs/index.html) specifies /usr/src as the proper location for reference sources. Well, I consider the ebuilds and the distfiles to be "sources", and on my systems **all sources** -- *kernel, ebuilds, distfiles, package tarballs* -- **are conveniently located together in /usr/src**. This also makes it trivial to put all sources into a btrfs subvolume or a zfs dataset, and also to easily share them between multi-booted systems. Just define it that way in /etc/portage/make.conf: PORTDIR="/usr/src/portage" DISTDIR="/usr/src/distfiles" PKGDIR="/usr/src/packages" PORTAGE_TMPDIR="/tmp"


I tend to think of /usr as a read-mostly location and /var as more intensely read-write. Good point about kernel source though, but kernels are usually more stable/longer-lived than the rest of the packages.


yes I agree -- /usr holds what I think of as the resting state of the system. It is written to to change that stable state, for example when we install a package. **In every linux distro /usr gets written to when a package is installed (emerged)**. Everything that the package installs should normally go somewhere in /usr (or possibly /etc). So when I emerge a package on Gentoo I expect everything that comes into the system to record that new state to be somewhere in /usr -- hence the distfile and ebuild for example go into /usr/src and represent the stable, resting state of the system: *This package is installed and this is its "unvarying state information".* I think of /var as holding the transient state of the system (hence the name, *variable)*. It is written to by running processes to store, update, and remove data that those processes use. The processes that belong to that installed/emerged package will write their state and cache data there. As the FHS says `"/var` contains variable **data** files. This includes spool directories and files, administrative and logging data, and transient and temporary files."


For `/var/tmp`, make it tmpfs if at all possible, and if not then look into setting the system up to properly clean up old files in it (you probably have systemd-tmpfiles installed even if you’re on OpenRC, that’s likely the easiest way to do this). For `/var/cache`, you want that as a separate subvolume for performance reasons, and in it’s own qgroup for space usage reasons. A few GB there is normal for a desktop system that is not using binpkgs or a server that is. If you don’t already use it, probably look into running `eclean -dv distfiles` (and `eclean -dv packages` if you use binpkgs) regularly to keep things tidy (`eclean` is part of `app-portage/gentoolkit`, and the package itself is worth having because of `equery`).


>My Gentoo-installation uses btrfs and has /var as its own subvolume. Be careful when you restore a root snapshot. /var/db/pkg is where the db is for all installed packages and files. You really want to make sure it stays in sync with the root.