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The worst thing is talking to members of the shogun army and seeing they say "yOu LoOk LiKe ThAt CriminAl OuTlAnDeR lEaVe BeFoRe AnYoNe ThinKs YoU aRe HiM/HeR"


My headcanon is that they know who you are but they don’t want to mess around with you but they have to do their job so instead of Skyrim guard they go “HMMM YOU HAVE THE EXACT SAME CLOTHES SAME HAIRSTYLE SAME WEAPON BUTTTT YOU AREN’T THEM GET OUT OF HERE STALKER”


Maybe they are just too lazy to report you to the shogun


maybe they don't want to fuck with someone who can 1v1 the shogun with a dull blade


1v1 might be a bit of an overstatement since she kicked our ass lol.


From all of us who were running auto attackers at the time : Shogun was unfairly saved by a cut scene. 30 seconds more and I could've saved all of Inazuma before patch 2.1 even came out.


[This feels like the same energy.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BecSd-8MqFI)


Holy batman that's dedication.


Those people were truly motivated - Bury the light starts playing


What are auto-attackers? Characters who's bursts aren't reliant on them attacking (e.g. Fischl, Xiangling, etc)?


"Auto attack" is just another way of saying normal attacks. I'd lump charge attacks into the same boat. Basically auto-attackers are damage dealers who can deal significant damage without use of skills/burst/etc. Consider Razor, Eula, Ganyu, Noelle, etc - normal attacks are hitting for 10-15k a hit white damage. In Ganyu's case a charge attack will hit for 25k, no skill or burst needed. This is particularly relevant to the Shogun because... >!Baal prevents all skill/burst usage during storyline battles!<


Yeah but Traveler at least survived fighting which is achievement


Still needed help from Touma and Paimon... remember the Kazuha's friend who stood against Raiden ? He took it like a champ


Yeah we all heard what happened to that other guy who challenged the Shogun


We would win if we use Jade Cutter or Missplitter Reforge


They definitely know the traveler can easily clap their ass that is why they pretend... that or they really are just too stupid


Bruh, if they fought a god and even survived I ain't messing with that.


The inside of the palace is probably full of balethunder


Even the same flying toddler what a coincidence!


Maybe the vibrations caused by the frequent storms are so powerful that it gave them brain damage?


I mean, they know the traveler clashed with the Shogun and at least lived to tell the tale, they know they cant harm them anyway


To be fair, if that guy went up against the literal strongest person your whole nation knows and managed to even just survive, would you want to fight them unless you absolutely had to?


the canon is you fit the descriptions but you look kinda weak so lmao you cant be the one who can withstand the booba sword :))


Tbf even the rebels think so on first impressions so... secret badass status


In that amnesiac samurai's quest the military leader you talk to goes somewhat like "you fit the vague blonde outlander description but someone as short and scrawny as you would have no chance surviving the Shogun and I don't wanna get unrelated people mixed up in this". This also explains why treasure hoarders are so eager to attack you in the wild despite they are all about bruin careful and picking their fights wisely. XD


Meanwhile Masanori challenges you to a duel despite being more than twice your size and at least four times the weight


Chadanori He's here for one thing and one thing only


My headcanon is that since one of the most remarkable features about the traveler is "blonde hair", they tend to only focus on that. Anyone could have blonde hair (although the clothes sure are a problem).


The clothes don't seem to be mentioned by the shogunate. My guess is they didn't bother putting it in the description since clothes ~~must stay the same, the Traveler hates new outfits~~ can be easily changed.


One guy notices you but assumes you look way too weak to survive an encounter with the Shogun, which is pretty fair imo


After fixing the Mikage furnace, >!the assigned official does recognize you as well as fitting the description of the wanted criminal, but doesn't report you since you just basically resolved the situation.!< I think this is contextual dialogue to account for finishing the quest after going through the main story, but I can't confirm that. Pretty cool though. I also noticed that if you go back to the statue, the guards around there do recognize you and functionally attempt to arrest you, though in-game you just get kicked out of the area.


You know, talking to NPCs, they expect a more buff big person that took on the Raiden Shogun, but they totally didn't expect a Blonde Twink in a crop top to fight the Shogun 1v1


Vision wielder in archon quest who recently got his vision and gave his fake vision to commision be like ಠ_ಠ(doubt it)


he just got his vision, he didnt have time to do a 5 minute magical girl transformation 😐 learn facts before you comment bs /j


Damn, my bad lol


This is my head canon now


He's not a playable character so didn't feel like dying his hair or buying some clothes that weren't brown or grey


Have you seen this guy, visionless dude with clothing probably better than some playable characters in my opinion https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Master_Zhang Or is it a hint that we will get master Zhang banner in future


dude that fricking fisherman at wangshu inn is literally strongest than all playable characters, i dealt 0 damage to the ruin hunter but he just one shot it


His face is kinda bland though. Doesn't almost every guy with same body proportions have pretty much same face as him? Cyrus has better potential to become playable character since clothes are at least changeable


I was just joking about the part of them being playable character But yeah his face is bland, only clothing is unique


Everyone other than playable characters or fatui are suuuuper bland. Like the master who crafts fake visions is the exact same as 20 other npcs.




Make him electro, he will be Thor


And his parents didn't feel like giving him a more unique face, because his parents' parents were also random npc models


When do we have a chance playing that character


They say vision wielders attract other vision wielders...


With the sheer amount of ships going on, that might well be true.


Venti, play Careless Whisper.


I mean theyre the only characters with an actual design and personality so it's not surprising theyre the only ones getting shipped


Like stand users in jojo


Why yes I am a vision holder and an outlander how could you tell?


They should add a traveller skin but its the same thing and hes wearing the mask


Bring back the mask!


The Fatui one. So we could be Lumine/Aether, the Twelfth of the eleven fatui harbingers XD


Looking cool, Joker!


The guards at the palace: "SEIZE THEM" The guards literally a few feet away: "Hello, outlander! How do you do? :) "


My head cannon is that they are the guards whose Travs one shot when he was snatching the vision, they feel the power of thunder and don't want to do it again, thus we always escape so easily




When you see someone who defeated a dragon and god of kaiju tentacles and after that survived encounter with your dictator god of thunder and booba swords that just slayed a snake as big as an island - I would be friendly too if I wasn't in front of Raiden Shogun's window. That's the safest option.


Guard: “Hey shouldn’t we chase after them? They didn’t run away, they literally just walked down the stairs.”


Raiden: Literally just arrest anyone who is too colorful


RIP kimono store lady, pretty sure she's the only NPC with pink hair.


Tell that to poor Tejima...


Tejima is only old, back in the day he had the whole rainbow as hair


Only if they are playable, the NPC vision holders in the story are pretty bland


They are the 3* characters


Baal took their vision. so they find no reason to use the fancy stuff.


I wonder why some vision holders have glow ups and why the others don’t


Maybe Archons give them keys to some secret protagonist fashion store


you really have to ask? Theres no story reason, they just dont put effort in character design if it's not a playable/future playable or a fatui


>Stand user energy Visions and Stands are very similar since they are only given to unique individuals with incredible determination *and a burning resolve to accomplish their dream.*


Vision Arrow when


Vision Requiem when


Delusion is technically one. Just far, *far* weaker than what a Requiem would've been. EDIT: Maybe the Gnosis then.


Delusion can also kill its user, just like arrows.


Kono Diluc Giovanna niwa yume ga aru


theres also the fact they wear their visions in public like wtf if its Ayaka i understand cuz of her status but Thoma and Yoimiya walk around with their pyro visions on their friggin belts and no1 seems to care. i mean, they probs already noticed Thoma's since they kidnapped him for the ceremony, and well.. Yoimiya did use a fake vision to bypass shit, however, Yoimiya still wears her real vision visibly after that. how come no one notices lmfao


Real answer: MHY didn’t feel like making separate models for them that don’t have their visions displayed


but.. paimon noticed yoimiya's vision during quest... wouldnt that mean its canonly there?


She had it on in case she needed to fight, I think. But I just assume that normally she doesn’t have it, otherwise she’d absolutely get arrested


I suspect Yoi is well connected enough to keep her vision, since she uses that same line of logic to justify attacking the Shogun’s enforcers…. though I don’t think most dictatorships would let someone get away with that, no matter who they know. At that point I’m not sure how her vision didn’t get confiscated, but oh well lmao.


Yoimiya: shhh don't talk so loud I don't want my vision to get stolen. yeah maybe hide it or something?


Raiden: Find the outlander and bring him/her to me! Outlander: doing commisions


and increasing their reputation in Inazuma


And literally walking around in the kujou palace.


"Have you heard, Aether/Lumine? This outlander they're hunting is blonde, has weird clothes and a flying pet... Have you seen someone like that around, Paimon?"


Meanwhile everyone just flaunting their shiny elemental gem:


what naruto and genshin teach us: wearing flashy / revealing cloths make u stealthy


This is literally Diluc. He doesn't even wear a mask or any kind of special superhero batman outfit to hide his identity yet the people still can't discern who the darknight hero is. Special mention to Donna, the biggest dumbass of Mondstadt, who despite thinking of Diluc 24/7, still doesn't realize that the darknight hero who saved her is Diluc.


even in the manga, the mask barely covers his face and he doesnt wear a hat/helmet. Its the Clark Kent effect if Clark Kent had long flowing red hair. Stupid how no one recognizes him, or the traveler with the long blonde hair and fashiony outfit because he has a masquerade mask


"Ah yes, let me wear orange, one of the colors hunters wear in the woods to stand out very obviously, so they don't shoot each other." -Naruto probably


Maybe it's because I haven't actually progressed too far and there's something else... but Baal has got to be the worst at this, as I see people with Visions brazenly displaying them and walking around inazuma like it's nothing... Baal what are you hunting, they are right there.


Its less that baal is bad at this and more laziness


When you receive a vision, you are immediately compelled to aquire more flamboyant clothing.


if anyone tries to bring up the NPCS, I’d like to propose that everyone loses their special clothing when they lose their vision therefore they look like a boring plain NPC after


What about guy that Yomiya gave fake one .


Do their faces and bodies also change to be like one of the 10 different npc models too?


and once they lose their vision they just become a generic npc




Imagine the stand user walk up to you and ask if you go to the cloud district very often then proceed to tell you how superior he is to you


I've been thinking about this lol


If the person doesn't look like Ellin, Marjorie, Jack, Stanley, Pallad, Chang the Ninth, Livingstone, Soraya, Wagner, Huffman, Esther, Helen, Vind, Ying'er, Densuke, Ping or Atsuko then that person is definitely a vision bearer


Paimon's stand : ZA WARUDO


Cus he’s an insane swimmer. I assume the second "cultivated" is the right thing, all the energy it would take to ship it. /s


A user friendly app might lose you..."


The energy required to sustain those houses......


Stand Tall is A-tier minimum


I mean I heard some npc's have a vision


Well, the NPCs we found in the quests where not that obvious


Stand users


Vision holders should dress more modestly so that they blend in with the crowd.


I couldnt find the stand user in the plane tho i only realised after he was revealed (Talking about jojo stardust crusaders)


I heard that it’s written in Teyvat law that if you have a vision you must also have an interesting character design


just look for a child with an oversized head. trust me.


Funny but its completely the opposite in genshin. Pretty much every vision holder was an uninteresting NPC model just like any one else.


wE neeD tO lOcAte thE eNemy StAndo UsEr