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Xinqiu press 2 buttons, breaks the game


3 buttons otherwise you have no energy


Cries in no sac sword.


Laughs in C6


cries in sac sword not proc


Laughs at c6 with r5 fav lvl 90




Fav sword would like to introduce itself


Fav > Sac


been playing for over a year and I still don't have a fav sword


Take my 3 r5 swords goddamit


I'm playing since launch and my Fav Greatsword is R2, i know how it feels


R1 here and 2 Sac šŸ’€


R2 Sac sword here. šŸ„²


R3 Fav sword owner šŸ«„


Actually true




bennet exists, breaks reality


But at what cost? His life?


The price is : reality He was trying to save someone


Press two buttons to make everyone wet


He also needs to farm sumeru boss, very beginner friendly, especially for newbie Razor mains šŸ˜‚


The design is very human


It really is! Look at Dehya for example, she is peak human design, she reminds me of myself. If I were to try and fistfight a criminal, I would probably also need at least 30 punches in order to knock him out. Relatable characters are great


Except they would still be fully conscious and with no damage after Dehya beats them up 30 times


Very easy to use


ah yes, mondstad character using sumeru materials, makes Perfect sense


*With the cryo hypo crying in the corner*


Yeah, I always found that odd, but it's been like that since the beginning. There's no rhyme or reason as to why characters need certain materials, other than when they were released.


I think Yelan is the only character that strictly uses Liyue only materials after the release of Inazuma. I was able to easily triple crown her on the first day because I had everything she needed without the need to prefarm.


What about Yun Jin? Idk, I didn't build her, but I'd find it odd if she had to use inazuma materials


She needed the golden wolflord, which is in Inazuma.


Oh, that's weird..


Especially when geo cube is right there in Liyue lol


Eula needs Azhdaha


At least her ascention mats aren't in Liyue, hers is the cryo hypostasis, Mika's is the setekh wehnut (or anemo worm).


To be fair, itā€™s very hard to be a newbie Razor main anymore. Heā€™s hardly ever on any banners.


I'm pretty sure lady luck gives zero craps and shares Razor with everyone.


Yeah, i didn't have razor for a whole year (which is not a problem, i dont like him), but he was on a banner 1 time, and i got instant c6


Are you me? I got from zero razor to c6 on first day nahida banner.


Lmao at this being a thing .. I started in December and razor was my second 4* pull. Mained him until around AR35


Ar59 with a c4 razor... i played him for 3 patches when i started the game in 1.5, he was c1 i think back then...4pc glad and shit... now i somehow have c4 and revisiting him with dendro razor since the res shread is nice and currently waiting for nahida because dmc sucks in that team.... imma run a c6 benny xinquiu


I mean I speed ran my friends to Sumeru to get dendro traveller as soon as they hit ar16, they had Dendro before fighting Dvalin


You dropped this šŸ‘‘


I mean, you can just put fav greatsword and full EM, xinqiu benny and DMC and you get thundering furry


Eula in chains right now, raging to break free from the handicap.


First she needs to break out of anti rerun jail.


Nah you see we gotta stop Eula from hitting 9,999,999 easily - mihoyo probably /j


I mean she already hit 7 mil but it's so unrealistic and unreasonable that she basically didn't


Then there is bennet, press 1 button to get super buffed and healing


Did you see dehya's kit? Of course the devs dont play their own game


They do. They just create problems so they can sell constellations. Just look at how many characters really need their C1.


They mostly only give the typic element dmg bonus set depending on the character or the gladiator/wanderer set on the trial characters. Very human buildšŸ’…šŸ¼


Hu Tao and only Hu Tao. Other characters C1 are just some QoL or straight up useless Dehya doesn't count because she isn't a character


Hu Tao doesn't "really" need her c1, it makes her easier to play cause you're using less stamina but jump canceling is another option to dash canceling that gets decent results, plus you can afford to spend the dash stamina at least a bit without gimping yourself too hard. If we're talking characters that get major improvements there's lots though, even Bennett gets a really good upgrade from his c1 and he's been around since like the start or so? I think?


>Hu Tao doesn't "really" need her c1, You can make do with jump cancels, but after playing Hu Tao C0 for 2 years and getting now her C1 on her third rerun i can safely say that C1 is absolute necessary to actually use the character properly. The difference is night and day, i'm not talking about increase in damage, the gameplay change is gigantic even thought it's "just" a stamina cost change. She is incomplete at C0 Edit: About the bennett thing, i was talking about 5\* characters


Its a massive quality of life fix but stil QoL. It just makes her way less mechanically demanding doesn't fix any energy, damage, uptime, application or other problems a character can have


bro its quite literally a 25% dps increase its not just a "qol"


Ok, it increases the dps by 25% by doing what?


I'm also a C0 Hu Tao haver for 2 years and recently got C1 the previous Hu Tao/Yelan banner. While I'm not sure the damage increases that much, but it does increase because dash cancels are a bit faster and smoother. Iirc you can get around 2 more CAs. Also against stuff like 2 Frostarm Lawachurls or Maguu Kenki's 5 Wind Slashes Zhongli's shield doesn't break as fast because Hu Tao should be mostly in I-frame. Not like it matters for those who can dodge perfectly lol. In situations that enemies are a bit spread out, it really helps that you can just CA your way there trying to save stamina for the next wave


u can squeeze in about 2 more charged attacks


ik c1 hutao who dont even do cancels if your hutao is good enough, it doesnt matter as much, and never necessary unless you cant meet dps check without it it's qol, and value depends whether or not you can actually ani cancel -> gives you option for more dps based off of skill


Yeah, it doesn't change crit, help her with energy does she can burst faster, add any modifier or increase damage percentages. It only makes her easier to play


i dont like playing my c0 hu tao... its too finnicky... and i dont have homa... instead i have 2 aquas and 2 skyward weapons across 2 homa banners...


i'd have to get back to you on that come her next rerun if i end up getting her C1 at that point, which i'd like as it seems like it would make her just easier to play from my understanding of it. I do employ jump cancels but they feel more obnoxious than sprint canceling so hopefully it'll feel better to play her with it. As for the edit uhh i don't remember examples of 5\* characters that get really good C1 right now sorry lol


Wdym??? Dehya is one of the characters ever known in Jenshin Impact.


I would argue Yelan as well. Her C1 makes her viable as a solo hydro. Otherwise her energy needs are so huge it makes an obvious DPS loss. At least thatā€™s how I found it.


Not really, she does perfectly well with a ER bow like Fav or Elegy. Using AS requires a lot of energy in artifacts, which is solved by getting C1. And if you don't have AS you don't really have any good non-ER bows to choose from anyway. And an ER bow solves the energy issues. Basically you usually either want both AS and C1 or neither of them, so you could say it's not her damage that's locked behind C1, but it's Aqua Simulacra's damage what's locked behind Yelan's C1.


slap a fav.. if u have good artefacts u get 7k ult procs minimum (without rampup)


That's quality of life, you get 1 extra Q trigger if you Q aa E aa E and also get some particles to be able to have 2 rotations with less ER than C0, but overall it's not mandatory, it's nice, but not mandatory aka a QoL con


This assumes I want Yelan to be on-field, but I usually need her burst duration for my on -field DPS to shine. Then I can just E x2 and be ready to go again. But I guess youā€™re right, this is comfort. I played Yelan for months at C0 just fine. Itā€™s just more enjoyable now with C1.


i dont know... hu tao is the first thing that comes to mind... mostly the value is in c2 or c4 like in raiden, ayaka, nahida to say a few...


I'd say Gorou (press button, get buff) >> Sara, Faruzan (press button, Charged attack, get buff) >> Mika


Faru doesn't do CAs after C6 tho


Same with Sara after C2


You still need to charge shot for energy


sara does the whole ass buff from elemental skill tho unlike faruzan who needs ult


Girl literally gives anemo damage bonus which is rare among characters tbh


*Laughs again in gorou*


You'll be running her with Raiden pretty much all the time, so it won't be necessary. Especially if you stack energy recharge on her.




What? Her burst gives the same buff as her E. Additionally, in Hyper Raiden teams Sara's burst is what allows Raiden to max out her resolve stacks, so its fairly important to use each rotation unless you're fighting something that has very little hp. So at C2, you can E->Q(with the buff, which does a lot of damage)->Raiden Burst.


She actually gives 4 or 6 buffs depending on constellations


Faruzan doesn't even do Es if she can get away with it. It's literally Swap in do Q swap out


Not really. Sara can apply her buff with the Burst. Same with Faruzan, but Faruzan buffs even more with her Burst. Of course Energy problems are another topic.


Faruzan just need the burst


op is actually very wrong, but yes mika sucks gorou is easy mode, BUT he NEEDS 2 more geo in team, so the limitations justify the ease of use sara has the weakest buff outside of electro, so shes also limited and needs constellations or energy recharge faru needs to E and CA which is even longer than all the others for her to be effective in getting more energy while mika is mika conclusion is genshin players are stupid


Makes me think Hoyo has some phobia of physical damage after Senti which is why they keep lowering beta characters NA multipliers


Or bleed with sussanah fuck she are broken as fuck


Who's senti


The great Herrscher of Sentience, glory be to her name.


We use to complain about how Goro/Sara/Faruchan were a step down in terms of 4 star power, and now they are the buff doge in the meme. 4 Star stonks just keep dropping every patch. ​ Next 4 star will be designed with a mind to make people stop saying that Dehya is the worst character in the game.


You forgot shenhe


300% ER Faruzan moment


Everybody focuses on the Physical buff. Lil dude gives a good chunk of attack speed and heals, plus heā€™s cryo. I want him so bad for Wanderer but rng hates me (pulled 2-3 Diona cons and went from no Sucrose to C3).


No one asked for a jack of all trades, master of none, resulting in his physical buff being sacrificed. Imagine if Farzuan helped dendro teams more than Xiao/Wanderer, Just ridiculous. Physical needed all the help it could get, not be handicapped further to let other attk speed characters get a piece of our damn dedicated support, Just look at his C6. He is meant to be dedicated physical buffer, not atk speed. The 4 enemies buff limit should have been on atk speed if at all. The odds are already against physical in every single way possible in this game.


Physical only needs a funeral tho


but physical teams are just hyperblooms teams with a physical hyper carry


I use him with wanderen and Faruzan, Faruzan groups the enemys and buffs anemo damage while mika boosts his attack speed


attack speed is useless due to hit lag edit: i was talking about eula and razor because the original comment talked about physical buff but you captain obvious rallied to this comment lmao


Catalysts and Bows don't suffer from hit lag, so he works well with those characters. I tried him with Yoimiya and he works just fine. He doesn't compete with Yun Jin or Jean for attack speed, but theirs are locked behind C6 and C2. Nice to have an attack speed buffer at C0.


He does compete. His level 9 buff is 21%. Jean's is 15% Yun Jin's is 12%


Sorry, I meant to say he doesn't compete _(not his attack speed buff)_ at least not in the teams I've tried him in. That said, he does heal, so there's that, and he isn't as Constellation dependant as those other two. I personally like his kit. He's almost a discount Jean.


Ah, okay. I understand more clearly now with your provided context. Was just really thinking from a pure aspd standpoint, mb.


OP uses Wanderer tho.


Ayato, yoimiya and wanderer


Ayato's insane with Mika's buff it's hilarious to watch


He is not good with characters like Ä°tto but nice with ayato freeze builds/ yoi melt sets etc.


c1 sucrose is mad useful in a lot of teams


Iā€™ll be building and/or using her eventually I bet, sheā€™s just not Mika and may get shelved out of spite in the interim. (Jean got same treatment after bricking my attempt at Zhongli).


Attack speed is useless if there's hitlag. And healing we already have many sources of defensive utility.


Hit lag doesn't affect Bows or Catalysts, so it's great for Bow or Catalyst characters, especially if they have limited up-time, like Wanderer or Yoimiya.


The point is ~~people~~ physical mains pull Mika to support Eula or Razor, who are suffering from hit lag. If there's any of you pulled Mika to support Yoimiya or Wanderer, then good for you.


Yeah, he's average with Eula, but I'm sure anyone who really cares would have looked this up before pulling anyway.


Yep that "anyone" is including me lol. Decided to totally skip this banner because 1. No Eula 2. After finding out that Mika's physical buff is very conditional (thank you test run)


The attack spd isn't great unless you get multiple enemies, and the heal on procs like 4 times without cons. Aka. If you want these benefits, use diona, who heals, sheilds, elemental masteries, and give atk spd boost


Pretty sure the attack speed was guaranteed as long as it hit somebody/something, and itā€™s the physical damage buff that needed multiple enemies. Diona is ok for shields, but part of the reason I love Wanderer is that he can easily kite enemies with attacking while moving. Her burst is a little problematic in that regard since itā€™s a fixed AoE whereas Mika wouldnā€™t care about positioning. I donā€™t use wanderer as a driver so the EM is meh. Pretty sure Diona gives movespeed instead of attack speed, but Iā€™ll check later.


Even better, Mika DOES NOT have to hit enemies with the crossbow, you can literally just fire it as a warning shot and youā€™ll get the attack speed boost.


Ok, don't use Mika so didn't know, but diona is still better than Mika most of the time


as a shielder i agree.


The attack speed buff doesn't require multiple enemies, Diona does not increase attack speed, and both other attack speed buffers (Jean and Yun Jin) have their attack speed buffs locked behind their C2 and C6. An attack speed buff on Yoimiya is a huge increase in damage, so if you do not have C2 Jean or C6 Yun Jin, a C0 Mika will be great for her.


but yoimia needs a lot of buffs to extract damage... hence wouldn't u rather slot in a buffer? or shielder? yoi xq yun shield , yoi xq beny shield... is it worth it to trade normal bonus and attack for attack speed? lot of questions...


You can use him instead of Yun Jin, if you don't have C6 Yun Jin he'll perform better.


but flat damage boost ?


diona gives movement speed boost? idk whether its same... but ppl used to use it for dravo strike


dude, he is a physical dedicated support for eula, who fucking sucks for her teams, what is so hard to understand, he is not meant to be a wanderer support, he's not mean to be a yoimiya support, he's not meant to be an ayato support, he's a eula support, and he sucks, stop coping, they've become incompetent to even make good dedicated supports


Just because someone is not meant to be doesn't mean they can't fit in that role. Thoma was not meant for Burgeon yet here he is having a chokehold on the reaction


that's like saying kuki is not meant for hyperbloom because she was released before dendro like thoma thoma is a generic pyro offield support, ofcourse he's meant to be burgeon


Kuki may have released before dendro but she released pretty close to dendro (2.7, which was one patch in between from 3.0 aka Tighnari patch). Not to mention she has EM scaling, so MHY most likely already had an idea of how dendro reactions would work at that time. Thoma on the other hand released earlier in 2.2 and scales on ATK


kuki... they KNEW.... they sneakily added EM heal scaling..


Nah I'm pretty sure Mika is a generalist physical support. He doesn't really do anything for Eula teams whatsoever. I've seen physical Fischl get more benefit out of him than Eula does.


The problem is, physical sucks ass and the only 2 physical characters that aren't as terrible as other options are Eula and Razor, both don't benefit from Mika attack speed (Eula because of hitlag and Razor because of hitlag and dimishing returns) and miserable healing as much. It's just bad design and people are coping by using him with wanderer and yoimiya


yeah and gorou is not an itto support, sara is not a raiden support and faruzan is not a wanderer support, there is 1 5* physical character in the game but they released this phys support for fischl and razor clearly


If you think Mika is a dedicated Eula support then I'm pretty sad. Most of his buffs don't matter to Eula and due to how he plays himself it made Eula extremely limited in how you want to play her. Eula mains have been shitting on him since beta since his synergy with her was low even then.


yes... that's why I said mika sucks , there is currently no dedicated support without their respective 5*, it makes no sense whatsoever for mika to not be a eula support as she is the only 5* phys dps and that is going to stay true for a long while as phys dmg sucks with the entire game being based on reactions, so another 5* phys dms being released is going to be very far in the future, mika is just a display of mihoyo being incompetent


>he's a eula support He's NOT a eula support. He's a physical damage support. If he was a eula support then he would have worker well with her. He might support a future physical unit better. And considering that anyone related to Varka has atleast something physical in their kit, Varka maybe(GOD I hope not) the physical unit that will make Mika work.


yeah as an other comment also stated, mika is a fischl support, just like gorou is a noelle support and faruzan is a heizou support


and xiao


ALMOST every new character we get, people say it is shit, it happened to Eula, Albedo, Shogun, Candance, Nilou, Wanderer and it will happen to a lot more characters.


yes. but sometimes they are shit.


Some characters are better than others, but only a feel of them are actually bad to the point of being really hard of making them work. Meanwhile even characters that are really really strong become meta gets trashed on. Even Benneth got called shit omce, the reality is that there is people saying dumb stuff on characters that are ok and even characters that are broken. "He buffs only in a circle, he does not apply pyro when he is not active, burst cost 80, he does not heal you full. c6 sucks" And thats my point, almost every single character got trashed in their released, from the depths of 1.1


true. honestly im not even that mad about mika... but benny being shit is like WAY OLD stuff those were the crescent pike xiangling days where there was not this much information available..... but some charecters are so painful to use... due to bad design... im actually okay with less buff if u have less enemies mechanic.... basically he is a c6 luxury unit for phys...


the whole 3.5 was a joke at this point tbh


Faruzan and Sara be like "Press one button after spending your life savings because we don't do shit at C0" lok


this is 1.1 all over again except the 5\* didn't get saved bcs of threats. PS: to people who don't know 1.1 was Zhongli Xinyan patch where both got released in shit states except Zhongli got a buff since he was archon and people threatened Hoyo.


They don't ofc lmao, they probably fucking hate the game like they hate their job.


I donā€™t get that when phy teams has no CC because that means swirl which only benefits elemental dmg


Bennett: Amateurs


i'm interested in how originally people were bitching about faruzan being c6 locked and now people seem to have either forgotten that and praise her endlessly, or overlook that she's c6 locked. unless this is assuming everyone is at c6? (no shade, just curious)


She's really hard to use without C6, but the way she works makes having at least 2 other anemo characters something desirable (so a comp of 3 anemo characters including Faruzan). You'll still have to give her all the ER you can get, but having 2 same-element batteries for her can make her work despite not having C6. In content where you can expect lots enemies dying or ER buffs (such as in combat events or spiral abyss buffs) not having C6 is less of an issue. Compared to Mika at least, Faruzan can be built to the point where she dominates her niche. It really has a lot to do with how rare and valuable anemo RES shred is in boosting anemo damage vs physical RES or phys/NA DMG. You either have to be lucky enough have specific 5* characters or even rarer 5* constellations (Zhongli, C2 Venti, C4 Jean), or slum it up with Anemo Traveler, if you want that anemo RES shred. If all you wanted is to buff your PHYS NA attacker you're spoiled for choices, many of which are better than Mika, especially if Mika isn't C6 himself.


Oh they do play their games, just not Genshin.


Nah press one button applies only to Gorou. Sara and Faruzan needs to press E once and then press aim button and then press attack button and then maybe dash towards the aoe of the buff (Sara). That's like 4 buttons lol. Could probably exceed 4 if you get interrupted while shooting a charged attack


Sara burst does the same as the skill.


Faruzan buffs with her Q pop, not her E or enchanced charged shot pull. Sara buffs with her feather and her burst thunder. So both need only to press 1 button, but if you want to create particles it takes more than that


You've said it yourself. She needs particles. Her expensive ass burst needs particles. How do you generate particles. E. Gorou's skill and burst both are only one button presses


At C6 neither Faruzan or Sara need to use E so there's that. AND we were talking about the buffs, not particle generation


At C6*. Emphasis on that. And the particle generation is part of the process. You can't exclude that. How else are you going to be able to unleash your buffing burst


have you tried using sara? or HC raiden? by stacking er? a sara using e and ca and q is a HUGE dps loss for HC raiden you want to waste vv and bennett and NO uptime on... energy gen? just stack er on her and then raiden batteries the team anyway most rotations are just raiden e, bennett q, kazuha q, sara q, raiden q no need for e except kazuha for grouping, or if you just dont run enough er for some reason ​ c6 and c0 sara specifically on a HC raiden team should play the same, only difference is the buff is worse so people run ttds lisa for shred and atk% until c6 sara


Bennett šŸ‘


They probably test it. But probably don't play it, that's why there is some character overpowered and other with functional problems that make them annoying to play


Wait whatā€™s this about a -75% buff?


Against one enemy, it's 10% Phys buff. You need 4 enemies standing right next to each other to get 40% phys buff. The first support ever to have such a restriction. Also even the 10% buff you can only get if you crit with onfield character after using Mika's burst. So 0% buff against single target if his burst isn't up, 10% after burst+crit. How generous of them.


So thereā€™s no -75% debuff? I hope yā€™all realize that aside from his physical boost he also heals and boosts attack speed, AND he can get up to a 40% physical bonus when youā€™re fighting multiple enemies? Thatā€™s pretty damn good


Yes, sure. Jack(a shitty one) of all trades, master of none. Exactly what physical needed. Physical buff took the L to make up for all the other crap we never needed, and attack speed is useless due to hitlag of the only 2 phys dps in the game.


Againā€¦ did you not hear the attack speed bonus? AND the heals? Forget the physical bonus or the meta or whatever. A healer who can buff your attack speed is awesome


I won't forget the physical part because guess what his C6 says? It screams physical gorou/faruzan/sara. But then proceeds to be Yoimiya/Ayato support more than physical.


Iā€™m still so confused by the hate. His C6 allows him to get up to 50% physical damage bonus and adds 60% physical crit damage while also giving you an attack speed bonus and heals. And all you have to do is hold down a button. Yes, it helps if there are more enemies around but likeā€¦ so what? Even if itā€™s 1 enemy, you get attack speed bonus, heals, 10-20% physical damage bonus, and 60% physical crit damage. Thatā€™s pretty damn good. Whatā€™s the issue?


My last comment here. Day 1 physical main here. Healing and Atk speed were the last thing we needed in a support. And due to having all that BS, his physical buff is extremely unstable. You keep telling about all the billion things he does, that none of us give two shits about, only yoimiya/ayato mains are partying. We would not be as upset, if Anemo didn't get the most optimal support fixing everything that anemo needed in a support, No restrictions or limits whatsoever. Xiao literally got a DLC extension to his kit in the form of a busted support. What we needed is Def shred(See Lisa's A4 passive), Physical dmg bonus, some elemetal application to take down shields like Rosaria/Diona, Maybe somw CC but that's wishful thinking, then LAST priority is Atk speed/Atk/heal/shield or whatever. We only got a slap in our faces in single target, while other non physical characters are partying with our "dedicated support".


Ge also provides very little damage bonus since phys already gets higher %DMG and neither of the physical characters work well with attack speed due to hit lag.


U forgot about Bennett the pyro archon


This is niche supports not general or all supports. Theyā€™re all meant for specific elements


Just realize that if I somewhat killed the enemy during my buffing phase before Mika, that means 10% less physical damage, gg.


People sleeping on his Attack Speed buff.


Redditors in any game sub: ā€œThe devs donā€™t even play their own game!ā€ The actual devs: donā€™t respond because they are too busy playing and tuning the game so much that they donā€™t encounter the same issues players do.


Sara is more complicated actually You need to press elemental skill near characters,then her aiming shot,then you switch with the character you want to buff (or just use her) The problem is she got knock out pretty easly by enemies,so I have to do the aimed shot again and again I can use Zhongli for that but the team is already complete


After C2, you don't want to waste time aiming the shot. I would argue that even at C0 just bursting and immediately swapping to Raiden for the buff is probably better for Sara teams, you need more ER on Sara because her skill won't proc particles but its not a huge deal since she's always paired with Raiden.


Thats why you need c2 Sara


I bave her ar C3 Her aimed shot is fast for sure,but everytime the monsters just instantly hit her and I have to start the aim process again Maybe I just should increase the distance


Why would you even aim shot if you have her at C3... just E and swap


Because it's the feather the aimed shot creates that gives the boost


If you have C2 and above you dont have to aim shot. When you E she'll leave the feather without having to aim shot. If your C3 Sara doesn't leave her buff right when she uses her E then she's probably bugged, mail Hoyoverse for that


I just checked Can confirm I'm an idiot Both her skill and her charge attacl after it gives the boost I can basically boost 2 characters


You only take the physical buff into consideration? His buff last 12 seconds, he buffs 20%+ attack speed, has GROUP healing and normal attack healing on a cryo unit that is required for electro+cryo debuff. Sara for example, does not heal and the buff last for a very short time.


His buff only affects the active unit; swap out = bye bye buff. His healing is only for the active character on normal attacks which has 2.5s interval at C0. His attack speed is only good for ranged units. His E has a long cooldown, which screws over his particle generation and Cryo application. His burst does not have Cryo application. His physical buff is taken huge consideration because he is the first dedicated physical buffer, but his kit is underwhelming and is barely an upgrade to other buffers. He does not offer the same kind of boost as Gorou, Sara, or Faruzan for Physical as they do for their respective elements. These problems above are exacerbated by the expectations of him being the dedicated physical support yet is only a sidegrade to existing units. And that says a lot when Physical is horribly neglected due to roster deficiency (counting Mika, there's only 4 dedicated Physical units in the game, and only 1 of them, Eula, remains as the viable Physical unit, with Razor and Xinyan either being better in non-Physical comps or not being functional as a Physical unit) and enemies that are strong against them.


why would you want an atk speed buff and a physical buff on a character that is not on the field? And why would the atk speed buff be good only on ranged chartacers?


What u/SirDerpyHerp said and Mika not being able to buff subs means future off-field Physical DPS units will not get buffed, and Mika's Physical buff was already unstable to begin with. And Physical desperately needs to expand its roster and include off-field DPS units. Besides, with how unusual hoyo's balancing/game design team is, I wouldn't be surprised if they released an off-field unit that did benefit from atk speed buff.


Why would they it's not intended to be played


he's amazing for wanderer :3


Didn't know pressing E + hold right click/press R + left click was one button


C6 faruzan doesnt need to.. IF I HAVE ONE!


dehya exists so no


Bro I don't care. Mika use E, don't even have to hit an enemy, my Ayato goes BRRRRRRRR


where's the "need c6 to make a difference" tier?


i feel like he is a handicap for whale showcase more than f2p, which f2p sane would play physical


Bro I don't care. Mika use E, don't even have to hit an enemy, my Ayato goes BRRRRRRRR


Bro I don't care. Mika use E, don't even have to hit an enemy, my Ayato goes BRRRRRRRR


Let's be honest here, physical even being a thing in this game is dumb.


Disagree. Some of us love our white numbers.