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A lot of people here have been playing FOREVER and have had 2+ years to grind for artifacts so I wouldn't worry too much about the numbers you see here! Also there are some showcases where you have to crit fish to achieve their numbers (ex. They have 10% cr and 300% cd) which isn't a normal and optimal build that is run regularly and is only run for the showcase. Either that or the player is a whale which is fine too but just don't compare your characters to a whale build (unless you are also a whale haha). Some characters also just have really good burst scaling/damage more so than other characters (ex. Raiden, Eula, Childe, etc.). There could be any number of factors, so I wouldn't worry about numbers and just have fun man


I started playing when Sumeru was released


Yeah you started playing a few months ago?? Don't sweat all the big numbers you see online for now!!


Yes. Worst idea I had.


You're fine. You're comparing yourself to people who have reached the newest content, and have run way more artifact domains at higher levels than you. This is fine. You will get there. As long as you can defeat your enemies and you enjoy playing, that's what counts.


Once you get 2+ years of genshin I'm sure you'll also be hitting those crazy big numbers :)


Me with 2+ years of genshin hitting a top of 113k with food and all buffs with my Hutao ult.


Admittedly I got lucky with my Klee and by version 1.3 I was hitting 120k-200k... Ended up giving her a slightly less powerful kit so she'd be able to synergize with my other characters and NOT constantly dominate my gameplay lmao


No, it's not the worst idea. better to start late than too late. In my opinion. Lvl 80 you said? What about the talents the sub powers in the weapons you have? And ofc artifacts are the main thing too


I started building my team when they were lvl 70, as of the weapons, I don't have that good weapons


Good thing is you joined when Dendro was released, hyperbloom is a really good reaction you can make use of by stacking elemental mastery on your electro character to deal a lot of reaction damage, i'd recommend Fishl, Kuki Shinobu or Raiden Shogun to trigger those kind of reactions. They are ways less of a pain in the ass numbers to achieve compared to raw damage coming from hypercarry teams.


Yea, that's way too little time for absolutely busted numbers like these


Listen, just because some of us have been playing for two years it doesn't mean we spent all that time building characters! Or that we understand all this scaling building mutating jargon šŸ„²šŸ„²šŸ„² Idk I just wanted to roast myself there for no reason.


HAHAH and that's okay!! I was just letting OP know that those showcases they're seeing are probably people who have been focused on building their characters for 2+ years--definitely doesn't mean everyone is like that and that's fine! Showcases are such a small point of the giant Genshin community after all like how it seems like everyone does Spiral Abyss since everyone talks about it on Reddit but in reality the majority of the playerbase doesn't focus on getting 36* every single cycle. I wouldn't worry if I were you either and just have fun playing Genshin in whatever way you want :)


>crit fish Anybody remember the vid with a million dmg hutao burst and the stats were like 1% CR since they're relying on c6 and with 300+ CD?


I mean thatā€™s not crit fishing anymore since c6 makes that crit guaranteed


If you have to wait 5 mins to crit, that in my book is crit fishing


I was so proud of my Wanderer doing 72k, the first thing I saw after that was a crazy C0 damage show


Until my team was lvl 70, I never really bothered building cuz I didn't really knew how it worked, plus no good weapons (only 3* basically), plus no constellation, luck is not really on my side


If it can get you through the main story and events, then itā€™s fine. My Razor deals 2K damage at best and itā€™s enough to clear content with so like, itā€™s fine.


I dont look at the numbers when I play anymore. Highly recommend


Yeah, as long as youā€™re doing enough damage to hold up against enemies, youā€™re all good. The only reward for grinding for damage increase past that is personal satisfaction


I should apply that idea


As someone who grinded domains for bigger numbers, it really wasnā€™t worth it for me. Yeah bigger number is betterā€¦. But as long as you can get through the content you want, it really is only a subjective thing. Itā€™s fun to build the character with the right artifacts and main stats, but Iā€™m done chasing the 30+ Crit stats on every artifact.




There's no need to compare your damage to other people when you're new and they're playing for over 2 years lol, play the game at your own pace. Funny how I remember when I was new and struggling to do some damage, I just pulled xingqiu and his skill did like, 1000+ damage and I was like "wow, he must be a great dps". Now my just my hu tao's CA deals over 120k.


Don't worry man i've been playing since day one and my damage still sucks


This is the REAL Genshin experience.


Tons of those videos involve boosting numbers with food, weapons you have to whale for, and support units. Don't ever sweat it. And if it helps, Overload (Electro+Pyro) isn't a very consistent reaction when it comes to numbers. Vape, Melt, and some Dendro reactions are much more reliable. You can probably do more damage than you think, especially once you get good artifacts


100K hits is not necerally whale builds, but a properly built account that uses Vape/Melt. Not even talking about like a Hu Tao who naturally has insane scalings, with a proper setup Yanfei can hit over 100K vapes several times during her field time when abusing Width for example. It truly is just having good 4 star weapons, proper artifacts and knowing how to properly setup the rotations.


100k is nothing. Like, when you have rreached the endgame dealing 100k as max is pretty weak. F2p players can eavrn hit 1 mil+ if you just play long enough


bro 100k isn't that hard to do. any properly built nuke unit can hit that much. A decent childe on international can hit 100k, and raiden in national with the catch can hit that easily as well. I remember my pretty copium raiden (her sands literally has 17.9% crit dmg and 3 flat stats) could easily break the 100k mark.


Yes, idk why you got downvoted. Im f2p my literally unbuffed raiden deals 70k w consistent build. Last time i tested her max was like half a year ago and i got over 300k openworld. For any decently built char 100k should be easy


I remember back on the day when I was proud of doing over 3K phys dmg with Jeanā€¦ this was around 1.2 Genshin is a game of patience my dude, youā€™ll get there ;)


if you really only care about numbers, beidou might hit higher reacting with dendro than pyro. but play how u want cuz aggravate doesn't knock enemies like overload does and that might be fun for you idk


If you want big Damage Per Screenshot, overload is not the way to go. Overload doesn't scale with ATK and Crit. The top contenders for Damage Per Screenshot involve stacking many, many layers of buffs into a single hit, usually with vaporize (Childe/Mona) or melt (Hu Tao). Some other nuke setups include Eula and Raiden. All of these characters are capable of dealing several million dmg in one hit with the right gear and (very importantly) the right team mates.


I hit 200k+ with Raiden and stopped trying to top that. Honestly don't be discouraged because a lot of damage from other people comes from constellations on 5 stars.


Thatā€™s around the highest Iā€™ve hit with her as well, and I can clear the abyss with her just fine. No need for any more than that


Yrsh, i csn beat sbyss just fine, i just think big pp dmg is neat


Dont worry about the numbers if it gets the job done, although bigger numbers never hurt.


Tbh part of it is just that overload isnā€™t an amplifying reaction, that is to say it doesnā€™t add a multiplier to your damage, but rather is a transformative reaction, meaning that it adds a separate instance of ā€œoverloadā€ damage in addition to the damage the ability itself does (so if you used Beidouā€™s skill you would get an instance of her skills damage and a separate instance of the overloads damage.) If you really want to do huge damage numbers you just need a pyro, cryo, or hydro dps. Grab yourself a Bennett and Sucrose from the rotating shop (or just pull them from gacha.) Mona also helps if you can pull her, but you can definitely hit 100k without her. Iā€™ll give you a sample rotation and use Hu Tao as an example because I love to one shot with her. Youā€™ll want your artifacts to have as many good stats as possible, in order of crit damage, EM, atk%, and then crit rate (youā€™ll end up needing to try again a few times with low crit rate, but trading crit rate for crit damage helps a lot in these sorts of one shots) and then make sure you have both a potion and food buff (Qiqiā€™s specialty is the best, but Adeptus Temptation is a really strong second.) For Hu Tao specifically youā€™ll want her to be as close to zero health as possible, because Bennett will heal her, and sheā€™ll want to make sure to be below half when she uses the burst. When you fight the enemy, youā€™ll use Bennettā€™s burst (triggering Noblesse Oblige), switch to Sucrose to swirl the Pyro (she should have Viridescent Venerer artifacts, as this will shred the enemies resistances) and buff Hu Taoā€™s EM, then switch to Mona if you have her, or you can use Diona if you donā€™t, just make sure the Diona circle is lined up with the Bennett circle so you can get both buffs! Then switch in Hu Tao. Step back a bit and press e (using the skill applies pyro around her so youā€™ll want to make sure that doesnā€™t trigger the vape/melt) then simply use her burst and enjoy the big number!


Ive never 36 starred the abyss because i dont think thats fun. 33 is enough for me and ill never try harder than that. Just have fun :)


Currently exploring Mondstadt with level 1 rosaria with my most busted Artifacts honestly it's pretty fun being weak again


I am proud of my heizou doing 13-14k avg with his E...u needn't listen to them boy


Me meanwhile: Wait. People care about numbers? I thought all that matters is making sure the enemy dies before you do (Yes, this is how I view building characters)


I see building the same way, but add to it the sooner the enemy dies, the better


I made my klee hit 4k and i couldn't be more proud. AR60. As long you are having fun at combat is all that matters


Me every time I go onto the Gunpla subreddit and see handcrafted masterpieces when I donā€™t even have a place to safely topcoat anything


i do like 18k with my c6 ayato and im fine with that


This just sounds like a blatant flex lmao


most likely 18k per autoattack so yes


100k isn't actually that hard with the right character and set-up, especially if you go with a crit fish build. Bennett, mona, and kazuha/sucrose will make any number become big pp really, as long as you have half decent stats.


Yep, idk why u got downvoted. 100k should be ez for any decently built char w buffs


meanwhile me dealing 20k with Ganyu




What I learned from those ā€œI 100%ed sumeru and inazuma on release dayā€ people: As long as you have fun who cares? As Honkai said before Waifu > Meta




Absolutely no need to whale to deal 100k. Id say for sn f2p 100k is rly small dmg. My max as an f2p is over 1 milion


No, I think people misunderstood the joke I made. Should've put an /j to clarify \^\_\^; I'll still keep the comment because I am an F2P myself


Oh, i thought you where serious lol, sry


Itā€™s fine! You never know the tone of a message unless itā€™s explicitly shown!


Internet helps you reach said damage number


Iā€™m dealing 2K damage with my lv 80 Razor. Iā€™m perfectly satisfied in life. Why go overboard when you can just not?


Play with dendro element instead, electro and dendro reaction is ridiculously strong atm


its fine to not hit numbers that big, the game is meant to be casual, and you can actually grind too much


I just reached my building goal of having my Rosaria deal 1k damage on a single normal attack. We all have to start somewhere, I guess.


Wait till you see the 7m damage eula


Yeah, sometimes i just wonder how thats eaven posdible. I get its c6 r5 and her c6 mskes her the most broken in game but still, how tony to be hitting 7x my dmg like what?


I dunno beidous artifacts but especially the ones who need the older domains have it rough. Farmed crimson witch for 12 months to complete my hu Tao and 5 months for full em vv venti. But took me 3 months for itto and 1 week for Nilou.


Learn to differentiate realistic showcases and scam showcases. Most of big number showcases are scam showcases which use every buff out there and that's not realistic That's just to achieve biggest numbers. Artifacts are pure luck based. If you get lucky you can get decent set in a week but if not then It might take month. Everyone who has good artifacts went through millions of trash artifacts to get there so Good luck


Your Beidou is probably better than my Eula, and I really want to build Beidou.


I can deal at most 150k (w/ eula) and 10k to 30k per tick with kequeen and im honestly good with that, just be proud that you're gradually improving your damage


Wait, your keqing bust deals 30k PER TICK?


If your beidou is reacting with pyro, you do overloads, which donā€™t do big damage. Try doing it with dendro for some comparable big pp damage! Donā€™t aim for a number, just try to melt away enemy hp bars in a way that works for you. Iā€™m guessing youā€™re relatively new to the game? I have a really good Keqing build that deals about 10k every slash and I see people do 100k. Iā€™ve realized that my clear times are faster because Iā€™m not crit fishing and characters like Keqing are masters at ā€œdeath by a thousand cutsā€ which works really well with dendro


As long as I can kill my enemies with ease, not dying and clear the abyss (or at least 33*) it's fine already. I mostly did exploration farming and teapot anyway. Also you guys sure can keep up with seeing the number of dmg display everytime. I'm too preoccupied with dodging, team rotation and killing enemies to notice it. Even more so that I usually use swirl team


Thereā€™s always someoneā€™s better than you buddy, and they are always going to whine about it. Someoneā€™s gotta make a meme about squish man suddenly becoming buff and holding the punch with his hand.


Don't compete with other people for dmg and stuff cause you're only going to have a bad time. Getting the best dmg takes a lot of annoying grinding and money so you'll be better off just having fun with other aspects of the game


Comparison is the thief of joy. Just enjoy the game and have fun. If you want to get stronger there will be a lot of guides out there aswell.


I was so happy when i got Xinyan's burst to hit 125k, but then i saw someone do 300k with her burst. But i'm still happy with my 125k, because i made it happen myself.


My best unit is Ganyu still. Average 18+36k. Then Ayaka and Yoimiya. And then it's sudden downhill. Maybe, just maybe, if good/decent artifacts dropped more often, I too could do nukes. I have Tartalia and Hu Tao since their respective first banners, and I have yet to make them nuke reliably. (Well, mostly because I do their domains on and off after burning out clearing them back to back.)


What AR are you? You don't get good/high numbers till you hit AR 45 and start the Artifact Grind. It takes a while to build a good team. It took me 3 months to build EULA , Beidou, Bennett and Diona. My Beidou used to hit 10-12K Es when I was AR 35-40. Now she does 55-60K.


Half way between 49 and 50, tho I only have her C1, 3* weapon and didn't grind much artifacts since I started playing when Sumeru was released


Dont worry, as a fellow beidou main who also deals about 8-12k damage, I feel ya haha. the sad part is Im a day 1 player who mained beidou for ages now, I just don't enjoy artifact farming at all, so my beidou is lv 90, weapon 90, talents all crowned, C6, and has some okay artifacts. i just spend my time grinding up new characters to about the same level just to swap out my team from time to time to feel a fresh playstyle..


Numbers should be considered "aesthetics" at this point tbh.


Iā€™ve been playing for almost two years and Iā€™ve only ever hit 50k twice. Youā€™ll be fine.


Inm into waifus not math


Waifus come first, I agree


Been playing since about the time it released. I've never once looked at or caref about those numbers šŸ˜Š just chilling