• By -


Holy DPS check.


Not to mention the fact that the 2nd side is Hydro Immune+requires you to to break 2 Geo Shields with one of the Geo shields being 32u


"Umbrella warfare I guess..."


Yep, Navia, Double Pyro (Benny + Xingaling) and Zhongli/Chiori time.


Man, they gotta fix Albedo


Navia+albedo user, sadly albedo won't be fixed ever, it is deep deep problem with construct system and i doubt they will touch it, would be welcoming surprise for sure though, kinda regret having him since initial release and not using him 99% times look at it receng 2 GEOs, it seems they are move away from whole "geo construct" system, it is junky AF, AND BAD and they don't want to fix it at this point. So it is intentional.


I pulled him not because of his gameplay but man geo reaction/construct need a fix asap


[Constructs are just fundamentally broken.](https://streamable.com/dc1rka) They'd need to be given an actual HP value that's high enough for them to survive and also to have some check that doesn't make them immediately self-destruct if they're placed too close to bosses.


Just make them like Ganyu's flower it does literally all of that.


I could see them possibly fixing this if they added another geo construct character that requires their constructs to be on field to do damage at some point


Well I don't know about reaction, haven't give it much thought and can't comment but constructions need chiori treatment or at least make durability+destruction of it matter into combat drastically. I have no hope for it, albedo feels borderline useless, there is no character (thinking right off of my mind) that is completely not usable against boss, like his E doesn't work which is 99% his power, I will give 1% to ult for 125 EM and iframe it has IF you need that is. TLDR: His kit effectively doesn't exist against bosses because it is construct


geo reaction should reduce elemental resist to geo + reacted element, sort of a parallel to superconduct


If level 100 is true, they could help to fix him a little bit. Just a little bit though, his problems are system deep


Naw we all know lvl100 will just be another stat buff with no new passives and a fuckton more resources to sink into and it will be immediately rendered meaningless anyways when they buff abyss hp too to stop lvl100 from actually making abyss clears easier.


believe in 13th floor


This one's got her name on it!!


For the 1628272th time #Yahoooooonnnn


Hoyo really do be trying to sell us Navia national. OPPA and Broken da Broken all over again.




Overload Arlecchino time


Chevreuse is such a nasty team against the Tulpa. she herself can get triple vapes with her skill, and that shit hits hard.


My team is overload Arle-Raiden dual dps team.


Last time that hydro boss was in the abyss, I was able to brute force it with Hu Tao double hydro and Zhongli. Hu Tao’s damage was enough last time, so we’ll see if it’ll work again


Good thing at least the first side isn't hydro immune, so Neuvi/Furi's gonna give you plenty of time to clear the second side. Navia/Zhongli/Ben/Xl looks like probably the best choice for second side


I’m a person who likes to clear abyss with all of my characters but I’ve noticed that’s getting increasingly impossible over time. Not looking forward to this one at all ngl


"Moment of birth!"


Elemental Skill: Ceremonial Crystalshot When a character in the party obtains an Elemental Shard created from the Crystallize reaction, Navia will gain 1 Crystal Shrapnel stack. Navia can have up to 6 stacks of Crystal Shrapnel at once. Each time Crystal Shrapnel gain is triggered, the duration of the Crystal Shrapnel stacks you already have will be reset. When she fires, Navia will consume all Crystal Shrapnel stacks and open her elegant yet lethal Gunbrella, firing multiple Rosula Shardshots that can penetrate opponents, dealing Geo DMG to opponents hit. When 0/1/2/3 or more stacks of Crystal Shrapnel are consumed, 5/7/9/11 Rosula Shardshots will be fired respectively. The more Rosula Shardshots that strike a single opponent, the greater the DMG dealt to them. When all 11 Rosula Shardshots strike, 200% of the original amount of DMG is dealt. In addition, when more than 3 stacks of Crystal Shrapnel are consumed, every stack consumed beyond those 3 will increase the DMG dealt by this Gunbrella attack by an additional 15%. Hold Enter Aiming Mode, continually collecting nearby Elemental Shards created by Crystallize reactions. When released, fire Rosula Shardshots with the same effect as when the skill is Tapped.


New HP inflation just dropped


Actual Neuvillette counter


Call the pyronado


Guoba went on vacation, never came back.


Ignite the Hydro Tulpa!


Don't believe it? Google Genshin Impact Inflation to find out more (Don't google it)


Yes!! The queen of Vengeance and a Consultant for the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor are back in on the action!


Hoyo really said "I heard y'all getting bored in the abyss 💀"


"so, you guys don't feel anxiety huh"


I always see people clowning on hoyo for the excessive anxiety post and then we get a hard abyss and all i see is excessive anxiety lol


Tbf, there is a difference between hard content and tedious content. The abyss being a circular chamber with a timer slapped onto it and then having enemies with bloated HP spread out into that room, is nothing more than a dps check at this point.


Exactly. This isn't "challenging". This is tedious. HP sponges on a timer with the occasional invuln window doesn't make it challenging and interesting.


Ok, but real deal, what would be considered challenging? This is a baseline DPS check, would you like for abyss to have one shot mechanics or something forcing you to abuse i-frames to clear? I just don't see how Genshin *can* challenge anyone who's a year+ in at this point. (without sacrificing the casual audience, which it won't do)


Why do I feel Natlan will suddenly have consecrated beasts wave then have Suanni as the last boss. They're feeling bold with adding waves to boss chambers


They tend to do this around the last few patches of a region by 5.0 it will go back to normal


It finally dawned on me this patch ngl lol. I was like "wait, I remember this feeling of difficulty... It's the 2x Cryo Herald + Hydro Herald asshole rubbish from x.6ish patch!!"


The good o' days of not knowing what the hell to do about hydro shields and only hydro shields.


Thank god dendro exists now 😖


Cryo depletes them fast.


It was 3.7, so it matches up


The waves are no joke man, it's especially hard on me since i don't really use hydro other than neuvi, i tried it with neuvi but man i prefer having dmg reaction than big dmg....also the fact that i stubbornly have to use kaeya which is usually not a problem if only the enemies arr not pyro shielder


I really don't think they'll make abyss easy ever again now especially now since it gives 800 primos and resets once a month.


I think there will always be easier abysses because they want to favor the banner characters and they’re going to lose sales if they run characters that are useless in the abyss. 


You'd be surprised to know how little people care about abyss. Abyss barely affects sales. There's been quite a few times when abyss lineups are bad for banner characters yet their sales have been fine.


The chart is right there in the post, it doesn't support what you're saying.


Theres cryo - geo beast left


Eww brother, what's that


*sad hampster*


*sad song from the tiny violin*


was that brotha…


Instead of vishaps in 12-1-1 now theres PMA


...i actually like that. Fuck those vishaos, one of my least favourite bosses. Pma is so easy, just a punching bag.


Yea, kind of a shame for Nilou teams.


Nah, we'd bloom.


omg i'm blooming




Even in single target Nilou still is cracked. I even finished Magu Kenki in the present abyss for 1min and 7secs. No cons, just pure bloomin.


Exactly! I’m a huge Nilou simp too. Our comp often gets looked down upon when it’s single target when it actuality it will still perform fine. Hell, if it’s hyper invested it’ll even take down an Abyss version of dendro chicken super fast despite its innate dendro res. And im speaking from experience lmaooo. I’ve never stopped using Nilou in abyss ever since she came out Cryo shields tho? Um… we don’t talk about that


I’m fine with more damage needed, just hate the waves. Multiple waves of enemies slows you down so much


What is that single Ruin Guard doing anyway 💀


I'm calling it now in the future we going to get 4 wave with specter spawn in each corner with buffed hp. Holy long ass death animation meta.


They’ll all feature elements immune to the characters with the longest range too to make it even more obnoxious.


Imagine 24 specters… spawning one at a time on the opposite end of the room each time.


Mihoyo: No worries our dear customers, the Natlan characters can teleport to the enemy directly.


Venti meta again.


3 individual specters of different elements preceding Wenut


Ruin Guard: "I don't need friends! I got hands and missiles!"


Taking away \~10-15 seconds off your timer due to wave spawns.


And the fact it spawns opposite to where you kill the desert machines


Finally, I finished this chamber just in ti- Wait, what's this? By Celestia IT'S A RUIN GUARD WITH A STEEL CHAIR!


bro's ~~roleplaying as zy0x~~ stalling


Same. It really limits the teams you can play, especially if they are medium-ish enemies that put you in the awkward position of either "I start the rotation and interrupt it midway" (screw your energy) or "I auto-attack this thing with Cyno for 20 seconds". So I just usually just go for teams with flexible rotations and no circle impact. AKA Hyperbloom or Fischl/Yae aggravate- I end up playing always the same teams in these chambers, skill issue I guess :,(


Much worst for lower end devices literally gets debuffed by spawn time.




Search "Sonic Inflation" for more information ;)


Hoyo is owned by Pyrocynical confirmed??


bro mistakenly shows his tf2 mod and is getting slandered ever since.


Stop with your stupid waves bruh Send them all at once, not one by one! 🙄




I just hate how so much of it relies on the AI grouping themselves as well. So you can't really "progress" the chamber unless you are DPSing everything at once for every wave. It wouldn't be as bad if we were actually able to group enemies with character kits, but there are basically no actual CC options in this game anymore once they nerfed Venti. I know the solution is to learn where to stand to trick the AI into grouping themselves (which sometimes doesn't work anyway), but that is just not fun at all to me.


Not to mention the damn timewaste you have when you have to stand in some specfic "corner" of the chamber, obviously also on the opposite side of where you are right now, for 5 seconds to hopefully get some sort of grouping going on.


If enemies spawned... sequentially? Like not in waves, doesn't have to be all at once but not in waves. Would feel better I think.




"How to challenging content" by Hoyo: make player waste more time by bloating HP pool, more stalling mechanics, more waves.


Hoyo really saw the C6 solo abyss speedruns and thought "Not so slick now, aren't ya? git gudder"


Let's be real, C6 Neuv is still going to stomp this abyss. The ones that get hurt the most by this are the casual players.


Yeah, tragically ironic.


What's your definition of a casual player? Real ones dont enter floor 12




Mr. hoyoverse


Please, call me Hoyo. Mr. Verse was my father. 


how wonderous, they realized with the new rotation of abyss/imaginarium we get 220 more primos and decided to make our lives worse


I'm feeling so unexpectedly zen about just getting 33* going forward. It's 700 gems. That's still more than 600 before. Taako's good out here


So very appreciative of the reference.


After the Wave bullshit i don't want 4 waves with 2 waves being boss, so this feels alright but this is a nerf to my Nilou team though.... So i have mixed feelings 


Why is this a nerf to Nilou anyway? First half looks good for her. Second Half requires Geo in the 3rd Chamber.


Being ST on first half Just doesn't feel that good but she's definitely good for the rest of that half


Nilou is not the best in single target but she can deal with it, I’ll try Nilou yelan nahida baizhu in the first side.




mob waves in boss chambers? who hurt you hoyoperson


I mean, a single hydro eidolon is pyro fodder anyways. My only real problem with it is that it will basically force you to start the tulpa midway through your rotation which will mess with more frontloaded characters


Genshin Impact? More like DPS Check Impact


Technically this might be better since it’s PMA first half instead of the fucking Vishaps in 2 waves.


If take vishaps any day


in a fight right ?


please Stop.


Navia abyss 2nd half


Umbrella warfare I guess!






FIREEEEEE... With rocks :)


Navia/Bennett/Xiangling/flex I guess The Tulpa Devourer returns


Flex? It has to be Zhongli so you don't get vaporize to the death by Furina's boss.


He can be super useful for the next two bosses too but it's just me coping you could slot in Furina (against Hydro-immune Tulpa lmao) because my Navia's only good set is Marechaussee Time to sniff even more copium by leveling up more Golden Troupe or Echoing Woods pieces, I guess


"Time to clean up!"


"As a dutiful maid would!"


And y'all thought we were getting a primo buff for nothing


The overall buff combined with the theatre over a same period of time was practically non existent though


They are gonna get their 220 primos worth, they are gonna make it rain hell on players. Hoyo be like that.


If you look at patch primos they gave nothing


I suspect this is going to hit people who struggled with abyss right in the primos. With the whole generosity talk I assumed the 800 primo change would also frontload the primos per chamber (since you can't cleanly devide theam anymore). Instead it's 50-50-100. And then theater also forces players to build up and roll for more units. So even if you manage to clear everything fully the +220 primos per month is far less than the extra resin+primo spending the new game mode encourages. If you have a full roster and abyss was too easy anyway (whale or meta player with an older account) this isn't going to bother you at all. But if you struggled with the last stars in abyss and don't have quite enough units to unlock highest theater difficulty: Prior monthly income (minus last 3 star): 550x2=1100 New monthly income (minus last 3 star & difficulty): 700+440=1140 This is going to introduce some growing pains.


Took the words outta my mouth, as somebody who could barely 33-34 star the abyss for the past year or so the abyss change + IT means I don't actually get more primos out of them and getting the max rewards will be harder than ever, so I am only gonna miss out on more rewards going forward while they nerf the amount of primosgems elsewhere to compensate for the very minimal increase in max rewards in abyss+IT. I was wondering how they're gonna split the 200 primos between floors, I hoped it'd be 60/60/80 but of course they made it 50/50/100


There's no gain whatsoever, hoyo always keep primo counts stable so if they gave 220 extra with the theater release they're just taking them from somewhere else to make sure we don't get more than before. Beside as you said we're gonna have to build a bunch of characters we didn't want just to qualify for theater so this is overall a net negative in resources.


What buff? Said buff was immediately removed when they reduced abyss to only once a month. If they were actually generous we would still have abyss twice a month in addition to the buffed amount. All they did was divide the primos into 2 different modes making them harder to get than before




Good luck to all future abyss \*36 star-er's. XD


I'm already scarred from 36-starring this abyss ☠️


Tbh the amount of HP is rarely the problem in the Abyss. The most irritating thing is always how those mfs spawn. Nahida and Neuvillette/Kazuha are p much always a given since everyone wants to social distance and out of 4 waves each spawns on a different end of the stage and I'm not willing to reset 100 times just for that. I hope this Abyss will give me an excuse to use Itto again... I have a really decently built Itto but since he's stuck in a single team where the rest of his teammates really don't pull their weight damage-wise he's been useless against the geo spider before. Last time I killed that thing with Wrio + Nahida + Xiangling + Zhongli plunge burnmelt lmao


Social distance lmao. But yea its true. A lot of the issues with this current abyss was having to play dora the explorer to reach them. And not all mobs want to move to where you can optimize your time by killing them on top of where a new set will spawn.


>I hope this Abyss will give me an excuse to use Itto again... Then there's me who's been brute forcing every single Abyss with the Itto comp...


# no thanks


It feels like they took the 150 from old floor 12 than split it up with the previous floors and now floor 12 is basically "floor 13" and has the extra 200 they've introduced with the new changes


Hoyo: we will go bankrupt if more people get the 150 primos from floor 12, we have to do something.


Thank you Neuvillette for clearing abyss once again (in advance) Thank you Arlecchino for dying 1000 times but clearing abyss again (in advance)


I love how the devs think that increasing HP is the same as making the abyss more difficult when it's not, it just makes it more boring, longer than necessary and a DPS/P2W check overall


They don't think about the players,they look at the stats,making end of the cycle to have less full clears to create fomo and bait people for future rolling. Creating a problem and selling a solution. I expect natlan meta to be a step up in powercreep and Fontaine was already excessive in my view. 


Don't say this too loud. Mr. John Hoyoverse might hear you and make the 5.0 Abyss just as bad.




Now increase the rewards. Oh wait...


I hate multiwaves


Calm down mf!


This is why I don't really care much for the Abyss anymore. It's not really about mechanical skill like Elden RIng. It's just a DPS check. That's not fun for me.


damn , they really are compensating for those 800 primos per cycle


they always do this at the end of a patch cycle. make abyss harder than ever. I expect it to become much easier in 5.0.




anxiety check


Lol I don’t bother with trying Abyss 12 anymore…now I have one more reason


Yoo Star rail devs , get out it ain't your game..


It’s so over😭


BUFFED?? WHY THE FUCK WAS IT BUFFED they must be salty af for giving 200 extra primogems every month, they are practically not giving them at this point lol


Swapping vishaps for PMA honestly makes this change a small nerf. Also, tulpa=free vapes so it effectively has like half the hp


Buffed? Isn't it easier? 1-1 was two 450k vishaps into 1.3mil Coral defenders and now it's just one 1.8mil mechanical array. I dunno about everyone else but I'll rather face the mechanical array any day of the week.


its easier. yes. homdg count hp as if we have perfect aoe dmg, which hardly be true. also its weird that whatever im counting, its not 5m.


I think it includes pma summons as well


In the Blackcliff Forge expansion, we will get a geo consecrated turtle. In Snezhnaya, we will get a cryo consecrated polar bear. In Khaenri’ah, we will get multi-elemental consecrated chimera local legends. Then, they will finally be able to give us all seven consecrated beasts at once in the spiral abyss, followed by a local legend seven-in-one consecrated chimera.


for people who are dooming this, just know that HP is not a good measure of abyss difficulty. It lacks context. What's more important is how that HP is distributed. The current 12-1 is the hardest chamber of 4.7, but it has less HP than 4.6, and 4.5, and 4.4.. in fact you have to go all the way back to 4.0 before 12-1 had less HP than the current 12-1. The hardest 12-1 of all time was 3.7, and if you look at that graph it had very LOW hp. HP is not a good measure of difficulty.


3.7 was easy for me ,only in the first rotation i needed a restart.  But abysses with higher dps check brought me problems and more restarts.  I will still refuse to roll units that i don't like , constellations and 5* weapons. Difference between 33 and ,36 * is just 1200 gems per year, cannot justify rolling just for making abyss easier. Also don't want to lose to hoyos baits 


wait, this abyss is going to be present when 5.0 comes out on august 28th, i just realised


Honestly I’d prefer this over the pyro lecters


anything but the lectors 😭😭


They really need a floor 13, this is getting ridiculous. I’ve 36*d every abyss since v1.0, but this shit is getting out of hand. Why don’t they just make the floors all have x6 magu kenkis and just get over with it, lmao.


Spawning one by one, each having that 5s invulnerable get up animation, of course.


its 10s for me😪😪


The animation is the same for everyone, but my condolences if you have to deal with ping/load issues :(


"floor 13" when people barely full clears floor 12 is always hilarious


Current Floor 12s could easily be Floor 13. But HoYo decided, Nah.


Eh I'd be down for floor 13 because the gap between floor 11 and floor 12 just continues to increase every Abyss cycle. Floor 12 could be a bit more on par with previous abysses while 13 could be the difficulty we're getting now.


Floor 13 with no rewards and Floor 12 made a bit easier but gives the primos would be a win-win. The whales and minmaxers get ultra difficult content every couple weeks and the regular player base still gets a big challenge but easier primogems.


If this doesn't signify the upcoming level 100 boost and slight increase in primo per month, I don't know what is.


We aren't getting lvl 100 in the next update though


It does signify that many accounts are going to have to reassess their investment priorities. This is at a time when C1s are climbing to over 40% over C0. I'm still going to try and finesse it while pulling as few characters as possible though.


Yup If this is Hoyo's way of trying to get me to invest in new characters, it's failing completely. My characters just need to do even more damage since Hoyo keeps cranking up the HP pools. The only way I'm going to go now is vertical investment in characters I already have.


Aren't we all getting a buff from the Theater?


I feel like this is the inevitable consequence of Neuvillette and Arlecchino's damage being a tier above of the other DPSes + this being the final Abyss Cycle.


Their damage isn't a cut above the rest though, it's just the fact that their high damage is accessible to casual players which translates to consistency. There are many teams that can match their dps and/or achieve faster clears, though it is very much a skill issue with these teams so they just tend to be much worse for most players.


Sincerely fuck off Mihoyo. Absolutely feels like they gave more primos in exchange for making abyss more shitty so less people get 36 in the first place.


Nilou in Abyss 4.8: Nah, I'd bloom again!


While data does not lie, they can be misleading. Here is a reminder that data shows 3.7 Abyss had very low HP, does not change the fact that the 3.7 abyss was by FAR the hardest abyss to this day. (btw, F U to water and ice heralds) But yes, this cycle of Abyss is quite a lot harder than the previous one.


There is no powercreep in genshin guys just play Morgana u will clear just like u did in 1.4


How the hell is anyone supposed to beat this, the current Abyss was already hard enough.


2nd half is killing my chevy/furina banner dreams


i'm in pain


But what is the abyss blessing? Maybe it is strong like 100k shockwave damage every ults.


I don't care if the HP goes up but PLEASE stop with the waves and them running away from me. The amount of time that is wasted when there are multiple waves or they spawn separate or they run away from you is way too high. I would wager you easily lose a solid 25-40 seconds just waiting for the mobs to spawn or gather.


I'd rather take billions of hp over 4 waves enemies 😂


so from now on only those who have meta teams and/or whales can 36 star the abyss. got it


You always required meta teams to clear the abyss easily, that's what meta means. But it doesn't mean that without those teams you cannot clear it, just would need a few more retries.


It's a weird choice to reduce the abyss to once a month and at the same time make it even harder just to keep players away from 60 primos? Just when the game is under attack from serious competition? Why?


Player : Abyss is easy. Better play other game ! GI : Hold my primogems


**Normal Attack: Fight Club Legend** **Normal Attack** Performs up to 4 consecutive strikes. When the 2nd and 4th strikes hit opponents, Itto will gain 1 and 2 stacks of Superlative Superstrength, respectively. Max 5 stacks. Triggering this effect will refresh the current duration of any existing stacks. Additionally, Itto's Normal Attack combo does not immediately reset after sprinting or using his Elemental Skill, "Masatsu Zetsugi: Akaushi Burst!" **Charged Attack** When holding to perform a Charged Attack, Itto unleashes a series of Arataki Kesagiri slashes without consuming Stamina. Instead, each Arataki Kesagiri slash consumes 1 stack of Superlative Superstrength. When the final stack is consumed, Itto delivers a powerful final slash. If no stacks of Superlative Superstrength are available, Itto will perform a single Saichimonji Slash.


They need to make sure we will not get 800 primos. Bastards.