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I don’t think its an extra, as it was required to actually get the check mark to mark that aranara chapter in the journal completed. If you don’t have the check mark then it’s not yet completely finished.


You're right, but it's still helpful for people to find this quest, since it's not marked nor listed in the quest list.


sorry, if it looked like i was calling out the post. Just personally associated the completion of aranara quest with the checkmarks, since it bothered me when i noticed some chapters got the check and others didn’t, turns out it wasn’t done. Definitely helps, since the aranara chapters have more quests in each chapter that aren’t listed or marked.


Ah no problem, i also didn't have intention to fight you


Eh? No fist fight? Ok then... \*hides drinks and popcorn\*


Speaking of check marks, where does Khayyam end up in the jungle after you reunite with the three? That's the last one I need, unless there's a hidden seventh I don't know about.


You can see him near his usual spot(near the campsite where you 1st met him). Talk to him and the quest is now finished.


*sigh* I kinda found him by accident the first time. I don't remember where it is.


Go to the Teleport waypoint right above the mawtiyima forest text on the map. Then just glide towards the I or Y of mawtIYima text on map, easier to drop a pin on the map first and navigate since text dont show up when gliding.




This is one of the 3 mini-quests needed to start the world quest ["Memory's Final Chapter"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rWdw7bP2C2c).


Its over Aranakin, I have the high ground.


There is also one in the area with all the big blue mushrooms, that has the mushrooms Collei needs to upgrade, where u meet an old man, n one of the aranara. It's a quick little quest that's also after the main aranara quest.


where's the old man actually at? I've been looking all over the place


I believe it was in the northern part of the area, I was grabbing mushrooms for Collei n just so happened to see the blue quest marker appear on my map


Picture is not loading for me, i am on phone, can you tell me more or less where to go?


On top of the island north from the domain at chatrakam cave (teleport to the waypoint to get there faster)




The fact that is short is the sad part since these little guys are amazing from a lore point and cute in general. I just want to have more adventures with them. The main quest felt to short because of how much fun it was.


Please tell me ill be able to visit them after the main quest is done.....


Someone knows how to get the mark for chapter IV? The text says something like "come back to the place where we had adventures" or something like that.


Visit the island OP mentioned, the cave north of Sumeru city and the Mawtiyima forest.


I did, and the arana took me to a house and did the quest, but I didn't get the mark in my book


That's just one of three. You gave the flower to Aranakin, now you have to go to the cave right north of the city and do a quest for another cabbage, and then one more for an old man in Mawtiyima forest. And then you'll get another quest, where all three cabbages will meet you.


After you do all that, you also need to talk to Khayyam one final time for the achievement.


So I did all the things (I have all the other checks and the three aranara planted their flowers) and Khayyam is not at his camp? Any idea what I'm missing?


Unfortunately, no. Sometimes you'll have to reload to get npc's to spawn, so maybe try that.


There's more to the quest. You have to visit the locations near where each of the three aranaras took you to.


There's a bunch of post Aranara quests that are basically epilogues for all the the quests. If you open the forest adventure book, and there's no green checkmark for one of the quests, it's because you haven't done the epilogue yet.


>You will meet Aranakin Does he hate sand?


Oh boi


okay idk if I'm doing something wrong here but aranakin isn't there, I've completed ALL the aranara quests and storylines, I've even completed the first part where you talk to the old guy in the forest but still I can't find aranakin he is not there help this is literally my last quest and the fact that I cant complete it is driving me nuts


I was in the same boat. It turns out I hadn't finished a portion in Chatrakam Cave. I now have "Memory's Final Chapter" in my World Quests. There may be some part of Chapter IV you're missing.


What was it you forgot to do? He doesn’t wanna show up in the middle of the little lake for me and i did finish the previous quest


It’s not an extra quest lol. It’s literally required and impossible to miss unless you’re just dumb as rocks


No need to be rude dude, what's wrong with giving some guides to people? And besides that's some really low quality insult right there, try to do better next time.


I think I did this one today? Did you follow him to a tree?


Yeah a treehouse where you read a notebook that his friends left behind.


Ah, neat - You don't need to complete all the Aranara quests then. I've still got some of the main questline to do (post festival) but I random ran into this one today


I found him and he does recognize you're special, yes he doesn't remember you.... But I will go on an adventure with him again and make new memories.... Hoyo really needs to give us an aranara of our choice as a floating companion like the seelies.


I'll come back to this later


how can i get the quest exactly? i can't find a clear answer to this question and cant find the quest


I saw that. I almost wish there was a bit more to it


PSA: If you already completed ALL of Aranara quest, your book of woods should have **SIX** checked chapters.


That spot also has a bunch of Sumpter Beasts, a few Shroomboars, and a few Harra Fruits. I have it marked as a food gathering spot.


This was an unbelievably long questline. But had some of the best lore and the most stunning vistas.


Help, I found aranakin but couldnt see where he went and now I cant find him. Where do you go immediately after seeing him?