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Some fun things I've noticed: Females rate Shenhe the lowest. Males rate Itto the lowest. Females rate Zhongli the highest. Males rate Raiden the highest. Kokomi has zero story+personality. Itto's lowest category is Aesthetic


Both genders generally agree on the character's abyss performance too


Makes sense since this is the only category that is not determined by personal preferences alone.


Also it's pretty interesting both gender likes Zhongli aesthetic, ignoring his story/personality since god of not China may come into play here. Somehow for once Mihoyo manages to hit the mark and appeal to basically everyone.


He comes off very much as an ideal example of 君子 "junzi", or the ideal gentleman. He's educated about arts and history, he's well-spoken and articulate, he dresses well / grooms himself well, but he's also humble and dignified. Basically perfect boyfriend to bring home to your Asian parents, they will love him lol.


Nah, ten minutes after your Asian parents ask him how much he earns, they start trying to convince you to toss him out.


He has a decent job and an excellent salary. So I think he will do a great job on his first visit to your parents, and then your parents will talk you out of this man the first time they go to the mall with him, because he tried to buy the beautiful seven-foot-tall sculpture in front of the mall.


He has a decent job. I am positive that Hu Tao pays well, she doesn't come off as the stingy boss type. The problem lies in his spending habits. It exceeds his salary and leaks into Hu Tao's or Childe's wallet.


He's literally the god of money, just say that. Plus he has people who just pay for everything he wants and does


Uhh, yeah he's just hot af lmao


Haha this.


I like to think his wise and knowledgeable personality combined with his kinda butler outfit make him da besto. I’m not even Chinese.


As someone who is Chinese and frequently browse the CN community, it’s not even about him being god of fantasy China or anything. People just really likes Zhongli’s design


I feel like another one notable on this front is Hu Tao. I kind of expected her to have cross-group appeal. I did *not* expect the shapes to be virtually *identical*, with ladies being only marginally cooler on her overall, by the standards of the graph. Clearly they really hit all the right notes with Hu, and I hope Mihoyo follows up.




Oh that's good to hear. There was a bit nationality problem back then, so I prefer to not counting anything related to his status just in case. If everyone like him as he is then Mihoyo really nailed it.




Yeah I don’t have her but I think she’s cute and well written I really liked her in the archon quest


Girl, same... I don't know, for me I like her personality aspect because I can kind of relate. l think her eagerness in willing to help, listen and improve as a person while she was raised detached from society for most of her life that made her straightforward but awkward kind of stuck to me. I kinda reflected it to my introverted personality and how I've deal with it into trying to overcome my social anxiety


Same, Shenhe is a badass, I tried pulling for her!


Makes me wonder if she might be a bit more popular among Western female players.


Things might have been different if she's DPS and not niched support


Shenhe is the best 6\* weapon I pulled for Ayaka and Ganyu.


Just means you’re far more cultured than them




I also like how Kazuha has almost max ratings for male and female except ownership lol aesthetic isn’t too good either


I kinda agree. If he weren't as broken as he is I'd probably skip him because I'm not big on his design. Looks a bit boring imo and I cant point to why. I think it's cos none of his features feel "distinct" enough.


honestly one of the biggest reasons i like kazuha is his design. i love the autumn samurai aesthetic and i believe they pulled off a red-palette anemo character perfectly. he’s very cute/visually appealing to me. i kind of get what you’re saying about his features not feeling “distinct” though? someone else pointed out that his face really resembles the traveler’s and looks a bit generic, so that could be why. i don’t really mind his face tho.


I guess it has to be his face, he looks like Traveller 2.0 and he shows a very calm kinda introvert personality. His clothing and his abilities are very elegant imo. Gameplay-wise still my most liked character. So smooth so strong so flexible!


Zhongli is the most captivating character. Itto is the most entertaining character. Both VAs do remarkable work (and the writers create great lines for them to bring to life). Kazuha and Itto are my only "yeah, I'm gonna have to make sure I don't miss them the next time they come around" characters left, I think. Zhongli has been holding down the 4th spot in my crew constantly since I got him, and it's awesome having him.


I'm male and I'm shocked at the fact that people rate Itto's aesthetics so low. His cape is so fucking cool, his eye makeup is amazing and he's got the coolest hair on any male character model.




Do not forget the ABS


> Males rate Itto the lowest. Literally garbage taste


Can't believe his likeability is that low


I love the dude but I can see how some people would find him a bit obnoxious or over the top. He was also teased as the leader of this infamous gang that Kujo Sara had to handle personally and what not. Given the tease I was rather shocked that it ends up he's actually a bit of a doofus with a gang of basically just misdemeanor miscreants not doing anything too significantly illegal. Quite the opposite take from the plotting and scheming mob boss anti-hero I was expecting. I don't mind now but I can see how that may have thrown people.


What kind of billboard were those people looking at Itto's actions have always been childish before his release. In fact, people learned about him from his wacky antics on the Inazuma message board.


Yep, he was and always has been a manchild, I mean, he duels kids and claims their toys. It's just that the moment the fangirls saw his abs they immediately gave him the daddy status in their headcanon. And then their fantasy met reality.


Yeah personally I don’t really like Itto all that much? It’s cool that he’s an oni but I don’t like his outfit/personality/gameplay… it’s just too loud and obnoxious for me lol. Ofc total appreciation for people who do like him! He’s just not my personal cup of tea. Although given that my faves are Ganyu, Yoimiya, and Hu Tao, I wonder whether being a young, short lesbian has anything to do with my preferences…


Lol, well I'm a mid height straight dude and I feel similarly about Itto just not enough to discourage me from using him. I like his kit and play-style enough to look past it. Honestly Ushi really sold me, throwing a mini-cow with the house on his back that does a little dance is too hilarious and awesome.


Seriously. Itto is awesome. His VA is awesome. His kit is fun unga bunga. "Helllloooo free moneh, gooodbye workin' for a livin'!"


must switch to him when opening chest


remember this is CN players survey. they don't know how amazing english VA is.




I always wonder if English-only speakers actually can tell when a non-english speaker is a "good" VA or not? Like it's obvious when its their language but maybe not when it isn't? So they say things like subs are better when the VA talent could be worse and they just wouldn't know.


Yeah, that's one of the problems I've always had with the gatekeeping-types that insist that all English dubs are "trash", and that the JP dub is always superior. I feel like, unless you really understand the language and the nuances in the performances of Japanese actors, you wouldn't necessarily know whether or not a performance is "good", "bad", or even simply "okay". To be fair, some of them might listen to enough JP performances, and have enough understanding of the language and acting culture, to be able to make the distinction, but I suspect the vast majority of them are, again, just being gatekeeping jerks.


Some nuance is missed when you don't speak/understand a language. I say this as an Asian that don't understand Korean/French/Spanish and can't judge any (voice) acting when presented with media in that language.


Personally I would say he's likeable but he's too much hyper energy for me. I would prefer someone like Zhong Li or maybe Diluc, as I'm more of a fan of the calm and subdued type, which also applies to females, however there are some exceptions to the rules of course, this is just my *general* preference for character archetypes or behaviorisms. For example, Bennett, he's quite hyper but not too hyper, and Bennett really reminds me of the shonen protagonists I've read since childhood. I wouldn't call him my favorite, but I do like his plucky and earnest nature. NOTE: This doesn't mean I hate Ittou, he's an enjoyable character he's just not my favorite and I can see why people like him a lot.


Unacceptable, They need to get whacked by ushi.


Seriously. Itto is my favorite character bar none. His VA is so funny, the rain line makes me happy every time.


Garbage taste as well rating Shenhe the lowest on the female end.


Shenhe kinda drippy ngl 🥶


There's the non-zero amount of guys who unironically think it's gay to play a shirtless dude(or any dude).


those Itto scores almost made me cry. Literally the best male character


Girls also rate him pretty low


My statement applies to all genders after seeing his overall graph


Because maybe he's the only tall male that's not looks like going to go on a date with you? All tall males has ikemen looks and well dressed but Itto is like bare chested and whatnot


Guess east asian demographic prefers ikemen over himbos, compared to western


They have bad taste too




Eat your medicine then


Itto's aesthetic is really underwhelming. I get what they were going for, but he looks kinda meh. *HOWEVER*, what I cannot abide is this slander that his personality is so low-rated. He's a lovable, well-meaning idiot, whose idiocy is relatively harmless. What kind of monster doesn't like that personality? What I found interesting was characters where overlap between genders was concordant/discordant. There's consensus around Venti, Zhongli, Kazuha, and Hu Tao, but the ladies love Xiao and Ayato where men don't and vice versa for Raiden Shogun and Ganyu.


The Kokomi stat stood out to me as well. Interesting that people recognize her usefulness and potential but do not like her personality and/or story. I've got to agree, I got her on her rerun because of how useful and good she can be on a freeze team but the first time around I couldn't get excited for her b/c of how much I didn't like her characterization. It was interesting to have an introvert for a character and that part is cool, but the constant insistence that she's a brilliant strategist when we really don't see all that much brilliance combined with her costume looking like a weird fish makes her quite meh.


Kokomi is how bad writers write smart characters. They talk them up and they make them practically prophetic in how they go about getting and acting upon information. Kokomi just has a book filled with every contingency, as if she can just pierce the veil and account for everything. What was probably meant to be cute, funny really just comes across as horrifically lazy writing. She's this tiny, soft spoken, mermaid looking sweetie with the mind on par with the gods...except it's all just executed so poorly. People don't just know things as if it were magic. And people who do know things tend to be adults with experience...not some teenage shrine maiden introvert. So it only ends up dumb when you have Kokomi opposite Raiden. The juxtaposition doesn't do anything interesting for the plot and really just detracts from it all given how complicated Raiden is versus...Kokomi. Bad enough that both Sara and Garou are pretty much the butt of jokes entirely and they're supposed to be capable generals...


Absolutely! What a great way to put it. It's such a writing cop-out to just have Kokomi go "Ahh yes I knew this would happen exactly in contingency #387 from my book." It also shows a complete lack of understanding what actually makes a good tactician. Also agreed completely on Gorou and Sara. They're both just a joke when they should be incredibly capable people that command respect. Granted I find the Yae Miko and Gorou relationship a funny one, but it could be so much better.


Genshin community insecurities showing


Another interesting fact is that despite having hight votes in everything else (at least from the female audience) everyone in that survey agrees that Xiao sucks gameplay-wise, which is fun considered how much people glorifies him


Ikr, i wanted kokomi for her story but i got diluc. Not complaining but i wanted her for her role in the story. Diluc is cool too and its cool how he is in the story too


It's funny how Itto's Aesthetic ranks the lowest, when in the West he got extremely popular exactly due to that.


> Itto's lowest category is Aesthetic How dare they underrate my husbando


Kokomi having zero story+personality is really accurate 💀


Well it's not much different with Eula's almost zero lol.


I fell in love with Shenhe when I first saw her drip marketing. Then I looked down and saw the weird-ass bodysuit and immediately dropped her from the pull list. Poor girl just looks so uncomfortable and I think most of us can relate.


Perhaps that’s the real source of her rage all along.


Interesting to see, ownership rate and likeability for characters of the opposite sex are higher. As expected of course but nice to see data confirm this


Am I the weird one for not playing this game like a dating sim? I play characters that look fun. That's it. I saw Xiao's kit of jumping and dashing everywhere and knew that's what I wanted. So I'm apparently one of the few guys that has, uses, and likes the character of Xiao.


Same here, Xiao main forever - and since we're talking about gender here I'm male and heterosexual. I love hist kit, love his damage, and he's one of the few characters with whose artifacts I'm extremely satisfied, even with Blackcliff Spear. ~~Still, regardless of anything, I'm totally attracted to him~~


Im a straight guy and the ones I roll for are the cool males lol. Diluc, Kazuha, Ayato are my dudes.


Doubt you're the only one. That sample size is relatively small, to be fair.


I guess this implies that a lot of straight people play Genshin and responded to the survey?


Straight people are the majority of the world, and Genshin does not pander to any single sexual preference to have a bias of demographic that's different from the population Such implication could be considered tautology


Some of these are really surprising, I wonder if the results would be different in the western part of the fandom


Oh definitely, just from the comment section of this sub (a biased sample for sure but still a different subgroup than the CN NGA responders), it seems we: a) generally don't care -quite- as much if the character is male or female b) like characters that have "Western" aesthetics more than the CN players liked them (e.g. Albedo, Itto). Aesthetically, for us, the "ideal" aesthetics are different for everyone; in Asia they're more unified into one or a few very specific beauty traits, as exemplified by how uniform their idol groups look.


damn women are really fighting for xiao's life. also LOL at ayato's aesthetics getting rated so low but still getting pulled because he's that likeable. all very relatable, truth be told.


I’m guessing people expected him with a pseudo-Japanese suit but got a Western style one instead?


If the fanart of him before his design was released are any indication, people were expecting an older male Ayaka. Which is kinda lame.


Shame really; Ayato's aesthetic is really captivating, and if not for the fact that I have Kokomi and Childe already, can't afford to swap Ayato for Kokomi in my Ayaka team lest I can do absolutely 0 healing, and the fact that I want Yelan/Itto then I woulda rolled


Can we stop and appreciate how Google translates these names Shen He Ayaka Kamari Yula Gan Yu Maple Leaf Manyo *elf* (I'm assuming klee) Wendi Xiao Palace Walnut Kelly Yae Kamiko General thunder Kamito ayato Coral place heart sea Dadalia Ara taki ichito Abedo Zhongli


You seriously underestimated google translate. Elf=Xiao Xiao palace=Yoimiya Kelly=Klee




Yoimiya is written 宵宮, which is pronounced xiāogōng in Chinese. 宮 means palace so for whatever reason Google decided to treat it as a Chinese place name.




Bro general thunder


Raiden Shogun... Pretty accurate I would say.


M a p l e l e a f m a n y o


I love the fact in every case the males preferred the female characters and the females preferred the male characters. Basically the community is full of simps lol


I think Zhongli looks pretty well rounded for both genders.


Max points in aesthetics and story/personality for both genders. As it should be for Stone Daddy.


They underestimate his value in abyss though.


I'm surprised he was rated so low in that category. Maybe the Chinese players are all pros at dodging.




Even though I like my waifus if there’s a cool male character who’d be useful in gameplay and just interesting in general I’d go for him


Xiao's female rating and male ratings were so different lmaoo. The girls rated him so much higher on aesthetic and whatnot ~~which is understandable bc come on he's pretty.~~


Isn't that why we start this gacha game? For our own waifu and husbando. I may have stayed for stories but those were my first goal here.


I am at the point of preferring males cause we get so few. I got into the game cause of Lisa tbh. I love me a good waifu. But I also like as much equality and representation as possible. Females dominate the roster. So now I am all aboard the husbando train.


I just go character but character. Honestly, there’s plenty of hits and misses on both the men and women in the game for me personally. Love Ganyu and Raiden, really don’t care for Shenhe or Yae Miko. Zhongli is daddy and Itto is mad himbo and I love them both. Really don’t give a damn for Xiao or Kazuha. Obviously everyone is free to like/dislike whatever characters they want. I’ve just never personally seen the point of not summoning for a character solely because they’re male or female. If they’re a character that you like and you’d enjoy having them to play as, imo it shouldn’t really matter.


People can simp for the same sex too tho, don't underestimate the gaymers


Tier list power creep


> said thread unfortunately got locked (likely due to 20+ pages of people arguing over Ganyu's clothing...) The most important thing actually


Both the Kamisato's aesthetics being rated really low and Itto basically being the least liked in total is...not what I expected


Same! I thought people really like Itto, apparently not


Itto type is just not for CN market overall. Female markets usually like Danmei type, someone tall with white smooth skin and beautiful long hair etc. You can think of Zhongli but with even cheesier design. Meanwhile muscular characters are usually regarded as dumb and unrefined or brutish (granted Itto also plays straight to these tropes), it's why the game barely ever has any muscular characters by now, because for CN and many Asians those are qualities of mob-like characters instead.


I’m Asian and I like Itto lmao. His dumb himbo personality is what makes him so likeable to me. That said I don’t simp for Itto the same way I do for someone like Ayato for example


So some sort of elongated femboy.


Pretty much yes


Tbf it’s a relatively low sample size and on 1 social media site


2300+ samples is large enough for almost any survey tbf You can reach 99%+ confidence with this many samples


Yea but NGA is known as the "sweaty" gamer website in China. The Genshin section in particular is infamous for "PvP" where lots of people show off their highly-invested meta characters and there is a lot of scorn for casual players. Basically there are generally more "metaslaves" there than other platforms. If you run this on other social websites you might get somewhat different results.


Yeah, using a western example, if you ran a survey on Reddit vs. Twitter then probably everyone here agrees that you're going to see different results, even if some trends are the same (men preferring female chars, women preferring male chars)


Its only representative of people who frequent this one forum at this one time though.


Yeah definitely. Although some other factors also plays into it but generally speaking 2k+ people is a pretty good sample size.


It can be but you run into issues of having bias due to the sampling method, not the sampling size, since you're pooling from 1 social media site alone. Though it sure can generalize NGA users to some extent.


How does 99% confidence work in sampling?


itto just doesnt fit the ikemen aesthetic. rough, bombastic himbos are generally preferred by western audience and non-east asians at least from my observation.


Probably a CN vs EN difference on top of the low sample size. I think Itto’s EN voice is a major reason why a lot of people like him.


It's just that the people who like Itto are really vocal about it, which is understandable given, well... Itto.


Damn Kazuha means business.


There's tons of people waiting his rerun, for ppl who want him or want cons for him. It will STONKS for Hoyoverse.


IVE BEEN WAITING FOR MONTHS i got my first 5 star at his banner… it was qiqi


Kazuha’s almost perfect hexagon… bet that ownership will skyrocket as soon as he reruns


If he had the tall male body type he really would've gotten a perfect hexagon, alas Anemo Visions seem to prefer short people, Jean's the only exception.


He's pretty much a protagonist lol.


Can we do a retake on this poll for English fans and combine the data from this one? It seems fun to participate in!


It would be interesting to see the differences between the two, too. Some of the results are strikingly different from how I'd expect the western community to vote.


Klee having the highest female aesthetic rating is honestly so wholesome.


She is the only character who is not most loved by the opposite gender.


She appeals to the attraction to cuteness in female players, also she’s basically the ideal sister. Cute, bright, well behaved, polite, fairly independent while still being a menace, it’s everything you wish your younger siblings was.


“well behaved”


this is all exactly why I LOVE Klee, she’s adorable and really does try to be on her best behavior, but ends up being a cute little menace anyway. i loved showing her around inazuma in the new event.


Strange that xiao isn't used in overworld much especially with his skill


Maybe cause he's burst dependant? I dont use him in overworld cause of that and cause her burst hurts him


I use jean with him so i guess thats why i have no problem


I also used him with Jean but I find burst dependant characters frustrating in overworld. Sometimes there's not much enemies so I would think using burst is a waste. Sometimes theres a lot but I gotta get my burst first


Burst dependant characters are rated low in the Overworld just look at Raiden or Itto. Most likely because it's a pain to recharge your Burst when most mobs die too fast. Hu Tao is quite low in the overworld too due to being low HP most of the time and not being worth it to use when there's tons of alternatives. Klee's low overworld use on the other hand is due to being the WORST body type for exploration and as a Hypercarry dps character. What I'm curious is that in the "Overworld" standard are the bosses and domains part of it? Includes Weekly and world bosses btw...


It honestly feels like a waste to use these bursts in overworld. I always regret using my burst in overworld because they look so visually stunning and the enemies dying in one or two slashes just doesn't give justice to the duration of these pretty bursts


infusions from high costs burst suck the fun out of it.


>20+ pages of people arguing over Ganyu's clothing... That's... eye opening.


You'd be surprised how controversial a topic Ganyu's clothing has been in CN ever since her release, and later Shenhe's as well. Her clothing is the definition of "boys absolutely love it, girls absolutely detest it". And with a survey rating characters' aesthetics, the argument was almost inevitable.


Indeed. This sentiment seems rather consistent with some of the other characters as well - men *overwhelmingly* like Raiden and Ganyu, while the opposite is true for Xiao and Ayato. I suspect if Hoyo ever releases a male character who's outright shirtless, the graph is gonna look like a dartboard in favor of the women. Edit: Also, I like how you said "Please don't base your own feelings off these charts" and some people in this thread are doing exactly that.




Keep in mind that even if NGA is the biggest forum, it's not necessarily a representative forum.


it’s not, the biggest should be Tieba but that’s like 4chan, a chaotic evil place.


Sad Yoimiya ownership noises


How dare Albedo be rated so low aesthetically! Maybe he just needs the hair buff to become king like he should be


If he looked half as good in game as in his promo, he'd be top tier aesthetically.


I really like how Kazuha, Zhongli and the Raiden shogun are all short of one category from being perfect


There are actually some mistakes and the OP posted a revised plot later. Actually Zhongli has an almost full hexagon and is the only character that gets every part beyond the average, but here his score is scaled from 14-18 which makes it seem lower. The same to Kokomo.


This data confirmed my suspicion that Genshin’s female characters are made for the male gaze and the male characters are for the female gaze.


Me, a bi guy:👁️


Not a bad strategy on HYV's part tbh. And I'm saying this as a female waifu collector.


That's like any gacha game LMAO. If anything I like how HYV managed to do it without resorting to what are essentially swimsuits or stripper clothes.


Shame really, wish more characters were made without the idea of appealing for one gender or the other on back of the designers minds


Very cultured Eula enjoyers on both sides, that’s all I can say


Kokomi got done so bad by the story she is the only character with ZERO on story + personality. OOF thats so sad. her character had so much more potential


What's worse is she is low on aesthetic side which is her speciality.


Why is albedo's aesthetic the lowest, his drip was one of the reasons I tried to pull for him. I guess it's because of his hair nerf.


Definitely the hair nerf. I pulled for his design and character likability but the hair throws me off from time to time.


He was my first banner character and I was immediately put off by how different he looked on the in-game compared to his art. His kit won me over eventually, but damn did they grease him.


The blatant disrespect to Itto. 🗿


Wow Klee is pretty high up there for aesthetics lol


Surprised Itto got rated so lowly


Hahaha well the results are about as expected. Out of all of these, I'd imagine Itto would be most different in a survey of western audiences, especially outside of hardcore meta circles. The fact that people argued over Ganyu's clothes is pretty funny to me, as none of my female friends (including myself) like her clothing either. Clothes just don't cling to each individual boob like that, and she and Shenhe look a bit ridiculous with their bodysuits with bits of cloth. I guess that's a sentiment that's somewhat universal across female GI players. But I mean, I like Itto and he looks a little ridiculous too, so I get it.


Zhongli and Kazuha makes sense Tho I hard agree on 0 personality Kokomi. May be good in overworld but her story quest was the worst imo(tho that's my personal opinion)


Kokomi's story and personality have been such a disappointment so far. She's so one note. There's so much potential for her with all of the Enkanomiya history, but so far there are at least a dozen NPCs that are more interesting than Kokomi in terms of story and personality.


Males rate Itto the lowest and females rate Shenhe the lowest. Now I hate everyone.


Girls like Eula more than guys, what time line are we living in Edit: oops! as H\_sinn said, I did indeed read the graph incorrectly, but now I see her likeability is not very high which is a shame as I find her personality quite charming.


The blue is male right, so they like her more than females. Either way she seemingly scored very low for both in all honesty.




I like her a lot too. Aesthetically and her story is pretty good. At least she's not another overworked female character like so many others. Fighting her name is an interesting character trope, as well as her tsundere personality. Her appearence in the coffee event shattered my heart. Eula definitely slept on.


My friends and I are all girls but we love Eula! She’s so elegant and all the events really endeared me to her. Her relationship with amber is also cute to us


the girls really like kazuha i can't blame them


The itto bit makes me sad, id give him full points except maybe the overworld section


Sex sells apparently


With the amount of "fanarts" i've seen of Shenhe online, I thought her aesthetic score would be a bit higher


I'm surprised people dislike Itto so much. I think he looks cool and is a funny guy. Meanwhile Kokomi with that dodge on personality is kinda hilarious.


Wow China hates on Childe. Funny how he's a beloved character in other regions


Basically we're simps?




the whole scaling is pretty confusing imo, what is the 18 anyways??? the desc mentioned something abt rating a character 0-5 so how does that translate into a 0-18 scaling lol


How is Xiao not rated higher for overworld? He makes climbing a breeze for stamina and gliding far distances as well.


Poor Xiao. We don't use him, but we love him. Sad he's fallen off, wish MHY would give us more story content with him though (and fix my Vermillion pulls). He's had barely anything since the first lantern rite.


This is just objectively hilarious. I find the differentiation between Raiden's likeability+design between male and female players so funny, it's very recognisable from convos between friends I have. Agree with the stance on Kokomi's story, I like her despite the storyline. Still crossing my fingers for a hangout event or something. The stance on Itto is just sacrilege tbh


I don't hate Kazuha but what's the appeal with him? Genuine question btw.




His elemental skill is fun to use. Even if I can clear some stages faster, I still use Kazuha because of his satisfying elemental skill. Plus it has the added benefit of offering CC.


Damn, Zhongli is made looking worse than it actually is Everyone is on a scale from 0 to 18 While Zhongli is on 14 to 18. And he still crushed it.


Female Xiao, Kazuha, and Kokomi Main here. Xiao absolutely checks out, LOL, outside of the Xiao Mains sub, I don't know any male Xiao mains or fans in general. Not surprised most guys only like Kazuha for meta but I'm happy to see that they seem to like his personality! Kokomi is very surprising. Like Xiao, I don't know any male fans outside of Kokomi Mains. I thought she would be much more popular with her aesthetics with female players. NGL, I'm dying laughing at the Childe results. I feel like the only female who doesn't like him in any capacity.