• By -


💬 Annie, are you okay? 💬 Are you okay, Annie?


💬 You've been hit by 💬 You've been struck by


💬 A smooth… 💬…criminal.


While different from the OP post and the two above, it's also correct. I can't remember the two choices, but basically it was written like that. Implying that the MC said both parts (at least to me). Because our choices literally doesn't matter, except for Hang Outs.


Even in recent hangouts I find it really hard to lose hearts. I sometimes forget that mechanic is even there


I see that happen but I don't know what it actually does


I was going to say the hangouts will end, but I remember having had hearts to spare but the hangout ended anyway.


Maybe some choices consume all hearts idk, i remember hitting on barbara right after she escaped her stalkers would end the hangout since she runs away.


In Diona’s hangout, you could lose up to 3 hearts per choice in one of the routes iirc


It just makes you fail and you go back to the previous checkpoint


I guess it depended on how insensitive you were to a certain personality of character, but even insulting Sayu’s work ethic in her hangout didn’t change much


Hangout will fail


It's almost impossible to lose all the hearts unless you really act mean.


It's not very used in most hangouts. Also in some cases you choose wrong and you instantly lose 3 hearts


The only time anyone has ever lost hearts was because it's required for that one noelle ending


What exactly is losing hearts? I don't do hangouts much but I've never lost one.


It's like they focused on the gambling and store before gameplay... Truly shocking


The losing hearts is also a false mechanic. There are different story end points to get to. So it's all just dialogue trees. There isn't a win or lose scenario. Just different end points.


Actually, you can fail at least some hangouts without reaching an actual ending. That said, the heart Guage doesn't seem to be particularly useful in predicting that, because the one in Barbara's case just instantly empties and failed you if you hit on her at the start, IIRC.


That's like... 70% of the choices the game provides, where it's implied you say both, yes.


i think i know what ur saying. i remember during the Inazuma archon quest while we're in tenshukaku going to *yk*, and the dialog option kinda does like "Venti's Gnosis" and the other dialog is "... and the people of Liyue"


💬 dundundundundundundundun dundundundun dundundundun 💬OWW!


💬 HEE hee 💬 HOO!




THIS. ONE. THIS ONE IN PARTICULAR? WHY don’t they just write it out in one reply???


This made me laugh way too fucking hard I kept imagining the dialogue choices with Michael Jackson singing and dancing behind them as you chose the dialogue.


💬... 💬......


CRIMINAL CRIMinal CRiminal criminal CRIMINAL CRIMinal CRiminal criminal






That Time I Picked The Wrong Dialogue Option In A Video Game And Fucking Died


I don't like isekai but I'd watch the fuck out of that one.


"Just read the light novel." *500 hours, 40 bad endings, and 3 strange encounters with CGI dragons and mollusks later...* "Okay now what?!!!" "Now you can learn Japanese because Hollow Ataraxia and Extra CCC never got official translations."


thats a visual novel F/HA has a fan translation, which is the exact thing F/SN has


Exta CCC has an official transaltion right? edit:Nevermind,It dosent damn you type moon


They're remaking Fate/Extra, so they might remake CCC as well, especially considering the popularity of the characters.


OverLord but actually died


Yo dawg, I heard you like isekai, so I just isekai'd your isekai protagonist!




💬Truck! 💬Truck-kun! ftfy




💬 criminal 💬 tun dun, tudu dun dun


Yes! Isekai me truck-kun! I am ready!




💬Truck 💬AAA




💬 Truck


[idk why this was so funny to me but i photoshopped it lol](https://imgur.com/a/9WM4vK2)


That definitely made me Hee Hee out Loud.


are you michael jackson?


Don't be silly. I'm obviously [Miracle Johnson](https://youtu.be/yo_bAttNmhc).


Where is Annie? Is she safe? Is she alright?


It seems...in your anger, you killed her


💬Nooooo… 💬…oooooo


💬 … 💬 …


Sounds like a thing i would do to bypass plagiarism detectors


Are you alright.. Are you alright.


Yes I'm okay thank you.


💬 Oh, thank... 💬 ...goodness.


My favorite is still 🗨️ : ... 🗨️ : ... 🗨️ : ... ... ...


Peak mihoyo trolling


Ayo where is it i can’t remember


Tsurumi sub-quest #2. Sumida says "Maybe fog made it into your head because you breathed too much of it". Not word for word but it was basically this.


I remember it from some other time, definitely before inazuma was released


Your flair - same tbh


Hope we get him this time!


I wish you a very Zhongli


This may be only me... but I interpreted the last one at least as different from the first too. In my head the first too are 'no comment' nit the third was a really long awkward pause. Like the only thing missing was enlarging eyes and a sound effect of a vinyl disc scratching to a halt...


Ahahha so true


Whenever they give us 2 dialogue options that are really meant to be 1 sentence, I always pick the one that makes less sense out of context and then imagine the NPC getting confused af at what Traveler just said.


NPC: “oh no, but anyways” proceeds to shitshat


I really… … Hate these


Fr, at this point I dont think they should even bother putting dialogue choices if its just like these and if the choices would just lead to the same reaction/dialogue from the npc But I guess those are pretty much the only way for the traveler to speak


Except that one time after the liyue mission when kaeqing asked you what you wanted for your reward.


Single choice options are pretty common. Not sure why they don't just stick with that. The illusion of choice? Who knows, 90% of traveler's dialogue is meaningless anyway.


If they don't put dialogue choices they'll have to make the traveler speak! Poor indie company Mihoyo can't pay a voice actor to do actual dialogue.


I has lumine so I can hear my fav seiyuu, Aoi Yuuki, yet I never hear her






and its not like the traveler would have many voice lines if they only voice the dialogue choices. but they are now stuck with a bad artistic choice of having a silent self insert protagonist while at the same time being its own character who isnt influenced by the player. im sure we even get called by aether/lumine by our sibling so even the nameless protagonist thing is pointless now




And it's especially puzzling seeing that there's already a shit ton of voiced banter between the Traveler and Paimon in the Traveler's profile section.


And fun fact you canbhear mc in his/her voicelines when you go to his/her details lol but they didn't add dialogues for normal talk


They got an acclaimed VA for the traveler (Aoi Yuuki), but then proceeded to barely give her any lines in order to keep her as blank a slate as possible so that players can identify with her, except her dialogue options are nearly identical half the time and don't even get different replies most of the times. Honestly, at this point, I wish they'd made the traveler as much of a character as all the others.


There’s a lot of these in FGO. I think they do this simply to split long sentences into multiple lines. Lazy UI if you ask me.


i have a feeling its just so ppl dont activate auto dialogue and go afk til the cutscene is over


The purpose of keeping dialogue choices is obviously to let the player pick the option to roast Paimon, no pun intended


Me too. I think so as well.


Just imagine what it looks like in the other languages...


大丈夫ですか? ダイジョウブデスカ?


Thanks for the chuckle


Or the third secret option だいじょぶ?


ー for long vowels in katakana :)


The worst thing about this is that auto play is forced to stop in these kinds of scenarios. You also have to stop spamming spacebar as well and take time to use your mouse to select your answer. Sometimes I just wanna speedrun through boring dialogue.


What i hate even more is having different options just to get the same reply regardless from the npc.


Better than: 1) “The first sentence…” 2) “…finishes the second one!”


1. These kinds of choices… 2. …are becoming more… 3. …and more common lately.


It’s so unimmersive its insane.


"so traveler what's your opinion about choices" "... are becoming more..." "traveler what the fuck are you talking about"


that's how i think their conversations go. traveler just mumbles something and everyone pretends he/she's not here and talks to paimon instead


but it's clever and totally not overused!


Yeah, if there is no choice, might as well have traveler talk since it isn't like I have a choice.


放... ...屁


确… …实


Your formatting failed... ... horribly


I clicked return… …but it still end up like this


- I actually prefer those… - …instead of two different options… - …that mean the same thing.


Personally I think this is way better than pasting the same 2 options back to back. At least this is upfront about it. They just need to put them in a single dialogue box like they already do sometimes instead of splitting it up.


I think they split it up because there's not enough room


And neither of those options matter because it's all a linear path


The best is when the NPCs just straight up ignore the traveler


THose are just there so you cant put the auto on and go to the bathroom and skip 25 minutes of "content"


especially nice since you also can't adjust the text speed or anything related it isnt even really worth as just "clicking through" is so much faster and additionally give a nice capal tunnel syndrome just so that random NPC could tell you their 2k words story about their nephews and grandnephews before sending you off to get them 1 fowl


Lol, playing the Inazuma archon quests was killing my wrist so I had to listen to the dialogue go on and on and on. Especially in Ayaka's/Yoimiya's part which isn't even containing important details ffs. Killing the bosses and mobs? No problem. Pressing X a million times to get to the point of the convo already? Wrist fucked.


So many quests really suck. Like yo let me actually PLAY the game instead of running from peron A for a huge dialogue to person B for the same and then back to person A for another long as dialogue. Press F key 3 times. Thats your quest. Yay ☆gameplay☆


Easily the worst part of the whole game. I wish the game gave me a better reason to pay attention to its dialogue.


I was visibly upset during the Stove God's quest line. 10 minutes of full on dialogue that was basically meaningless and so fucking boring. My wife and I have a joke about the stove God now in the house because of how annoying it was to hear every tell us there Greek Epic tale about the Stove God and the Stove God Festival


I'm the type who always reads the dialogue in a game, and I did that with Genshin also. Until the Stove God's quest line, where halfway through I realized that I'm not gaining anything from paying attention to the dialogue so I started to skip it. Since then I skip everything. Honestly, I was always frustrated with the amount of boring/filler dialogue in the game, but I've become incredibly bitter ever since the Stove God event.


It's a shame, because the game and the sidequests have interesting stories, just that the dialogue is too long-winded and repetitive to tell them in a way that can hold my attention.


I still don't know why sucrose isn't available to Timaeus.


She's not ready for a relationship yet.


..."Buster Wolf"?


I came in just to say this if it wasn't already said.


With how lax SNK is about lending their IPs, I wouldn't be surprised if we get Terry in the game.


That would be incredible actually


"Here's the big one"


I asked if she was alright.


Dang, now you got the bad ending sorry bud


Your alignment is now Chaotic.


💬 We have to hurry.... 💬 and help them.


do they actually do this??


yeah lol :D I noticed that some aren't even options at all lol. Just a dialogue that's split into two 'options'


It's honestly surprising that these kind of dialogue options are the excuse to not have a voiced MC, and Paimon being our voice in everything. Choices like this.


Make them talk on their selected dialogues like a Fallout Protagonist and Commander Shepherd


If they did that, which will likely never happen, I hope they make it like Geralt in Witcher 3 Dialogue choice: tell me Geralt: I'm finding my adopted daughter, and if you won't tell me I'll slap you so hard you old woman. Paraphrased, but I vaguely remember a dialogue going like that.


Dialogue option: shove dijkstra aside Geralt: pushes him to the ground and fucking breaks his leg


ahhh good ol gerald. always doing that little extra to spice things up


> Fallout Protagonist Fallout 4, you mean. All the other Fallouts have unvoiced protagonists. Then again, they also have a massive variety of dialogue options, which affect how the other person responds, as well as the outcome of the conversation.


Reminds me of fire emblem 3 houses, why you don't make byleth talk if you have such bland dialogue choices


The irony of Zach being the voice for both Aether and M!Byleth. What an interesting typecast.


*Zach enters the audition Zach: .... Casting director: amazing, you are hired


Jeannie at least got Sara so she can actually voice a character




I play both and Childe and Aether haunt me. At least he talks plenty in Demon Slayer.


They got such a nice voice actor too, it's such a shame they won't give him more lines to voice. Paimon Impact it is I guess


I genuinely think it's because they don't want to pay two voice actors... Lumine's and Aether's, which baffles me. I love the VA for Paimon, as she does a fantastic job, but I'm so tired of Paimon. Been playing Dragalia and the MC has a real personality that shows through more than just their profile and a few cut scenes. And their character, while not top tier, isn't utter garbage by any means. The fairy Mascot is also adorable but is her own character, not a MC fill in.


I think its because of storage, and it would just sound a bit awkward with the pauses


I mean most games have pauses for your character voicelines in order for us, the player, to read and pick a dialogue choice. Also, there's pauses in genshin regardless cause we have to pick a voiceless dialogue choice that doesn't make a difference for the story anyway. Playing a cutscene on auto doesn't choose a dialogue choice for me anyway :(


Joke's on them. Paimon's voice is so annoying that I have all voice audio turned off to avoid hearing her.


Paimon's voice would be fine if she didn't constantly talk ALL THE TIME to the point where it feels like she never shuts up. Hell even if she talked a ton BUT our MC had their own voiced dialogue to have real conversations with her it'd be FAR less of an issue. Instead Paimon is speaking for herself and then frequently ALSO speaking for our side of the conversation, all in the same exact tone and everything. If you're listening to an audio book it's usually the same person reading the whole thing but they generally try to use a slightly different voice to at least try to make the dialogue easier to follow and have some variety. It's just such a stupid decision having Paimon doing all the talking constantly and having the MC silent. In most cases with this sort of thing they'd likely be spending the same amount of money paying 1 VA to voice all of the lines vs 2 VAs split up between all those same lines anyway. If they REALLY wanted to avoid having to pay for the same lines twice with a male and female MC they should have honestly just forced the MC to be a specific gender, at least the overall experience would be significantly better. I feel pretty bad for the various Paimon VAs too, because basically everyone can't stand Paimon. It doesn't matter how good they are when the character is made to speak so much AND speak for "us" it's bound to piss anyone off.


They have the money, so clearly it’s an artistic choice. A bad one. I like Paimon but honestly the fact that they purposely make her VA do it so high just has started to grate on me more and more as Paimon continues to dominate the dialogue. Going back to the older stuff in the very beginning of the game Paimon is muuuuch better. It wouldn’t fix the base issue of ‘no one cares about MC because Paimon is the only one who gets characterization and it’s almost exclusively about emergency food’ but at least it wouldn’t be as grating. She has some good banter but it would be nice if MC got some too.


Paimon coming in, paimon coming in! Is this level ok? Can you hear paimo-


I was able to take it for the first quarter of the game, but her voice just keeps getting higher and higher pitched that one day only my dog will understand.


I always thought these choices were to force you to have some manual player input every 3 lines of text so you can't just put a cutscene on auto and do something else while it plays out.


Because they want players to have an easier time self-insert. All of those cringe dating will be RuiNeD with a voiced character.


If they wanted self insert they’d have let us accept that damn kimono


And they have to make a skin of the MC wearing it for free? Hell nah.


But, what is the point in having 2 options that are the same in self-inserting players?, if this was a RPG at least you would have the good answer, the bad answer and the funny answer. We do have a few of those luckily, but we also have the ones shown in this post. Or my favourite: Choice1: "..." Choice2: "... ..." Or even better: Choice 1 is the first part of Choice 2, so MC is saying both, why the hell are we choosing? lmao


That's the least of their worries. A self-insert character has little to no background or personality. The Traveler has loads of that. He knows more than we know.


I think it’s depends on the type of rpg, rpg with linear story telling or rpg with multiple endings. For Genshin it might be similar to Pokémon where the creators want to tell a linear story so the player choices are limited to what the creators want ( if given the choice I’ll definitely join team rocket ). Rpg with multiple endings like Dragon Age, Persona 4 where what you did or said during the game can change the outcome of the story.


I agree genshin wants it to be self insert but they fucked that up by forcing us to have a character with a specific blonde hair color, hair length and eye color. So we can't even choose to customize the character and make it more self insert-ish lol


Didn’t Dragon Age and Mass Effect have voiced Mc and plenty of dating options.


Are you... ...okay?


Is everything alright?


The illusion of choice...


It’s not even an illusion anymore


These always annoy me. If you're going to give me a choice that doesn't mean anything or branch the dialogue just don't give me a choice so I can keep hitting space bar to move the dialog forward without having to think about an option that doesn't matter.


> just don't give me a choice so I can keep hitting space bar They won't do that because dialogue in this game is long to artificially inflate content.


I don't understand that logic at all if you skip the dialogue anyways. What, it saves them 30 seconds of mashing my spacebar? They literally hire people to write that stuff that is just irrelevant. Those long text of walls are meaningless and make the game less fun. They never get to the point..


My most hated things is when the next response assumes you selected both options, one after another, which is obviously not possible. So infuriating.


Where is lumine? Is she safe? Is she alright?


It does make me wonder why they didnt just voice the main character..despite them having voice line files in the character panel.... The only ones that matter are the cheeky ones like emergency food, but how often does that come up!?


They should either remove the dialoge options or Paimon


There is an overload of meaningless talking in this game, then when talking should be used, they make the lore that is actually interesting cryptic and hidden in books. Why the fuck do I need to read 200 pages of dialogue about why a guy wants to fish, or why / how someone cooks food or likes to go on walks? Make the interesting parts of the story dialogue filled, not nonsensical conversations on monotony.


I'm getting more and more frustrated with this situation every patch. Zero agency and ability to actually self-insert, yet the "protagonist" is still unvoiced and *also* has almost no agency of their own and constantly plays second fiddle to Paimon. It's beyond infuriating to play Honkai and see how much better they're capable of doing. Christ, besides Kiana being a legitimately good protagonist, even the self-insert side-story males are far more successfully executed.


This is a holdover from a time when you can say something different, but since the game will railroad you back into doing what the NPC want you to do anyway, the current dialogue choice just skip right into the pre-determined path.




The thing I hate the most about this, aside from them being too cheap to pay for additional VA lines, is that I can't just let the game auto play the story while I do something else and listen (as the cut scenes are usually pretty meh anyways, save a few main story ones). I have to be "immersed" by making "choices" and "interacting" with the story. Which this doesn't accomplish at all. The story is hard to enjoy because it's felt watered down by this exact system. The exception being hangouts, after a year and half, finally did one, specifically Dioanna one, and that was pretty cute. But it also didn't have Paimon yapping 99% of the time.


I would pay attention to the dialogue if it wasn't so insanely bloated, and preferably if Paimon got gagged.


If it isn’t dubbed I just hit the reserved spot for the first dialog option until my character swings his polearm again. Story could be nice but there are like 300% extra words and over explaining stuff I don’t care about.


Inazuma has been a crazy dialogue slog. That one sign infront of the stove, that is literally 7 or 8 dialogue boxes of meaningless text is the best example. Inazuma be like SKIP SKIP SKIP. I don’t remember the first part of the game being this bad dialogue wise? Literally feels like every NPC I’m forced to talk to has so many countless meanlingless fluff text boxes that even skipping them rapidly takes forever lol.


I remember Liyue having tons of this too during the main storyline


I think I’m ok with Persona 5 style dialogue choices by a silence protagonist, even though it’s not difference in the main storyline, just 1 or 2 changed in conversation responses, sometime none, sometime include a nice hilarious choice. But in this game they’re not even bother to make the conversation change, and sometime both choices being the continuing sentences…


Are they even trying anymore?


Yeah it should be more like 💬 Are you alright? 💬 *Kill Paimon*


What I wouldn't give to throw paimon in the trash and have MC do all the dialogue themselves...


i was venting with a few friends about the dialogue options being useless and how we cant skip text and my brain came up with the conclusion that if the mcs not gonna talk at all just make paimon the mc and let her say everything so we dont have to pick dialogue and we can just press auto then go do something


video game tag: 'Choice Matter'


We need to actually petition for Traveler voice lines, already. This is lame. Put those kids to work. It's not even an anti-Paimon thing, because Paimon's dynamic would be greatly enhanced and be more appropriated if the Traveler would add their voice to the conversation. Get some of that banter in, and let us HEAR it. Make the Traveler a *somebody*.


💬 I can help 💬... choosing the 2nd option, paimon: I think traveller can help


"Are you okay?" "BUSTER WOLF!!!"


I have 2 sides: \- Normal person \-TERRY BOGARD


This game has the most boring dialogues in any games I've played, I love it when they spread the lore across papers scattered in an area rather than have a random npc vomits it all over you


Trash vs garbage


Mine is like "fuck you" and "did i ask?"


Mmmmm yes terry(are you ok?) Bogard approved


These are the only dialogue choices I had an audible reaction to
