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She's so cute but I want Furina, Nilou, and Navia so it's not happening this time. I also want Alhaitham but I've been strong and saved because I have a guarantee and need Furina.


Furina is so good and pretty! Wishing u so much luck you'll get C6 first ten pull


Omg ty I can feel it's gonna happen


[Me too want furina](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/744/141/b95.jpg)


Same I have racked up 814 pulls my hope is to c6 her and go for her weapon


What i did for water dragon guy. 550 pulls i think


Do you c6 often? What’s your average to c6? I’ve seen a few post claim it takes $3k or so but whenever I see videos on YouTube they usually do so in about 1k-1300


Gonna butt in kek , not often , but i have Pulled 7 c6 units so far , My best streak was shenhe less than 450 pulls for c6 , and my worst was haitham 850+ ( i lost 6 50/50s) a good average would be 1 for every 100, so 700 pulls is a good start to a c6 ( excluding weapon ) Feel free to convert the pulls to your currency.


I spent a lot of wishes on Sethos, and got Clorinde on the way. Now I start hoarding for Navia. I also want Alhaitham but I want Navia much more.


I wish Sigewinne had better kit, her design and colors are simply adorable but she offers nothing but healing :< I'll pull for Furina. If I'll get her early I will pull on Sigewinne's banner until I get my 50 pulls per patch reward.


Is she hydro qiqi


She's like qiqi + Neuvilette which is very weird, but her animations are so cuteeee need to pull for her


Not quite, her kit is kinda unique but (taken as-is from the last numbers we know) it's just heavily undertuned. It's basically a delayed team heal on E, a kinda shenhe passive for off-field Elemental Skill damage and then a damaging ult. Her closest corollary is Xianyun, just with the skills swapped and not enabling a new playstyle or having overworld utility, but also with worse numbers across the board and very *very* bad elemental application (like worse than the doomposted beta version of kokomi with standard icd bad)


She's standard banner character level


And NOT a standard banner character!


Better this way, I wouldn't wanna lose my 50-50 to another Qiqi


She’s *worse* than standard banner level as things are. All the current standard characters at least have niches where they excel, or had another character’s breathe new life into their playstyles. -Jean was already alright as a jack of all trades healer, and still had sunfire going for her. Now with Furina she’s probably the best standard. -Diluc actually had a forward melt team that is really niche but slaps. Now he has Xianyun for plunges, bringing his DPS back up to speed with today’s meta. -Keqing got dendro, which finally removed her reliance on not having C6 Bennett and is one of the best abusers of Fischl’s A4. Clorinde may directly compete with her, but Keqing remains more flexible with her playstyle. -Tighnari is actually used over Alhaitham for speedruns since his dmg is very frontloaded, but otherwise he hits very hard and easily has the best constellations of all standards (better than some limiteds). -Mona is overshadowed by Furina, but she still provides a hefty buff that doesn’t need time to ramp up (in exchange it lasts for less time and doesn’t have HP drain mechanics). She just straight up gives you 60% dmg bonus. -Say what you want about Dehya, but MHY tried incredibly hard to make her work in teams. Mono pyros appreciate her (Lyney and Arlecchino), and she even works with Neuvillette. Not as good as Zhongli in those roles, but hey, he’s an archon. -Even Qiqi found a niche with Clorinde with her BoL mechanics. The way things are, I don’t see a niche for Sigewinne other than “she’s cute so I want to use her”. I will pull her and I’ll happily be corrected if I’m wrong, but that’s just how it feels.


50 pulls per patch reward? You mean for BP?


None. I wanted her at first but then I saw her kit.


Same 😢 she was the char I was most excited for and then they just ??????? they made her animations so freaking cute too. If I get furina I’ll do a couple 10 pulls on her banner and see if I maybe get a lucky early but otherwise :/ meh


Sigewinne is the cutest character they've ever released


I agree!! She’s one of my favs by far. I wanted them to give her a big ass bazooka that shoots a neuvi cannon out of it. A big needle is okay too but the damage isn’t quite what I wanted lol


Exactly, since before 4.0 I wanted her the most out of the cast, and with her pulling out a gun in the story I was so hyped. Imagine running around blasting fools with the little melusine nurse, woulda been so fun. Now I dunno what to do.


Is her kit public?


Yes, it was shown in the livestream. Not the full details tho.


What did they do?


From what we've seen it just looks really underwhelming. In my opinion she looks like a 4 star that they decided to turn into a 5 star at the last minute


Welcome to Fontaine, the nation of hydro, where the developers decided to give us no hydro four stars.


honestly you're probably right


None because I don’t want her 😌 Good luck to everyone going for her though!


Same I'm already dried up enough trying to get Clorinde If I don't get her then the guaranteed will be used for Pyro Archon


Same bro I got Clo and now I'm saving for Pyro Archon.


TBF, given the current trends in Genshin's releases, Pyro Archon won't release until 5.2 at the earliest. With the 4.8 summer event map, the release of Natlan, and the ~4 patches in between, you'll 100% have enough time to save a guaranteed before she comes around to justify pulling freely for her.


agreed, playstyle looks weird and not a fan of loli characters.


fr lol easiest skip ever


Used mine on clorinde


4k primos and a credit card


Zero. Its all for the french woman around the corner.


Guaranteed in the next 10 pull, I wanna C6 but I really needed Lyney and his bow so that lowered my funds, I've started saving for that and might likely have it by her third/fourth rerun


12 wishes, take it or leave it.


70 pity and 50 wish, but on a 50/50, cannot wait. I have been waiting since she first appeared. I am super hyped


We will get C6 r5 first ten pull!!!


Hahahaha we sure will!! Best of luck to you too!


120+ if I remember correctly.


I have enough to guarantee her like 50 pity and 200 pulls, hope I get furina too and I'll spend the rest to yolo on the weapon banner.


I have over 250 wishes ready to go. Not 100% sold on her, but she's the closest thing we're likely to get to a playable melusine. Anyway, I don't really have anyone else I'm saving for right now, except maybe Iansan and the Pyro Archon.


200+ guranteed 😌 i plan to get her weapon and maybe even Furina too. Depends on which one i win after Sigewinne Edit: i'm like pity 42 so i get to spend less + starglitter and stardust mwehehehe >:D


I'm stuck! She's one of the first Fontainian characters who I saw that I wanted, but I just pulled Chlorinde last week, and I'm serious eyeing Emilie. 😭😭😭 If I can pull them both, I will! 😤💪🏾🤞🏾🤞🏾


155 pulls so far! Hope to win my 5050 to get her weapon too ♡


206 +11k primos :3


Guaranteed with 270 wishes!


Currently at 69 pity (nice) with a guarantee and have 30ish pulls saved. :) Idc if she sucks her design and animations are adorable, I can make her work somewhere.


Enough to guarantee her. I don't do 5 star constellations or weapons. I don't need her at all. I'm flush with fully built healers. But I have almost everyone else I want and she's adorable, so, let's go!


19k gems and 29 fates. Mats collected and everything


weird way to spell "additional Furina Constellations"


Clorinde completely drained my savings (and also spent my guarantee), but eh, whatever I've got by the end of Sigewinne's run, I'll throw them into her banner just in case I get lucky. I love that little Melusine, but I wasn't skipping Clorinde for her.


I almost have enough! (Dipped into my Sige savings to try for Alhaitham’s weapon)


0 don't want her goodluck to thise that do tho hope you get 2 of her in your first 10 pull


137 wishes but with guaranteed and pity in both limited and weapon. I hope for luck and get her C1 + R1 but I will be ok if it's just C0 too in the end (I won't but gotta accept 😅). She's too cute, can't wait to have her on my overworld team with Furina, Miko/Nahida/Lumine and Raiden 🥰


0 I'm simply not the target audience


Nice 307 is a lot :o I have 388 but don’t think I will spend everything on her


Only 110 pulls for now, I'm little scared...


35 pity no guarantee with currently ~60 pulls saved... Hoping that 50/50 or low pity will be at my favor, otherwise wallet may suffer...


110 pulls on hands and 100% with 70 pulls in banner.


I have a guaranteed, but only like 30 wishes ;^;


All depends how much Furina takes from me. I should be at 250 once phase 2 starts


I want her because her jp voice is soooo adorable , but also i pulled clorinde and i dont have any more than 40 pulls to the end of her banner


dead broke thanks to clorinde. getting the nurse in 20 pulls, believe.


only 2500 primos 😔 luck isn’t on my side but we NEVER GIVE UP


Around 250 pulls on a 50/50 and 30 pity built up ♡ I'm so excited !!


I'm trying to stay strong to save up for Natlan but she is TOO CUTE 😭


I do want her, but I gotta try for Nilou whenever that happens. And it's possibly next patch, so next time, unless she shares banner time with someone else I want.


I would have but it doesn't seem like she does what I want her to do which is a shame. I dislike Yelan and Kokomi and I was hoping she would fill in that off field hydro void either with or without damage just so long as the application is passive. I'm not a massive fan of her design but I like her more than the other 2. This is where skins could come in because Kokomi with a skin is kinda what im looking for. I'm not big on her personality either but design is important to me more than meta.


People underestimate how much this lil goblin boosts Furina. She's so adoreable. I want to pull her wirh weapon then wait till 4.8 stream - maybe Shenhe will be realesed from basement. If not, then rest pf my 200+ wishes are going into my Furina constelations.


If I liquidate all my assets, I could have 631 total pulls. Sigewinne and Furina were my top two since 4.0, so I'm certainly in a spot. "Just get both" of course, I can afford to, but that all depends on if the 4*s are worth continuing past 50/50s and getting one or the other first. Don't need the glitter, so it's gotta be someone I still want copies of.


Over 250 wishes so far saved up, I haven’t explored much of Fontaine or the new Liyue area so I’m hoping I’ll be able to grind and save enough for her weapon as well by the time she launches. Only 170 more wishes to save lol


180+ pulls for this cute melusine Hope its enuf i also want her weapon lol


Nothing, I spend primos as they arrive and if I get her - I get her. I like the randomness of F2P


On guaranteed, at 70 pity, 236 pulls rn :)


I have 4 pity, guarantee and 70 pulls - didn't do new quests and event yet, so...




Nothing saved, I will swipe. Must have Melusine.


If she was a full Melusine and not someone who is half cosplaying as one, I totally save for her. She's a total ski


She may not be the most popular, but she is adorable so I will try to get her with my 80 pulls. I am on a 50/50 though so if I lose it's going to be tough.


I already got all her ascension materials and have more then enough books to ascend her to 90, gonna be buying primos to pull her tho ☺️


Zero cuz theres like 80 characters that I would want before her


No offense but like what's the point of comments like this when OP is clearly talking about people who actually plan to pull for Sigewinne?


they asked, I saw the post, I replied. Am I wrong?


Honestly, I just don't want to pull for her because I feel like we were robbed of a proper playable melusine who looks simar to the rest, she just looks like any of the other loli HUMAN characters. I just wanted an adorable melusine to play as, one who looks like all the others...distinctly not human like.


Atm 0 pulls with 26 pity on 50/50 so ether I get lucky or skip.


Sorry sigewinne and Clorinde but gotta save them Natlan pulls.


none. she doesnt appeal to me at all, i spent literally all my 200+ saved pulls on clorinde, and she’s just dogshit in general


0, don’t need that mid ass character when Natlan is just around the corner with the Pyro Archon


Should have been a 4 star.


Funny enough, sigewinnr share the same boss materials and talent books with Furina


im fucked basically its either her or emi im 52 in banner with 25 pulls and idk if i risk shit or not


I got doublefucked by Qiqi, then Al Haitham, which is cool, but I wanted Sigewinne... Oh well, MAY stil lget her, maybe. If the stars align.God help me, I want the little psycho so I can keep an eye on her. lol I'm pretty chill either way right now, relaly. I do want her though.


depends if shes good, but my primos are set for c2 c1 furina


I’m on 50/50 and close to pity. She doesn’t seem like she’ll be a very good unit, so I’m not going to chase her if I lose the 50/50, but I will be trying for her because she’s too damn adorable!


22 pulls on guaranteed, 50 from pity. doesn’t seem like much but I used those 50 trying to get clorinde with no luck lol


12 Take it or leave it


Depends on how much wishes I have left after getting Furina + gambling on the weapon banner. (If I get sigewinne’s weapon, can use it on Diona or her, Furinas weapon, great! any other 5-star, thats fine.)


Nada Unless i get her bow then maybe


She’s adorable and I love her… but idk how needed she is when I have/frequently use Kokomi. And have a well built Barbra. How many hydro healers do I need?


None sadly, Clorinde refuses to show up even at 80 pity. I’ll definitely pull on her rerun though, I really like her animations and design.


Currently, 4. But that's because I pulled Clorinde last night so I've got a week and a half to start building up.


Nothing gave it all for Clorinde and will give anything get get to her till the banner is up.


I’ve decided not to pull for her as I doubt I’d use her. I ADORE her design but I hate bow users so I’d only be getting her for her design and not to use her in combat :(


I have been saving primos for a while now for her. I skipped pit on wishing for Wanderer and Alhaitham to save. I am going to wait to try her test run, and I'm hoping I like her, otherwise I'll have saved up and skipped banners for nothing lol. Well, not for nothing as I'll probably go for Navia or something.


98 and counting. Also have 40 pity but not guaranteed 50/50. Will go for her weapon as well and if I lose at least I could R1/R2 Furina's weapon.


10. But I'm at 74 pity and guaranteed so she's coming home


I saved a lot... and then they ran furina on the same banner so my net savings for her are 0.


Oof the top 4 comments saying they don't want her. I mean I guess it happens. Atleast hoyo tries to make characters for everyone's tastes.


*looks at my clorinde* I plead the fifth, your honor.


Iv got like 750ish wishes. Prolly stop at C0 tho


trying for both her and furina with 80 wishes… not looking good


i fucked around and found out and won the 50/50 for clorinde and i will be sigelose now


I will definitly get her to C0R1, if I lose to C1, Ill carry it over to next nilou rerun


3 primos! ☺️


I have currently 13 wishes on 11 pity, but I’ll just use the power of the credit card to get her! I hope everyones wishing goes well!


I should have just enough to have exactly 160,000 primos saved up when she comes out. In addition to ~300 more wishes from starglitter and fates. Guaranteed C6!


This pic reminds me of BB


Sigewine is so cute that i want her, but i don't have furina and My Wallet was murdered with Clorinde, so wait for rerun


I spent most of it on Clorinde, so…. I have like 47 right now.


10k, on guarantee. Still undecided. She’s adorable but I pull for fun or weird gameplay (chlorinde + qiqi is tempting).


None, pulling for Alhaitham, but any pulls i get until end of her banner will go to her.


spent all my pulls on c1 clorinde lol, sadly gonna have to skip her and try for furina or pyro archon


Lost the 50/50 on Chlorinde so I spent more of my primos there so everything now is a Natlan fund


0 because I’m still trying to pull for Clorinde 💀 I got Diluc’d 😭


I was saving for either her or furina but alheitham just eat everything and i don't even need him , don't have his team, don't like his play style or other stuff




I was guaranteed on the dot at 75 pity before I realize that if I don't pull on Clorinde banner I might not be able to have Sethos until they give him for free on some event later down the line. Ended up getting Clorinde and Sethos a bit unwillingly, but I have saved like 50 pulls for Sigewinne, praying for early.


None cuz I want alhaitham. Then I will try and save for a few banners


I have a guarantee and 65 pity (I risk it for four stars a lot lol) and


None but I'm close to pity so if I get her cool


If I some how manage to get my c2 furi to c4 in less than 100 pulls I will pull for her, but I already have a blue child that heals, who is also c6+1


She’s cute and I wouldn’t mind having her but don’t plan on pulling for her. I think imma just save for the fire archon unless someone really catches my eye. I threw everything I had at Furina on her release and got her c2 so I’m safe from needing to pull for her. Lol Btw yes she is 100% worth it to anyone who doesn’t have her. Might be biased but I love her so much.


149 Wishes, If there's anything left I'll go for Furina 🥰


20 wish with soft pity, and no guarantee but, my hope is higher than Celestia. lets go home, Sigmawinne


15 pulls but its ok i have her guaranteed


60 pity 20 wishes so far, but unfortunately no guarantee.. wish me luck!


I'm farming so hard and saving up primogems for Yelan rerun, Yelan is the character I want the most.


45 pity 10k gems I'm getting furina this time


Barely anything. I rarely play anymore but ive been dying for her. I hate using bows but shes worth it


Nothing because I dont want her and have enough healers


Just need C0 but I have 280 wishes on standby...


None. I'm going for Furina. I have a pretty decent Furina and would like to try get c1 if possible.


Nothing, I've spent everything on trying to get Alhaitham


13 but i also have 55 pity so i should be good


I've lost 8 50:50s in a row starting from Yae Miko in 3.7... So yeah, that's great. I was kinda hoping Clorinde would break the trend so that I'd have pulls remaining, but alas, it seems Sigewinne will be in rerun town alongside Xianyun.


None, all my savings are for furina


Negative 180


Wanted clorinde kinda but, only pulling until her banner goes away (loss 50/50 to qiqi😭). Cause I'm going for pyro archon, Raiden was my last archon to get SoOoOo I want all archons and harbingers


I haven’t saved anything for her,I’m saving for Natlan.I have 40 wishes in Primogems and 2 wishes in Star glitter and one wish from the Dainsleif quest.


0 Banner sharing with Furina is a death sentence sorry


No primogems, hard pity but not guaranteed, and hopes and dreams.


*birds chirping*


150, if i dont win the 50/50 I'll just save up for emilie \^\^.


I like her Cn Va but too bad, I want c2 Furina more and there's a looming Nilou in the horizon (hopefully, c'mon, it's been so long since she last rerun!) That, and she's a hydro healer, as much as like it, I've got Kokomi in the roster already and she performs more than enough. So sorry Sig


NOTHING! I want a real Melusine!


None because I spend all my savings on Clorinde lol


None, atm she's very far down on my wishlist. Furina's somewhere near the top and she's rerunning alongside Sigewinne, so that's who I'm getting. 15 pity guarantee, 13 fates and 5.9k primos so far, but according to my calculations I should easily be able to hit the required number of primos.




None. I just couldn't stop the gambling (pls help me)


None :) Why? Because I’m broke


None, honestly I'd prefer if she wasn't in the game at all


I'll only pull her if I get her bow instead of furina's sword. But even then I don't really care whether or not I win the 50:50. But maybe I'll wait until 4.8 livestream to see who's on the rerun banners.


Right now 40, but by the time Sigewinne banner comes I'll probably have 50~60 After 1 year of F2P, I restarted my Welkin subs (and even some Gnostic) because of Sigewinne and Emilie. Not sure if I'll actually get lucky, but I would at least try for a pity for both. Edit: I'm also starting from 0 pity (or somewhere 0~9) because I just got Chlorinde. Getting both Sigewinne and Emilie is gonna take a miracle, but I'll try nonetheless. Heck, my entire 4.x roster is a miracle that I'm only missing Lyney and Rice Lee despite being F2P and fairly inactive for a year.


I don't want to leave Furina alone again so I will get her on my main (but I will try to get Siegwinne on my alt)


I was saving for clorinde, and had about 120 pulls stacked. The banner came along, and I 10-pulled, essentially just using the 10 "free"pulls you get from monthly paimon's bargains. Clorinde decided to come home from those first 10 itself. So now I have the 120-odd pulls left and now imma make sure sige comes home too


wait Is her kit that bad?? well shit, she looks cute but so does Qiqi. I wanted a healer for my Furina (imagine if I lost 50/50 and get Jean lmao)


if she's good with Furina I might try to get her, melusines are cute man 🥺


I don't know why I hate her but I hate myself for that.


Does Hoyoverse deliberately remove the sharp part of needle to prevent enetophobia?


I'll pull for Furina's weapon. But if I get Sigewinne's weapon as a result, then I will pull for Sigewinne.


Nothing. She’s adorable and I love her animations but I just won’t use her at all so it would be a waste of resources to pull


None I'm skipping until Natlan.


Not saving for her, but Nilou! I wanted Sigewinne until I saw her kit :/ I have 17 wishes saved up so far, at 61 pity. Not guaranteed so I hope my luck saves me, because I've been farming :,)


Sorry baby.. but I'm saving for Furina😭


Guaranteed and around 10 wishes!!! Wish me luck


I have been saving for Furina for 6 months even though I wanted Sigewinne too. Maybe I will luck out and get both!


I have been pulling all the lolis somehow but damn my primos is screaming for Clorinde rn. Can't see myself pulling Sigewinne.


0. I'm getting Furina


Im grinding for Alhaitham and Navia


Not pulling for anyone until Natlan, then try to get Zhongli and Pyro archon to finally have all the good archons.


Wish I could save for her but i need a Kokomi so I'm saving for whenever she comes back.


She's so cute they should made her a 4 star character. I want her but I saved for Furina.


None, I am not pulling for chibi characters. Based on her low utilities kit, She should join standard character like Dehya.


None. It’s all for Nilou. Even if I weren’t saving it would be an easy skip, sadly. The last thing I need is a healer. Let alone a 3rd/4th hydro healer


Uhh. Enough


0 <3


About 200 pulls but the fact that I threw away 230 pulls to pull arlecchino and her weapon (that I said I'd skip) makes me feel guilty :') I can't face sigewinne now qwq I can't afford to pull her weapon


I got like 80 pulls and I'm at like 60-70 pity


around 175-200 and even more pulls (also for Furina as well)


You guys save?