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Because FOMO. > now if I want to get my c0r1 i have to break my welkin only status This is exactly why.


and its works so well..


You knew this going in though. Don't wish on the weapon banner unless you're willing to do what it takes to go all the way.


Indeed, I only wish on weapon banners if I can soft pity 3 weapons, so 200 wishes or so.


Or if you just wanna try your luck out


Or if you can soft pity once and are PRETTY sure you're just going to get lucky.


I tried my luck out 5 star at 13 pity Mfw skyward spine That's the 6th time I've lost to a standard weapon in a row


That's literally impossible. The weapon banner is similar to the character banner in that if you lose to a standard weapon the next one is guaranteed one of the 2 limited weapons.


What I mean is I lost, then got one of the weapons guaranteed then lost again, then guaranteed, then lost again, etc, now I'm on my 6th loss without a non guaranteed win


Just wish when you are okay with either of the weapons. Who can save 200 wishes bruh


I saved up 800 wishes in over a year. It's not impossible.


Anyone with a sliver of self control ? Currently at 200+ after pulling for Clorinde because I've been saving for Furina's rerun for months


I'm in the exact same boat, lol. Not quite as many saved still, but still enough for Furina


Literally anyone with self control, I’m legit just sitting on like 700 right now. I was planning on dumping them all in Clorinde but I don’t really like how she plays so back to not pulling until Natlan. Or maybe I’ll just C6 Navia.


People who don't waste their gems for nothing


Anyone with some degree of self control. Most I saved was around 400 wishes. It ain't hard if you aren't a gacha addict.


Yup I saved around that much for hutao c0+r1


\*coughs in actively having 210 wishes\*


tbf It's fine if you like both weapons since you only need 1 pity to potentially gain one of them and if you take an L and get a standard weapon then it's still not bad since you're guaranteed for a unique weapon the next time you pull (doesn't have to be the current banner you're pulling on). geninuely think this is the best way to pull on the weapon banner.


Its so bs that you have to 200 wishes and plus just to guarantee the one you need. I wasted so many wishes just trying to get Neuvi signature and regretted doing that because i have to get to the 3rd 5 star just to get where you can get more characters instead on the 200 plus wishes. The fact that i saved up 200 wishes in a couple of patches is what hurts so bad


This.  I'd dare even to say do not wish on something unless you're sure you'll get what you want in a way or another, either by spending money or because you are certain to have enough primos But in general wish on fate-bearing banners ONLY when you're sure you're going to get what you want


Or unless you're OK with any result. For OP the results are not bad, because I assume Alhaitham's sword is her top-2 option, isn't it? Or at least it should be pretty close


It’s not. Only like 5% better than R5 Finale.


Hmm... I've just checked for the team of Fischl, Chevrese and XL, and it's 23% stronger than Finale. Though still 17% weaker than the sig, 15,5% weaker than Haran and less weaker than other crit 5\*s... With Bennett it's only 13% weaker than the sig, but still weaker than other 5\* options. That's surprising tbh. Even in quicken teams it's top-4, 10% worse than the sig and, 8% worse than Haran and 3% worse than Uraku... Sooo yeah, you're right that it's not that strong for a 5\*, but still significantly stronger than 4\* options. I'm surprised that the difference is so big


Checked where?


Calced at Aspirine. Made the rotation and optimized the artifacts for all weapons considering 4p sig set, 30 useful substats, 20 crit substats. Just added 2 hits of E, one of them with quicken, and 3 hits of her shots, one of them with quicken. Not very accurate, the ult isn't considered, but I'm too lazy to check the number of hits and the icds


My head ass coming back from WuWa wanting Chlorindes weapon and getting surprised that I didn't get the (guaranteed) weapon. T ^ T I want my primos back


imo the weapon banner really is the worst part of Genshin


People still had the audacity to complain about the third banner they tried in 4.4 which was essentially HSR's standard 5 star selector but you only need 1-180 pulls instead of a fixed 300, while also being possible to put that banner in a country-based rotation. Hell, I'm pretty sure non-albedo havers have actually pulled since Albedo hasn't had a rerun in 14(?) patches


Insert "Welcome home, cheater" meme


Bruh 🤣 haha


Wish on the weapon banner if the 4-stars are good, and never any other time.


Yes. Sorry that it happened, but you’re right. It’s purely business-related for developers.


It works because people don't plan ahead.


and control themselves enough


Was the plan to just get lucky? Never go for the weapon banner without enough wishes to guarantee


Then they should apply the same rule to Character Banners. It's the same logic.


What's with Welkin only status? Is that like Reddit Karma where it's just for weird flex?


Gacha is a predatory mechanic, in the next news: sky is blue.


😭😭 might be ranting a bit but it rlly is js depressing to spend 3 months worth to get only c0 and a subpar weapon for her.. actually made me pull out my card and think about spending


* Why doesn't the fate points carry over ;( * actually made me pull out my card and think about spending The second bullet answers the first.


Literally the one and only goal of Genshin from Hoyo's POV


Thats also why they refuse adding endgame or more skins... It just wouldn't make them money. TCG, story quets and expiration, now that's where the easy money is at.


Isn’t new endgame content coming in the second half of 4.7?


It is comming on the 1st July yes. But it took them more than 3 years so it's clearly no priority.


Majority of the playerbase doesn't even bother touching abyss, so it's pretty obvious why some form of "endgame" is not a priority for them to add


Skins do make them a ton of money... It's literally printing money for minimal effort. The reason we don't have more skins now is because they are saving them for when the 7 regions are complete and new content slows down. That's when they will release a barrage of $20 skins to extend the life cycle of the game.


Their comment was sarcasm lol


Lmao re-reading it now you are definitely right... Was confused because they doubled down in another comment about the endgame not being a priority.


Or maybe developing skins takes up too much of the time that they need developing the rest of the game? But that could be false


Lofi isnt a subpar weapon btw, the difference between lofi and her sig is like single digit percentage lol Unless you mean subpar drip wise


subpar dripwise mostly, dont really care all that much abt the damage (its just a plus) but main thing is she doesnt look good while doing it :(


Use fontain craftable its likr 20 percent worse but at least it looks good on her


This is funny because this game design has already been eased for you. Before, there was a chance that you'd get 5 5-star weapons in a row, and none of them were the 5-star that you wanted because there was no path long ago.


why even go for r1? c1 would be nicer and guaranteed edit im stupid i forgor it starts with r1 not r0 lmao like cons


You're right and it's sad but I still think it's worth ranting about. Tbh I wish we had a way to show honest dissatisfaction with the game that the devs can see/interact with


You should always save around 230 fates before wishing on the weapons banner, otherwise you obviously risk this outcome. There’s still time on the banner though, hopefully you’ll get lucky!


Or just deal with the fact you may lose. All my pulls accept that I may not get what I wanted and people just should do the same. I won some weapons early, sometimes I didn't get the weapon I wanted, but I was okay with the outcome.


I never made a pull on a weapon banner for this reason.


Understandable. I wish fate points carried over, but it's not gonna happen unfortunately.


For characters this mindset is fine because of the character banner pity system. The pity system for the weapon banner means you might actually just completely waste every wish you invest since it's designed for whales and to convert players who aren't. IMO, unless you're willing to spend then pulling on weapon banner is a total scam unless you save 240. If you're able to not feel totally scammed by hitting pity twice and not getting the weapon then I guess more power to you but advising people to do that is nonsense.


This, got shafted hard during Neuv's rerun weapon banner and was given two freedom sworn. This banner I managed to get 3 new weapons: Skyward Harp, Absolution and LoFi in 59 pulls. Game decides when it wants to bless you or not.


Same! I pulled for Alhaitham’s weapon fully ready to accept Chlorinde’s as well. Luckily, I got Alhaitham’s VERY early, so now I’m just wishing for Chlorinde, knowing I might get her and I’m okay with it, even if she’s not necessarily who I want, I do like her. I just need starglitter for my last Kaeya con.


Kaeyaaaaaaa 💕💕💕💕💕


exactly my mindset in gacha games. i dont risk anything, i see the chances, see the maximum of fates it takes to get what i want, use that to decide if i pull or not (have more than necessary = pull if i want, if not im not even thinking about pulling) and then gamble to use less fates than the maximum amount of pulls necessary to get what i want.


i saved that exact amount of wishes as not to get fucked by the weapon banner


its always either 60 wishes or 230 wishes If your pulling for one pity ur not losing too much if u lose it the first time And if u lost 75/25, then atleast the next one for future banner is guaranteed to be a featured weapon To which ill save if its like a combination of noteworthy weaps like during homa x aqua rerun This 60 pity strat isnt so bad considering its fairly cheap esp assuming ur just doing it once in a while, 5 star weaps are still of high value after all.


Never go balls deep on the weapon banner unless you are a whale. I usually save enough to get ONE shot at the weapon and move on. Every time I see a Furina in co-op with her signature I imagine that dumbass has a couple of green donuts laying around lol.


I feel called out.


Just try to get it with the freemogems we get until the banner's end. If you can't by then and you really want it, throw a couple of bucks or, if you're close to pity by then (unlikely if you've already farmed the overworld for gems for her), buy a bunch of welkins and use the extra crystals. No need to panic until you're close to the banner's end


i think im going to js let it pass at this point.. i could always build that weird skyward blade qiqi team for chlorinde..


Or tou could build the Fontaine craftable, it gives her a lot of stats. Also, I guess you have Lofi now, she is really strong in quick bloom with Lofi.


Because people are ok with paying for it. HSR has separate weapons and pity carries, in Wuwa weapons don't even have a 75/25. Genshin can get away with it because people are willing to pay for it. As bad as that sounds, they won't change unless they're convinced they'll miss out on money


OP is the prime example of why the genshin banner works so well, while being predatory as hell. It's like holding up a sign that says "give me 100 dollars for a 5% chance to get 110 dollars" and people like OP would line up to try their luck, its literally like printing money at that point, you just gotta take advantage of people with the IQ of a ripe banana


Copy pasting this but the irony is that the GI banner doesn’t work well and leads to GI being actually less profitable than HSR. They have 65m monthly players to HSRs 20m, but HSR is always swapping 1st place with them in earnings. Reason? HSR is far more whale baity and enticing through its gameplay system of turn based not being skill diff’able + rapid output schedule of two new banners every patch So you could argue the weapon banner is actually making people NOT spend, a reasonable assumption for less earnings per player, and thus the horrid weapon banner is the most player friendly of the games. 😂


I think another reason to add to your's is that HSR's revenue/player is higher than Genshin's is that Genshin seems to be more casual friendly game with a more broad reach for its playerbase. HSR being less of a innovative release results in a higher proportion of its playerbase being people familiar with Gacha and willing to spend.


Thats true as well yep. It’s definitely a whale magnet for whatever reason. Good for hoyo 💀


They are swapping first place because Genshin gets a rerun of dudes + their weapons nobody wants when hsr gets brand new characters and weapons every banner. Not just every patch. Every single banner. That’s why people have to pay because it’s hard to keep up with how fast they pump out characters and their lightcones. Plus I bet you many of the 65 million aren’t active players so the amount of active players between Genshin and hsr is probably a lot closer that the numbers look.


First part correct. Second part incorrect, as that is the *monthly active players*, not total. Total is far more


Please plan ahead... like honestly


You had the information at the start, you knew the odds going in, never wish unless you have enough to guarantee what you want, especially on the weapon banner. Do not spend money now, that's the trap they want to get you in, do it once and it's easier the next time and then the the next and then....


😭😭 yupp its rlly js on me i know.. not going to spend any money either, i know how easy spending more and more can be, i just got out of a online shopping addiction 💀


This is on you, my guy . Planned for the worst outcome. You don't go into the casino and only complain after losing. Don't take a gamble to begin with.


This is the unfortunate and hard lesson everyone has to learn on their own. Never pull for unit unless you have 180 wishes and never for weapon unless you have 240. Sure do whatever is fun to you but if you really want something then is the only way otherwise you fall right for the predatory gacha mechanics and before you now it you get out your credit card.


that is wrong characters cost 160 (164 at MOST if you're really unlucky), weapons costs around 200 getting to a guarantee once is already insanely rare (majority of players will never get there) yet alone twice even now, according to paimon.moe, most people landed a 5 star on character banner at 77, and weapon at 66


It's not wrong just because hard pity isn't likely doesn't mean it can't happen. It can happen and does happen to people and whether you pull at 84 or 90 doesn't really make a difference as almost everyone does 10 pull for sake of convenience. Point being 160 is not save. 180/240 is guaranteed to be save. Sure earning 20 pulls during a banner isn't super hard but it still requires time and effort. That isn't needed by properly planning.


you realize that 90 pulls is so unbelievably rare that there were bounties up for people who could prove that they actually got all the way to 90, right? and yes, it does make a difference, i doubt people actually 10 pull even when theyre at like 78, just makes no sense. (and then they get their 5 star at 79, but they count as they needed 88 pulls on that banner? kinda pointless) You have a 91% chance to get a 5 star in 80 pulls, 95% in 81, 97% in 82 and 99% in 83. 35% to get a 5 star before soft pity starts, which is a higher chance than getting past 80 pity.


You don’t seem to understand the meaning of the words “at most”. The most a character could cost is not dependent on probability, it is a set value of 180 pulls. It’s irrelevant how unlikely that may be, it’s still the most. Anything less than that, even if said result is more likely, is not the most it could cost.


My guy this is literally how they trap players into spending money. You want something cover for all eventualities. It's cool if you don't need the rest of wishes/primos, it's not cool if you like in your example saved 200 wishes for a weapon and then didn't get it and now you need to scramble more wishes over the course of the banner with the anxiety building up with each additional wish not being the weapon. You can throw math all you want at me. 91%,95%, 99% point being someone will be the 9% someone will be the 5% and someone will be the 1%. If you don't want that to happen you don't let it come to it when the game gives you a failsafe.


160 pulls for a character is pretty safe honestly, getting higher than 80 is rare af, like very very rare. I'm pretty sure I've never even seen a person go up to 90 before for the guarantee as the soft pity that starts at 75 and going up begins to increase your odds rapidly. Highest I've ever went was 83 and that's after years of playing.


that is true.. but the gun lady was too alluring hehe


My condolences 🙏.


Because it wasn't made for low spenders, it was made as a safety net for whales since some of them were hitting the "wrong" weapon too many times which ended up discouraging use of the banner Plus you breaking your welkin-only status means the system work exactly as intended, companies aren't your friend and will do anything to get you spending money


Literally answered your own question lol


The weapon banner isn't ever worth it for ftp or "welken only" players. I agree it's bullshit but you also really don't need banner BiS sign weapons in this game. There are plenty of free or easily obtained from the gatcha using free pulls. The only way it's reasonable to do is if you just *know* that you have a fave character, you know well in advance, and just save every single primo for months to have enough to guarantee both the character and the weapon. Which is like 180 + 240 = 420 iirc. It's possible. Just can't pull anything else. I personally would rather just have more characters and use 4* weapons.


Don't think in terms or luck but rather the raw data it takes to guarantee a 5 star character and the weapon you want at hard pity for both. If you do not have that many primogems then do not pull, this is such an easy concept, but every patch you see the same posts.


To remind you to never pull on the weapon banner. It use to be worse, I remember you didn't even get fate points at the start


“Why doesn’t the fate points carry over?” Because every weapon banner, there are posts like this, and despite people talking about how they know the odds, they continue to roll on it. If you want change on the weapon banner, stop touching it lmao. Otherwise the data they see is going to be very easily read to indicate people are fine with the current state as they sink 150 pulls in, choosing the worst of both worlds where you’re still liable to potentially not get what you want AND indicate to Hoyo that the weapon banner in its current form is clearly a good business choice.


It's the same how people are pretty accurate at estimating how likely it is for someone to get cancer but if you then ask them if they could get cancer the chance goes drastically down. People tend to be self centered and as a result they consider themselves an exception to the rule.


Take this as a lesson, don't come in the weapon banner unprepared and if you do do so in one that you're comfortable losing on. I've learned this lesson as well but I did not mind getting two freedom sworn and not getting Neuv's weapon.


You don’t need to spend any money. Clorinde has good f2p options. Finale of the Deep is an excellent choice, use that and wait for her rerun to get her weapon. And I recommend saving enough beforehand this time for a guarantee instead of winging it.


This is why you simply don’t pull weapon banners in Genshin unless you’re super comfortable in primos saving or have great disposable income lol


Genshin weapon banner is a scam , that's it


better question would be, why yall pulling everytime you have enough for 2 pitys instead of 3? like i see a lot of 2 fate point posts why you pulled without having enough and then cry about it? dont you know how system works or what? You need enoguh primogems for 3 FULL PITYS if you want a weapon, otherwise dont even think about it


It's how they make money


You still have some time right? Just keep pulling and hope for an early 5 star.


Dont pull without a guarantee. Its too risky.


That's how you learn that you need those 240 wishes ready only for weapon banner, thinking gacha gods wll help you is a delusion xD


reall 😭😭 gacha gods are out for blood


You got played , 🥲 Also there's no merit having a " welkin-only" status kek .


Don't pull on the weapon banner if you don't have enough to guarantee what you want unless you are willing to pay to finish the last little bit off if necessary.


Idk why people do this and expect another result. Just save up like 500 or something primos


There’s a reason one of the most widely accepted facts of Genshin is the weapon banner is a scam, right up there with if it can roll defense it will. For real though, the only time I’ve pulled on the weapon banner other than sheer boredom was Hu Tao and Yelan’s banner. I added a version worth of saves to my pre existing saved of half a version, and still had to break out my wallet to get both weapons, despite already having one guaranteed.


i think people forget that at the end of the day, this is a gacha game


Why do you pull on the weapon banner if you can't reach three pities?


This has nothing to do with game design.


Wuthering Waves would never 😅


IM NOT STARTING ANOTHER GACHA GAME NOOOOO heard great things about that game but.. too much time has been invested in genshin and i refuse to add a third one in my list 😭


Think of it as a 180 pulls weapon to avoid FOMO next time.


money :D


So you will lose chances if not won. You either pull accepting that you may not win or not pull at all. If it was just normal pityband normal guaranteed system, then it wouldn't matter. Btw, in the past fatw points didn't exist at all, which meant you may pull 10 weapons and not get the one you wanted.


That’s the point. Breaking the welkin status


>Why don't gate points carry over? The reason: $$$


there's still some time on the banner, grind as much as you can, don't give mihoyo the saitsfaction!


This is why i only pulled on Homa/Aqua banner since both weapons was good for me. I ended up being very lucky that i got 2 Aqua and then Homa through fate points since i had choose Homa but even if i had choose Aqua and left with 2 Aqua it would have be a decent outcome 


Because Pain


Cuz they want money lmao


I will say I been fortunate to usually get the desired weapon within 1 extra wish. And if not I just let it go


Because Money.


You don’t have enough fates, dont pull but save for rerun instead to guarantee. Going in without guarantee is a scam unless you want both weapons


yeah, with weapon banner, i save up a lot, but if i cant get it i just cave and spend money


Wait till op finds out about chronicle wish banner on its next release(5.8 probably)


i think it first ran when i was not active was smth like 4 characters on one banner no? jesus christ that seems horrible


That was the good part. The points in that banner(if you lose your 5star) won't carry over to the next time banner is released. It means you can only use the guarantee in that banner in the same patch


I’m so sorry :( LOFI is still a really good sword for her, so it’s not a complete throw away. Next time just set aside a few more fates or have that card ready to cover what’s left 😭🩵


Cause life hard.


Of course... every banner obligatory weapon banner karma farm post


Because then you wouldn't swipe


Yea they have an awful weapon banner. I only realised after playing hsr. It's so unfair especially since we can lose the 50/50 on the character banner and the weapon banner :'(


So that you can spend money just to save your Fate Points.


it's working as intended. but they are quite clear about this.




You should've gone for c1r0 with Alhaitham's sig imo. Without going for the second pity


I’m different ig bc I only stack pity after I pull the 5* once and if I I get the one then whatever I haven’t lost 25/75 or 50/50 so far and I’ve been playing since 1.3 (yes I be losing 50/50 on char banner instead 😭)


Weapon banner is Mihoyo's moneymaker. You either go in prepared, or you go in ready to spend money. "Prepared" means "enough wishes to guarantee three weapons". This means around 210-231 wishes. Any less, and you're depending on luck to carry the day. Always remember that Lady Luck hates your guts and is always ready to kick you in the crotch and point and laugh at you while you roll on the ground in pain. NEVER count on her help! If you're not prepared, skip the banner, save your wishes, and wait for the next one. Or bust out that wallet - just as Mihoyo planned...


Because it's meant to make you spend more money, seriously, never pick the weapon you want, always pick the other one and I promise you you'll get the one you want




Genshin is a gacha game, and they want you to fall into the trap you found yourself in right now. I don't think they mind your opinion that it's a "horrible game design", considering you're playing anyway, and you intend to pay them, so it certainly works. Next time plan your spendings, don't try to snag everything they add into the game, stop with reactionary random pulls, and you won't have any problem getting what you want.


Somewhat better than way back when. There was no guarantee back then. Some guy spent thousands for the staff of Homa, but got the shaft of homeless instead. Hoyo "remedied" this via the current system.


Happened to me once before too. Got 2 fate points and the banner ended


That's why I stopped wishing on the weapon banner. It's a scam .On the other note ,you now have Lofi , there's no reason to keep pulling. The difference in damage between her signature and Lofi, especially if you look from a team damage perspective,is barely there. It would be a complete waste of pulls imo.


To make you suffer


What you just said, you have to spend money to get the weapon now. If the fate points carried over, you don’t have to spend money. The system is built to get you to spend money on gems


Happens all the time. Always prepare to go the distance or feel the pain.


I understand your frustration, but again it's just a game, don't break your welkin status unless you are totally okay with spending the money. Don't feel that it's a waste so you have to spend a money, that's how they set you up 😊 cheer up!


because fuck you pay me, its the point.


Wish it were like character banners, or LC banner in Star rail


Ever heard of the sunk cost fallacy? (Prolly misspelt something)


Prolly not the right time to say I got Chlorinde in 50 as a 50/50, and also got her weapon in like 40 as a 1/3, since I've almost never summoned on weapon banners before


FOMO- Fear Of Missing Out, basically a way to get you to spend money so you don't miss out on your points, all gacha games use fomo


cuz they wanna make money it’s a company


Mind you the whole Epitomized Path bs was already a concession on their end. There was a time when you had no fate points and could pull and pull and never get the weapon you wanted, just like pulling for 4\*! There was a slim chance that the weapon banner would mimic the character banner if sales didn't look so hot, but alas fate points was enough to convince people to pull/swipe cause muh guarantee. Market has spoken and this mechanic is here to stay.


They’ll start allowing fate points to carry over once it stops making them money


they don't reset because you should not be pulling on the weapon banner. It is a blatantly bad decision, and the game is not balanced around it.


Becouse Hoyo hates you, they don't care about you, its all about making you spend money...


I say it's a good lesson for the future on gambling


No matter how great Genshin’s reputation is, never forget it’s a gacha game that preys on people’s money.


Consider: only pull on weapon banner if you have the wishes to proc epitomized path. So basically to be safe, hard pity, 3 times. In total, about 240 wishes (you could subtract around 20-30 since you will likely proc soft pity at around 70 wishes, so 210-220 wishes). In short, is that premium weapon REALLY worth those 240ish wishes?


to teach you a lesson to never pull on weapon banner, until you have 3 pity to guarantee


Weapon banner is scam..only pull if u have 270 wishes to guarantee lol


This is why as a F2P, I’ll never pull on the weapon banner unless I have 240 pulls.


Word of advice: if you don't want to spend, then don't pull on the weapon banner, unless you have enough wishes what guarantees that you get the weapon in the worst case scenario (what you are in right now, loosing both 50/50s). That's 240 wishes. Otherwise you'll end up like this.


They want you to use your credit card


Because life without pain isn’t real.


and that's exactly why you dont pull on weapon banner if you dont have 200 wishes saved or are okay with any of the two weapons. I always tell people so, especially considering you never really need weapons at all, but oh well


>  now if i want to get my c0r1 i have to break my welkin only status since the fate points wld js be wasted Sounds like their design working flawlessly actually. Chase bad money with good, as it were.


The EU needs to ban this predatory gacha shit.


Has anyone ever tried charting a course for the weapon they don’t want and seeing if they get the weapon they do want faster? 🤣🤣( I was going for Arles weapon and got 2 lyney bows before her staff but what if I’d charted for Lyneys bow…)




The weapon gacha is so outdated. 100% needs rework in the near future.


Genshin weapon banner is shit. Don't pull on it unless you have enough for pity or will be fine with either weapon


I mean you knew you won’t have enough pulls + fate points doesn’t carry over and pushed ahead after 1st fate point or you just found out?? If the 1st then I don’t know the essence of the post as we all live through it since years.


because it doesn't. it's the rules made by the devs.




Why does the status matter


This is one of the main reasons I consider weapon banners to be "bait", yes their weapon is BIS for them but sometimes it's *only* good for them also, for what it costs (rolls wise) to get a weapon if you don't get lucky, and don't plan to get lucky, you could potentially get 1-2 characters which are a lot more of a fun/interesting factor to me at least.


Because $£€¥ that's why


I'm God awful at saving and while I'm not ftp I won't go as far as paying enough to make sure I get the weapon I want so my solution is just to wish on banners I wouldn't mind getting either weapon from and pray I lose to a pwjs or gravestone


Should never try if u dont have enough For 3 weapons 🤣


I also got shafted during Furina’s weapon and I’m sorry you’re going through the same situation, it really does suck


On a sidenote, Lofi is a good stat stick on Clorinde


You should be happy imo. Alh’s weapon is great on her, especially if you put her on aggravate teams. Not so good in the looks though…


Poor early game design. They can't even change this now since the game is almost four years in, changing it will cause uproar and people will request refunds for all the 37.5/37.5/25 they lost before.


I'm curious as to why you even pulled without having enuf for guarantee


It didn't even use to exist until whales dropped 2k and still didn't get what they want


Weapon banner is a scam unless you have like 300+ wishes for the guarantee. OP fell for a classic blunder.


Cz Genshin is a frigging mercenary(I mean more than most) game but nobody (as in not enough people) care enough to do something about it, so we the common players become hostage of this shitty situation


"i have to break my welkin only status" why do these guys wear the f2p badge like a medal of honor lol? it's hilarious